Pengaruh penggunaan Antihipertensi konvensional dan kombinasi bahan alam terhadap tekanan darah pada pasien rawat jalan RSUD Kota Depok periode Oktober Desember 2014 = The effect of conventional antihypertensive and conventional herbal combination on blood pressure in outpatient at Depok Town general hospital period of October December 2014
[, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia], 2014
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Duke, James A
The green pharmacy herbal handbook : your comprehensive reference to the best herbs for healing
Rodale Reach, 2000
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Tobyn, Graeme
The western herbal tradition : 2000 years of mediacinal plant knowledge
Churchill livingstone , 2011
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Balch, Phyllis A.
Prescription for nutritional healing
Avery, 2006
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Harvey, Clare G.
The encyclopaedia of flower remedies: the healing power of flower essences from around the world
Thorsons, 1995
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