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Ismahan Umran
Glomalean fungi are natural resources commonly found in different natural ecosystems and associated with different potential forest, agriculture, horticulture and pasture plant. Natural resource exploitation may lead to ecosystem destruction and may affect population status of these fungi.
The objective of this study is to determine the diversity of glomalean fungi and their inoculum potential in five land-use types, i.e.: forest, agroforest, "sengon" (Paraserianthes) plantation, cassava plantation and "alang-alang" (lmperata) at Kecamatan Tebo Ulu, Kecamatan Rantau Pandan, Kecamatan Muara Bungo, and Kecamatan Tebo Tengah, Bungo Tebo District, Jambi Province.
Fifteen soil samples were collected from the five land-use types at a depth of 0 - 5 cm (K1) and 5 - 15 cm (K2). The glomalean fungi spores were extracted and isolated using wet sieving-decanting technique (Gerdemann, 1971) followed by sucrose centrifugation technique (Setiadi et al., 1992)_ isolated spores were identified by using the Manual for identification of VA mycorrhizal fungi (Schenck & Perez, 1990), and diversity glomalean fungi in each land-use type was analyzed using Shannon-Wiener Index, while their inoculum potential was assessed using most probable number (MPN) following procedure of Felmann & ldczak (1994). Degree of inoculum potential of the five land-use types was analyzed using varian one-way classification (Sakai & Rohlf, 1992).
The results show that glomalean fungi population at the five land-use types varied. Among the six genera in the world, four genera of glomalean fungi i.e. (Glomus, Sclerocystls, Acaulospora, and Gigaspora) were found at all land-use types. Glomus spp. were dominant at the five land-use types. Genus of Gigaspora was only found at cassava plantation. Compared with the other land use types, number of species and spores found in cassava (9 species of glomalean fungi with 323 spores/100 g of sample) and in "alang-alangĀ° (11 species with 318 spores/100 g of sample) were the highest at the value of diversity index (1,44) and (1,23) respectively. Spores of glomalean fungi increase gradually from undisturbed forest to degraded "alang-alang".
Results also indicate that the inoculum potential of the five land-use types are different. Compared to the other land-use types, inoculum potential of "sengon" (39,5 active propagule/cm3 soil) and cassava plantation (37,75 active propagulelcm3 soil) were the highest. The results also show that the value of inoculum potential is not always positively correlated with the abundance of spores.
Further research to determine the relationship between glomalean fungi diversity with their inoculum potential and the soil productivity is recommended. This approach can be used as an alternative strategy to improve sustainable agriculture development using microbial processes. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Rahayu K
Penggunaan fungisida bertujuan untuk melindungi benih dari serangan cendawan patogen penyebab penyakit sehingga benih dapat disimpan lama serta memberantas cendawan penyebab penyakit pada tanaman.
Dua macam penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium dan rumah kaca PAU IPB di Dermaga Bogor untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida folirfos pada beberapa konsentrasi (0,04%, 0.12% dan 0,20%) serta fungisida ridomil pada konsentrasi 1,16%, 1,54% dan 2,31%.
Penelitian pertama dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida terhadap perkecambahan benih jagung SD II dan perkecambahan spora cendawan mikoriza arbuskula. Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 ulangan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan fungisida folirfos pada konsentrasi rendah, sedang dan tinggi tidak menghambat perkecambahan benih jagung dan perkecambahan spora Gigaspora rosea serta perkecambahan Glomus manihotis. Penggunaan ridomil menghambat perkecambahan benih jagung, tetapi tidak menghambat perkecambahan spora Gigaspora rosea dan Glomus manihotis.
Penelitian kedua untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida terhadap infeksi spora CMA pada akar tanaman jagung dan jumlah spora CMA pada tanah basah dan kering bekas pertanaman jagung dengan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 ulangan. Pengaruh fungisida dan mikoriza terhadap jumlah daun dan tinggi tanaman jagung menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (faktorial) dengan 3 ulangan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan fungisida tidak berpengaruh terhadap infeksi CMA pada akar tanaman jagung dan jumlah spora CMA pada tanah basah dan tanah kering. Kombinasi perlakuan fungisida dan spora CMA juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah daun dan tinggi tanaman jagung.
Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan fungisida folirfos dapat diberikan pada benih jagung dan pada spora Gigaspora rosea dan Glomus manihotis, sedangkan fungisida ridomil tidak dapat diberikan pada benih jagung, namun dapat diberikan pada spora Gigaspora rosea dan Glomus manihotis.
Untuk keberadaan CMA pada tanaman jagung penggunaan fungisida tidak mempengaruhinya. Sedarigkan jumlah dan tinggi tanaman jagung tidak dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan fungisida dan mikoriza.

One of the purposes of using fungicides is to protect seeds against the attack of pathogenic fungi that cause diseases, so that seeds can be stored longer and fungi that cause disease can be eliminated.
Two experiments were performed in a green house of PAU IPB Bogor, Dermaga, to find out the influences of folirfos fungicide with low concentration (0.04%), medium concentration (0,12%) and high concentration (0,20%), and ridomil fungicide with low concentration (1,16%), medium concentration (1,54%) and high concentration (2,31%) to SD II variety of sweet corn seed germination, to the spore germination of vecsicular - arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi, Gigaspora rosea and Glomus manihofis, VA mycorrhizai fungi infection on roots, the number of VA mycorrhizal fungi spores on wet soil and dry soil, the number of leaves and the height of corn trees.
The first experiment was performed to find out the influences of folirfos fungicide and ridomil to corn seeds germination and germination of VA mycorrhizal fungi spores.
The results showed that the use of folirfos fungicide with low, medium and high concentrations did not inhibit the the germination of corn seeds, whereas ridomil fungicide with low, medium and high concentrations inhibited the germination of corn seeds. For the germination of Gigaspora rosea, folirfos fungicide with low, medium and high concentrastiens did not inhibit the germination of Gigaspora rosea, whereas ridomil fungicide with medium and high concentrations did not inhibit the germination of Gigaspora rosea either. Ridomil fungicide with low concentration (F4) was still able to increase the germination of Gigaspora rosea amounting to 64,16%, whereas for the germination of Glomus manihofis, the use folirfos and ridomil fungicide could increase the germination of Glomus manihofis spores. Ridomil fungicide with medium concentration (F5) was still able to increase the germination of Glomus manihotis spores amounting to 22,5%.
The second experiment was performed to find out the influences of folirfos fungicide to the VA mycorrhizal fungi on roots of corn trees, and the amount of VA spores on wet soil and dry soil which were previously planted with corn trees, as well as the influences of both fungicides and a mycorrhizal inoculum to the number of leaves and the height of corn trees.
The results showed that folirfos fungicide and ridomil did not influence the infection of VA mycorrhizal fungi on the roots of corn trees and the amount of VA spores on wet soil and dry soil. The combination of treatment of fungicide and VA spores did not significantly influence (p>0,05) the number of leaves and the height of corn trees, 1 can be concluded, from the fisrt experiment, that the use of folirfos fungicide with any level of concentration can be given to the seeds of corn because it did not inhibit germination, whereas ridomil fungicide with low, medium and high concentrations can not be given to the seeds of corn because it inhibit germination. As for the germination of VA mycorrhizal fungi, ridomil fungicide with low concentration (F4) can be given to Gigaspora rosea, because the spores were still able to germinate up to 64,14%.
From the second experiment I can conclude that folirfos fungicide as well as ridomil fungicide with any level of concentration can be used for corn trees containing mycorrhizal fungi, because both fungicide did not influence the existence of VA mycorrhizal fungi on the trees, the number of leaves as well the height of the corn trees.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astuti Pandanwangi
"UJI INFEKTIVITAS Scleroderma spp. PADA SEMAI Shorea
selarrica (DC.) Blume DAN Hopea odorata (Roxb.)
Infection test of Scleroderma geaster, Scleroderma sirmamariense, Scleroderma
columnare and Scleroderma sp. to Shorea selanica seedlings has been studied under
green house conditions. Those myconhizal lirngi, except Scleroderma sp. were also
tested to Hopea odorara seedlings. Root mycorrhizal percentage and formation of
mantel and Hartigfs net structures were investigated.
The objective of the research was to find out the most infective Scleroderma
mycorrhizal iimgi to Shorea selanica and Hopea odorara seedlings.
_ Root structural analysis of 3 months inoculated roots showed that there were
mycorrhizal colonization in Shorea selanica and Hopea odoraia rooting system but
mantel and I-Iartig?s net structures were not formed yet. These structures were
completely fonned 4 months after inoculation. Root structure observation showed that
Scleroderma spp. colonized and infected well the root system of Shorea selarzica and
Hopea odorara seedlings. The percentage of mycorrhizal roots was 13.75 % to 42.50 %
for Shorea selanica seedlings and 14.17 % to 59.17 % for Hopea odorata. Hartig?s net
structures were formed in between two radially elongated epidermis cells.
Tanaman meranti (Dqoterocarpaceae) merupakan salah satu pohon hutan tropis
yang mutlak rnembutuhkan mikoriza terutama pada tingkat semai (Yasman, 1997).
Mikoriza adalah suatu asosiasi yang sepenuhnya simbiosis dan menghasilkan suatu sifat
morfologi yang baru dan konsisten dalam proses asosiasinya serta mendatangkan
kcuntungan untuk lcedua organisme tersebut (Harley & Smith, 1983). Scleroderma
spp. mempakan cendawan elctomikoriza yang sexing ditemukan berasosiasi dengan jenis-
jenis tanaman dan famili Dipterocarpaceae, Pinaceae dan Gnetaceae. Sifat khusus dari
ektomikoriza adalah adanya struktur mantel yang terbcntuk dad jalinan hifa, yang
menetap pada permukaan akar dan Hartig-net yang terdapat di antara sel epidermis dan
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library