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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Andhika Prakasa Kasma
Tesis ini membahas bagaimana penanganan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia
dalam menghadapai ancaman ? ancaman yang ada terutama dalam masa
implentasi Perpres No. 96 Tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Pitalebar Indonesia 2014-
2019. Seperti diketahui Sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia adalah salah satu
sektor penyumbang dengan 2 digit angka pada Produk Domestik Bruto. Oleh
karena itu tidak terelakan lagi bila dengan peningkatan pada sektor
telekomunikasi maka akan memberikan dampak yang positif pada Perekonomian
Nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Perencanaan Skenario dengan
menggunakan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Oppotunity dan Threat) dan
analisis PEST (Politic, Economy, Social dan Technology) yang data ? datanya
didapatkan melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan mewawancarai para pemangku
kepentingan (stakeholder) yang terlibat dalam penanganan jaringan
telekomunikasi di Indonesia . Selain itu untuk menghindari dari terkenanya
pendadakan strategis maka digunakan pula metode manajemen resiko dan sistem
peringatan dini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam perencanaan skenario
dihasilkan 2 buah fokus utama yang harus diperhatikan yaitu pemanfaatan
teknologi yang baik dan adanya peraturan yang fleksibel (dapat beradaptasi
dengan perkembangan teknologi). Dengan begitu jaringan telekomunikasi
Indonesia dapat dimanfaatkan dengan optimal dan akan berdampak dengan
tumbuhnya Perekonomian Nasional namun tetap harus diperhatikan keamanan
sibernya agar terhindar dari pencurian serta kebocoran data dan informasi

This thesis discusses how to handle telecommunication network in Indonesia to
face existing threats especially during implentation of Presidental Regulation
Number 96 of 2014 on Indonesia Broadband Plan 2014-2019. As is known, in
Indonesia, telecommunication sectors contributes above 10% in Gross Domestic
Product. Therefore, it?s not inevitable that the increasing in the
telecommunications sector will also have a positive impact on the National
Economy. This research uses Scenario Planning with SWOT analysis (Strength,
Weakness, opportunity and Threat) and PEST analysis (Politics, Economy, Social
and Technology). The data that is used in this research is obtained through a
qualitative approach by interviewing stakeholders that involved in handling
Indonesia telecommunication network. Risk management method and early
warning systems is also being used in order to avoid strategic impromptu. The
results showed that, in the planning scenarios, two critical uncertainty that should
be noted are generated. Those critical uncertainty are the use of technology and
regulations that can adapt to technological developments. With that, Indonesian
telecommunications network can be utilized optimally and will impact to the
National economy growth, but ciber security still should be considered to avoid
the theft and leakage of critical data and information;"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Eka Sujarwati
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kegiatan media relations yang dilakukan Bagian Hubungan Masyarakat BNN dalam upaya diseminasi informasi pencegahan dan pemberantasan narkotika. Humas sebagai juru bicara organisasi mengemban tugas menginformasikan program, kegiatan dan kinerja pemerintah kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan utama yang dilakukan Humas BNN antara lain menyelenggarakan konferensi pers, membuat press release dan melakukan publikasi kelembagaan. Konsep yang digunakan adalah media relations, public relations dan humas pemerintah. Kegiatan media relations ini memerlukan kerja sama dengan media massa dan satuan kerja di BNN. Hambatan yang dihadapi adalah Humas belum berperan sebagai penyedia informasi utama, kualitas SDM yang belum optimal, dan publikasi kelembagaan yang belum terukur keberhasilannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Humas BNN hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator yang memfasilitasi kedeputian dengan media massa yang membutuhkan informasi.

This research aims to determine the activities of media relations conducted by Public Relations Division of BNN Humas in disseminating information on prevention and eradication of narcotics. Humas as the spokesperson of the organization carry out the task of informing the program, activities and performance of the government to the public. The main activities of BNN Public Relation are holding press conferences, making press releases and organizing institutional publications. The concepts used by Humas are media relations, public relations and public relations government. This media relations activity requires cooperation with mass media and work units at BNN. The obstacles faced are the PR has not acted as the main information provider, the quality of human resources is not optimal, and institutional publications that have not measured its success. The results showed that BNN Public Relations only acts as facilitator which facilitates each deputy with mass media that need information."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Irmawan Widianto
"Media massa, terutama televisi, harus diakui kini memiliki pengaruh luar biasa terhadap masyarakat. Aneka tayangan yang dihadirkan kepada masyarakat, informasi, hiburan maupun iklan tampaknya sudah jadi "kewajiban" untuk ditonton. Tayangan televisi kini ibarat dua sisi mata uang, salah satu sisi memberikan manfaat positif, tapi di sisi lain berdampak negatif. Melihat perkembangan pertelevisian yang terus menjamur dan sudah tentu faktor bisnis harus menjadi perhatian utama, jenis tayangan dan iklan komersial dapat menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pemirsanya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur seberapa besar kadar perilaku peniruan pemirsa dewasa (variabel dependen = Y) disebabkan oleh faktor pengaruh tayangan yang mengadung kekerasan di televisi (variable independen - Xi) dan faktor iklan komersial di televisi (variabel independen - X2) dalam kaitannya dengan Ketahanan Wilayah di Kotamadya Depok.
Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk menjaring persepsi masyarakat di Kotamadya Depok khususnya di 3 (tiga) Kecamatan yang berada di wilayahnya yaitu Kecamatan Cimanggis, Kecamatan Sukmajaya dan Kecamatan Beji, hingga terjaring 100 orang sebagai responden. Disamping itu untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan juga teknik observasi. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik korelasi dan regresi sederhana serta regresi berganda.
Hasil penelitian menemukan pertama, terdapat pengaruh antara tayangan yang mengadung kekerasan di televisi terhadap kadar perilaku peniruan oleh pemirsa dewasa, semakin baik pengaruh tayangan yang mengadung kekerasan di televisi maka akibatnya akan semakin besar terhadap kadar perilaku peniruan oleh pemirsa dewasa dan sebaliknya semakin tidak baik pengaruh tayangan yang mengadung kekerasan di televisi maka akibatnya akan semakin kecil pula kadar perilaku peniruan oleh pemirsa dewasa. Karena koefisien determinasi korerlasi (r2) - 0.609 maka terdapat 60.9% kadar perilaku peniruan oleh pemirsa dewasa disebabkan oleh pengaruh tayangan yang mengadung kekerasan di televisi di Kotamadya Depok. Kedua, terdapat pengaruh antara iklan komersial di televisi terhadap perilaku peniruan oleh pemirsa dewasa. Karena koefisien determinasi korelasinya (r) = 0.5580 maka terdapat 55.8% kadar perilaku peniruan pemirsa dewasa disebabkan oleh pengaruh iklan komersial di televisi. Ketiga, terdapat pengaruh antara tayangan yang mengandung kekerasan dan iklan komersial di televisi. Karena koefisien determinasi korelasinya (r2) = 0.660 maka terdapat 66.0% kadar perilaku peniruan oleh pemirsa dewasa disebabkan pengaruh tayangan yang mengandung kekerasan dan iklan komersial di televisi.

Mass media, television broadcasting in particularly, has a great influence to the public currently. Several various programs have been presented for viewers such as information, entertainment and advertisement, and rt seems to be “a compulsory” to be watched for them. As a coin, television broadcasting has two sides. In one side, it provides some advantages, but on other hand, it gives disadvantages. In according to the rapid development of television broadcasting, the business factor becomes a priority. Some kinds of television programs must follow this factor, as a result the television program and commercial advertisement could be the factors that influence their viewers’ behavior.
This research is aimed at measuring the extent of the imitating behaviour of the adult viewers (dependent variable = Y) caused by the factor of programs contain violence on the television (independent variable = Xi), and the factor of commercial advertisement on television (independent variable = X2). in this correlation with the region resilience at Depok municipality.
The research methodology employed is the survey method by using questionnaire to obtain the perception of 100 respondents from Depok municipality which are Cimanggis sub-district, Sukmajaya sub- district and Beji sub-district. In addition, observation method also employed to collect data. The research samples are collected by means of random sampling. The data are analyzed by means of simple correlation and regression statistical method and multiple regression method.
The research findings are follows: Firstly, there is an influence of the programs contain violence on the television on the extent of imitating behaviour of the adult viewers, the more positive the influence of programs contain violence on the television, the bigger the extent of imitating behaviour of the adult viewers, and the other way around, the more negative the influence of programs contain violence on the television, the smaller extent of imitating behaviour of the adult viewers. Since the determinant coefficient of the correlation (r2) = 0.609, hence there is 60.9% of imitating behaviour of the adult viewers content caused by the programs contain violence on the television at Depok municipality. Secondly, there is an influence of the commercial advertisement on television on the extent of imitating behaviour of the adult viewers. Since the determinant coefficient of the correlation (r2) = 0.5580, hence there is 55.8% of imitating behaviour of the adult viewers content caused by the commercial advertisement on television at Depok municipality. Thirdly, there is an influences of the programs contain violence on the television and the commercial advertisement on television on the extent imitating behaviour of the adult viewers. Since the determinant coefficient of the correlation (r2) = 0.660, hence there is 66.0% of imitating behaviour of the adult viewers content caused by the programs contain violence on the television and commercial advertisement on television at Depok municipality.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian yang meneliti mengenai strategi memperkuat ketahanan pangan
di wilayah kepulauan belum banyak dilakukan. Padahal sebagian besar kawasan
Indonesia adalah wilayah kepulauan. Ketahanan pangan bagi Kabupaten Simeulue
sangat penting untuk dilakukan pengkajian mengingat Kabupaten Simeulue
merupakan daerah kepulauan terluar di Indonesia. Masalah Ketahanan pangan
terkait erat dengan masalah sosial ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang lebih besar,
sehingga terus dilakukan pengkajian secara bersama dengan pengambil keputusan
di berbagai bidang lainya. Permasalahan ketersediaan pangan memerlukan
penanganan yang serius dan terencana.
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dijabarkan di atas maka
permasalahan utama penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi ketahanan pangan
penduduk di Kabupaten Simeulue yang berbentuk kepulauan dan strategi
ketahanan pangan yang dapat digunakan pemerintah Kabupaten Simeulue untuk
menunjang ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi
penduduk terhadap ketahanan pangan dan gambaran umum ketahanan pangan
Kabupaten Simeulue dan mengetahui strategi apa yang di gunakan Pemerintah
Kabupaten Simeulue untuk menunjang Ketahanan Pangan.
Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan skala linkert dengan
sampel berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan
adalah simple random sampling. Sedangkan analisis SWOT dan penentuan
strategi menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan in depth interview pejabat daerah
di Kabupaten Simeulue. Triangulasi data dilakukan melalui hasil survey persepsi,
hasil statistik dari Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Simeulue, dan hasil in-dept
Penduduk Simeulue yang menjadi responden memiliki persepsi bahwa
dalam aspek ketersedian pangan,hasil produksi padi di Simeulue tidak mencukupi
kebutuhan penduduk. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada tergantungnya Kabupaten
Simeulue terhadap hasil produksi padi di Sumatera daratan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan penduduk.permasalahan mengenai aspek keterjangkauan pangan
terletak pada masalah transportasi. Sebagian penduduk Simeulue berpersepsi
bahwa sulit menjangkau pangan karena masalah transportasi. Penduduk juga
kesulitan membeli bahan pangan jika harga naik akibat masalah transportasi.
Kondisi sarana prasarana secara umum belum mendukung kinerja subsistem
distribusi pangan Simeulue. Dalam hal konsumsi pangan, penduduk berpandangan
bahwa diversifikasi atau keragaman pangan masih kurang. Hal tersebut dapat
dilihat dari pilihan makan dari responden. Sebagian responden tidak selalu
memilih asupan protein. Sumber karbohidrat utama adalah beras.
Strategi pembangunan ketahanan pangan Kabupaten Simeulue adalah
dengan memaksimalkan kekuatan untuk menanggulangi ancaman yang mungkin
timbul, yaitu: a) melaksanakan diversifikasi, revitalisasi pertanian perikanan,
kehutanan dengan potensi sumberdaya lahan yang ada dalam rangka pengentasan
kemiskinan; b) mewujudkan koordinasi, advokasi dan sosialisasi ketahanan
pangan dalam rangka mengatasi masalah penduduk, kemiskinan, harga sarana
produksi, masalah gizi dan kesehatan. Rekomendasi kebijakan opersional
ketahanan pangan adalah: a) pengembangan transportasi laut, b) pengembangan sumber daya manusia, c) pengembangan sarana prasarana pertanian, d)
pengembangan teknologi pengolahan pangan, e) kompetensi aparatur daerah, f)
pengembangan lumbung pangan dan cadangan pangan.

The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns, The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Muhajir
"Tesis ini akan mendeskripsikan peran kepemimpinan kewirausahaan dan gaya kepemimpinan yang terintegrasi pada Purna PSP3 dalam pembangunan ekonomi di pedesaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan case study dengan tehnik wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil Analisis ditemukan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan kewirausahaan yang terintegrasi pada Purna PSP3 Desa Cempaka dengan a Gaya kepemimpinan tranformasional, b Gaya Kepemimpinan berorientasi tim, dan c Gaya kepemimpinan berbasis nilai value . Kepemimpinan kewirausahaan oleh purna PSP3 Desa Cempaka dengan aspek pengambilan risiko, visioner, inovasi, pro-aktif dan kreatifitas dan kepemimpinan kewirausahaan memiliki peran penting dalam manajerial usaha yang berkembang terutama dalam meningkatkan ekonomi desa dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang dimilikinya dengan melibatkan sumber daya manusia dalam menjaga stabilitas dan pembangunan ekonomi desa.

This thesis will describe the role of entrepreneurial leadership and leadership styles are integrated on PSP3 graduate in economic development in rural areas. The method used in this research is qualitative method with case study approach with in depth interviews and observation techniques. Analysis founded that the entrepreneurial leadership style are integrated in PSP3 graduate at Cempaka village with a Transformational leadership style, b Team oriented leadership style, and c Value based leadership style. Entrepreneurial leadership by PSP3 graduate at Cempaka village with aspects of risk taking, visionary, innovative, pro active and creative. Entrepreneurial leadership has an important role in managerial thriving business, especially in improving the rural economy in exploiting the natural resources it has to involve human resources in maintain stability and rural economic development."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syamsu Rizal
"Kerjasama antara negara baik dalam lingkup bilateral, regional dan multilateral sangat dibutuhkan oleh suatu negara, dimana suatu negara tidak bisa hidup sendiri tanpa adanya interaksi dengan negara lainnya baik dalam sektor ekonomi, politik, sosial budaya dan pertahanan keamanan. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara pendiri ASEAN (Asosiation South East Asia Nation) yang mayoritas ruang lingkupnya dibidang ekonomi, politik dan sosial budaya. Organisasi ASEAN tidak bergerak di bidang pertahanan keamanan apalagi di bidang pakta pertahanan, pertahanan keamanan merupakan isu yang sensitif karena menyangkut integritas dan kedaulatan suatu negara. Politik Indonesia yang bebas aktif bertujuan untuk menciptakan keamanan di dunia, maka kerjasama pertahanan Indonesia dengan negara lain dalam bentuk kerjasama bilateral yang saling membutuhkan dan menguntungkan. Krisis moneter yang melanda Indonesia semenjak tahun 1997 sampai dengan tahun 2001 membuat Indonesia harus berjuang menggerakkan roda perekonomian bangsa yang berakibat langsung pada penghidupan masyarakat di segala strata atau tingkatan, implikasi dari krisis ekonomi ini merupakan pengaruh dari globalisasi dunia, dimana manajemen ekonomi makro Indonesia kurang begitu kokoh ditambah dan kurangnya pengawasan dari instansi yang berwenang sehingga banyak timbul KKN (Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme ) yang melanda ditingkat lembaga instansi pemerintah dan non pemerintah. Beberapa kasus pelanggaran Bank yang dilakukan oleh para koruptor BLBI yang membawa uang Indonesia ke negara Singapura. Bertolak dari banyaknya para koruptor dan dana yang berasal dari Indonesia yang melarikan diri ke Singapura membuat Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mempunyai inisiatif untuk mengembalikan dana dan menghukum para koruptor yang ada di negara Singapura. Indonesia selama ini belum mempunyai perjanjian ekstradisi dengan negara Singapura maka kepentingan Indonesia di perjanjian ekstradisi sedangkan kepentingan negara Singapura di DCA (Defence Cooperation Agreement) dimana Singapura tidak mempunyai lahan latihan karena terbatasnya kondisi geografi Singapura, sehingga kerjasama pertahanan ini sangat diperlukan oleh SAF (Singapore Armed Forces) sekaligus untuk menguji alutsistanya yang jauh lebih mutakhir dan modern dari Indonesia. Perjanjian Pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Singapura telah ditandatangani pada tanggal 27 April 2007 di Tampak Siring Bali namun setelah itu banyak menuai pro dan kontra terhadap perjanjian pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Singapura karena dalam perjanjian tersebut jangka waktunya 25 tahun, wilayah latihan yang meliputi Alpha1, Alpha 2 dan Bravo cukup luas serta keterlibatan pihak ketiga yang dilibatkan oleh Singapura. Penolakan perjanjian DCA ini dari berbagai elemen masyarakat, akademisi, pengamat militer serta dari Komisi I DPRRI dengan alasan perjanjian ini merugikan Indonesia dengan beberapa alasan diantaranya terkoreksinya kedaulatan Indonesia, berpengaruh pada mata pencarian masyarakat Provinsi Kepulauan Riau serta kerusakan alam disekitar Kepulauan Anambas dan Natuna. Penolakan DCA sangat tepat karena tidak ada keuntungan yang begitu besar yang diperoleh Indonesia sedangkan kerugiannya cukup banyak seperti dijelaskan diatas, walaupun melalui perjanjian pertahanan ini bisa meningkatkan profesionalisme TNI dan alih tekhnologi. Diharapkan kerjasama pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Singapura tidak dalam kontek DCA tetapi kerjasama pertahanan antara masing-masing Angkatan Bersenjata yang selama ini sudah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1970-an yang daerah latihannya tidak luas serta peningkatan anggaran pertahanan secara bertahap dengan tujuan untuk menjaga seluruh kedaulatan Indonesia serta dengan ditolaknya perjanjian pertahanan RI-Singapura akan memperkuat Ketahanan Nasional Indonesia karena kedaulatan tetap terjaga tanpa di masuki oleh negara lain.

A country needs cooperation in bilateral, regional or multilateral because it is very difficult for one country to exist without interaction with other countries in economy, politics, socio-culter, security and defence matters. Indonesia as one of the founding members of ASEAN (Association of South Asia Nations) whose scope of cooperation involves economic, political, and socio-culter affairs realize this. ASEAN itself is not a defence pact as it is a sensitive issue for the integrity and sovereignty of member countries. Indonesia?s politics which is free and active aims at creating security in the world. This drives Indonesia to have defence cooperation with other countries in a mutually beneficial bilateral agreement. The 1997-2001 Monetary Crises forced Indonesia to drive its economy and brought direct impact to the livelihood of Indonesians in all walks of life. The crises it self was the effect of globalization. At that time Indonesian?s macro economy was not so strong and made worse due to lack of institusional control. As a result, corruption, collusion, nepotism (popularly abbreviated as KKN) widely happened in government and non-government institutions. One of the big cases was BLBI (Liquidity Assistance of Bank of Indonesia). In this case many corruptors brought the funds to Singapore. Recognizing the fact that many corruptors and theirs funds went to Singapore, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono decided to regain the funds and bring the corruptors in Singapore to Indonesian court. Indonesia did not have extradition agreement with Singapore before. The initiative will be possible if Indonesia and Singapore have signed an agreement. For Singapore, the agreement should be in the contex of DCA (Defence Cooperation Agreement) in which Singapore with its limited lands needs areas in Indonesia to test their more modern and sophisticated weaponries. The Defence Agreement was signed on 27 April 2007 in Tampak Siring, Bali with pro and contra about it. Those who disagree argue that the length of cooperation which is 25 years is too long. Besides that the practice zones, Alpha 1, Apha 2 , Bravo are large and enable Singapore to invite third parties in their exercises. Rejection comes not only from commission 1 of Indonesian Parliament but also from many elements of society, academicians and military observers. They argue that this agreement has affected Indonesian sovereignty and income of people in Riau islands, let alone the natural damage around Anambas and Natuna islands. This thesis supports the rejections and argues that Indonesia does not get much out of it compared to the loss as mentioned above although the agreement can improve Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) professionalism and technology transfer. The agreement should be in the context of defence cooperation and not in the context of DCA. This has been done since 1970s with limited areas of combat practice. The dismissal of this agreement can be seen as a way to strength Indonesian national resilience as the sovereignty can be kept intact without the interference of another country while gradually increasing the defence budget to protect all Indonesian territory and sovereignty."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library