Stigma towards ex-prisoners raises issues of discrimination, one of which is discrimination in the workplace. Baseline study with exploratory sequential mixed-method design involved focus group discussion (n=5), in-depth interview (n=22), and survey (n=113) shows that risk of re-offending, untrustworthy, and irresponsible come as employer barriers in hiring ex-prisoner while interpersonal contact encourage it. Referring to Contact Hypothesis, current study examines the use of electronic contact (e-contact) as form of indirect contact to reduce stigma and increase ex-prisoners employent within employers. Five days quasi-experimental study conducted by letting employers to get to know ex-prisoners as employee candidates in employee finder website as virtual sphere. By pre and post survey, result shows that e-contact significantly reduce stigma and increase employment. In addition, act response (overt behavior) only showed by 2 of 24 participants. These results indicate that e-contact designed in this study is only effective to drive bahavioral changing into a cogntive and affective responses, not to an act response.
"Kekerasan seksual dapat terjadi dimana saja termasuk di lingkungan pendidikan. Berbagai program untuk mengurangi kekerasan seksual telah dilakukan. Namun, kebanyakan hanya menargetkan kepada korban maupun pelaku. Di sisi lain, individu yang menjadi pengamat atau bystander bisa memiliki peran untuk dapat terlibat dalam pencegahan kekerasan seksual. Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah kekerasan seksual di lingkungan kampus adalah melalui keterlibatan mahasiswa untuk menampilkan perilaku bystander yang aktif. Objektif studi ini untuk melihat perubahan perilaku bystander yang aktif pada mahasiswa melalui pelatihan intervensi bystander. Dengan metode penelitian single-group pre-post design, studi ini menggunakan mahasiswa (n = 11) dari Universitas Indonesia (UI). Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan tingkah laku adalah Bystander Behavior Scale-Revised (BBS-R). Hasil uji beda menunjukkan peningkatan tingkah laku bystander signifikan (p = 0.05) setelah intervensi pelatihan bystander dijalankan. Diindikasikan bahwa intervensi memiliki efektivitas pada sampel mahasiswa UI tersebut. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi salah satu program di kampus yang berguna untuk dapat mencegah kekerasan seksual terjadi di lingkungan kampus.
The sexual violence can occur anywhere even in an educational environment. Various programs to reduce sexual violence have been carried out. However, the most programs targetting victims and perpetrators only. On the other hand, individuals who are observers or called bystander have a role to be involved in preventing sexual violence. So, one of the efforts to prevent sexual violence in the campus environment is through the involvement of students to show active bystander behavior. The objective of this study is to look at changes in active bystander behavior in students through bystander intervention training. With a single-group pre-post design research method, this study uses students (n = 11) from the University of Indonesia (UI). The instrument used to measure behavior change is the Bystander Behavior Scale-Revised (BBS-R). The results showed a significant increasing in bystander behavior (p = 0.05) after the bystander training intervention was carried out. It was indicated that the intervention had effectiveness in the sample of the UI`s students. It is hoped that this research can be one of the programs on campus that is useful to be able to prevent sexual violence on campus.