ABSTRAKKami membandingkan distribusi kredit perbankan antara berbagai jenis
bank di Indonesia pada seluruh provinsi dan seluruh sektor ekonomi. Kami
menunjukkan bahwa bank bertindak berbeda-beda dalam mengeluarkan kredit
untuk berbagai provinsi dan sektor ekonomi yang ada. Bank-bank tampaknya
mengkhususkan diri mereka dalam beberapa jenis kredit (sektor) tertentu.
Beberapa bank tampaknya juga lebih aktif di beberapa provinsi tertentu. Dengan
demikian, tampaknya ada pola spasial penyaluran kredit oleh berbagai jenis bank
di Indonesia. Kami membahas kemudian apa yang menentukan pola spasial dari
penyaluran kredit oleh berbagai jenis bank di Indonesia tersebut dan apa
implikasinya terhadap pembangunan daerah.
Kami menemukan dalam perbandingan intra dan antar provinsi bahwa
provinsi-provinsi tampaknya tidak menerima proporsi yang sama atas total kredit
perbankan dari kelompok bank tertentu. Cara bank menjalankan bisnis yang
terkait dengan motif keuntungan mereka, strategi bisnis, keberadaan pelanggan
potensial, dan persaingan menentukan provinsi mana yang menjadi fokus kegiatan
kredit bank-bank tersebut dan dengan demikian menerima dukungan kredit yang
lebih baik. Namun demikian, kelompok bank pemerintah dan bank pembangunan
daerah terbukti, berdasarkan data, sebagai kontributor kredit utama untuk semua
Sementara itu, walaupun perbandingan intra dan antar sektor menunjukkan
bahwa kredit perbankan memiliki kecenderungan untuk didistribusikan ke sektorsektor
yang tampaknya memiliki tingkat pendapatan per pekerja yang lebih tinggi,
bank-bank ternyata memiliki preferensi mereka tersendiri tenrhadap sektor-sektor
ekonomi yang mereka pilih sebagai target utama. Cara bisnis, persaingan, dan
misi khusus yang dibawa oleh bank-bank tersebut tampaknya berperan dalam
menentukan hal ini. Namun demikian, sektor yang mungkin menjadi sektorpotensial-
penyedia-lapangan-pekerjaan (memiliki tingkat intensitas penggunaan
tenaga kerja yang cukup tinggi dan memiliki tingkat potensi pendidikan pekerja
yang juga cukup memadai untuk menjamin efek daya saing dan penciptaan
lapangan kerja) tampaknya tidak menerima jumlah dukungan kredit yang cukup.
Kemudian kami membahas bahwa sebagai akibat dari pola spasial
penyaluran kredit oleh berbagai jenis bank, pemerataan industrialisasi dapat
terhambat karena dukungan keuangan yang tidak merata antar wilayah.
Konsentrasi kredit ke sektor-sektor tertentu juga dapat menghambat pembangunan
sektor lain yang mungkin mungkin memiliki efek yang lebih langsung terhadap
pembangunan daerah seperti sektor-potensial-penyedia-lapangan-pekerjaan.
Terakhir, kami telah menyimpulkan bahwa kelompok bank pemerintah dan
bank pembangunan daerah serta juga kelompok BPR adalah kelompok bank yang
penting bagi proses pembangunan. Kegiatan kredit mereka cenderung lebih
konsisten dengan pengurangan kemiskinan. Namun, kami mengakui juga bahwa dukungan kredit perbankan, walaupun penting, bukan merupakan hal satusatunya
yang diperlukan. Dukungan dalam bentuk lain seperti halnya dukungan
pendidikan bagi pekerja, pemerataan sektor-sektor yang potensial berkembang,
dan insentif lainnya untuk sektor-sektor ekonomi memiliki tingkat kepentingan
yang sama.
ABSTRACTWe compare distribution of banking credit in Indonesia among types of
banks across provinces and across economic sectors. We show that banks act
differently in issuing credit to different provinces and to different sectors. Banks
seem to be specialized in different types of credit (sectors). Also, different banks
seem to be more active in different provinces. Thus, there seems to be spatial
patterns of credit distribution by different types of banks in Indonesia. We discuss,
then, what determines this spatial pattern of credit distribution by different types
of banks in Indonesia and what implication it has on regional development.
We found in intra and inter provinces comparison that provinces do not
seem to receive the same proportion of total banking credit from a particular
group of bank. Business way in term of profit motive, business strategies,
existence of potential customers, and competition determine which provinces
become focus of bank?s credit activities and thus receive better credit support.
However, group of state owned and regional bank is found as main credit
contributor for all provinces.
Meanwhile our intra and inter sector comparison shows that although
banking credit has tendency to be distributed toward sectors which are more likely
to have high per worker income, banks have also their own preference in sectors
they choose as main target. Business way, competition, and specific mission
carried by banks seem to determine this. However, sectors that might become
employment-potential sectors (have sufficient level of labor intensity and potential
level of worker education to guarantee their competitiveness and job creation
effect) seem not to receive sufficient amount of credit support.
We discuss then, that, as a result of spatial patterns of credit distribution by
different types of banks, equal distribution of industrialization may be hampered
due unequal financial support. Credit concentration to specific sectors may also
prohibit development of other sectors that may probably have more direct effect
on regional development such as employment-potential sectors.
Lastly, we have concluded that state owned and regional bank group and
also rural bank group are groups of bank which are important for development
process. Their credit activities are more likely consistent with poverty reduction.
However, we acknowledge also that banking credit support, though necessary may
not sufficient. Other supports in term of education support for worker, distribution
of growing potential sectors, and other incentives for economic sectors have also
the same level of importance, We compare distribution of banking credit in Indonesia among types of
banks across provinces and across economic sectors. We show that banks act
differently in issuing credit to different provinces and to different sectors. Banks
seem to be specialized in different types of credit (sectors). Also, different banks
seem to be more active in different provinces. Thus, there seems to be spatial
patterns of credit distribution by different types of banks in Indonesia. We discuss,
then, what determines this spatial pattern of credit distribution by different types
of banks in Indonesia and what implication it has on regional development.
We found in intra and inter provinces comparison that provinces do not
seem to receive the same proportion of total banking credit from a particular
group of bank. Business way in term of profit motive, business strategies,
existence of potential customers, and competition determine which provinces
become focus of bank’s credit activities and thus receive better credit support.
However, group of state owned and regional bank is found as main credit
contributor for all provinces.
Meanwhile our intra and inter sector comparison shows that although
banking credit has tendency to be distributed toward sectors which are more likely
to have high per worker income, banks have also their own preference in sectors
they choose as main target. Business way, competition, and specific mission
carried by banks seem to determine this. However, sectors that might become
employment-potential sectors (have sufficient level of labor intensity and potential
level of worker education to guarantee their competitiveness and job creation
effect) seem not to receive sufficient amount of credit support.
We discuss then, that, as a result of spatial patterns of credit distribution by
different types of banks, equal distribution of industrialization may be hampered
due unequal financial support. Credit concentration to specific sectors may also
prohibit development of other sectors that may probably have more direct effect
on regional development such as employment-potential sectors.
Lastly, we have concluded that state owned and regional bank group and
also rural bank group are groups of bank which are important for development
process. Their credit activities are more likely consistent with poverty reduction.
However, we acknowledge also that banking credit support, though necessary may
not sufficient. Other supports in term of education support for worker, distribution
of growing potential sectors, and other incentives for economic sectors have also
the same level of importance]"