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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Beta Yulianita Gitaharie
" This paper builds a regional macroeconomic model of DKI Jakarta and attempts to analyze the impacts of declining DAU revenues on the overall DKI Jakarta economy. The model uses microeconomic foundations, consists of four blocks, and is made up by 48 behavioral equations and 23 identities. The model adapts Doubinis? Chicago Metropolitan Area econometric model with some modifications. Two Stage Least Squares Methods are employed to estimate both parameters and ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lumban Tobing, Muhammad Syareza
" The intergovernmental transfer system currently applied in Indonesia is intended to prevent the intervention of political powers. However, there are indications of political determinants behind central government transfers to sub-national governments. In order to prove the existence of these political factors, this research utilizes empirical panel data models of Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Dekonsentrasi and Tugas Pembantuan using political variables. Results show that while there are no signicant political variables in the DAU and ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Mulatip
" Peran kota sebagai pusat aktivitas utama ekonomi dewasa ini, menjadi daya tarik mengapa pertumbuhan kota perlu diperhatikan. Kota memiliki populasi yang besar, dan cenderung meningkat pesat dari waktu ke waktu. Makalah ini mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan kota, serta mengkaji pola pertumbuhan kota di Indonesia. Pertumbuhan kota diukur menggunakan pertumbuhan populasi dan angkatan kerja. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan kepadatan penduduk dan spesialisasi ekonomi secara negatif signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kota. Sedangkan primacy, manufaktur dan tingkat pendidikan secara positif ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Dartanto
" From January 1, 2001, when new autonomy laws were implemented, lndonesia began to move toward decentralization of what had been a highly decentralized. This policy adopts two complimentary laws. Law No.22/1999, which basically the devolution policy, has been accompanied by La No.25/1999, which basically reflect that decentralization policy in Indonesia has adopted the concept of ?money follows function?. Law No.25/1999 describe the fiscal decentralization process that will create a new intergovernmental transfer scheme between the central ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satria Utama
" Undang-undang 22/0 dan 25/99 telab merubah pola hubungan pusat-daerah di Indoensia dari pola sentralistik menjadi desentralisis yang efektif berlaku sejak bulan Januari 2001. Lebih jauh pemerintah juga mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) yang mengatur lebih detail tentang kewajiban dan kewenangan daerah, hutang daerah dan hal lainnya, selain beberapa sektor penting seperti sistem peradilan, agama, keamanan dan hal lain yang masih dibawah tanggung jawab dan kewenangan pemerintah pusat. Konsekuensi langsung dari perubahan ini adalah pemerintah harus mengatur pemerataan ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parewangi, Andi Muh. Alfian
" Matrices of International Trade model shows world equilibrium and the inter-linkage among countries through trade. This approach enable us to decompose trade multiplier into direct import requirement, indirect import requirement, internal and external propagation as components of total trade multiplier. We also can run growth simulation to identify the distribution of trade gain as previously applied by Miyazawa, Hewings and other authors. Using trade flow data from 178 countries, and focusing on the big five ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
" Regional autonomy program is the form of fiscal decentralization policy in Indonesia, legally started with the law of Regional Government No.22/1999 about de-concentration azas, which imply power or authority sharing and No.25/1999 about decentralization, which imply financial sharing between central and regional government. Financial sharing is tax and natural resources sharing revenue. This financial sharing type can widen fiscal gap between regions. As the solution, the central government gives block grants. Interregional Input-Output (IRIO) model ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hedwigis Esti Riwayati
" Labor absorption hardly depends on the economic capacity and in the absence of market imperfection, the labor will be allocated efficiently among sectors. However, the assumption is hardly found in reality, and this give us a space to identify the explanatory variable of labor absorption. This research analyze the sectoral labor absorption based on J. Ladent model that internalize the demographic variable together with economic variable. We apply this model to analyze the sectoral labor ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi
" Adanya faktor skala ekonomi dalam pemilihan lokasi menyebabkan beberapa perusahaan yang sejenis memilih berada pada lokasi yang berdekatan, sehingga membawa dampak menurunnya biaya produksi perusahaan. Aglomerasi industri ini dapat menjelaskan mengapa suatu kota memiliki perusahaan yang jenisnya sama lebih dari satu, dan adanya kecenderungan bahwa kota akan berkembang di sekitar lokasi industri. Suatu kota industri yang besar terbentuk karena adanya aglomerasi ekonomi dalam produksi, dimana terdapat dua jenis aglomerasi ekonomi, yaitu localization economies dan urbanization ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Hendranata
" This study aims (1) to construct an Econometric Input-Output Model for Indonesia, that emphasizes the linkage between sectors, and (2) to analyze the impact of budget allocation on development expenditure to Indonesian's economy in 2002. The model, constructed by combining the advantages of an input-output model and an econometric model, is called the Indonesian Econometric Input-Output Model or "Model Input-Output Ekonometrika Indonesia" (MIENA). MIENA consists of 112 dynamic simultaneous equations which utilize secondary data from 19SO-20UO. ... "
Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library