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Ditemukan 33 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dimas Raihan Aditya
"Latar Belakang: Penggunaan adhesif universal sebagai sementasi pasak fiber dalam restorasi pasca endodontik populer digunakan karena sifatnya yang serbaguna sehingga dapat diaplikasikan dengan metode total-etch maupun self-etch. Namun, penelitian mengenai perbedaan push-out bond strength (PBS) antara kedua metode tersebut masih terbatas. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan PBS dan failure mode antara metode total-etch dan self-etch sistem adhesif universal pada sementasi pasak fiber. Metode: Tiga puluh gigi premolar rahang bawah yang baru diekstraksi disimpan di dalam air terdeionisasi yang kemudian dilakukan pemotongan mahkota sebelum dilakukan perawatan saluran akar dan preparasi ruang pasak. Pasak kemudian disementasi dengan semen resin dualcure self-adhesive dan bahan adhesif Prime&Bond Universal (PBU). Uji PBS dilakukan untuk mengukur kekuatan ikat geser masing-masing kelompok uji. Kegagalan ikatan kemudian diobservasi menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Hasil: Kelompok self-etch memiliki kekuatan ikat yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok lainnya dengan perbedaan yang bermakna (p<0.05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan kegagalan adhesif yang signifikan di antara kelompok. Kesimpulan: Metode self-etch memiliki kekuatan ikat paling baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok uji lainnya, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan failure mode pada setiap kelompok.

Background: Universal adhesives for fiber post cementation in endodontically treated teeth have become popular in clinical dentistry as they can be applied in either total-etch or self-etch mode, due to their reduced number of application steps and versatility. However, studies regarding comparison between the two modes are limited and insufficient. Aim/Objective: The aim of the study is to analyze and compare the pushout bond strength and failure mode of the multimode universal adhesive system. Materials and Methods: Thirty freshly extracted mandibular premolars were decoronated prior to a root canal treatment (RCT) and prepared for post placement and bonded using Prime&Bond Universal (PBU). Post was then cemented using dual-cure self-adhesive resin cement. The push-out bond strength (PBS) test was performed to measure the shear bond strength using a universal testing machine (UTM). Failure mode was then observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results: One-way ANOVA followed by a post-hoc Bonferroni and Independent T-Test indicated that there is significant difference (p<0.05) between the bond strength of the total- and self-etch mode of the universal adhesive system. However, no differences in failure mode are observed between groups. Conclusion: Self-etch mode is more preferable due to its higher bond strength dominated with cohesive failure indicating its success in bonding with the root canal
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Sandra Yulianda
Latar Belakang: siler polidimetilsiloksan merupakan siler baru yang berpotensi
menutup saluran akar lebih baik. Tujuan: membandingkan tingkat kerapatan
pengisian di sepertiga apeks antara teknik kon tunggal (KT) dan downpackbackfill
(DB) menggunakan siler polidimetilsiloksan. Metode: empat puluh gigi
premolar bawah dibagi menjadi dua kelompok KT dan DB. Setelah pengisian
saluran akar, sampel diinkubasi, dilapisi cat kuku, direndam dalam tinta India, lalu
dibuat transparan dengan metode Robertson. Kebocoran di sepertiga apeks
dievaluasi dengan mikroskop stereo. Hasil: skor kebocoran terendah (0-0,5 mm)
dimiliki oleh kelompok KT dan skor kebocoran tertinggi (>1 mm) dimiliki oleh
kelompok DB. Kesimpulan: teknik kon tunggal memberikan tingkat kerapatan
yang lebih baik dibandingkan downpack-backfill, walaupun secara statistik perbedaan antar keduanya tidak signifikan. ABSTRACT
Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. ;Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. ;Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Sri Kesumawati
Latar Belakang: MTA bersifat biokompatibel dan dapat digunakan untuk perawatan kaping pulpa. Saat ini dikembangkan semen berbasis kalsium silikat sama seperti MTA dengan penambahan steroid, yaitu Odontocem. Tujuan:Membandingkan efek toksisitas odontocem dan MTA-Angelus terhadap viabilitas sel fibroblas. Metode:Sel fibroblast embrio ayam direndam dalam larutan odontocemdan dan MTA-Angeluspada 24 dan 72 jam. Viabilitas sel dihitung menggunakanMTT Assay. Hasil:Pada kelompok odontcemdan MTA-Angelus, terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p≤0,05 ) dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Pada paparan 24 jam, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara odontocem dengan MTA-Angelus. Kesimpulan:Odontocem dan dan MTA-Angelus menurunkan viabilitas sel pada 24 jam dan meningkatkan pada 72 jam.ABSTRACT
Background:MTA is proved tobe biocompatible and can be used for pulp capping treatment.Currently, calcium silicate based cement similar to MTA with steroid,called Odontocem has been developed.Objective:To compare effects of odontocem and MTA-Angelus toxicity towards fibroblast cells viability.Method:Fibroblast cells of chicken embryonic were immersed separately in odontocem and MTA-Angelus solution for 24 and 72 hours.Cells viability was analyzed with MTT Assay.Result:There was a significant difference (p>0.05) in Odontocem and MTA-Angelus group compared to control.At the24-hour immersion, there was nosignificant difference between odontocem and MTA-Angelus.Conclusion:Odontocem and MTA-Angelus decreased the viability of fibroblast at 24 hours and increased them at 72 hours.;Background:MTA is proved tobe biocompatible and can be used for pulp capping treatment.Currently, calcium silicate based cement similar to MTA with steroid,called Odontocem has been developed.Objective:To compare effects of odontocem and MTA-Angelus toxicity towards fibroblast cells viability.Method:Fibroblast cells of chicken embryonic were immersed separately in odontocem and MTA-Angelus solution for 24 and 72 hours.Cells viability was analyzed with MTT Assay.Result:There was a significant difference (p>0.05) in Odontocem and MTA-Angelus group compared to control.At the24-hour immersion, there was nosignificant difference between odontocem and MTA-Angelus.Conclusion:Odontocem and MTA-Angelus decreased the viability of fibroblast at 24 hours and increased them at 72 hours.;Background:MTA is proved tobe biocompatible and can be used for pulp capping treatment.Currently, calcium silicate based cement similar to MTA with steroid,called Odontocem has been developed.Objective:To compare effects of odontocem and MTA-Angelus toxicity towards fibroblast cells viability.Method:Fibroblast cells of chicken embryonic were immersed separately in odontocem and MTA-Angelus solution for 24 and 72 hours.Cells viability was analyzed with MTT Assay.Result:There was a significant difference (p>0.05) in Odontocem and MTA-Angelus group compared to control.At the24-hour immersion, there was nosignificant difference between odontocem and MTA-Angelus.Conclusion:Odontocem and MTA-Angelus decreased the viability of fibroblast at 24 hours and increased them at 72 hours.;Background:MTA is proved tobe biocompatible and can be used for pulp capping treatment.Currently, calcium silicate based cement similar to MTA with steroid,called Odontocem has been developed.Objective:To compare effects of odontocem and MTA-Angelus toxicity towards fibroblast cells viability.Method:Fibroblast cells of chicken embryonic were immersed separately in odontocem and MTA-Angelus solution for 24 and 72 hours.Cells viability was analyzed with MTT Assay.Result:There was a significant difference (p>0.05) in Odontocem and MTA-Angelus group compared to control.At the24-hour immersion, there was nosignificant difference between odontocem and MTA-Angelus.Conclusion:Odontocem and MTA-Angelus decreased the viability of fibroblast at 24 hours and increased them at 72 hours."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyuni Suci Dwiandhany
Latar Belakang Instrumen rotasi kontinyumemiliki banyak kekurangansehingga dikembangkan instrumen resiprokal Tujuan penelitian iniadalahmembandingkan kehalusan dinding sepertiga apikal saluran akarmenggunakan instrumen rotasi kontinyu dan resiprokal Metode Tiga puluh duapremolar pertama mandibula dibagi menjadi Kelompok 1 preparasi saluran akarmenggunakan instrumen rotasi kontinyu dan Kelompok 2 preparasi saluran akarmenggunakan instrumen resiprokal Kemudian kehalusan diukur dengan surfaceroughness tester Analisis data menggunakan uji T tidak berpasangan Hasil Tidak terdapat perbedaaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok p 0 739 Kesimpulan Dinding sepertiga apikal saluran akar yang dipreparasi denganinstrumen kontinyudanresiprokalmempunyai tingkat kehalusan yang sama

Therefore reciprocal instruments have been developed The aim was to comparethe root canal wall smoothness at the apical third between continuous rotation andreciprocal instruments Methods Thirty two mandibular first premolars weredivided into Group 1 continuous rotation instruments preparation Group 2 reciprocal instruments preparation The smoothness was measured using surfaceroughness tester The data was analyzed using independent T test Result Thedifference between groups were not statistically significant p 0 739 Conclusion Continuous rotation and reciprocal instruments have no difference inthe root canal wall smoothness at the apical third "
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afriani Nov Angellina
"Latar Belakang: Ekstrak biji anggur (GSE) mengandung 74-78% proantosianidin yang berfungsi sebagai pengikat silang kolagen.
Tujuan: menganalisis kemampuan GSE sebagai larutan irigasi saluran akar dalam membersihkan smear layer pada daerah sepertiga apeks.
Metode: lima puluh gigi dibagi menjadi lima kelompok. Kelompok 1 meggunakan aquades, kelompok 2 menggunakan GSE 3.25%, kelompok 3 menggunakan GSE 6.5%, kelompok 4 menggunakan GSE 13% dan kelompok 5 menggunakan EDTA 17%. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan tingkat kebersihan sepertiga apeks menggunakan SEM dan diberi skor. Analisis data menggunakan uji kolmogorov-smirnov.
Hasil: Skor 0 terbanyak pada GSE 13% (40%), skor 1 terbanyak pada GSE 6.5% (70%) dan skor 2 terbanyak pada aquades (80%).
Kesimpulan: Larutan ekstrak biji anggur mempunyai potensi dapat membersihkan smear layer pada daerah sepertiga apeks dinding saluran akar.

Background: Grape seed extract (GSE) consisting of 74-78% proanthocyanidin, is a cross linking agent.
Purpose: investigate the ability of GSE in removing smear layer on apical third of root canal wall.
Materials and Method: fifty five extracted incisors were divided into 5 groups. Grup 1 used aquadest, group 2 used 3.25% GSE, group 3 used 6.5% GSE, group 4 used 13% GSE and group 5 used 17% EDTA. The cleanliness of smear layer were evaluated by SEM and scored. The data were analyzed using kolmogorov-smirnov test.
Results: Score 0 maximum in group GSE 13% (40%), score 1 maximum in group GSE 6.5% (70%) and score 2 maximum in group aquadest (80%).
Conclusion: Grape seed extract solution has a potential to remove smear layer on apical third of root canal wall.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agatha Gustin Anggarini
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai bagaimana tingkatan sensualitas pada suatu iklan yang dicerminkan dalam high, medium, dan low sensuality serta penggunaan model sensual tunggal (single) dan berpasangan (couple) berpengaruh pada variabel-variabel yang mengacu pada cognitive response model yang terdiri dari variabel source thought, message thought, ad execution thought, attitude toward brand (Ab), attitude toward ad (Ad), dan purchase intention. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang dilakukan dengan pemisahan kelompok melalui factorial design 3x2 (tiga tingkat sensualitas dan dua jenis penggunaan model). Dengan jumlah total responden 210 responden yang keseluruhannya adalah wanita dengan 35 reponden pada masing-masing sel, diketahui adanya perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan terhadap Ab, Ad, dan minat beli dengan keterangan bahwa semakin rendah tingkat sensualitas maka semakin tinggi rata-rata yang diperoleh untuk ketiga variabel tersebut. Sementara itu untuk hasil perbandingan rata-rata antara model single dan couple banyak variabel yang dinyatakan tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan model mengarah pada bagian dari source yang merupakan variabel kognitif. Sementara itu diketahui bahwa pengaruh variabel-variabel kognitif terhadap variabel sikap tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar apabila dibandingkan pengaruh sikap terhadap minat beli untuk kasus iklan dengan sensual appeals menurut sudut pandang wanita.

This research discusses how the sensuality level in an advertisement which is reflected in high, medium, and low sensuality along with the utilization of single and couple sensual model affects the variables, which refer to cognitive response model consisting of source thought, message thought, ad execution thought, attitude toward brand (Ab), attitude toward ad (Ad), and purchase intention. This is an experimental research which is applying group separation through factorial design 3x2 (three levels of sensuality and two types of model utilization). After receiving answers from 35 respondents in each cell, the research found that there is an average significant difference toward Ab, Ad, and purchase intention, with additional information that the lower the sensuality levels, the higher the average value to the three variables mentioned above. Furthermore, the comparison between the single and couple model shows that there are many variables which are not significantly different. This is caused by the model utilization which is directed to the source part which is a cognitive variable. In addition, the research also shows that there is no significant effect of the cognitive variables toward attitude variable, comparing to the effect toward purchase intention for the case of sensual appeals advertisement in woman's point of view."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sylva Dinie Alinda
"Latar Belakang: Ekstrak Biji Anggur EBA mengandung proanthosianidin PA yang berperan sebagai pengikat silang kolagen yang menentukan sifat mekanis dentin.
Tujuan: menganalisis pengaruh EBA dengan kadar PA 2 9 terhadap kekerasan mikro dentin saluran akar.
Metode: 50 gigi dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok yang direndam larutan EBA larutan NaOCl 3 dan aquabides Dilakukan pengukuran nilai kekerasan mikro metode Vickers Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis.
Hasil: Nilai kekerasan mikro tertinggi pada kelompok EBA dan terendah kelompok NaOCl 3 Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai kekerasan mikro kelompok EBA 2 9 dan aquabides p 0 05.
Kesimpulan: Larutan EBA dapat mempertahankan kekerasan mikro dentin saluran akar.

Background: Grape Seed Extract GSE contains proanthosianidin PA as collagen cross linking agent that determine dentin mechanical properties.
Aim: To analyze GSE with 2 9 PA effect on root canal dentin microhardness.
Method: 50 teeth divided into 3 groups which immerse in GSE NaOCl 3 and aquabides Microhardness value measured with Vickers method Data analyze with Kruskal Wallis.
Result: The highest microhardness value on GSE group and the lowest on NaOCl group No significant difference in microhardness value of GSE group compared to aquabides group p 0 05.
Conclusion: GSE solution maintain microhardness value of root canal dentin.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Marta Irawan
"Latar belakang: Penglepasan ion kalsium oleh material bioaktif dapat berperan penting dalam peningkatan pH yang diperlukan dalam aktivitas antibakteri dan remineralisasi jaringan keras gigi.
Tujuan: untuk menganalisis pelepasan ion kalsium dan peningkatan pH dari MTA modifikasi dan Bioceramic pada periode waktu 1,48,168 jam.
Metode: Sampel n=30 dipersiapkan dengan ukuran diameter 3 mm tinggi 3 mm, terdiri dari 15 sampel MTA modifikasi, 15 sampel Bioceramic direndam dalam air deionisasi 1,48,168 jam diukur kadar pelepasan ion kalsium menggunakan AAS dan nilai pH menggunakan pHmeter, Uji Kruskal Wallis dan Mann Whitney.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna diantara semua kelompok dengan nilai signifikansi p le;0,05.
Kesimpulan: Bioceramic terbukti melepaskan ion kalsium dan peningkatan pH lebih besar dibandingkan dengan MTA modifikasi pada waktu pengukuran 1,48,168

Background: Calcium ion release can promote alkalinizing activity and regeneration.
Objective: To analyze calcium ion release and pH changes from modified MTA and Bioceramics as bioactive material.
Methods: 30 samples are prepared with the size of 3 mm in diameter and 3 mm in height. The samples are consist of 15 of modified MTA and 15 of bioceramics. And then immersed in deionized water for an hour which will then be measured in 1, 48, and 168 hours period. And measured atom absorption sphectropometer and pHmeter.
Result: Mann Whitney post hoc rsquo s statistic test result showed a significant discrepancy among all groups, with the significant value of p le 0,05.
Conclusion: Bioceramics was proven to release more calcium ions and more pH elevation compared to modified MTA during the 1 hour, 48 hour, and 168 hours measurements.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Amalia
Latar Belakang: E. faecalis merupakan bakteri yang sulit dieliminasi sehingga dapat menyebabkan kegagalan perawatan endodontik. Klorheksidin 2 merupakan bahan irigasi yang sudah terbukti efektif dalam mengeliminasi E. faecalis, namun memiliki toksisitas terhadap sel-sel yang sehat. Ekstrak jintan putih Cuminum cyminum memiliki potensi efektivitas antibakteri. Namun, belum terdapat penelitian yang meneliti efek antibakteri ekstrak jintan putih terhadap biofilm E. faecalis dari isolat klinis. Tujuan: Mengetahui efek antibakteri ekstrak jintan putih konsentrasi 0,2 mg/ml, 0,5 mg/ml, 0,7 mg/ml, 1,0 mg/ml, dan 1,2 mg/ml dibandingkan dengan klorheksidin 2 terhadap biofilm E.faecalis dari isolat klinis. Metode: Menilai kekeruhan larutan biofilm E. faecalis pasca pemaparan bahan uji dengan ELISA reader, dengan hasil akhir berupa nilai optical density OD . Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan efek antibakteri yang bermakna antara ekstrak jintan putih dengan klorheksidin 2 terhadap biofilm E.faecalis dari isolat klinis p < 0,05 . Kesimpulan: Efek antibakteri ekstrak jintan putih konsentrasi 1,0 mg/ml lebih baik dibandingkan dengan klorheksidin 2 terhadap biofilm E.faecalis dari isolat klinis.

Introduction E. faecalis is a bacteria that is difficult to eliminate which can lead to failure of endodontic treatment. Chlorhexidine 2 is an endodontic irrigation material that has been proven to be effective against E. faecalis, but has toxicity to healthy cells. The extract of cumin Cuminum cyminum has the potential antibacterial activity. However, there have been no research investigating the antibacterial effect of Cuminum cyminum extract on E. faecalis biofilm from clinical isolates. Aims To compare antibacterial efficacy of Cuminum cyminum extract 0,2 mg ml, 0,5 mg ml, 0,7 mg ml, 1,0 mg ml, and 1,2 mg ml and 2 chlorhexidine against E. faecalis biofilm from clinical isolates. Methods Assessing the turbidity of E. faecalis in biofilm after immersed in antibacterial agents with ELISA reader, with optical density OD as the final result. Results There were significant differences statistically between Cuminum cyminum extract and 2 chlorhexidine against E. faecalis biofilm from clinical isolates p 0.05 . Conclusion Antibacterial effect of 1,0 mg ml Cuminum cyminum extract was more effective than 2 chorhexidine against E. faecalis biofilm from clinical isolates."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Irawati
Untuk menciptakan penutupan sistem saluran akar yang adekuat diperlukan bahan siler yang berfungsi untuk mengisi celah diantara gutaperca dan dinding saluran akar.Pada pengisian saluran akar sering ditemukan kondisi siler yang keluar dari foramen sehingga berkontak dengan jaringan periapeks dalam waktu yang berkepanjangan.Untuk itu, salah satu persyaratan dari bahan siler saluran akar adalah harus bersifat biokompatibel terhadap jaringan periradikular.Genotoksisitas adalah salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi biokompatibilitas bahan. Siler saluran akar yang digunakan saat ini merupakan bahan kimia yang dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada DNA apabila terpapar dalam waktu yang lama.Terdapat berbagai macam bahan siler seperti siler berbasis Resin, Silikon, atau Bioceramik yang masing-masing memiliki kandungan zat yang berpotensi genotoksik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan potensi genotoksisitas pada siler berbasis Resin, Silikon, dan Bioceramik terhadap DNA sel limfosit manusia dengan menggunakan uji genotoksisitas ?-H2AX selama 1, 3 dan 7 hari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwasiler berbasis Resin, Silikon, dan Bioceramik memiliki potensi genotoksik terhadap DNA sel limfosit manusia dengan nilai tertinggi terdapat pada siler berbasis resin, selanjutnya diikuti oleh siler berbasis Silikon dan Bioceramik.

To create an adequate sealing on root canal system, it is requires a sealer that fill the gap between gutta percha and root canal wall. In root canal obturation, it is frequently found that sealer leak to foramen and in contact with periapex tissue in a prolonged time. For that reason, one property that requirement of root canal sealer material is biocompatible to periradicular tissue. Genotoxicity is one of the important factors that affecting the biocompatibility of the material. Root canal sealer used today are chemicals that can cause DNA damage when exposed for long periods of time. There are a wide range of sealers such as Resin based sealer, Silicone based, or Biaceramic based that each have a potentially genotoxic substance. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the potential genotoxicity of Resin based Silicone based, and Bioceramic based sealers against human DNA lymphocytes using H2AX assay for 1, 3, and 7 days. Based on the results, it is known that Resin based, Silicone based, and Bioceramic based sealers have genotoxic potential against human DNA lymphocytes with the highest value found in Resin based, followed by Silicone based and Bioceramic based sealers."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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