Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Swansea: UK Pineridge Press, 1981
511 COM
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
The heat and energy transfer around a cluster of traditional Balinese buildings is extremely
complicated and difficult to determine by modeling an isolated building (eg. via symmetry conditions).
Full scale models of traditional buildings have been investigated by using numerical method based on the
finite element method to assess the facts of roof type on heat and energy transfer. A standard k-e model
is adopted with low values of k and e combined with multi-blocks grids, in order to ...
Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 15 (3) September 2001: 270-279, 2001
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Santoso Teguh
Kehidupan politik didalam struktur Golongan Karya sejak berbentuk Sekber Golkar hingga menjadi Golkar pada tahun 1971 selalu diwarnai dengan interaksi politik antar kelompok-kelompok di dalam struktur Golongan Karya yang tidak lain mencerminkan trik menarik pengaruh satu kelompok dengan kelompok lainnya dan intrik-intrik politik para aktor-aktor politiknya untuk mendapatkan nilai plus dari Soeharto. Ketidakmampuan Trikarya untuk tetap bertahan dalam percaturan politik setelah pemilu pertama pada tahun 1971 merupakan indikasi mulai melemahnya keberadaan di dalam Golkar. Semakin ...
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Dachry Antoni
Aliran fluida untuk permukaan pipa mulus dan kasar telah diteliti. Eksperimen ini menggunakan pipa baja berdiameter 35,5 mm, pipa dikasarkan dengan dibuat ulir dalam dengan pitch 4 (nilai kekasaran (k) 2,0 mm) k/D 0,05 dan pitch 5 (nilai kekasaran (k) 2,75 mm) k/D 0,08. Setiap pipa diuji dengan air murni pada temperatur 30°C.
Dengan mengatur bukaan katup maka kecepatan aliran fluida (air) dapat diketahui. Hasil pengolahan data ditampilkan hubungan koefisien gesek dengan bilangan Reynolds dalam bentuk ...
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Since B A Tom 's found out the drag reduction phenomena, which occurs in polymer solutions in
1948 many studies, have been done for it because we can apply to the economizing energy system the
phenomena. The drag reduction is the application of the turbulent modification of the flow and we can
apply it for the turbulent flow region. We measured the turbulent pressure loss in the square ducts and
circular pipe flow of a guar gum solution by ...
Jurnal Teknologi, 21(1) Maret 2007 : 32-38, 2007
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Luminar flow and turbulent of dilute polymer guar gum (fatter) solutions in smooth and in rough pines
was studied This experiment use in 25.4 mm of diameter pipe (PVC), which roughened by (k) 0, 34. 0,8
and 1, 59 mm roughness value of sand grain and 250, 500 and 1000 ppm for additive concentration. The
results show that flow properties ore influenced by polymer addition and surface roughness. In the
transition and turbulent flow regime without additive the increasing ...
Jurnal Teknologi, 21 (2) Juni 2007 : 125-134, 2007
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Gun Gun Ramdlan G.
As an initial analysis,
numerical simulation has more advantages in saving time and costs regarding experiments. For example, variations in flow
conditions and geometry can be adjusted easily to obtain results. Computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) methods, such
as the k-ε model, renormalization
group (RNG) k-ε model and reynolds stress model (RSM), are widely used to
conduct research on different
objects and conditions. Choosing the appropriate model helps produce and develop
constant values.
Modeling studies as appropriate, i.e., in the turbulent flow simulation in the ...
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Asyari Daryus
This paper presents a numerical analysis of gas flow in the annular combustion chamber of a Proto X-3 Bioenergy micro gas turbine for green building applications. The computational fluids dynamics (CFD) simulation was conducted in two dimensions, turbulent flow and gas phase combustion, with the goal of comparing the effects of different models in real conditions. Two different turbulence models, standard (STD) k-? and renormalization group (RNG) k-?, were applied for simulations. The fuel used ...
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Gun Gun Ramdlan G.
As an initial analysis, numerical simulation has more advantages in saving time and costs regarding experiments. For example, variations in flow conditions and geometry can be adjusted easily to obtain results. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods, such as the k-? model, renormalization group (RNG) k-? model and reynolds stress model (RSM), are widely used to conduct research on different objects and conditions. Choosing the appropriate model helps produce and develop constant values. Modeling studies as ...
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 7:8 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Datupadang, Epafras Mogot
Pengaruh permukaan hydrophobic pada aliran turbulen dalam pipa akan diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan air sebagai fluida serta tiga jenis daun talas, yaitu Colocasia gigantea, Colocasia esculenta, dan Colocasia fontanesii. Tiga pipa akrilik 7 × 7 mm, masing-masing dinding dalam pipa tersebut dilapisi dengan ketiga jenis daun talas tersebut. Drag reduction terbesar yang dihasilkan oleh dinding daun Colocasia gigantea yaitu sebesar 22,6% pada Re 7300 dengan ratarata DR sebesar 16,3%, sedangkan drag reduction terbesar yang dihasilkan ...
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library