Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Azelia Machsari Haqq
Ketertarikan pemerintah pada Kemitraan Pemerintah-Swasta dipicu oleh iming-iming
memperoleh fasilitas publik dengan beban yang lebih sedikit pada anggaran pemerintah.
Namun, kegagalan demi kegagalan PPP di berbagai belahan dunia memperingatkan
pemerintah bahwa PPP bukanlah sebuah silver bullet yang ampuh untuk semua
kebutuhan infrastruktur publik. Studi tentang kegagalan PPP biasanya berfokus pada
kegagalan setelah proyek telah beroperasi, padahal justru banyak proyek dibatalkan
sebelum kontrak ditandatangani. Studi kasus tunggal ini mengeksplorasi lambatnya
realisasi proyek PPP Waste to Energy (WTE) di Bandung Besar. Penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa ...
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Firmansyah
A civil servant selection attributes transaction cost. Aim of this conceptual paper is to explain behavior of transaction cost payment from perspective theory of the rationale of economics. This study was conducted by understanding various theories regarding a phenomena of transaction cost payment. This study revealed transaction cost payment as typical self interest and utility maximization (neo-classic rationality), to behave as Al-Nafs Al-Ammarah (Islamic rationality). The transaction cost payment was encouraged by perception, understanding and ...
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Azzinar Faizien
Gerakan Nasional Non Tunai (GNNT) merupakan gerakan yang mendorong
dan meningkatkan penggunaan sarana pembayaran non tunai. Salah satu cara
industri perbankan mendukung program GNNT adalah dengan cara menempatkan
mesin EDC pada toko atau gerai di mall untuk mempermudah masyarakat dalam
melakukan transaksi pembayaran non tunai.
Permasalahan yang timbul pada implementasi jaringan komunikasi mesin EDC
adalah biaya transaksi yang dirasa cukup tinggi dengan menggunakan teknologi
General Packet Radio System (GRPS) yang dipakai oleh operator telekomunikasi.
Dengan adanya pilihan teknologi koneksi mesin EDC selain menggunakan
GPRS, ...
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Satyawati Sitawardhani
Garuda Indonesia (Garuda) is the flag-carrier of Indonesia, that last year (2002) carried 7 million passengers and 134 thousand tons of domestic and international cargo. Following the monetary crisis in 1997, Garuda faced a severe financial problem. This was further exacerbated by government deregulation on airline industry that brought many new entrants mushrooming the domestic sky. With the support of IMF's Letter of Intent (LOI), Garuda went through financial restructuring and turn-around strategy implementation.
Facing fierce ...
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Danang Prasta Danial
Nowadays, trade has become more liberalized, tariff has steadily fallen but many of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to international trade remain or even increase. Regulatory measures such as technical standards on quality offering protection for human, animal, or environment. However, the purpose sometimes blur with the interest of domestic industry. Thus it can be the impediment of trade, which can decrease welfare. Indonesia also has its own standards, the National Standards of Indonesia (SNI).
One of ...
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
T 27374
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Jaya Azis, 1953-
The notion that something that cannot be measured does not exist seems to apply to the absence of consideration of culture in economics, where the role of institutions is at the center of the link between the two. Yet, economic prosperity, crisis, and deprivation result from human behavior, reflecting the outcome of social learning a central concept of culture. Institutions and culture interact and evolve in complementary ways. Each can affect the process of exchange ...
Jakarta: Bank Indonesia Insitute, 2019
332 BEMP 22:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dominic Savio Dimas Anggit Marchdovito Pradana
Abstract: Recent growth models have attributed growth to institutional causes. Yet, there
is still no consensus within the field on the link between institutions and growth. This
thesis utilises existing literature in investigating the link between institutions and growth.
The findings reveal that property rights and transaction costs are the most common
explanation in the literature. However, it is also found that vast empirical heterogeneities
still exist in the literature up to this day that can be attributed to methodological ...
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
Akbar Adinugroho
Tesis ini membahas dampak penerapan biaya transaksi dalam rebalancing
portofolio periodik yang merupakan gabungan dari reksa dana pendapatan tetap, reksa dana reksa dana ekuitas, dan reksa dana campuran yang alokasi asetnya telah disiapkan sebelumnya melalui pendekatan Kontribusi Risiko Setara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan simulasi. Terhadap simulasi penyeimbangan ulang berkala yang dilakukan pada delapan portofolio dengan data pengembalian historis tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2018, ditemukan bahwa strategi rebalancing memberikan manfaat marjinal yang umumnya ...
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library