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Usep Rusependhi
"Bayi berat lahir rendah kurang dari 2500 gram berisiko lebih lambat tumbuh kembangnya dibandingkan bayi yang lahir dengan berat badan normal, dan berisiko terjadinya penyakit Hipertensi, Jantung dan Diabetes di masa dewasa. Beberapa teori dan hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa BBLR dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, diantaranya riwayat anemia ibu hamil, status KEK ibu, status IMT ibu, tinggi badan ibu, penambahan berat badan selama hamil, usia ibu, paritas, jarak kehamilan, kuantitas ANC, pekerjaan ibu, dan pendidikan ibu. Prevalensi BBLR di Kabupaten Kuningan tahun 2018 mencapai 5,2%, dengan prevalensi paling tinggi di UPTD Puskesmas Manggari sebesar 11,8%. Tujuan: menganalisis faktor determinan kejadian BBLR di wilayah kerja UPTD Puskesmas Manggari Kabupaten Kuningan tahun 2018-2019. Metode: desain case control dengan total sampel 93 orang, terdiri dari 31 kasus, dan 62 kontrol sesuai kriteria inklusi. Data dari register kohort ibu hamil dan buku KIA, dianalisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Hasil: analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square diketahui ada hubungan yang signifikan (95% CI) antara BBLR dengan status anemia ibu hamil trimester I (p=0,002, OR=4,962), status anemia ibu hamil trimester III (p=0,000, OR=21,667), status KEK ibu (p=0,001, OR=5,675), penambahan berat badan selama hamil (p=0,001, OR=9,158), jarak kehamilan (p=0,005, OR=3,583), dan tingkat pendidikan ibu (p=0,011, OR=3,214). Analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik ganda, diketahui faktor-faktor risiko yang secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap kejadian BBLR adalah status anemia ibu hamil trimester III (OR=25,247), status KEK ibu (OR=10,212), status IMT ibu (OR=0,066), dan jarak kehamilan (OR=6,934). Kesimpulan: variabel status anemia ibu hamil trimester III, lebih dominan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian BBLR, karena mempunyai nilai Odds Ratio paling tinggi (OR=25,247 (95% CI: 2,705-235,57), artinya bahwa ibu hamil yang anemia trimester III berpeluang 25,247 kali untuk melahirkan BBLR

Low birth weight babies less than 2500 grams are at risk of slower growth and development than babies born with normal weight, and the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease and diabetes in adulthood. Several theories and research results state that LBW can be caused by various factors, including a history of anemia in pregnant women, mother's KEK status, mother's BMI status, maternal height, weight gain during pregnancy, maternal age, parity, pregnancy distance, quantity of ANC, occupation. mother, and mother education. The prevalence of LBW in Kuningan Regency in 2018 reached 5.2%, with the highest prevalence in the UPTD Puskesmas Manggari at 11.8%. Objective: to analyze the determinants of the incidence of LBW in the work area of the Manggari Public Health Center, Kuningan Regency in 2018-2019. Methods: case control design with a total sample of 93 people, consisting of 31 cases and 62 controls according to the inclusion criteria. Data from the cohort register of pregnant women and the KIA handbook were analyzed univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. Results: bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test found that there was a significant relationship (95% CI) between LBW and anemia status of pregnant women in trimester I (p=0.002, OR=4,962), anemia status of third trimester pregnant women (p=0.000, OR=21.667), mother's KEK status (p=0.001, OR=5.675), weight gain during pregnancy (p=0.001, OR=9.158), pregnancy interval (p=0.005, OR=3.583), and mother's education level (p = 0.011, OR=3,214). Multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression, it is known that the risk factors that simultaneously affect the incidence of LBW are anemia status of third trimester pregnant women (OR=25.247), maternal KEK status (OR=10.212), maternal BMI status (OR=0.066 ), and pregnancy interval (OR=6,934). Conclusion: the anemia status variable for pregnant women in the third trimester has a more dominant effect on the incidence of LBW, because it has the highest Odds Ratio value (OR=25,247 (95% CI: 2,705-235,57), meaning that pregnant women who have anemia in the third trimester are likely to be 25,247 times to give birth to LBW"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kissumi Diyanayati
"Penelitian tentang Faktor Determlnan Penyebab Kemiskinan dl Sulawesi Selatan bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor dominan yang menyebabkan kemlsklnan. Penelltlan inl menggunakan teknlk pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive, yaitu memllih salah satu provinsi dari 34 provinsi yang digunakan sebagai lokasi penelitian, Konsep dan lndlkator Kemlskinan. Populasi darl penelitian ini adalah seluruh keluarga fakir miskin yang teregister dan yang tldak tereglster. Sampel akan ditentukan secara random berjumlah 1.200 orang berasal dari dua wilayah (Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Maros),tiap wilayah 600 orang dengan rinclan 540 orang berasal dari kepala keluarga miskin teregister dan 60 orang kepala keluarga miskin non-register atau yang belum mendapat program. Teknik pengumpulan data digunakan kuesioner, panduan wawancara, Panduan pengamatan, dan telaah dokumen yang relevan Data dan informasi yang dijaring secara kuantitatif diolah secara komputasi dengan menggunakan program excel dan statistik SPSS versi 17.00 for Wrndows, serta pengujian konstruk kemiskinan menggunakan confirmatory faktor analysis dengan bantuan program LISREL 8.4, hasilnya dideskripsikan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa dimensi budaya memiliki konstribusi yang positif dan signifikan dalam membentuk kemiskinan di Sulawesi Selatan, khususnya di Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Maros. Hasil tersebut relevan dengan kondisi masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya, yang masih mengedepankan nilai sosial budaya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Nilai tersebut, seperti kuatnya semangat gotong royong, hubungan kekerabatan, kebiasaan melakukan musyawarah dalam memutuskan permasalahan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Dengan diketahuinya faktor determinan penyebab kemiskinan di Sulawesi Selatan, intervensi yang dibutuhkan dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan lebih dititikberatkan pada penyadaran masyarakat tentang berbagai kebiasaan yang sudah menjadi budaya dan memberatkan masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat miskin. Penyuluhan dan bimbingan sosial tentang hidup hemat, tidak mengada-ada, dan menolong semampunya perlu lebih sering dilakukan dengan tidak meninggalkan berbagai program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang sudah berjalan. Perlu diupayakan pula penumbuhan keberdayaan masyarakat untuk terciptanya kemandirian masyarakat, karena masyarakat akan memperoleh pemahaman dan mampu mengontrol daya sosial, ekonomi, dan politik agar dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosialnya

The research aimed to reveal the dominant factors that cause poverty. The research used quantitative and qualitative techniques. The determination of research location used purposive technique, chosenfrom one of 34 provinces used as research location of Concept and Indicator of Poverty. The research population was the entire poor families, registered and unregistered. The samples were determined randomly, totaling 1,200 people from two regions (Makassar City and Maros Regency). Each area of 600 people with 540 details comes from poor registered family heads and 60 non-registered poor families. Data collected through questionnaires, inteview guides, observation guide, documentary analysis, and otherrelevant parties. Quantitative data and information were computed using Excel and SPSS version 17.00 for Windows, poverty construct test using confirmatory analysis factor with the help of Lisrel 8.4 program, the result was described. The research found that the cultural dimension has positive and significant contribution in forming poverty in South Sulawesi, especially in the City of Makassar and Maros Regency. The founding was relevant to the condition of Indonesian society in general, which still prioritizes socio-cultural values in everyday life. These values, such as the strength of the spirit of mutual cooperation, kinship relationships, the habit of conducting deliberations in deciding the problem, were still firmly rooted in the life of society. Knowing the determinants of the causes of poverty in South Sulawesi (Makassar City and Maros Regency), the intervention needed in poverty alleviation should be more emphasized on the awareness of the society about the habits that have become cultural and burdensome society, especially the poor. It needed also an elucidation and social counseling not living frugally, not making it up, and helping them as what might be able to be done by notleaving current poverty alleviation programs. In addition, it is also strived to foster community empowerment for the creation of community independence, as the community will gain understanding and be able to control the social, economic, and political power in order to improve their social welfare."
Yogyakarta: Balai Besar dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial Yogyakarta (B2P3KS), 2017
360 MIPKS 41:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wina Dwi Febrina
"Java is the biggest rice supplier with the largest paddy field compared to other islands in Indonesia. On the other side, economic growth needs more and more land for infrastructure growth. It was suggested that the growth would convert paddy field in Java to non-agriculture use. This paper reports the growth of land conversion, especially from paddy field to other utilization, in Java Island using panel data (provincial data 1995-2013). The data then treated as the dependent variable in the regression analysis for determining the factors that are significantly influential. The relative strengths of the influential factors are then compared using the concept of elasticity. It is found that farmers term of trade and GDP of manufacturing industries sectors significantly influence the land conversion. Meanwhile, the size of the population and the size of medium and large companies of manufacturing industries do not significantly influence the land conversion."
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ina Nurul Rahmahwati
"Latar Belakang: Kesiapan pulang pasien pascabedah sendi panggul merupakan sebuah proses transisi yang dipersepsikan oleh pasien dimana proses ini dimulai dari sebelum pasien pulang sampai dengan periode setelah pasien pulang ke rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan pulang pasien pascabedah sendi panggul. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan 'cross sectional'. Sampel terdiri dari 90 pasien pascabedah sendi panggul di dua RS yang berada di Jakarta dan Surakarta yang dipilih dengan teknik 'consecutive sampling'.
Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan rata-rata kesiapan pulang pasien pacapembedahan panggul adalah 148,38 ± 31,72. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan pulang pasien pascabedah sendi panggul adalah edukasi pulang (I=0,318). Kesimpulannya adalah jenis kelamin, status sosial ekonomi, perawatan terencana, pertama kali dirawat, pernah dirawat dengan diagnosis yang sama, lama rawat, kualitas edukasi pulang, dan koordinasi perawatan secara sama-sama memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap 44,1% kesiapan pulang pasien pascabedah sendi panggul (p=0,0001).

Background: Discharge readiness of patients post hip surgery is a transition process that is perceived by patients where the process starts from before the patient discharge to the period after the patient discharge. This study aims to identify the factors that influence the discharge readiness of patients post hip surgery. This study used a descriptive correlational design with a cross sectional approach. The sample consisted of 90 patients post hip surgery at Jakarta hospitals and Surakarta  was chosen by consecutive sampling technique.
Results: The results of this study showed that the average discharge readiness of patients post hip surgery was 148.38 ± 31.72. The results of multivariate analysis showed that the most influencing factor for patient readiness post hip surgery was discharge teaching (I = 0.318). The conclusions were gender, socioeconomic status, planned care, first hospitalization, previous hospitalization with same diagnosis, length of stay, quality of discharge teaching, and care coordination equally had a significant influence on 44.1% discharge readiness of patients post hip surgery (p = 0,0001).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mirsal Picasso
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk menggali faktor determinan yang mempengaruhi kelelahan jemaah haji Provinsi DKI Jakarta tahun 1443 H/ 2022M. Desain studi yang digunakan Kohort retrospektif dari data hasil kuesioner revised- piper fatigue scale (R-PFS) Jemaah haji dan data Siskohatkes Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta tahun 2022 M/ 1443 H. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor determinan yang mempengaruhi kelelahan Jemaah haji adalah Tingkat Kebugaran (HR: 1,3; CI 95%:  1,07-1,5) dan Pendidikan (HR:1,3; CI 95%: 1,03-1,6). Disarankan untuk mewajibkan seluruh Jemaah haji melakukan pengukuran dan pembinaan kebugaran secara rutin dan berkala, mengoptimalkan kondisi kebugaran Jemaah haji dan senantiasa menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, serta mengaplikasikan Gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat (GERMAS) selama masa tunggu dan masa keberangkatan ibadah haji.

This study aims to explore the determinant factors that affect the fatigue of pilgrims in DKI Jakarta Province in 1443 H/ 2022M. The study design used a retrospective cohort based on data from the revised-piper fatigue scale (R-PFS) questionnaire for pilgrims and Siskohatkes data from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office in 2022 M/1443 H. The results of this study found that the determinant factors affecting the fatigue of pilgrims are Fitness Level (HR: 1.3; 95% CI: 1.07-1.5) and Education (HR: 1.3; 95% CI: 1.03-1.6). It is recommended to oblige all pilgrims to carry out regular and periodic fitness measurements and coaching, optimize the fitness conditions of pilgrims and always apply clean and healthy living behaviors, and apply the Community Movement for Healthy Living (GERMAS) during the waiting period and departure for the pilgrimage"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haerawati Idris, Author
Background: diabetes mellitus is a silent-killer. Its prevalence and impact on health expenses increase from year to year. This study aims to investigate the characteristics and the risk factors that affect diabetes mellitus in Indonesia.
Methods: this is a cross sectional study. Data were obtained from the Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2013. The samples were individuals aged ≥15 years, whose fasting blood glucose and 2 hours blood glucose after the imposition have been measured. 38.052 individuals were selected for this study. The variables of age, sex, marital status, level of education, employment status, living area, regional status, hypertension, obesity, smoking habit, and dyslipidemia are analyzed as risk factors for diabetes mellitus. Bivariate analysis was using chi-square test with significance level of p<0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%, and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression test.
Results: our study showed that 13% have diabetes mellitus in 2013. Factors affecting diabetes mellitus were age>55 years (OR=5.10; 95%CI 4.42 to 5.89; p<0.001), female (OR=1.37; 95%CI 1.26 to 1.49; p<0.001), rural (OR=1.16; 95%CI 1.08 to 1.26; p<0.001), married (OR=1.31; 95%CI 1.07 to 1.58; p<0.05), unemployed (OR=1.14; 96%CI 1.05 to 1.23; p<0.05), obesity (OR=1.46; 95%CI 1.35 to 1.58; p<0.001), hypertension (OR=1.68; 95%CI 1.55 to 1.81; p<0.001) and dyslipidemia (OR=1.53; 95%CI 1.39- 1.68; P<0.001).
Conclusion: as many as 13% of individuals have diabetes mellitus in 2013. Age, gender, living area, employment status, obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia are the contributing factors to diabetes mellitus."
Jakarta: Interna Publishing, 2017
610 IJIM 49:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui faktor-faktor penentu peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan penghijauan, (2) mengindentifikasi peran kelembagaan, (3) mengetahui peranan tokoh informal dalam menggerakkan peranserta masyarakat agar mau dan mampu melaksanakan penghijauan secara swadaya, (4) merumuskan penataan kelembagaan dalam pelaksanaan penghijauan, serta (5) memberikan masukan bagi penyempurnaan materi penyuluhan penghijauan dari penyuluh kepada kelompok tani.
Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah studi kasus di kecamatan Cempaka dengan objek penelitian peserta penghijauan di Desa Margaluyu, Susukan, Girimukti, Cidadap, Wangunjaya, dan Karyamukti yang terletak dalam wilayah Kabupaten daerah tingkat II Cianjur, Jawa Barat.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan empat cara yaitu, wawancara berstruktur dengan 90 orang responden petani peserta penghijauan, wawancara tidak berstruktur dengan sejumlah tokoh informal, pengamatan di lapangan, dan penelaahan dokumen yang telah ada.
Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis kualitatif, dimaksudkan agar peneliti lebih banyak mempunyai kebebasan untuk mengadakan interprestasi dari data yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara tidak berstruktur dan pengamatan dilapangan. Sedangkan analisis kuantitatif dilakukan terhadap data dari hasil wawancara berstruktur dengan mempergunakan metode statistik.
Penghijauan dalam arti luas adalah segala upaya untuk memulihkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan kondisi lahan kritis di luar kawasan hutan, sehingga berfungsi secara optimal sebagai unsur produksi, media pengatur tata air dan perlindungan alam lingkungan, dengan tujuan :
1. Mengendalikan erosi dan mencegah banjir.
2. Meningkatkan produktivitas lahan dan pendapatan petani.
3. Merubah perilaku petani menjadi pelestari sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan hidup.
Peranserta masyarakat baik dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan akan menentukan dalam pencapaian tujuan penghijauan.
Dari uraian di atas, maka hipotesis yang diajukan adalah:
1. Peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan penghijauan di daerah penelitian cukup baik.
2. Faktor yang menentukan peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan penghijauan adalah kelembagaan, tokoh informal, penyuluhan dan pendidikan.
Untuk menguji hipotesis dilakukan uji regresi berganda secara simultan variabel X1 tokoh masyarakat, X2 kelembagaan, X3 pendidikan dan X4 penyuluhan terhadap Y peranserta masyarakat, serta secara parsial. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji F dan t pada taraf nyata 5 persen.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan dan pengawasan penghijauan cukup tinggi. Hal ini terlihat pada pelaksanaan kegiatan penanaman, kebiasaan masyarakat menanam pohon pada lahan kritis, serta pengawasan/pengamanan tanaman di areal penghijauan terhadap gangguan penggembalaan liar, serta intensitas petani mengikuti penyuluhan. Sedangkan dalam bidang perencanaan belum terdapat indikasi peranserta positif masyarakat yang memadai.
Tingginya peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan dan pengawasan penghijauan di wilayah penelitian ditentukan oleh faktor pendidikan, penyuluhan, dan kelembagaan. Penyuluh dengan pendekatan personal yang baik dan kebutuhan sosial ekonomi masyarakat, sehingga terjadi perubahan perilaku masyarakat dalam perlakuan pengolahan dan pemanfaatan lahan. Petani yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan dapat dijadikan kader penyuluh lokal untuk membantu tenaga penyuluh yang secara kuantitatif masih kurang. Petani yang mendapatkan pelatihan mempunyai kemampuan yang cukup dalam teknologi RLKT, dan mampu mengembangkan hasil bantuan penghijauan. Penyuluhan sebagai salah satu upaya pembinaan peranserta masyarakat sangat mendukung tercapainya perubahan perilaku masyarakat menjadi pelestarian sumberdaya alam hutan, tanah dan air.
Pada wilayah penelitian yang menjadi kendala adalah bahwa para penyuluh berfungsi ganda, yaitu sebagai penyuluh dan sebagai aparat proyek, yang terjadi karena keterbatasan jumlah tenaga yang tersedia dalam program penghijauan. Keadaan ini telah lama terjadi sehingga didalam pelaksanaan sulit membedakan fungsional penyuluh dengan tenaga teknis proyek. Koordinasi penyuluhan belum berjalan karena Balai Penyuluh Pertanian (BPP) sebagai wadah untuk mengkoordinasikan kegiatan dan tempat penyuluh melakukan pelatihan tidak berfungsi, sehingga program penyuluhan kurang terpadu, karena berjalan sendiri-sendiri.
Kelembagaan sosial desa secara umum sudah berfungsi, tetapi belum optimal. Belum ada mekanisme dan pembagian tugas secara jelas dan operasional sampai ke tingkat Desa. Peningkatan peranserta dari faktor kelembagaan digerakkan oleh Dinas Perhutanan dan Konservasi Tanah (PKT) serta Kepala Desa.
Birokrasi penghijauan belum memfungsikan tokoh informal secara maksimal, sehingga tokoh informal belum banyak terlibat dalam program bantuan penghijauan.
Tokoh informal di wilayah penelitian seperti mantan kepala dukuh, tokoh agama, pendidik adalah panutan bagi masyarakat yang mempunyai kharisma tersendiri, sehingga keterlibatan tokoh informal mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap peranserta masyarakat.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik, tokoh informal, kelembagaan, pendidikan dan penyuluhan secara bersamasama dapat menentukan peranserta masyarakat. Pada taraf nyata 5 persen diperoleh koefisien determinan (R) sebesar 0,4664 dimana F hitung=9,995 > F tabel=3,92. Secara simultan terdapat pengarub yang nyata dari uji statistik antara variabel bebas (X1, X2, X3, X4) terhadap variabel terikat (Y). Sedangkan secara uji parsial faktor pendidikan, kelembagaan dan penyuluhan dapat menentukan peranserta masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tidak terdapat pengaruh nyata tokoh informal terhadap peranserta masyarakat.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan:
1. X1, X2, X3, dan X4 variabel bebas yang diteliti secara bersama-sama dapat menentukan variabel terikat (Y), artinya tokoh masyarakat, kelembagaan, pendidikan dan penyuluhan dapat menentukan tingkat peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan penghijauan. Pengaruh variabel bebas tersebut terhadap Y Baling terkait satu sama lain.
2. Peranserta masyarakat dalam penghijauan pada daerah penelitian cukup tinggi, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan kebiasaan masyarakat menanam pohon pada lahan kritis.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas langkah-langkah pengembangan peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan penghijauan disarankan sebagai berikut:
a. Pengembangan peranserta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan penghijauan perlu memperhatikan keinginan kelompok tani, meningkatkan intensitas penyuluhan serta memperkuat lembaga kelompok tani.
b. Pengembangan kelembagaan dengan membentuk struktur organisasi pelaksana di tingkat kecamatan. Dengan struktur tersebut jangkauan pembinaan dan pengawasan kepada masyarakat akan lebih mudah, tugas dan fungsi kelembagaan formal maupun non formal yang telah ada akan lebih meningkat. Untuk mengurangi birokrasi, tugas Tim Pembina Penghijauan di tingkat II dapat diserahkan kepada Dinas Perhutanan dan Konservasi Tanah Tingkat II. Untuk membantu menampung dan memasarkan hasil-hasil usaha tani perlu dikembangkan kelembagaan ekonomi desa, misalnya Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD).
c. Proses komunikasi perlu dikembangkan dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan para penyuluh melalui pelatihan yang dibutuhkan, sehingga diharapkan penyuluh dapat menjembatani kemauan petani dengan program pemerintah. Kegiatan penyuluhan terpadu perlu ditingkatkan dengan metode kerja latihan dan kunjungan.
d. Input strategis yang diberikan kepada kelompok tani perlu diperbaiki dengan input yang dibutuhkan oleh petani dan dapat dirasakan manfaatnya, seperti pengadaan sarana produksi, bibit unggul dan dana pemeliharaan.
e. Tokoh informal sebagai tokoh panutan perlu dilibatkan dalam setiap kegiatan bantuan penghijauan.

Determinant Factors Influencing Community Participation on the Implementation of Regreening. (A Case Study in Cempaka Sub-District, District of Cianjur, West Java)The objectives of this research is to know the roles of informal leaders in developing community participation in order to be willing and capable to do regreening by self-reliance, to identify institutional roles to know determinant factors influencing community participation on the implementation, and to complete regreening extension materials from extension workers to the farmer groups.
The research method used is a case study in Cempaka Sub-District, and the research objects are regreening participants in Margaluyu, Susukan, Girimukti, Cidadap, Wangunjaya, and Karyamukti Villages in District of Cianjur, West Java. Data were collected according to four methods, structured interview of respondents of regreening participant farmers, non-structured interview for a number of informal leaders, field observations, and analyzing existing documents.
The data are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis is used so that the research is free to interpreted the collected data by non-structured interview and field observations. Quantitative analysis are carried out by processing data of structured interview using statistical methods.
The broad meaning of regreening is all efforts to recover, to maintain and to enhance the conditions of critical area outside the forest area, so that it can function optimally as production factors, media for water regulation, and environment protection, with the goals as follows:
1. To control erosion and to avoid flood.
2. To increase land productivity and farmers income, the changes of human behaviour toward nature resource and optimal environment.
3. To change farmers attitude to sustain natural resource.
Community participation on planning, implementation and controlling determine the success of the regreening objective.
From the above description, hypothesis could be proposed, which are:
1. Community participation on regreening implementation in the field is good enough.
2. The factors determining the regreening implementation are; institution, informal leaders, extension and education.
To test the hypothesis a multiple correlation analysis was carried out simultaneously from variables XI until X4 against Y and partially, which later will be continued with testing F and t-test on 5 percent significance level.
The research results indicate that the community participation and the implementation and control of regreening is high enough and this situation can be seen on the implementation activities of planting, community habit on planting trees and critical land and supervision of land on regreening area from wild shepherding and the farmers intensity to follow the extensions, while in the planning aspects there is not yet much role of the community.
The height of the community participation in the implementation and supervision on regreening in the research area were determined by the factors of education, extension and institution. Extension with the human approach system can touch the social community needs, so that a change in community attitude can happen in the soil tillage and land utilization. Farmers which have obtained training can become cadre for local extension to assist the extension workers which quantitatively is not adequate. Farmers which have been trained have enough capability and the technology of RLKT and is capable to develop the result of the regreening program. Extension as one effort to provide guidance for community participation is very much supporting in obtain in the changes of community attitudes in sustaining the forestry, land and water resources.
In the research area the constraints are that extension workers have double functions which are as extension worker and as project staff. This has happened because the limitation of extension workers to provide guidance and train the farmers. This system has been carried out for a long time which make it difficult to differentiate between the functional extension workers and the project technical staffs. Coordination of extension workers does not work because DPP (Dalai Penyuluh Pertanian) as home base to coordinate the activities and the location to carry out training is not functioning, with the result that extension program become less integrated and were carried out in according to their sectors.
Institutions in general have been in function but not yet at maximum level, because there is no clear job description, for which regulation is needed to regulate clearly the task and authority of institutions involved, and their operational until to the village level. The increase in participation from the institutional factors will be moved by Dinas PKT (Perhutanan dan Konservasi Tanah) and the village head.
The regreening bureaucracy has not yet make the informal leaders function to the maximum level, so that these informal leaders are not yet much involve in regreening progress.
In fact the availability of informal leaders of the research area like retired Dukuh Head, religious leaders, and teachers are figures to the community which have own charisma, so that the involvement of these informal leaders will have influence for community participation.
Based on the statistical analysis, together the informal leaders institutions, teachers, and extension can determine community participation, at the level 5% confident will be obtained coefficient determinants (R) as much as 0.4664, where calculated F > F table. While according to partial test the factors of education, institutions, and extension can determine community participation. While informal leaders have not yet functioning in the implementation of regreening, and from the result the analysis were not obtain the real influence of informal leaders for community participation.
Based on the research of the result of data analysis it can concluded:
1. The five variables which studied together can determine community participation in the implementation of regreening, and those variables are involved each other, this condition can work on by increasing the channel of coordination.
2. Community participation in regreening on the research area is high enough.
Based on above conclusions, steps need to be taken to develop community participation in the implementation of regreening are as follows:
a. The development of community participation in the implementation of regreening need to consider the dynamic characteristics of farmer groups, land holding, extension, traditional binding which have institutionalized in the farmer group.
b. Institutional development with the formation of the Organization Structure for implementation: at the Kecamatan level to make easier the reach of guidance and supervision for the community and to increase the available task and function of formal and non-formal institutions. To reduce bureaucracy the task of Tim Pembina Tingkat II can be transfered to Dinas PKT, while to collect and market the farm production, a village economic institution need to be developed, for example the Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD), so that the continuation of farmers system can be sustained or guaranteed.
c. Process of communication need to be developed by improving the knowledge of extension workers through the required training, so that extension workers can be expected to bridge the farmers need with the Government program. Integrated extension activities need to be improved with the training and visit systems.
d. Strategic inputs which were provided to the farmer groups need to be improved with inputs which are needed by farmers and that the benefit can be obtained.
e. The informal leaders as the figures need to be involved in very activity of regreening program.
Total pages xxv 4-112, 27 Tables, 9 Pictures and 7 Pages of Photos about Field Condition.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hartati B. Bangsa
"Diagnosis COVID-19 akibat kerja pada tenaga kesehatan pegawai negeri sipil (ASN) berpeluang untuk dilakukan klaim santunan tidak mampu bekerja (STMB), namun terdapat kendala dalam proses klaim yang menyebabkan lamanya waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran lama waktu pengajuan klaim santunan tidak mampu bekerja (STMB) COVID-19 akibat kerja dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi lama waktu pengajuan klaim STMB di RSUD Ciawi pada perusahaan asuransi PT. Taspen. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain metode campuran dengan wawancara mendalam dan analisis data sekunder terhadap dokumen klaim dan rekam medis. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran rata-rata lama waktu klaim STMB adalah 87,65 hari. dimana waktu klaim paling cepat adalah 7 hari dan paling lama 196 hari. Terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi lama waktu pengajuan klaim baik dari unsur input, proses maupun output. Kendala terkait dengan sumber daya manusia, sistem rumah sakit, dan kebijakan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah proses pengajuan klaim santunan tidak mampu bekerja memakan waktu sekitar 7 hari sampai kurang lebih 6,5 bulan dengan factor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Kata Kunci : COVID-19 Akibat Kerja, klaim STMB, lama waktu, faktor yang berpengaruh.

The diagnosis of work- related COVID-19 in civil servant health workers (CSHW) has an opportunity to compensate claims for being unable to work (STMB), however, there have been obstacles in the claim process which causes prolong time. This study aims to determine the length of time taken for the claim submission of compensation for being unable to work (STMB) for COVID-19 and the factors that affect the duration for submitting STMB claims at Ciawi Hospital at the insurance company PT. Taspen. This study used a mixed methods design with in-depth interviews and secondary data analysis on claim documents and medical records. The results of this study showed that the average duration for STMB claims is 87.65 days where the fastest claim duration is 7 days and the longest is 196 days. Some factors that affected the duration of submitting claims include input, process, and output elements. Constraints involved human resources, hospital systems, and policies. This study concludes that (The conclusion of this study is) the process of claims submission for compensation for being unable to work takes around 7 days to approximately 6.5 months with the factors that took place. Keywords : work-related COVID-19; insurance claims; length of time; determinant factors."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Permatasari
"Prevalensi stunting di Indonesia menempati urutan kedua tertinggi di Asia Tenggara sebesar 31,8% pada tahun 2020. Kecamatan Bunguran Timur Laut berada di urutan ke 3 prevalensi stunting dari 15 kecamatan yang terdapat di Kabupaten Natuna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor determinan kejadian stunting pada balita usia 1-3 tahun di Kecamatan Bunguran Timur Laut. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Bunguran Timur Laut pada bulan Juni-Agustus tahun 2023. Sampel adalah balita usia 1-3 tahun dengan responden adalah ibu yang mempunyai balita yang berjumlah 142 orang. Analisis bivariat menggunakan chi square dan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proprosi kejadian stunting (PB/U atau TB/U) yaitu 23,2%. Ada perbedaan proporsi kejadian stunting pada balita usia 1-3 tahun berdasarkan usia ibu, tinggi badan ibu, sumber air minum, berat badan lahir dan panjang badan lahir (p<0,05). Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi kejadian stunting pada balita usia 1-3 tahun berdasarkan IMT prahamil, riwayat hipertensi, jumlah anak, pendapatan rumah tangga, usia anak, jenis kelamin, riwayat penyakit infeksi, kehadiran di posyandu 6 bulan terakhir dan frekuensi konsumsi protein hewani (p>0,05). Pemodelan terakhir terdiri dari variabel usia ibu (OR=2,38; 95%CI=0,94-6,00), panjang badan lahir (OR=2,11; 95%CI=0,82-5,43), berat badan lahir (OR=2,69; 95%CI=0,64-11,22) dan akses sumber air minum (OR=2,77; 95%CI=1,12-6,82). Akses sumber air minum sebagai faktor dominan setelah dikontrol variabel usia ibu, panjang badan lahir dan berat badan lahir.

In 2020, Indonesia exhibits the second highest prevalence of stunting among Southeast Asian countries, standing at 31.8%. North East Bunguran Sub-District is ranked third in stunting prevalence among the 15 Sub-Districts in Natuna Regency. This study aimed to determine the factors contributing to the prevalence of stunted growth among toodlers aged 1 to 3 years. The research employed a cross-sectional approach. The study was undertaken at North East Bunguran Sub-District from June to August 2023. The sample consisted of toddlers aged 1 to 3 years, and the respondents were Mothers with toddlers, comprising 142 individuals. The analysis involved using chi-square for bivariate analysis and logistic regression for multivariate analysis. The proportion of stunting (PB/U or TB/U) is 23,2%. The proportion of stunted toddlers aged 1 to 3 years differ depending on factors such as mother age, maternal height, drinking water source, birth weight, and birth length (p<0.05). The proportion of stunted toddlers aged 1 to 3 years did not differ according to the number of children, household income, child age, gender, history of infectious disease, attendance at posyandu within the last six months, frequency of animal protein consumption, or weight gain during pregnancy (p>0.05). The final model included the following variables: maternal age (OR=2,38; 95%CI=0,94-6,00), birth length (OR=2,11; 95%CI=0,82-5,43), birth weight (OR=2,69; 95%CI=0,64-11,22), and access to drinking water sources (OR=2,77; 95%CI=1,12-6,82). The prevailing determinant after controlling for maternal age, birth length, and birth weight, was the access to drinking water sources."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Kurniawan
"TNI AD harus menguasai teknologi terkini yang meliputi teknologi informasi dan peralatan perang sebagai bentuk tanggapan atas adanya transformasi digital. Perang yang terjadi bukan lagi terkait perang fisik, tetapi perang yang diakibatkan oleh arus teknologi dan informasi. Kompetensi dan peran Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD saat ini tidak lagi mencukupi seiring dengan tanggung jawabnya yang berubah. Mempertahankan keamanan siber di sektor pemerintahan Indonesia, khususnya keamanan siber di tubuh TNI AD menjadi peran penting dari kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kesenjangan kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD, dan menganalisis strategi penguatan kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan positivist. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, studi dokumen, dan survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan. Meskipun secara pengetahuan (knowledge), sifat (traits), dan kerangka berpikir (mind set) cukup memadai, namun masih diperlukan peningkatan dalam keterampilan (skill), aspek citra diri (self-image), motif sosial (social motives), pola pikir (thought pattern), dan cara berpikir, merasa, dan bertindak (way of thinking, feeling, and acting). Faktor yang mempengaruhi kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD seperti pendidikan, pelatihan, karakteristik pribadi, dan lingkungan perlu dikuatkan lebih lanjut. Meskipun terhadap Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD telah dilakukan strategi penguatan kompetensi siber, namun strategi berupa analisis kebutuhan (need analysis), pengembangan kompetensi inti, dan perubahan desain kerja yang inovatif yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan belum maksimal.

Indonesia Army must master the latest technology which includes information technology and war equipment as a form of response to digital transformation. The war that occurs is no longer related to physical war, but war caused by the flow of technology and information. The current competence and role of the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officer is no longer sufficient in line with the changing responsibilities. Maintaining cyber security in the Indonesian government sector, especially cyber security in the Indonesian Army organization, is an important role of the cyber competence of the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers. This study aims to analyze the cyber competence gap of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers, analyze the factors that affect the cyber competence of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers, and analyze strategies for strengthening the cyber competence of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers. This study uses a positivist approach. Data were collected through interviews, document studies, and surveys. The results showed that the cyber competence of the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers showed a gap. Although knowledge, traits, and mind set are adequate, it is still necessary to improve skills, aspects of self-image, social motives, mindset or thought patterns, and ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Factors affecting the cyber competence of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers such as education, training, personal characteristics, and the environment need to be further strengthened. Although the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officer has carried out a cyber competency strengthening strategy, the strategies in the form of needs analysis, core competency development, and innovative work design changes that have been carried out show that they are not optimal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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