ABSTRAK Praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah merupakan bagian dari proses pendidikan yang berfokus pada pengembangan ketrampilan klinik, khususnya pada area respirasi di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta. Peran yang diterapkan sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan, edukator, peneliti, dan inovator. Peran sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan dengan mengelola 30 pasien gangguan sistem respirasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan model konsep teori Virginia Henderson. Masalah keperawatan yang sering muncul yaitu ketidakefektifan bersihan jalan napas. Peran sebagai peneliti ditunjukkan dalam penerapan evidence based nursing practice berupa penerapan breathing retraining untuk mengurangi sesak napas pada pasien kanker paru. Dan peran sebagai inovator dan edukator yaitu melakukan pendidikan kesehatan dengan diskusi interaktif kelompok untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan motivasi serta telenursing dengan sms reminder untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan minum obat pada pasien tuberkulosis di poliklinik paru.
ABSTRACT Residency practice is a part of clinical education in medical surgical nursing specialist programme, especially for respiratory nursing. It was conducted at Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta. Residents based their practice on Henderson Nursing Theory with role modes as care provider, educator, researcher, and innovator. Role as a care provider was held on 30 cases with Henderson theory approach. The main nursing problem found during the clinical practice was ineffective airway clearance. Role as a researcher was conducted through clinical research which investigates the effectiveness breathing retraining to minimize dyspnea. Role as an innovator that is conducted health education with interactive group discussion to increase knowledge and motivation, and telenursing with sms reminder to increase medication adherence in patient with tuberculosis.;Residency practice is a part of clinical education in medical surgical nursing specialist programme, especially for respiratory nursing. It was conducted at Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta. Residents based their practice on Henderson Nursing Theory with role modes as care provider, educator, researcher, and innovator. Role as a care provider was held on 30 cases with Henderson theory approach. The main nursing problem found during the clinical practice was ineffective airway clearance. Role as a researcher was conducted through clinical research which investigates the effectiveness breathing retraining to minimize dyspnea. Role as an innovator that is conducted health education with interactive group discussion to increase knowledge and motivation, and telenursing with sms reminder to increase medication adherence in patient with tuberculosis.;Residency practice is a part of clinical education in medical surgical nursing specialist programme, especially for respiratory nursing. It was conducted at Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta. Residents based their practice on Henderson Nursing Theory with role modes as care provider, educator, researcher, and innovator. Role as a care provider was held on 30 cases with Henderson theory approach. The main nursing problem found during the clinical practice was ineffective airway clearance. Role as a researcher was conducted through clinical research which investigates the effectiveness breathing retraining to minimize dyspnea. Role as an innovator that is conducted health education with interactive group discussion to increase knowledge and motivation, and telenursing with sms reminder to increase medication adherence in patient with tuberculosis.;Residency practice is a part of clinical education in medical surgical nursing specialist programme, especially for respiratory nursing. It was conducted at Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta. Residents based their practice on Henderson Nursing Theory with role modes as care provider, educator, researcher, and innovator. Role as a care provider was held on 30 cases with Henderson theory approach. The main nursing problem found during the clinical practice was ineffective airway clearance. Role as a researcher was conducted through clinical research which investigates the effectiveness breathing retraining to minimize dyspnea. Role as an innovator that is conducted health education with interactive group discussion to increase knowledge and motivation, and telenursing with sms reminder to increase medication adherence in patient with tuberculosis.;Residency practice is a part of clinical education in medical surgical nursing specialist programme, especially for respiratory nursing. It was conducted at Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta. Residents based their practice on Henderson Nursing Theory with role modes as care provider, educator, researcher, and innovator. Role as a care provider was held on 30 cases with Henderson theory approach. The main nursing problem found during the clinical practice was ineffective airway clearance. Role as a researcher was conducted through clinical research which investigates the effectiveness breathing retraining to minimize dyspnea. Role as an innovator that is conducted health education with interactive group discussion to increase knowledge and motivation, and telenursing with sms reminder to increase medication adherence in patient with tuberculosis."