"With increasing agricultural development, industrialization, and
urbanization india has experienced huge migration flows. These have
significant implications for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and
HIV/AIDS spread. The present paper attempts to study the extent of
knowledge of .STDs and HW/AIDS and the prevalence and correlates of
risk-taking behaviors among migrant workers in Surat city of India utilizing
data from a research project undertaken in 2000-200l at international
Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai. Major findings of the study
suggest that a majority of the migrants in Surat city are aware ofA'lD.S` and
have knowledge of at least one correct mode of transmission of HlV/AIDS
The awareness and knowledge of STDs and correct made of their
transmission is less widespread. A large proportion of migrant workers in
the city, particular long distance young migrants (age-group 20-30) stay
alone or with friends. Their living arrangements have significantly affected
the prevalence of risk-behavior such as visits to CS Ws and extra marital
relationship. An attempt is also made to determine the prevalence of
multiple risk-traits among these migrants in order to identify the relative
influences of contextual, social network and personal factors in the
dynamics of drug use and risky sexual behavior: