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Iwan Amir
"Terhadap pelaku penyalahgunaan narkotika yang telah dinyatakan bersalah oleh Hakim dan yang masih dalam proses peradilan yang ditempatkan di Rumah Tahanan Negara Pondok Bambu Jakarta Timur khususnya Narapidana/Tahanan wanita perlu mendapatkan pembinaan secara khusus, karena delapan puluh persen dari jumlah Narapidana /Tahanan yang ada merupakan kasus narkotika. Pembinaan Narapidana Wanita pemakai narkoba ini seharusnya dibuat dan diatur secara khusus serta terpisah dengan berpedoman pada ketentuan dalan Standard Minimum Rules for The Treatment of Prisoners. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan penulis di Rumah Tahanan Negara Pondok Bambu, temyata proses pembinaan terhadap narapidana wanita pengguna narkoba masih banyak mengalami hambatan karena keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana. Hal ini disebabkan karena kondisi bangunan dengan sarana pembinaan yang belum memadai serta belum adanya standarisasi pola pembinaan secara khusus yang mengatur perlakuan terhadap narapidana wanita pemakai narkoba. Petugas Rumah Tahanan Negara Pondok Bambu belum memenuhi kebutuhan yang diperlukan baik kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Untuk menunjang keberhasilan program pembinaan, seorang petugas Rumah Tahanan Negara dituntut memiliki profesionalisme, moral yang tinggi serta dedikasi penuh terhadap tugasnya. Untuk mewujudkan keberhasilan pembinaan narapidana wanita pemakai narkoba periu berkerjasama dengan instansi baik pemerintah maupun swasta serta diperlukan metode, teknik dan strategi pendekatan secara khusus. Selain itu pertu dibentuk Rumah Tahanan Negara Wanita Khusus Narkotika yang dilengkapi dengan sarana dan prasarana pembinaan antara lain ; ruang bimbingan konseling, ruang pengobatan (therapeutic), ruang ketrampilan. Selain itu disediakan psikolog, psikiater, dokter spesialis, pekerja sosial, rohaniwan serta petugas yang profesional.
For the narcotics abuser who had been accused guilty by the judge and placed in the Pondok Bambu Detention Center, East Jakarta, particularly for women are need special treatment, due to the eighty percents of the total inmates are involved the case of drug and narcotics abuse. The treatment of women inmates for the drug users should be termed and arranged in special way separated with others and should be made based on the regulation of the Standard Minimum rules for The Treatment of Prisoners. The research result which had been held by the writer in State Prisoners of Pondok Bambu, apparently the treatment for the women prisoners still faces obstacles particularly in terms of the facilities and equipment. It because of inappropriate condition of the building and lack of treatment device as well there is no special standard for women drugs abuser treatment which is actually can be used as guidance in giving treatment for women inmates. The quantity and the quality of the Pondok Bambu Detention Center officers upon of low of the standard. For the purpose of supporting the success of the treatment program, each officer is determined to own the professionalism, high moral level and work seriously. In order to succeed the treatment of women drugs offenders, the authority must be cooperated with other organization whether government or non government organization. It is obvious the need of the methodical, technical and strategic term in special way. Accordingly, it is a compulsory of build more Special Correctional Institution and Detention House for the woman drugs offenders with comprehensive supported with sophisticated instrument for the treatment. This institution, therefore should be equipped by counseling room, therapeutic room, and vocational training room. It should also be employed with the psychology expert, psychiatry, specialist Doctor, social worker, spiritual expert and the professional correctional officers."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library