ABSTRAKThe small business actors are part of independents participants program of National Health Security or JKN that administered by the Social Security Board or BPJS. Using four variables as stated in the
Theory of Planned Behavior and two variable as additional Value and Image will be examined that the Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavior Controls Small business actors influence both direct
and indirect through the variable values and image as an additional of the intentions to become a participant of JKN program? A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to 6 areas of Jakarta region.
The population of small business actors is 683.741, which is one elements group of independent participants in JKN. A total of 339 respondent data can be processed with AMOS ver.20. The complex
relationships between numbers of variables run using procedure multivariate statistical analysis techniques with Structural Equation Modeling or SEM.The result of Attitude, Subjective Norm, Value, and
Image has a direct influence on the intention to become a participant of the BPJS Health Insurance. However, the perceived behavioral controls do not have a direct influence on the interests of being a
participant of BPJS health program. Perceived Behavior Control affects the interest to join BPJS National Health Insurance program if through the Value and Image of the National Health Insurance program. In the case Value and Image National Health Security Program is increased the number of participants will be increase. The Improving Value and Image of the National Health Insurance BPJS Health program can be done by improving the quality and quantity of socialization about the benefits and as well as ways to become a member of JKN."