ABSTRAKFormasi Toolachee memiliki penyebaran yang sangat luas di Cekungan Cooper.
Padahal ketebalan Formasi Toolachee tidaklah begitu tebal dengan rata-rata
ketebalan berkisar hingga 300 m. Proses sedimentasi Fm. Toolachee secara
regional berupa fluvial (meandering) dengan urutan batuan berupa batupasir,
batulempung, batulanau, dan batubara. Batupasir Fm. Toolachee memiliki
porositas yang sedang hingga bagus, sehingga dapat bertindak sebagai reservoir
yang terbukti mengalirkan gas pada Sumur Meranji-1. Dengan asumsi bahwa
penyebaran Fm. Toolachee luas dan terendapkan di semua daerah penelitian,
seharusnya ditemukan juga kandungan hidrokarbon pada dua sumur lainnya, yaitu
Cooba-1 dan Pelican-5. Kenyataannya, Cooba-1 dan Pelican-5 tidak ditemukan
kehadiran hidrokarbon, sekalipun Fm. Toolachee masih terbentuk disana.
Hipotesis yang diangkat adalah bahwa ada kontrol stratigrafi yang berpengaruh
terhadap akumulasi hidrokarbon pada Fm. Toolachee. Dari hasil analisis sumur
dan seismik yang dibantu dengan atribut seismik dan inversi seismik ditemukan
adanya perubahan fasies pada zona reservoir di Meranji-1. Zona reservoir terlihat
tidak memiliki kemenerusan antara Meranji-1, Cooba-1 dan Pelican-5. Penelitian
ini menghasilkan penyebaran fasies secara lateral dan vertikal pada Fm.
Toolachee. Oleh karena itu, sumur-sumur selanjutnya diharapkan mengikuti pola
penyebaran fluvial dari batupasir zona target.
ABSTRACTToolachee Fm has widespread deposition which is formed widely in Cooper
Basin. Although, Toolachee Fm is thin bed formation with thickness averaging
300-400m only. Sedimentation process in Toolachee Fm is controlled by fluvial
system which is formed in meandering depositional environment with lithology
consists of sandstone, shale, siltstone, and coal. Sandstone of Toolachee Fm has
moderate to good porosity, therefor it can act as reservoir which is proven by
flowing gas in Meranji-1 well. Based on assumption of widespread depositional of
Toolachee Fm, hydrocarbon accumulation shall be found in two wells, Cooba-1
and Pelican-5. In fact, Cooba-1 and Pelican-5 do not encounter significant
hydrocarbon in Toolachee Fm. Hypotehsis were made that stratigraphy has an
important influence of hydrocarbon accumulation in Toolachee Fm. Study result,
from integrated study well and seismic interpretation which is supported by
seismic stratigraphy, attribute seismic and seismic inversion, show facies change
in Toolachee resulting truncated sand body. This study produces a comprehensive
facies distribution both laterally and vertically. Therefor, next well should be
drilled along channel geometry, Toolachee Fm has widespread deposition which is formed widely in Cooper
Basin. Although, Toolachee Fm is thin bed formation with thickness averaging
300-400m only. Sedimentation process in Toolachee Fm is controlled by fluvial
system which is formed in meandering depositional environment with lithology
consists of sandstone, shale, siltstone, and coal. Sandstone of Toolachee Fm has
moderate to good porosity, therefor it can act as reservoir which is proven by
flowing gas in Meranji-1 well. Based on assumption of widespread depositional of
Toolachee Fm, hydrocarbon accumulation shall be found in two wells, Cooba-1
and Pelican-5. In fact, Cooba-1 and Pelican-5 do not encounter significant
hydrocarbon in Toolachee Fm. Hypotehsis were made that stratigraphy has an
important influence of hydrocarbon accumulation in Toolachee Fm. Study result,
from integrated study well and seismic interpretation which is supported by
seismic stratigraphy, attribute seismic and seismic inversion, show facies change
in Toolachee resulting truncated sand body. This study produces a comprehensive
facies distribution both laterally and vertically. Therefor, next well should be
drilled along channel geometry]"