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Ditemukan 31 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Neysa Nadia Lestari
"Internet sudah tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kehidupan manusia, terutama pada generasi yang tumbuh bersama teknologi. Penggunaan internet yang tidak diatur dapat berujung pada adiksi yang lebih jauh lagi menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif. Sebelum mencapai kondisi adiksi pun, penggunaan internet yang tidak diatur dapat menyebabkan masalah-masalah akademis. Penggunaan internet yang tidak diatur disebabkan oleh kurangnya regulasi diri.
Telah banyak penelitian yang membuktikan keterkaitan antara regulasi diri dan penggunaan internet, namun belum ada penelitian aplikatif yang menjadikan regulasi diri sebagai upaya intervensi preventif untuk mencegah dampak negatif dari penggunaan internet. Dalam konteks intervensi, penggunaan internet merupakan perilaku akhir yang menjadi sasaran perubahan, yang salah satunya ditentukan oleh efikasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun intervensi regulasi diri dan menguji efektivitasnya dalam meningkatkan efikasi regulasi diri penggunaan internet pada remaja.
Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test terhadap 19 orang partisipan intervensi dari SMP X, diketahui bahwa program pelatihan intervensi regulasi diri efektif untuk meningkatkan efikasi regulasi diri penggunaan internet pada remaja. Meningkatnya efikasi regulasi diri penggunaan internet diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu langkah awal agar remaja mampu mengelola penggunaan internetnya.

The internet has become an inseparable part of human life, especially among generation Z who grew up with technology. Unregulated internet use can lead to addiction that further leads to various negative impacts. Even before reaching the state of addiction, unregulated internet use can cause academic problems. Unregulated internet use stems from normal but impulsive use, which is caused by a lack of self-regulation.
There have been many studies that prove the relation between self-regulation and internet use, but there is little applicable research that use self-regulation theory as a basis to design interventions to prevent the negative effects of internet use. In the context of intervention, internet usage is the target behavior, one of which is determined by level of efficacy.
This study aims to develop a self-regulation intervention and test its effectiveness to increase the self-regulatory efficacy of internet use among teenagers.
Based on Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test statistical analysis, it is shown that self-regulated internet use efficacy after the intervention increases significantly compared to before intervention. This efficacy increase is expected to be one of the initial steps to help teenagers self-regulate their internet use.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inti Nusaida Awaningrum
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathya Artha Utami
Anak memiliki regulasi diri yang baik apabila ia mampu mengendalikan tindakannya. Pada usia prasekolah, kemampuan regulasi diri diharapkan sudah dikuasai oleh anak agar bisa berfungsi lebih baik pada kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya lingkungan sosial. Jika kemampuan ini terhambat, maka anak dapat menunjukkan berbagai permasalahan khususnya masalah perilaku dan menghambat berbagai aspek kehidupannya. Beberapa studi menemukan bahwa masalah regulasi dapat diminimalisir sedini mungkin melalui attachment yang positif dengan pengasuhnya. Sikap sensitif dan responsif orangtua berkontribusi terhadap secure attachment anak yang berdampak pada perkembangan regulasi dirinya. Pada kasus B, yang berusia 4 tahun 1 bulan, ia memiliki masalah regulasi diri sekaligus attachment dengan orangtua. Dalam menangani kasus tersebut, pada penelitian ini theraplay digunakan dengan melibatkan orangtua. Penelitian ini menggunakan single-case design. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan theraplay efektif dalam menangani masalah regulasi diri pada B yang terlihat dari perubahan perilaku B dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, penurunan skor perilaku pada profil CBCL, dan perubahan positif pada interaksi orangtua anak yang dilihat secara kualitatif dari MIM.

Children have a good self-regulation if he is able to control his actions. At preschool age, the ability of self-regulation is expected to be mastered by the child to function better in everyday life, especially social context. If this ability is hampered, then the child can indicate a variety of problems, especially problems of behavior and inhibit various aspects of life. Some studies found that regulatory issues can be minimized as early as possible through a positive attachment with a caregiver. Sensitive and responsive attitude of the parents contribute to the child's secure attachment which affect the development of the self-regulation itself. In the case of B, aged 4 years and 1 month, he has a problem with self-regulation at the same attachment parenting. In dealing with such cases, theraplay used in this study by involve parents. This study uses a single-case design. Results from this study indicate that the application of theraplay effective in addressing the problem of self-regulation in B seen from the behavior changes in everyday life, decrease behavioral scores on CBCL profile, and positive changes in parent-child interactions are seen qualitatively from MIM.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jannah Maryam Ramadhani
Keberadaan figur alternatif menarik cenderung menjadi ancaman bagi terbinanya sebuah hubungan yang romantik. Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan peran regulasi diri melalui pengkondisian deplesi dan non-deplesi pada partisipan dengan orientasi seksual yang berbeda, yaitu 61 heteroseksual Studi 1 dan 65 homoseksual Studi 2 ketika dihadapkan pada figur alternatif menarik yang maskulin dan feminin. Hasil kedua studi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pengkondisian deplesi dan non-deplesi tidak menunjukkan perbedaan pemilihan antara figur menarik yang maskulin dan feminin dan orientasi seksual partisipan. Status relasi partisipan dan lamanya hubungan yang dijalani tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecenderungan untuk memilih figur alternatif lain yang maskulin maupun feminin. Temuan penelitian yang signifikan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai preferensi kemenarikan yang menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki heteroseksual akan cenderung memilih figur alternatif feminin, sebaliknya perempuan heteroseksual akan cenderung memilih figur alternatif maskulin.Kata kunci: preferensi kemenarikan, regulasi diri, orientasi seksual.

The existence of interesting alternative figures tends to be a threat to the establishment of a romantic relationship. This experimental study aims to prove the role of self regulation through depletion and non depletion conditioning in participants with different sexual orientations, 61 heterosexuals Study 1 and 65 homosexuals Study 2 when confronted with attractive, masculine and feminine alternative figures. The results of both studies show that the effect of depletion and non depletion conditioning does not indicate a difference in selection between the masculine and feminine attractive figures and the participant 39 s sexual orientation. The status of the participant rsquo s relations and the duration of the relationship undertaken did not significantly influence the tendency to choose other alternate figures that were both masculine and feminine. The research findings that are significant in this study are about the attractiveness preferences that show that heterosexual men will tend to choose feminine alternative figures, otherwise heterosexual women will tend to choose alternative masculine figures.Keywords preferences of attractiveness, self regulation, sexual orientation "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Purwo Nugroho
Menurut Renzulli, dkk. (dalam Munandar, 1992), ada tiga kriteria yang
menentukan keberbakatan pada seseorang, yaitu kemampuan diatas rata-rata,
kreativitas yang tinggi dan pengikatan diri terhadap tugas yang baik. R merupakan
salah satu siswa yang mengikuti program akselerasi. R belum memenuhi ketiga
kriteria keberbakatan. Potensi intelegensinya tergolong superior dan
kreativitasnya juga tinggi, tetapi ia kurang memiliki tanggung jawab terhadap
tugas. Berdasarkan strategi self regulated learning, dapat disimpulkan bahwa
strategi SRL yang belum dikembangkan oleh R juga disebabkan tidak adanya
pengaturan waktu yang baik. Oleh karena itu, intervensi manajemen waktu
penting bagi R. Tujuan dari program intervensi ini adalah agar R dapat
menggunakan waktunya secara efektif, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan proses
belajar. Dengan adanya manajemen waktu yang baik, diharapkan dapat memiliki
regulasi diri terutama dalam belajar. Namun, target yang dicapai dalam intervensi
belum tercapai sepenuhnya karena ada kendala waktu pada pelaksanaan program.

Renzulli (Munandar, 1992) stated that there are three criteria to determine whether
someone is gifted or not: above average score of intelligence, highly creative and
highly task committed. R is one of students in the acceleration program who
didn’t have all the criteria yet. The score of his IQ was superior and he was highly
creative, but had low task commitment. According to SRL’s strategies, the reason
he didn’t developed the strategies was lack of time management. Thus, a time
management program was important for R. The purpose of this intervention
program was to make R more effective in managing time related to his daily
activities so he would be able to regulate himself to study. The target of this
intervention was not achieved however because of the time limitation during the
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asti Fajriani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara persepsi dukungan otonomi guru dan regulasi diri dalam berlatih musik. Yang dimaksud dengan regulasi diri dalam berlatih musik adalah pikiran, perasaan, dan tindakan yang diinisiasi oleh pelajar musik untuk mencapai tujuan dalam sebuah latihan musik. Dukungan otonomi guru merupakan perilaku interpersonal guru yang ditunjukkan untuk memfasilitasi rasa kehendak seorang pelajar dengan cara pemenuhan tiga kebutuhan psikologis dasar manusia yakni kebutuhan otonomi, kompetensi, dan keterikatan. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan menggunakan skala self-regulated practice behavior (Ersozlu & Miksza, 2015) dan learning climate questionnaire (Williams & Deci, 1996). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan positif yang signifikan antara persepsi dukungan otonomi guru dan regulasi diri dalam berlatih musik (r = 0,396). Implikasi dari penelitian menunjukkan pentingnya dukungan otonomi dari guru untuk memfasilitasi regulasi diri dalam berlatih musik.

This study aims to examine the relationship between perceived autonomy support from teacher and self-regulated practice behavior in music. Self-regulated practice behavior in music is self-generated thoughts, feelings, and actions for attaining goals in music practice. Teacher autonomy support is defined as interpersonal behavior provided by the teacher that involves and nurtures student?s sense of volition by supporting student?s basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Information was gathered with ?Self-Regulated Practice Behavior? scale (Ersozlu & Miksza, 2015) and ?Learning Climate Questionnaire? (Williams & Deci, 1996). Result shows that there is positive and significant relationship (r = 0.396) between perceived teacher autonomy support and self-regulated practice behavior in music. Implication of the study suggests the importance of autonomy support from teacher to facilitate self-regulated practice behavior in music learning.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Unversitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esa Oktaviawati
Salah satu karakteristik anak usia prasekolah ialah adanya perkembangan yang sangat pesat pada kemampuan regulasi diri. Studi-studi terbaru menunjukkan kemampuan ini penting dimiliki anak usia prasekolah sebagai pembelajaran dasar yang dapat memudahkan anak saat transisi menuju ke pendidikan yang lebih formal. Kemampuan ini dapat berkembang atau tidak secara optimal bergantung pada pemberian stimulus yang diberikan oleh lingkungan sekitar khususnya melalui pendidikan anak usia dini karena anak di masa ini mulai bersekolah dengan harapan meraka mulai dapat menyenangi kegiatan belajar. Pengembangan kemampuan regulasi diri di sekolah usia dini sangat melibatkan peran guru melalui kegiatan-kegiatan harian yang dirancangnya. Bagaimana praktik yang guru terapkan dalam keseharian ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh teachers? beliefs yang dimiliki guru terhadap kemampuan regulasi diri anak. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk memahami cara seseorang mengajar dan berinteraksi, kita harus menyadari terlebih dahulu beliefs yang mendasari perilakunya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran kemampuan regulasi diri dan teachers? beliefs terhadap regulasi diri anak pada usia prasekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Regulasi diri pada anak usia prasekolah diukur menggunakan challenge task, sedangkan teachers? beliefs terhadap regulasi diri anak diukur menggunakan alat ukur yang dibuat oleh peneliti dengan berdasarkan pengertian dari teachers? beliefs dan komponen regulasi diri.Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 39 orang anak prasekolah yang berasal dari sekolah yang berbeda-beda di Depok, Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa teachers? beliefs yang dimiliki guru terhadap kemampuan regulasi diri anak usia prasekolah berperan dalam pembentukan kemampuan regulasi diri anak. Guru dengan teachers? beliefs terhadap kemampuan regulasi diri anak usia prasekolah yang tinggi akan membentuk anak didik yang memiliki kemampuan regulasi diri yang baik.
One of the characteristic of preschool age children is their tremendous progress on development of self-regulation ability. Some recent studies showed that the ability is very important for a preschool age children to have during their transition toward a more formal stage of education. The optimal development rate of this abilty depend on the stimulation that is given to the children, specifically through the preschool education because in this period, they started to go to school expecting that they like the learning activity. Developing the ability of self regulation in preschool age deeply involved teacher?s role through the daily activities that they designed. The practices that teachers implement in these daily activities excessively influenced by teachers? beliefs which they have toward students? self regulation, and to understand the way someone teach and have interaction, we have to analyze the beliefs that underlied teachers? behavior. To see that purpose, teachers? beliefs toward self-regulation and the self regulation ability preschool age children. This research is done using the quantitative methods. Self regulation on preschool age children is measured using a challenge task, whereas teachers? beliefs on children?s self regulation measured using measuring tools that have made by researcher based on the definition of teachers? beliefs and self regulation components. Respondent of this research is 39 preschool age children registered in different schools in Depok, West Java. Based on research?s result, its clear that teachers? beliefs which teachers have toward preschool age children?s self regulation involved in the development of children?s ability of self regulation. Teachers with high score of teachers? beliefs toward preschool age children?s self regulation will develop the children with good self regulation ability.
;One of the characteristic of preschool age children is their tremendous progress on development of self-regulation ability. Some recent studies showed that the ability is very important for a preschool age children to have during their transition toward a more formal stage of education. The optimal development rate of this abilty depend on the stimulation that is given to the children, specifically through the preschool education because in this period, they started to go to school expecting that they like the learning activity. Developing the ability of self regulation in preschool age deeply involved teacher?s role through the daily activities that they designed. The practices that teachers implement in these daily activities excessively influenced by teachers? beliefs which they have toward students? self regulation, and to understand the way someone teach and have interaction, we have to analyze the beliefs that underlied teachers? behavior. To see that purpose, teachers? beliefs toward self-regulation and the self regulation ability preschool age children. This research is done using the quantitative methods. Self regulation on preschool age children is measured using a challenge task, whereas teachers? beliefs on children?s self regulation measured using measuring tools that have made by researcher based on the definition of teachers? beliefs and self regulation components. Respondent of this research is 39 preschool age children registered in different schools in Depok, West Java. Based on research?s result, its clear that teachers? beliefs which teachers have toward preschool age children?s self regulation involved in the development of children?s ability of self regulation. Teachers with high score of teachers? beliefs toward preschool age children?s self regulation will develop the children with good self regulation ability.
, One of the characteristic of preschool age children is their tremendous progress on development of self-regulation ability. Some recent studies showed that the ability is very important for a preschool age children to have during their transition toward a more formal stage of education. The optimal development rate of this abilty depend on the stimulation that is given to the children, specifically through the preschool education because in this period, they started to go to school expecting that they like the learning activity. Developing the ability of self regulation in preschool age deeply involved teacher’s role through the daily activities that they designed. The practices that teachers implement in these daily activities excessively influenced by teachers’ beliefs which they have toward students’ self regulation, and to understand the way someone teach and have interaction, we have to analyze the beliefs that underlied teachers’ behavior. To see that purpose, teachers’ beliefs toward self-regulation and the self regulation ability preschool age children. This research is done using the quantitative methods. Self regulation on preschool age children is measured using a challenge task, whereas teachers’ beliefs on children’s self regulation measured using measuring tools that have made by researcher based on the definition of teachers’ beliefs and self regulation components. Respondent of this research is 39 preschool age children registered in different schools in Depok, West Java. Based on research’s result, its clear that teachers’ beliefs which teachers have toward preschool age children’s self regulation involved in the development of children’s ability of self regulation. Teachers with high score of teachers’ beliefs toward preschool age children’s self regulation will develop the children with good self regulation ability.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Zabrina Ispratami Budi Sulistiyanti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh parental belief terhadap perilaku bermain online games anak remaja serta menguji apakah regulasi diri anak remaja berperan sebagai mediator pada hubungan kedua variabel. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Parental Belief Questionnaire, Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory, dan Internet Gaming Disorder 20 Test. Hasil penelitian terhadap 64 pasangan orang tua dan anak remaja awal menunjukkan bahwa aspek kreativitas dan kemampuan praktis pada parental belief berpengaruh terhadap perilaku bermain online games, sedangkan aspek-aspek lain (kemampuan pemecahan masalah, konformitas, kemampuan kognitif, kemampuan sosial, kemampuan praktis di sekolah) tidak berpengaruh. Di samping itu, regulasi diri berpengaruh terhadap perilaku bermian online games namun tidak berperan sebagai mediator pada pengaruh variabel parental belief terhadap perilaku bermain online games.

This study aimed to examine the influence of parental belief on adolescents’ online gaming behavior and whether self-regulation took the role as mediator. The instruments used for this study were Parental Belief Questionnaire, Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory, and Internet Gaming Disorder 20 Test. Result from 64 pairs of parent-early adolescent child shows that two aspects of parental belief (creativity and practical skill) influence the online gaming behavior while other aspects (problem-solving skill, conformity, cognitive skill, social skill, and practical skill at school) do not. In addition, self–regulation influences the online gaming behavior but does not take the role as the mediator for the influence of parental belief on adolescents’ online gaming behavior.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Membentuk dan mengembangkan perilaku peserta didik dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan perilaku disiplin dan membangkitkan Self-Regulated Learning. Religiusitas menjadi salah satu faktor pengendali tingkah laku serta merupakan sebuah motifasi hidup dan merupakan alat pengembangan, pengendalian diri, dan juga merupakan suatu alat pembentuk moral. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh religiusitas terhadap disiplin dan regulasi diri dalam belajar siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri di Kota Bekasi. Hipotesis; 1) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari religiusitas terhadap disiplin siswa SMP; 2) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari religiusitas terhadap regulasi diri dalam belajar siswa SMP; 3) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari disiplin terhadap dan Self-Regulated Learning siswa SMP. Skala yang digunakan adalah skala religiusitas (Glock & Stark), skala disiplin (Sears) dan skala MSLQ (Pintrich dan Groot). Responden penelitian ini adalah 164 siswa SMP Negeri di Kota Bekasi. Pemilihan subyek dilakukan dengan random sampling. Langkah analisis data menggunakan Analisis CFA dan Analisis SEM dengan alat bantu SPSS 15 dan LISREL 8.8 Kesimpulan; Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara religiusitas terhadap disiplin dan Self-Regulated Learning dan antara disiplin terhadap Self-Regulated Learning.

The formation and development of students' behavior may be carried out by imposing discipline and encourage self-regulated learning. Religousness is one of the factors which controls the behavior and a motivation to live and is a development tool, self control as well as a tool to form the moral. The objectives of the study is to find out the impact of religiousness on the disciple and self regulation in the learning prosess of students of State Junior High School in Bekasi City. The hyphotheses are : (1) There is a signification impact of religiouness on the discipline of Junior High School students; 2) There is a significant impact of religousness on the self-regulated learning Junior High School students; 3) There is a significant impeet of religiousness on the discipline and self regulated learning of Junior High School students. The scale is used is the scale of religiousness (Glock & Stark), the scale of discipline (Sears) and MSLQ scale (Pintrich and Groot). The respondents of this study are 164 students of State Junior High School in Bekasi City. The subject is selented by random sampling. The data analysis step uses CF A Analysis and SEM Analysis with the help of tools namely SPSS 12 and LISREL 8.8. Conclusion: There is a signifant impact of reHgiousness on discipline and self-regulated learning and of discipline on self-regulated learning."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Indianti
Latar belakang penelitian ini berawal dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam perkembangan karir pada remaja terutama dalam hal memilih, meningkatkan, dan mempertahankan konsistensi dalam memilih karir seperti pilihan pendidikan. Kemampuan itu disebut adaptabilitas karir. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan faktor apa yang mempengaruhi peningkatan adaptabilitas karir. Asumsi yang ditegakkan adalah ketika individu berhasil menerapkan regulasi diri dalam belajar, yang pembentukannya dipengaruhi oleh dukungan sosial, maka perencanaan, pemilihan dan pengembangan karir akan lebih mudah dilakukan. Untuk membuktikan asumsi tersebut, penelitian ini melihat keterakaitan antara dukungan sosial sebagai sumber yang membantu pembentukan keterampilan regulasi diri dalam belajar dengan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir sebagai sikap dan kesiapan dalam menghadapi tantangan perkembangan karir. Penelitian ini menguji kesesuaian model yang melihat peranan dukungan sosial dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar sehingga dapat meningkatkan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir yang tinggi. Penelitian ini mengukur tiga variabel yaitu dukungan sosial sebagai variabel independen, regulasi diri dalam belajar sebagai variabel mediator dan adaptabilitas karir sebagai variabel dependen. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 1012 mahasiswa baru dari semua fakultas yang ada di UI dengan pengolahan data menggunakan structural equation model dari Lisrel 8.80, teknik regresi berganda untuk menguji hipotesis yang ditegakkan dan menggunakan anovar untuk memperkaya hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan model yang diajukan sesuai dengan data di lapangan dan membuktikan bahwa variabel regulasi diri dalam belajar adalah mediator penuh antara variabel dukungan sosial dengan variabel adaptabilitas karir. Artinya dukungan sosial hanya akan bermakna dalam pembangunan adaptabilitas karir apabila dimediasi oleh regulasi diri dalam belajar. Perlunya peningkatan peranan dukungan sosial untuk membantu remaja dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar agar mereka dapat membangun adaptabilitas karir yang kuat.;

The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people, The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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