ABSTRAKMotor listrik merupakan sebuah mesin yang mengubah energi listrik
menjadi energi mekanik. Ada banyak jenis motor, salah satunya adalah PMSM
(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor). PMSM merupakan motor listrik yang
menggunakan permanen magnet sebagai penghasil medan magnet di rotor,
sehingga medan magnet yang ada di rotor pun cenderung konstan. Salah satu
ukuran kinerja dari PMSM adalah efisiensi. Efisiensi PMSM dapat digambarkan
dalam bentuk map effisiensi. Ada beberapa cara untuk membuat map effisiensi
motor. Dalam penelitian ini akan digunakan metode quasi statik. Penggunaan
metode ini didasarkan pada alasan kemudahannya. Hasil map efisiensi yang didapat
dari metode quasi statik akan dibandingkan dengan map efisiensi yang didapat
dengan perangka lunak FEM. Hasil dari kedua metode ini akan dibandingkan
dengan map efisiensi yang didapat dari pengujian motor. Untuk membuktikan
efektivitas metode quasi statik akan diambil contoh PMSM yang digunakan di
mobil Toyota Prius. Dari map efisiensi yang didapat metode quasi statik memiliki
tingkat akurasi yang tidak berbeda dengan FEM.
ABSTRACTElectric motor is a machine to convert electric energy become mechanicenergy. There are many type of electric motor, one of them is PMSM (permanentmagnet synchronous motor). PMSM is electrical motor which using permanentmagnet as magnetic field producer in rotor, so as the values of magnetic field onrotor has tended to fix. One of the method to evaluate performance of permanentmagnet motor is efficiency, efficiency of PMSM can be created in map efficiencymap. Some method has been using to create efficiency map of motor. In thisresearch will use quasi static method. The election of this method for the simplicity.Result of efficiency which gotten from quasi static method will be compared withefficiency map that resulted by FEM software. And then the result of them will becompare with real testing of the motor. Toyota prius IPM wll be use as a PMSMexample to prove the effectivity of the quasi static method. Base on the result, quasistatic method has not be different accuracy than FEM.;Electric motor is a machine to convert electric energy become mechanicenergy. There are many type of electric motor, one of them is PMSM (permanentmagnet synchronous motor). PMSM is electrical motor which using permanentmagnet as magnetic field producer in rotor, so as the values of magnetic field onrotor has tended to fix. One of the method to evaluate performance of permanentmagnet motor is efficiency, efficiency of PMSM can be created in map efficiencymap. Some method has been using to create efficiency map of motor. In thisresearch will use quasi static method. The election of this method for the simplicity.Result of efficiency which gotten from quasi static method will be compared withefficiency map that resulted by FEM software. And then the result of them will becompare with real testing of the motor. Toyota prius IPM wll be use as a PMSMexample to prove the effectivity of the quasi static method. Base on the result, quasistatic method has not be different accuracy than FEM.;Electric motor is a machine to convert electric energy become mechanicenergy. There are many type of electric motor, one of them is PMSM (permanentmagnet synchronous motor). PMSM is electrical motor which using permanentmagnet as magnetic field producer in rotor, so as the values of magnetic field onrotor has tended to fix. One of the method to evaluate performance of permanentmagnet motor is efficiency, efficiency of PMSM can be created in map efficiencymap. Some method has been using to create efficiency map of motor. In thisresearch will use quasi static method. The election of this method for the simplicity.Result of efficiency which gotten from quasi static method will be compared withefficiency map that resulted by FEM software. And then the result of them will becompare with real testing of the motor. Toyota prius IPM wll be use as a PMSMexample to prove the effectivity of the quasi static method. Base on the result, quasistatic method has not be different accuracy than FEM., Electric motor is a machine to convert electric energy become mechanicenergy. There are many type of electric motor, one of them is PMSM (permanentmagnet synchronous motor). PMSM is electrical motor which using permanentmagnet as magnetic field producer in rotor, so as the values of magnetic field onrotor has tended to fix. One of the method to evaluate performance of permanentmagnet motor is efficiency, efficiency of PMSM can be created in map efficiencymap. Some method has been using to create efficiency map of motor. In thisresearch will use quasi static method. The election of this method for the simplicity.Result of efficiency which gotten from quasi static method will be compared withefficiency map that resulted by FEM software. And then the result of them will becompare with real testing of the motor. Toyota prius IPM wll be use as a PMSMexample to prove the effectivity of the quasi static method. Base on the result, quasistatic method has not be different accuracy than FEM.]"