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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Shin, Edysen
Jakarta: Alfa Cemerlang Edindo (AceLearnings), 2016
302.3 EDY t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
KIM, Jeong-Hun
Gyeonggido Phaju: 21 Sesi Book, 2009
KOR 338.7 KIM s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Covey, Stephen R.
"This twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Stephen Covey's cherished classic commemorates the timeless wisdom of the 7 Habits. CONSIDERED ONE OF THE MOST INSPIRING BOOKS EVER WRITTEN, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has guided generations of readers for the last 25 years. Presidents and CEOs have kept it by their bedsides, students have underlined and studied passages from it, educators and parents have drawn from it, and individuals of all ages and occupations have used its step-by-step pathway to adapt to change and to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates."
New York: Simon &​ Schuster, 2013
158.1 COV s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"What is the purpose of the company and its role in society? From their origin in medieval times to their modern incarnation as powerful transnational bodies, companies remain an important part of business and society at large. Drawing from a variety of perspectives, this book adopts a normative approach to understanding the modern company and provides insights into how companies should be conceptualized. It considers key topics such as the development of corporate theory, the rights and obligations of the company, and the means and ends of corporate governance. Written by leading experts of different jurisdictions, this book provides important international viewpoints on some of the most pressing corporate governance questions."
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malinton, Sylvia Shirley
Lobby Yahudi merupakan mitos yang tak dapat dipungkiri kekuatannya dalam mempengaruhi kebijakan Amerika Serikat (AS), terutama kebijakan luar negeri negerinya terhadap Timur Tengah. Lobby Yahudi dikenal sebagai lobby yang paling efektif dan disegani oleh para petinggi di Amerika Serikat serta memiliki pengaruhpengaruh yang kuat dalam sistim pemerintahan di AS, lembaga-lembaga eksekutif dan legislatif maupun lembaga-lembaga non-pemerintah dan media massa.
Permasalahan yang diteliti dalam penulisan ini adalah kekuatan lobby Yahudi dan pola hubungannya dengan pemerintahan George W.Bush sehingga berhasil mempengaruhi keputusan kebijakan luar negeri AS di Timur Tengah, contohnya dalam kasus Invasi AS ke Irak.
Dalam menganalisa permasalahan, penulis menggunakan teori-teori, yaitu teori lobby dari Mc.Eneny yang mendefinisikan lobby dan aktivitas lobby sebagai upaya untuk mempengaruhi undang-undang atau kebijakan pada tingkat federal. Teori ini didukung oleh teori lobby menurut Richard Hall yang menekankan lobby sebagai bentuk subsidi yang membantu para pembuat keputusan dalam mempromosikan kepentingankepentingan anggota dan kelompok-kelompoknya. Teorinya juga memperhitungkan preference-centered lobbying dimana lobby dan kontribusi kampanye jarang mengubah posisi pembuat keputusan.
Menumt hipotesa penulis, Lobby Yahudi effektif mempengaruhi lingkungan eksekutif maupun legislatif Amerika Serikat, terbukti dengan keberhasilannya mempengaruhi keputusan kebijakan luar negeri pemerintahan George W.Bush, khususnya dalam meng "goal"kan Invasi Amerika Serikat ke Irak.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berdasarkan riset kepustakaan yang dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data dan infonnasi dari buku-buku, majalah, surat kabar, dan web-site. Dalam upaya memahami, penulis melihat perpasalahan dari perspektif masyarakat yang diteliti (verstehen). Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keberhasilan kelompok etnis minoritas Yahudi dengan kekuatan "lobby" nya, penulis melampirkan data-data mengenai etnis Yahudi di Amerika Serikat sebagai data pendukung.

The Jewish lobby in America is like a myth that cannot be denied regarding its powerful influence on American Foreign Policy, mainly on the Middle East. The Jewish lobby is generally recognized and acknowledged as the most powerful, effective lobby in ' America. The Jewish lobby in America is widely respected by its leaders due to its huge influence on the U.S. government's political system - the Executive and Legislative branches as well as the mass media.
This research investigates the Jews' lobby powerful relationship with the United States Government under Bush Administration and their successful in influencing US foreign policy to the Middle East, in the case of the US invasion to Iraq.
In analyzing problems, I applied a theory of Lobby by Mc. Eneney which defines lobbying and lobbying activities as a weapon to influence the bills or policies to the highest federal level. This theory is supported by the theory of lobby by Richard Hall which is stressed to believe that lobby is a form of subsidy which helps to promote the interest of its constituents. This theory also considered as a preference centered lobbying in where lobby and contribution campaign rarely change positions in the decision making.
In my hypothesis, the Jews lobby is effective and powerful influence on executive and legislative branches of the United States Government proved by the success of influencing American Foreign Policy during George W. Bush Administration, especially in its goal to the US Invasion to Iraq.
This research applies qualitative methods based on library research from collected data and information from books, magazines, newspapers, journals, and websites. In order to identify and better understand the issues, the "Verstehen" method has been applied whereby the problem has been visualized from the perspective of the community that has been investigated. To measure the success of the Jewish minority with their lobby power, attached herewith is supportive data about Jews in the U.S.
T 20510
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Alisha
Asma merupakan salah satu penyakit kronis tidak menular yang prevalensipenderitanya meningkat setiap tahunnya di seluruh dunia. Asma merupakan penyakityang tidak bisa disembuhkan, sehingga penderita hanya bisa mengontrol kondisiasmanya agar tidak kambuh. Salah satu cara yang efektif untuk mengontrol asmaadalah dengan melakukan perilaku sehat. Kecenderungan seseorang untuk melakukanperilaku sehat dapat dilihat melalui health locus of control HLOC yang dimilikinya.HLOC adalah kepercayaan seseorang mengenai sumber kontrol dari kondisikesehatannya. Terdapat tiga dimensi HLOC yaitu internal, powerful other, dan chance.HLOC internal memiliki kecenderungan untuk percaya bahwa kondisi kesehatanberasal dari tingkah laku sendiri, sementara HLOC powerful others percaya bahwakondisi kesehatan dihasilkan dari tindakan orang lain. Terakhir, HLOC dimensi chancememiliki kecenderungan untuk percaya bahwa kondisi kesehatan adalah hasil daritakdir atau keberuntungan. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilihat pengaruh HLOC terhadapperilaku sehat pada penderita asma. HLOC diukur menggunakan Form CMultidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales Wallston, Stein Smith, 1994 ,sedangkan perilaku sehat diukur menggunakan Asthma Self-ManagementQuestionnaire Mancuso, Sayles Allegrante, 2009 . Hasilnya dari 272 partisipandiperoleh bahwa dimensi chance HLOC mempengaruhi perilaku sehat secarasignifikan dengan hubungan yang negatif t 272 = -3.22, p0,05, dan padadimensi powerful others diperoleh hasil t 272 = 1,06, p>0,05. Dengan demikian dapatdisimpulkan bahwa HLOC dimensi internal dan powerful others tidak signifikanmempengaruhi perilaku sehat.

Asthma is one of the chronic non communicable diseases whose prevalence increasesevery year worldwide. Asthmatic patients can only control their asthma because itcannot be cured. One effective way to control asthma is to perform health behaviors.A person 39 s tendency to perform health behaviors can be seen through his her healthlocus of control HLOC . The three dimensions of HLOC is internal, powerful others,and chance. Internal HLOC is the extent to which a person believes his her health isthe result of his her own behavior, while powerful others HLOC is the belief that healthconditions is the result from the actions of others. Finally, the chance HLOC is thebelief that health conditions are the result of fate or luck. This study examined the effectof HLOC on health behavior in asthmatic patients. HLOC was measured using FormC Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales Wallston, Stein Smith, 1994 ,whereas health behavior was measured using Asthma Self Management Questionnaire Mancuso, Sayles Allegrante, 2009 . The result of 272 participants found that thechance HLOC significantly influenced the health behavior with negative relationship t 272 3.22, p 0,05,and on the powerful others HLOC the obtained result is t 272 1,06, p 0,05. Thus itcan be concluded that HLOC internal dimensions and powerful others does notsignificantly affect health behavior."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jihan Nabilah
"Tugas Karya Akhir ini membahas tentang risiko lingkungan sistem fast-fashion dengan menggunakan kerangka pikir Conservation Criminology serta Teori Realitas Sosial Kejahatan dari Richard Quinney. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi ditemukan bahwa sistem fast-fashion memiliki risiko dari adanya operasi produksi manufaktur tekstil, limbah tekstil baik secara produksi hingga pasca-produksi, serta dengan kebijakan pemerintah. Kebijakan yang diterbitkan oleh pemerintah ini tidak mempertimbangkan risiko yang akan terjadi. Hal ini akan mengarah pada kerusakan lingkungan sehingga hal ini membentuk realitas sosial kejahatan.

This Final Assignment examines the environmental risks of fast fashion, discussed using the Conservation Criminology framework and Richard Quinney's Social Reality of Crime Theory. The finding identifies that thefast-fashionsystem contains risks from the operation production of textile manufacture, textile waste both in production and post- production, and the government policy. The government policy does not consider the risks that might occur, which would lead to environmental harm and become the social reality of crime."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library