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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nasrulloh Riyano
"European integration process has come to the extent where interdependence between member has become more complex than a simple economic cooperation. At this point, European Union has reached a realm in which deeper political commitment is needed, not only between member states and the Union, but between individuals and the Union, The ever evolving jbrm of Union itself has become closer to a conventional nation-state. At this juncture, a European 'demos' - as a constituent base for European Union - is needed This poses a new issue for the Union: to build a common social identity in regional level.
This thesis tries to examine how does this process of social identity building of European can come to pass and made possible by European Union, using political psychology approaches available, to explore the nature ofthe process in individual, social, national, and regional level, and how European Union can actively promote, construct, and be made possible to be a main reference for Europeans? social identity. Furthermore, this thesis would propose the use of psychological approach in understanding social phenomenon in wider social scale, in this case, European integration."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marcus, George E., editor
This text is designed to prepare the students to understand the ancient questions raised by our elders, from Ancient Greece through the Enlightenment and to today. And, to see how the newer approaches enable us to escape static disputes by using new tools, conceptual, theoretical, and methodological to seek new answers"
New York: Political psychology : neuroscience, genetics, and politics, 2013
320.019 MAR p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[The psychological components of a sustainable peace moves beyond a prevention-orientation to the study of the conditions for increasing the probabilities for sustainable, cooperative peace. Such a view combines preventative scholarship with a promotive-orientation to the study of peaceful situations and societies. The contributors to this volume examine the components of various psychological theories that contribute to the promotion of a harmonious, sustainable peace. Underlying this orientation is the belief that promoting the ideas and actions which can lead to a sustainable, harmonious peace will not only contribute to the prevention of war, but will also lead to more positive, constructive relations among people and nations and to a more sustainable planet.
, The psychological components of a sustainable peace moves beyond a prevention-orientation to the study of the conditions for increasing the probabilities for sustainable, cooperative peace. Such a view combines preventative scholarship with a promotive-orientation to the study of peaceful situations and societies. The contributors to this volume examine the components of various psychological theories that contribute to the promotion of a harmonious, sustainable peace. Underlying this orientation is the belief that promoting the ideas and actions which can lead to a sustainable, harmonious peace will not only contribute to the prevention of war, but will also lead to more positive, constructive relations among people and nations and to a more sustainable planet.
New York: [Springer, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Houghton, David Patrick
New York: Routledge, 2015
320.019 HOU p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitanggang, Sabar
Reformasi tahun 1998 telah melahirkan banyak harapan. Gejala awal adalah munculnya tuntutan akan liberalisasi politik. Konsekuensi liberalisasi politik itu ditandai oleh terjadinya ledakan partisipasi politik. Ledakan ini terjadi dalam bentuk yang beragam. Pada tataran elite politik ditandai dengan maraknya pendirian partai politik. Partai-partai politik dengan beragam Tatar belakang dan aliran. Salah satu di antaranya adalah Partai Bulan Bintang. Di sisi lain, Undang-Undang No. 12 tahun 2003 tentang Pemilihan Umum Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, mengatur tentang batasan minimum (electoral threshold) perolehan kursi partai politik pada pemilu 2004 untuk dapat kembali mengikuti Pemilu tahun 2009. Partai Bulan Bintang, sesuai basil pemilu 2004 ternyata tak mampu melampaui batas minimum yang dipersyaratkan oleh undang-undang. Karenanya, pimpinan partai memutuskan melakukan perubahan, membentuk partai baru.
Tesis ini akan meneliti bagaimana pendapat pimpinan partai bulan bintang tentang perubahan partai, motivasi berprestasi dalam politik dan kinerja pimpinan partai, Metode yang digunakan adalah jajak pendapat (polling) melalui kuisioner dengan responsen 71 orang yang terdiri atas pimpinan partai di tingkat nasional, propinsi dan kabupatenikota, margin of error penelitian ini sebesar 11,63% pada tingkat kepercayaan, a = 95%.
Hasil dari penelitian di atas, penulis menemukan bahwa sebanyak 81,83% pimpinan partai setuju atas keputusan perubahan Partai Bulan Bintang menjadi Partai Bintang Bulan sementara 13,64% berpendapat ragu dan sebesar 4,54% tidak setuju pada variasi sebesar 2,46% dengan simpangan baku 15,68%.
Terkait motivasi berprestasi daiam politik, sebanyak 87,64% pimpinan partai menyatakan setuju bahwa perubahan partai akan memicu dan memacu hai itu. Sementara itu 7,90% pimpinan partai ragu dan sisanya 4,47% tidak setuju dengan variasi sebesar 0.32% dan simpangan baku 5,68 %.
Dengan metode yang sama ditunjukkan pula bahwa sebanyak 87,12% responden berpendapat setuju perubahan partai akan meningkatkan kinerja pimpinan partai. Sementara itu sebanyak 9,59% responden ragu dan 3,28% tidak setuju dengan variasi 0,23% dan simpangan baku 4,75%.

1998's reform achieved plenty of hope. First symptom is the rise of political liberalisation sues. The consecuences marked by political partisipation boom in many shapes. At the elites, political liberalisation sues signed by a huge sum of new-born party. Political parties with many backgrounds and ideas. One of them is Partai Bulan Bintang. At the other side, Act no. I2 about Election for Regional Board of Representative and Senate of Parliament rules minimum votes (electoral threshold) each political party should has at the 2004 election, so they effort to re-elected by the election in 2009. Partai Bulan Bintang as its achieving votes at 2004 election isn't allowed to follow next election by the Act: And so, leaders of the party decided to make some changing, to build a new party.
This thesis is about leaders of Partai Bulan Bintang opinion for the new-build party, performance and motivation to serve at their best. It use polling as method with questions answered by 71 respondents. The respondents come from the political leaders at national, regional (provinces), and city level. This research has about 11.63 per cent margin of error and a = 95 per cent for level of significant.
The research found 81,83 per cent accept the changing name of the party as Partai Bintang Bulan, while 13.64 per cent doubts and 4.54 per cent not agree. These all has 2.46 per cent variants with standard deviation 15.68 per cent. According to their achievement motivation in politics, 87.64 per cent of respondents agree that party changing will raise their motive. Meanwhile, dubious has 7.90 per cent and the rest choose not to agree with 4.47 per cent variants and standard deviation 5.68 per cent.
With the same methods the research found that 87.12 per cent of respondents agree that the changes of the party will improve performance of the party leaders, 9.59 per cent doubts, 3.28 unaccepted with variant 0.23 per cent and standard deviation 4.75 per cent.
T 17580
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Arif Rahman
Agama merupakan hal penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia dimana hal ini menyangkut sila ke-1 dari Pancasila Indonesia yaitu Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Dalam konteks pemilihan kepala daerah pilkada , individu yang menganggap dirinya adalah seseorang yang religius akan merasa lebih dekat dengan kandidat yang memiliki kesamaan agama dengan dirinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan religiositas dengan sikap terhadap kandidat pada pemilih pemula dalam pilkada. Pengukuran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan alat ukur Central Religiosity Scale CRS Huber Huber, 2012 dan Attitude towards Candidate Scale ATCS Jain, 2014 . Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 130 mahasiswa Psikologi UI yang termasuk kriteria pemilih pemula usia 17-23 tahun, belum pernah atau baru satu kali menggunakan hak suara . Dari hasil penelitian ini, terbukti bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara religiositas dengan sikap terhadap kandidat pada pemilih pemula.

Religion is one of the most important thing for Indonesian people where religion concerns the 1st precept of Indonesian Pancasila namely lsquo Belief in the One Supreme God rsquo . In the concern of election, one who asume him or herself as a religious person will be closer to the candidate with the same religion as them. This research aimed to examn the relationship between religiosity and attitude towards candidate among early voters. The measurement used in this study are Central Religiosity scale CRS Huber Huber, 2012 and Attitude towards candidate scale ATCS Jain, 2014 . Respondents in this study are 130 collage student from Psychology UI with a characteristic of early voters age 17 23, haven rsquo t used or have only used their vote 1 time in election . The result showed that there is a significant relationship between religiosity and attitude towards candidate among early voters."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Caprara, Gian Vittorio
"Few people today would challenge the legitimacy of democracy as the form of government most congenial to modern citizenship, as it requires members to treat each other as equals and to cooperate in the pursuit of conditions that may maximize both the promotion of individuals potential and the achievement of public welfare. Yet a number of facts challenge these ideals. Declining political participation, as well as skepticism and dissatisfaction with the functioning of democracy among citizens of established democracies, attests to a kind of paradox. Citizens increasing capacity to control their own circumstances within their private, social, and economic spheres is at odds with their decreasing capacity to exert control over their political representatives and over the domain of politics in general. The shift of opposing political coalitions toward more pragmatic and ideologically elusive platforms, aimed at attracting a larger sphere of the electorate, has greatly diluted the ideological identity of parties that have replaced traditional class movements. All politics has become more personalized as political preferences are increasingly dependent on the likes and dislikes of citizens, and ultimately on the personality characteristics of political candidates capable of attracting voters preferences. These pressures urge legislators to better appreciate the significant changes that have occurred in citizens political reasoning and action, as well as the diversities among citizens of different political contexts. Likewise, scientists are urged to disclose the psychological structures and mechanisms that set the conditions for individuals democratic participation."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barker, Lori A.
"On November 4, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama became the first African American president of the United States. Everyone agrees this was an historic event; not everyone agrees as to its meaning. On that night and in the days and months that followed, everyone chimed in with an opinion-from seasoned politicians and television news commentators, to co-workers, neighbors, family members, and strangers on the street. Many were astonished at his meteoric rise to success and expressed strong emotional reactions-from joy and hope, to anger and resentment. With his success came many questions: How did he accomplish this? Why does he evoke such strong reactions? Do we now live in a post-racial society? What will this mean for the next generation? This book seeks answers to these questions and examines the psychological impact of Barack Obama as the first African American president of the United States. Contributing authors represent some of the leading scholars in their fields, and they address these questions using psychological theory and research on topics such as racism, prejudice, stereotyping, immigration, and ethnic identity. They also discuss his impact on different populations, including African Americans, immigrants, youth, and the LGBT community. The purpose is to analyze the impact of this historic event on how we see ourselves, how we see each other, and the interactions we have with one another."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilman Rizaldi Ruswin
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prediksi orientasi dominansi sosial SDO dan identitas sosial terhadap intoleransi politik di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian korelasional. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Skala Orientasi Dominansi Sosial dan Skala Intoleransi Politik Putra, 2007 serta adaptasi dari Alat Ukur Identitas Sosial Kusumawardhani, 2010 . Penelitian dilakukan pada 772 mahasiswa S1/D4 yang dilakukan dengan accidental sampling dengan mengisi kuesioner daring melalui tautan http://lurus.in/niatnya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa SDO dapat memprediksi kemunculan intoleransi politik = 0,260, p < 0,05 , dan identitas sosial memiliki pengaruh yang kecil dalam memprediksi kemunculan intoleransi politik = 0,138, p < 0,05.

This study aims to predict social dominance orientation SDO and social identities religion and ethnicity on political intolerance. This study used correlational method, and examine SDO with Skala Orientasi Dominansi Sosial Putra, 2007 , political intolerance with Skala Intoleransi Politik Putra, 2007 , and social identity with Alat Ukur Identitas Sosial Kusumawardhani, 2010 . The researcher used online questionnaire http lurus.in niatnya with 772 undergraduate students as sample with accidental sampling. The researcher found that SDO predicts political intolerance 0,260, p 0,05 and a small contribution of social identity to predict political intolerance 0,138, p 0,05."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library