ABSTRAKErosi tanah di wilayah beriklim tropis dipicu oleh curah hujan baik secara spasial maupun temporal. Erodibilitas tanah berkaitan erat dengan jumlah dan intensitas hujan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pola keterpaparan erosi akibat hujan menurut kondisi fisik wilayah. Data curah hujan harian tahun 2005-2016 digunakan untuk mendapatkan wilayah keterpaparan erosi yang diperoleh dari hasil scoring data berdasarkan frekuensi hari hujan FHH 5-10 mm/hari, FHH 11-25 mm/hari, FHH 26-50 mm/hari dan FHH >51mm/hari berbasis metode Thiessen. Validasi melalui survey lapang di 64 lokasi, dengan metode stratified sampling. Analisis spasial dilakukan dengan teknik overlay peta keterpaparan erosi dengan variabel jenis tanah, lereng dan penggunaan tanah, selanjutnya dilakukan uji validasi untuk mengetahui jenis erosi di lokasi sampel. Luas wilayah keterpaparan erosi tingkat berat di Kabupaten Kulon Progo mencapai 314,98 km 53,7 . Keterpaparan erosi tingkat berat menurut kondisi fisik wilayah di Kulon Progo yaitu pada lereng 15-40 , dengan penggunaan tanah berupa tegalan dan jenis tanah Andisol. Pada wilayah keterpaparan erosi tingkat berat, didominasi oleh jenis erosi parit. Pada wilayah keterpaparan erosi tingkat sedang, didominasi oleh jenis erosi alur. Pada wilayah keterpaparan erosi tingkat ringan, didominasi oleh jenis erosi lembar.
ABSTRACTSoil erosion in tropical climates is triggered by variations in both spatial and temporal rainfall. The soil erodibility is closely related to the amount and intensity of the rain that the frequency of occurrence varies spatially. The purpose of this research is to analyze rainfall erosion exposure pattern according to physical condition of region. The 2005 2016 daily rainfall data is used to obtain erosion exposure area obtained from scoring data based on 5 10 mm day rain frequency DRF , DRF 11 25 mm day, DRF 26 50 mm day and DRF 51mm day based on Thiessen method, validated through field survey at 64 locations, the location distribution was determined by stratified sampling method. Spatial analysis is done by overlay technique on the map of erosion exposure with variables soil type, slope, and land use, then validation test is done to determine the type of erosion at sample location. The area of heavy erosion exposure in Kulon Progo reached 314,98 km 53,7 . The exposure of heavy erosion according to the physical condition of the area in Kulon Progo is on the slope of 15 40 , with the moor as the land use and Andisol as the soil type. In areas of severe erosion exposure, erosion is dominated by the type of trench erosion. In areas of moderate erosion exposure, erosion is dominated by the type of flow erosion. In areas of mild erosion exposure, erosion is dominated by type of sheet erosion."