"Perilaku bullying merupakan masalah yang serius yang terjadi pada anak usia sekolah. Perilaku bullying tidak hanya berdampak pada anak, tetapi berdampak juga pada keluarga dan sekolah. Diperlukan kerjasama antara individu, keluarga dan pihak sekolah dalam upaya penanganan dan pencegahan perilaku bullying. Fokus model intervensi keperawatan ini adalah kegiatan promotif dan preventif untuk mencegah perilaku bullying. Intervensi yang dilaksanakan meliputi intervensi pada anak untuk meningkatkan konsep diri, meningkatkan penerimaan diri dan kemampuan untuk mengelola emosi. Intervensi pada keluarga dilakukan untuk meningkatkan fungsi keluarga dalam interaksi dan kedekatan emosional seperti membangun komunikasi efektif dan keharmonisan keluarga. Intervensi pada guru dilakukan penguatan peran guru dalam menanamkan norma anti kekerasan pada anak yang terjadi di sekolah, cara mengelola emosi anak untuk menurunkan perilaku agresif. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian operasional dengan tiga tahap: tahap I identifikasi masalah, tahap II Pengembangan model dan modul, tahap III uji coba Model Intervensi Keperawatan Pencegahan Perilaku Bullying dengan menggunakan studi penelitian kuantitatif quasi eksperimental pre-postest with control group design, responden anak sekolah, orang tua dan guru yang mengalami kejadian bullying di Banyumas. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah chi square, t-test dependen, t-test independent dan regresi linear berganda. Model Intervensi Pencegahan Bullying dilengkapi dengan Modul dan buku kerja dikembangkan berdasarkan studi literatur, studi pendahuluan, penelitian tahap 1, konsultasi pakar, dengan menggunakan integrasi teori model sistem dan pencapaian tujuan, teori model stres adaptasi serta teori model sosial ekologi. Bentuk intervensi keperawatan yang diberikan adalah edukasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa Model Intervensi Pencegahan Perilaku Bullying efektif meningkatkan konsep diri anak, penerimaan diri, pengelolaan emosi, fungsi keluarga, dan peran guru untuk mencegah perilaku Bullying. Hasil pelaksanaan Model pencegahan perilaku bullying sebagai bentuk intervensi pelayanan keperawatan di komunitas dengan menyesuaikan tahap tumbuh kembang anak. Memberikan masukan pada pemerintah untuk mengoptimalkan sinergi antar kementrian dalam menerapkan model intervensi pencegahan perilaku bullying sebagai alternatif upaya promotif dan preventif masalah bullying dengan baik dan tepat
Bullying is a severe problem behavioural that occurs in school-age children. Bullying does not only have impact on children but also their families and schools. The collaboration is needed between individuals, families and schools to handle and prevent bullying. This nursing intervention model focuses on promotive and preventive efforts to prevent bullying. The carried interventions addressed to improve children’s self-concept, increased self-acceptance and the ability to manage emotions. The purpose of nursing interventions towards family to enhance family functioning in interaction and emotional cohesiveness, such as strengthening effective communication and family harmony. The nursing intervention to teachers is carried out to strengthen the teacher's role in instilling anti-violence norms in children at schools and how to manage children's emotions in reducingean aggressive behaviourThe opperational research was used with three stages: first stage, is the problem identification, second stage is the development of models and modules, and the third stage is the tried out the Nursing Intervention Model for Prevention of Bullying Behaviour using a quasi-experimental quantitative research design pre-posttest with control group design, school children respondents, parents and teachers who experienced incidents of bullying in Banyumas. The statistical tests used were chi- square, dependent t-test, independent t-test and multiple linear regression. The Bullying Prevention Intervention Model was completed with the training module for children, parents and teachers. Workbooks were developed based on literature review, preliminary study, and the finding of first stage of this study. The draft of model and modules than consulted to experts for inputs. Integration of This study used an eclectic of system model theory and goal attainment, adaptation stress model theory and social-ecological model theory. The nursing interventions provided are education, training and coaching. The analysis results revealed that the Bullying Behavior Prevention Intervention Model effectively increases children's self-concept, self-acceptance, emotional management, family functioning, and the teacher's role in preventing bullying behaviou on school children. The results of implementing the bullying behaviour prevention model as a form of nursing service intervention in the community by adjusting the stages of the child growth and development. Providing input to the Government strengthening the synergy between Ministries in implementing this nursing intervention models in preventing bullying among school children"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023