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Siti Zahreni
Abstrak :
PT. X merupakan organisasi profit yang bergerak di industri hilir perminyakan Indonesia. Dalam rangka meningkatkan keuntungan kompetitif dan meraih kesuksesan bisnisnya, PT. X berharap seluruh karyawannya, terutama yang berada di bawah Divisi Trading menghasilkan kinerja di atas rata-rata. Namun, harapan ini tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang ada di lapangan, karena pada kenyataannya hasil penilaian kinerja karyawan pada divisi ini menunjukkan hasil yang kurang optimal dan hanya memenuhi 60%-70% harapan perusahaan. Hal ini lebih lanjut berpengaruh terhadap pemenuhan target penjualan divisi karena kinerja yang kurang efektif dan optimal ini mengakibatkan kegagalan salah satu aktivitas perdagangan dalam divisi ini. Sistem pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang dijalankan selama ini disinyalir menjadi penyebab dari permasalahan ini. Oleh karena itu, pada tugas akhir ini diusulkan untuk menggunakan pendekatan kompetensi sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan SDM di PT. X. Namun, dikarenakan keterbatasan-keterbatasan tertentu, maka tidak memungkinkan untuk menerapkan pendekatan kompetensi pada seluruh divisi di PT. X. Oleh karena itu, diberikan altemalif usulan untuk membuat model kompetensi Divisi Trading sebagai representasi kegiatan inti PT. X. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penyusunan model kompetensi ini adalah metode desain studi singkat dengan menggunakan expert panel atau yang lebih seing disebut sebagai job competency assessment (JCA). Tahapan penyusunan meliputi: tahap persiapan awal, mengumpulkan data bersama dengan expert panel, identifikasi kompetensi, analisa data, dan finalisasi. Hasilnya diperoleh model kompetensi untuk Divisi Trading yang terdiri Bari 4 kompetensi inti, yaitu Customer Service Orientation, Achievement Orientation, Teamwork and Cooperation, Professional Integrity dan 7 kompetensi spesifik, yaitu Impact and Influence, Interpersonal Understanding, Relationship Building, Analytical Thinking, Information Seeking, Technical Expertise dan Developing Others. Model kompetensi ini nantinya akan dipergunakan sebagai dasar dalam aktivitas-aktivitas pengelolaan SDM di PT. X, terutama untuk seleksi, penilaian kinerja, serta pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Artikel jurnal ini berisi tentang pergeseran fungsi dan proses pewarisan pada kesenian tanjidor. Kesenian ini merupakan kesenian Betawi berupa pertunjukan musik tanpa vokal. Dahulu di Batavia, tanjidor selalu menjadi primadona dalam memeriahkan acara tahun baru, acara hajatan orang Betawi, juga perayaan hari besar Cina, seperti Cap Go Meh dan lainnya. Namun saat ini, pertunjukan tanjidor menjadi hal yang langka. Bahkan, dalam acara pernikahan orang Betawi, tanjidor merupakan pertunjukan yang jarang ada dan saat ini pertunjukan tersebut lebih sering ditanggap untuk acara yang bertemakan ikon Jakarta. Berdasarkan penelitian, turunnya intensitas pertunjukan tanjidor disebabkan oleh bergesernya fungsi utamanya sebagai hiburan. Tidak adanya persepsi keislaman yang dekat dengan kehidupan masyarakat Betawi menjadi pemicu berkurangnya pertunjukan tanjidor di kalangan komunitasnya. Selain itu, pergeseran juga terjadi dalam proses pewarisannya. Proses pewarisan yang dilakukan oleh seniman Betawi mendapat hambatan karena sulitnya mereka untuk mentransfer keahliannya. Berbeda dengan seniman tanjidor non-Betawi yang memiliki cara khusus untuk memindahkan keahliannya kepada murid-muridnya. Hal ini akan berakibat adanya penyeberangan pewarisan tanjidor dari Betawi ke non-Betawi karena tanjidor terasa lebih hidup di tangan non-Betawi. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan sebab dan dampak tergesernya fungsi tanjidor dalam masyarakat Betawi sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran dalam proses pewarisan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode lapangan kualitatif dengan mengacu pada data di lapangan kemudian dianalisis dengan bantuan studi pustaka.
This journal article contains about the shift of functions and processes inheritance on tanjidor art. This art is art Betawi in the form of musical performances without vocals. Formerly in Batavia, tanjidor has always been a prima donna in enlivening the new year event, Betawi celebration events, as well as Chinese celebrations of the day, such as Cap Go Meh and more. But nowadays, tanjidor show becomes thing which is rare. In fact, in the marriage of the Betawi people, tanjidor is a show that rarely exists and is currently a show it is more often considered for an icon themed event Jakarta. Based on research, the decrease in the intensity of the show tanjidor is caused by shifting its main function as entertainment. The absence of a perception of Islam that is close to the life of the community Betawi became the trigger for the reduction of tanjidor performances in the circle community. In addition, shifts also occur in the process inheritance. Inheritance process done by Betawi artist get inhibited because of their difficulty to transfer his expertise. In contrast to non Betawi tanjidor artists who have a special way to transfer his skills to his students. This result in a crossing of tanjidor inheritance from Betawi to non Betawi because the tanjidor feels more alive in the hands of non Betawi. This article aims to explain the cause and the impact of displacement tanjidor function in Betawi society causing a shift in the inheritance process. The research method done is a qualitative field method with reference to the data in the field then analyzed with the help of literature study.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Kastiawan
Abstrak :
Mendeteksi daerah rawan kegagalan dan oversizing pada cetakan temperatur panas merupakan hal yang sulit, dan sering membutuhkan waktu dan biaya yang besar. Untuk mengatasi kekurangan tersebut cara-cara konvensional dapat digantikan dengan metode komputasi.

Dalam penelitian ini dirancang tiga model cetakan blocker gear blank dan dilakukan modifikasi cetakan finisher yang menggunakan konsep volume lama persegmen antara blocking dan finishing blank. Analisa dilakukan terhadap oversizing dan kekuatan dengan mengamati data tegangan dan regangan arah x dan y serta tegangan von Mises dan displacement total yang diperoleh dart hasil simulasi dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Ansys.

Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa, geometri cetakan sangat berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pemerataan distribusi tegangan, regangan dan displacement-nya. Didapat bahwa daerah corner mempunyai tingkat distribusi tegangan dan regangan yang paling tinggi dan daerah fillet mengalami oversizing yang paling besar.
Detecting areas prone to failure and oversizing on forging hot forging dies is difficult and usually requires a long time and large amount of money. To deal with these disadvantages, we can replace conventional methods with computational methods.

In this study to be designed three models of gear blank blocker dies and perform finishing die modification which uses the concept of per segment equal volume between blocking and finishing blank. The analysis is performed towards over sizing and strength by observing stress and strain data on x and y directions and von Mises stress and total displacement obtained from simulation results by using Ansys software.

The results shows that die geometry strongly influence the uniformity level of stress distribution, strain and displacement. It is found that the corner area has the highest level of stress and strain and the fillet area has the largest over sizing.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pongoh, Ivonne
Abstrak :
State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) in Indonesia, had a significant role in national economics, but its performance did not show satisfying results. So, in 1988, government made reformation efforts in SOE through issued Presidential Instruction No. 5/1988 on State Owned Enterprises Soundness and Management improvement. But until 1998, all SOE that have been reformed still did not perform an improvement. It indicated from the ratio of Return on Asset were only under 4 %. With economical crisis in 1997, government convincing to continue the improvement effort of SOE to become an efficient and effective corporation. PT Indosat Tbk, as the one of SOE indicated as anomaly in majority of SOE, because of it showed an increasing performance, after government effort to reform that corporation through privatization program in 1994. While several years the financial performance growth rapidly, and PT Indosat Tbk was admitted as The Managed Company from Far Eastern Economic Review. The performance as the result of activities of organization earned profit. However the performance information from financial reports could net be references for defining sustainable performance. According to Kaplan and Norton theory, in performance measurement Balance Scorecard (BSC), BSC model was relationship model that characterized in systemic and dynamics from financial and non financial aspects. Financial aspects represented from profitability and revenue, whereas non financial aspects were customers, internal business process, growth and learning perspectives. Nowadays, with existing information technology, the relationship model of systemic and dynamic BSC model could be mapped through dynamics system approach. By means of Dynamic System those causal relationship were described in causal loops (cause-and effect relationship), which informed the state of the performance system and this information can be used in current decision making. Model of system dynamics approach was useful, because of: first, described a simplified representation of system relationship without losing of essence of main object; second, system dynamics method was suitable for mechanism, pattern and trend based on structuring and analyzing of system, pattern of complex system, dynamics, and uncertainties; third, system dynamics could view dynamic process naturally in non linear behavior through simulation. According to research results by PowerSim program, system dynamics model of PT Indosat Tbk indicated that financial performance (especially SLI) was referencing of " Limit To Growth" behavior. That means financial performance as reflected of corporate performance could not be forced to increase till the certain point. From simulation result, revenue indicator showed increase till year 2000, after that revenue will decrease. Whereas on profit, growth curve still growth until 2003 and then curve would decline. From mapping system dynamics model of PT Indosat Tbk performance, factors that influence and had a causal relationship with the model consist of: traffic volume, revenue, profit, expenditures, dividend payable, maintenance & administration & general cost, marketing budget, research & development budget, personnel cost, total cost, material cost per unit, discount margin, price, government tariff, customer satisfaction index (CSI), operating excellent index (OEI), training index, external factors. Causal loops that formed of system model was presented by: marketing loop which impact to market share, and customer satisfaction; business internal process loop which includes factors due to all cost that spent for production process, and finally directed to operating excellent index; human development loop that was described through training index. Following the sensitivity analysis on selected key variables from system PT Indosat Tbk performance resulted that customer factor such as customer satisfaction related to product price had a significant impact on revenue and profit. Increasing price to 5 % could be enough to increase the financial performance, although market share decreased. However taking 10 % discount on price would decreased a financial performance, although there were an escalation of market share. Changing 10 % to CSI and market share had a significant impact on revenue and profit. This conditions meet along with behavior of Telecommunication industries structure in Indonesia, that still had an opportunity in market (because of Oligopoly structure), and fast growing information technology. Because of that, market research was needed to understand customer expectation and perception of product and services, with the result fitting and matching between customer and corporate goals. Besides all factors above, an available capital for expenditures and reinvestment of business operation development had a significant impact on sustainable performance, it identified from changing behavior of the model. It was accordance with behavior telecommunication that had difficulties of barrier to entry. Because of investment was necessarily in network infrastructures far staying with appropriate technology development. Therefore government could support this condition with provided regulation that facilitated the corporation to cooperate with foreign investors, so PT Indosat could improve the infrastructures quality and operational efficiency, to generate more revenues for the forthcoming years.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Dianita Ika Meilia
Abstrak :
Pendapat ahli yang disampaikan dalam proses hukum harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah, yang dikenal dengan evidence-based practice (EBP). Dalam kedokteran forensik, EBP belum diterapkan secara eksplisit, termasuk di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan potensial untuk merumuskan pendapat ahli berbasis bukti disebut dengan INFERENCE (INtegration of Forensic Epidemiology and the Rigorous EvaluatioN of Causation Elements). Selain itu, belum ada pedoman universal untuk membuat laporan patologi forensik. Salah satu pedoman yang potensial bernama PERFORM-P (Principles of evidence-based Reporting in FORensic Medicine-Pathology version). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed-methods) melalui lima tahapan yang saling terkait yaitu (1) survei potong lintang untuk mengetahui karakteristik dokter forensik Indonesia dan praktiknya saat ini, (2) proses adaptasi dan validasi kedua alat tersebut melalui review oleh Kolegium Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik Indonesia, (3) studi pre-post intervention satu kelompok untuk menilai validitas dan reliabilitas pendapat ahli kedokteran forensik yang diformulasikan menggunakan i-INFERENCE (Indonesian-INFERENCE) dan dilaporkan menggunakan i-PERFORM-P (Indonesian-PERFORM-P), (4) studi kasus analitik menggunakan i-INFERENCE, dan (5) diskusi kelompok terfokus untuk mengeksplorasi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P. Seluruh penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jakarta (secara luring dan daring) sejak bulan Desember 2017 sampai Juli 2022. i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P dapat meningkatkan validitas pendapat ahli kedokteran forensik. Kedua alat tersebut berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam setting Indonesia dengan beberapa tambahan/klarifikasi dalam pedoman pengguna. Keduanya juga mendapat sambutan yang umumnya positif, baik dari pengguna potensial (dokter forensik Indonesia) maupun oleh konsumen (jaksa dan hakim) meskipun diperlukan upaya lebih dalam menggunakannya. Peserta membayangkan bahwa kedua alat tersebut akan sangat berguna dalam kasus yang rumit. Dengan adanya i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P dokter forensik Indonesia diharapkan lebih siap dalam menganalisis dan melaporkan kasus yang kompleks, serta implementasi EBP dapat ditingkatkan. ......Expert opinions presented in legal proceedings should be scientifically accountable, which is known as evidence-based practice (EBP). In forensic medicine, EBP has not been explicitly applied, including in Indonesia. One potential approach to formulate evidence-based expert opinions is called INFERENCE (INtegration of Forensic Epidemiology and the Rigorous EvaluatioN of Causation Elements). Additionally, there is also no universal guideline for making forensic pathological reports. One prospective guideline is the PERFORM-P (Principles of Evidencebased Reporting in FORensic Medicine-Pathology version). This study uses a mixed-method through five interrelated phases, i.e., (1) a cross-sectional survey to determine the characteristics of Indonesian forensic doctors and their current practice, (2) the adaptation and validation process of the two tools through a review by the Indonesian College of Forensic Medicine, (3) a one-group pre-post intervention study to assess the validity and reliability of forensic medical expert opinions formulated using i-INFERENCE (Indonesian-INFERENCE) and reported using i-PERFORM-P (Indonesian-PERFORM-P), (4) an analytic case study using i-INFERENCE, and (5) a focused group discussion to explore customer satisfaction towards i-INFERENCE and i-PERFORM-P. This study was conducted in Jakarta (online and offline) from December 2017 until July 2022. i-INFERENCE and iPERFORM-P can increase the validity of forensic medical expert opinions. Both tools can potentially be used in the Indonesian setting with some additions/clarifications in the user manuals. They also received a generally positive reception, both by potensial user (Indonesian forensic medical doctors) and by consumers (public prosecutors and judges) albeit the extra effort that is needed in using them. Participants envision that both tools will be most useful in complex cases. By obtaining the i-INFERENCE and the i-PERFORM-P, Indonesian forensic medical doctors are better equipped in analyzing and reporting complex cases, and the implementation of EBP can be improved.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virginia Rusli
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Dalam dunia olahraga, bahaya cedera selalu mengintai ketika seorang atlet melakukan aktivitasnya, disaat bertanding maupun latihan. Cedera pastinya mengganggu performa seorang atlet, terlebih jika menyangkut atlet profesional. Hal ini dikarenakan penghasilan yang biasa diperoleh ketika melakukan fungsinya sebagai attlet, tidal( dapat dilakukan. Untuk kembali tampil pascacedera tentunya dibutuhkan bukan hanya tekad yang kuat, tapi juga persiapan yang matang. Penetapan sasaran (goal setting) adalah salah satu cara yang membuat seorang atlet menjadi slap untuk kembali berkecimpung di arena olahraga. Bukan hanya berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan fisik dan teknik, penetapan sasaran juga mempengaruhi kesiapan mental seorang atlet. Ini dikarenakan penetapan sasaran dipercayai membawa perubahan-perubahan positif dalam beberapa kondisi psikologis atlet, seperti: kecemasan, kepercayaan diri, dan motivasi (Gould, 1993). Sasaran yang efektif dapat membantu atlet pulih dari cederanya (Wiese & Weiss, 1987). Penelitian ini menjadi perlu clan penting untuk dilakukan karena disadari begitu tingginya kemungkinan cedera yang dialami oleh seorang atlet. Sedangkan di lain pihak, kebanyakan atlet-atlet yang mengalami cedera justru mereka yang masih bails prestasinya, bahkan yang terbaik di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya suatu mekanisme penanggulangan cedera yang efektif sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus yang dalain pengumpulan datanya menggunakan tehnik observasi dan wawancara (primer) serta studi pustaka (sekunder). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penetapan sasaran memiliki peranan dalam usaha pengembalian performa seorang atlet tenis profesional pascacedera. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap seorang atlet tenis putri profesional dan pelatihpelatihnya. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah penetapan sasaran ternyata memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap performa atlet ini secara fisik, teknik, dan mental pascacedera yang dialaminya.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library