"The improvement of the compatibility of natural rubber (NR)/acrilonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) blend on
rubber seal vulcanizate has been done by the addition of chloroprene rubber (CR) or epoxidized natural rubber
(ENR) as compatibilizer. Rubber seal compound was made of NR and NBR blend (BN) with CR (BCR), and ENR
with epoxy content of 10% (BENR10), 20% (BENR20), 30% (BENR30), 40% (BENR40), and 50% (BENR50). The
composition in each formula was homogenized, with comparison of NR:NBR at 40:60, and NR:compatibilizer:NBR
at 40:5:55. That compounds were vulcanized with efficient system at 150oC. The addition of CR-compatilizer
improved the curing characteristic, compression set, and n-pentane resistance of BN vulcanizate. Meanwhile, the
addition of KAE-compatilizer improved the elasticity of BN vulcanizate. BENR elasticity and n-pentane resistance
increased in line with the increasing level of epoxy content of ENR.
Peningkatan kompatibilitas pencampuran karet alam (KA) dan akrilonitril-butadiena (NBR) pada vulkanisat
karet perapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan kompatibiliser karet kloroprena (CR) atau karet alam epoksidasi
(KAE). Kompon karet perapat dibuat dari campuran KA dan NBR (BN) dengan kompatibiliser CR (BCR) dan
KAE dengan kandungan epoksi 10% (BKAE10), 20% (BKAE20), 30% (BKAE30), 40% (BKAE40), dan 50%
(BKAE50). Komposisi pada masing-masing formula diseragamkan dengan perbandingan KA:NBR sebesar 40:60
dan KA:kompatibiliser:NBR sebesar 40:5:55. Kompon divulkanisasi dengan sistem efisien pada suhu 1500C.
Penambahan kompatibiliser CR memperbaiki karakteristik pematangan, pampatan tetap, dan ketahanan n-pentana
vulkanisat KA/NBR (BN). Sedangkan penambahan kompatibiliser KAE memperbaiki sifat elastis vulkanisat.
Keelastisan dan ketahanan n-pentana BKAE meningkat seiiring kandungan epoksi KAE."