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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wicak Syadzali Erjantho
"From the Indonesian new Tax Law point of view, to pay tax was interpreted as 'an obligation' as well as 'a right' of every citizen. Nevertheless, it was no doubt that good organizational structure; effective administration depended on the skills, integrity, commitment and good relationship between the tax officials and Taxpayer's. For most Taxpayer's individually or privately paying tax was seen as a burden and to increase Tax Compliance, the Government regulation and other measures, tax system and procedures needed to be reformed from time to time due to decreasing cost, complaints, lower administration and compliance cost, minimizing tax avoidance and to increase tax compliance.
There should be serious efforts from the government to gain in the degree of tax awareness and compliance; therefore, some factors have to be considered: (1) tax rate; (2) form of regulations that should be simple, understandable, and also purpose of tax imposed, (3) capable to serve for the satisfaction of public wants. Self Assessment was the tax system applicable in Indonesia, in which as the real consequence, the Tax Compliance used to fill in the SPT by them correctly and on time. Interesting measures have to be applied for Taxpayer's completed their obligation promptly: (1) A reward to the Taxpayer's who has completed their obligation promptly in which they then deserved to entitle as ' A Golden Taxpayer', and that a primarily tax refund would be of their beneficial for this attitude, (2) Incentives that forced the Taxpayer's to complete their duty, (3) penalties or punishment that was also an element of tax consciousness, (4) intensification of the tax education and information campaign by all sectors of the economy publicly or privately. As already known the Tax Law in Indonesia that was only be reformed in 1920 and 1983, 1994, 1997,2000 and 2007, although anticipated the spirit of 'unification principle', under which all Taxpayer's were treated alike, it should be said that less attention was given to the individual Taxpayer's .
The purpose of the research was to know the implications of the reward policy, including problems and efforts of Taxpayer's to be entitled as 'A Golden Taxpayer' at KPP Pratama Jakarta Palmerah. The research method was descriptive; the research was described accurately using library research, hypothesis, sources/key informants as well as field research. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach. The research type was descriptive in which the writer gave a detail description in using the existing information. The data collection technique was by reading the literature, focusing on observation and interview. The interview was held with the Tax Government Institution, Tax Expert and the Taxpayer's itself.
In conclusion, reward did not improve the Taxpayer's Compliance at KPP Pratama Jakarta Palmerah, compared to the grant of tax penalty or punishment, an effectiveness of the control and campaign held by the authorities. Another problems faced by the private tax compliance to became as a Golden Taxpayer caused by the aggregate amount of fees paid for penalty, and that many Taxpayer's allege did not understand the meaning of many terms of the existing regulation and policy, and lastly, since the individual tax compliance had a very limited criterion to pay the amount according to the fiscal policy. My recommendation to this research were: (1) the tax system would force the Taxpayer's to complete their obligation, (2) the reward given to Taxpayer's should have an additional benefit and applied to all type of Taxpayer's, (3) the criterion applied should be equal and legal certainty.to all Taxpayer's."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Rizkiyani
Penelitian ini melihat hubungan interaksi ibu-anak dan perilaku patuh/tidak patuh toddler dari keluarga miskin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi untuk mengukur interaksi ibu-anak dan perilaku patuh/tidak patuh toddler. Alat ukur penelitian ini yaitu Parents Interacting with Children: Checklist of Observation Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) untuk mengukur interaksi ibu-anak dan Clean Up Task untuk mengukur perilaku patuh/tidak patuh toddler. Penelitian ini melibatkan 62 pasangan ibu dan anak usia 12-36 bulan yang berasal dari keluarga miskin. Teknik statistik yang digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan di antara kedua variabel ini adalah teknik Korelasi Pearson. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa interaksi ibu-anak tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan perilaku patuh/tidak patuh yang ditampilkan toddler dari keluarga miskin (p>0,05, tidak signifikan pada L.o.S 0,05).
This study looked at the relationship of mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families. This study used observational methods to measure the mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The measuring instrument in this research is Parents Interacting with Children: Observation Checklist of Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) to measure the mother-child interaction and Clean Up Task to measure compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The study involved 62 pairs of mothers and children aged 12-36 months who come from poverty families. Statistical techniques used to measure the relationship between these two variables is the Pearson Correlation Technique. Results from this study indicate that the mother-child interaction have no significant relationship with compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families (p> 0.05, not significant at LoS 0,05).
;This study looked at the relationship of mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families. This study used observational methods to measure the mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The measuring instrument in this research is Parents Interacting with Children: Observation Checklist of Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) to measure the mother-child interaction and Clean Up Task to measure compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The study involved 62 pairs of mothers and children aged 12-36 months who come from poverty families. Statistical techniques used to measure the relationship between these two variables is the Pearson Correlation Technique. Results from this study indicate that the mother-child interaction have no significant relationship with compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families (p> 0.05, not significant at LoS 0,05).
, This study looked at the relationship of mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families. This study used observational methods to measure the mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The measuring instrument in this research is Parents Interacting with Children: Observation Checklist of Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) to measure the mother-child interaction and Clean Up Task to measure compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The study involved 62 pairs of mothers and children aged 12-36 months who come from poverty families. Statistical techniques used to measure the relationship between these two variables is the Pearson Correlation Technique. Results from this study indicate that the mother-child interaction have no significant relationship with compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families (p> 0.05, not significant at LoS 0,05).
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satria Fajrullah Said Aldam
"Halusinasi merupakan persepsi yang diterima oleh panca indera tanpa adanya stimulus eksternal. Klien dengan halusinasi sering merasakan keadaan/kondisi yang hanya dapat dirasakan olehnya namun tidak dapat dirasakan oleh orang lain.

Kasus: Klien wanita berusia 30 tahun masuk rumah sakit dengan alasan klien keluyuran dan pulang diantar oleh warga. Bila keinginan tidak terpenuhi klien marah-marah, tampak sering berbicara sendiri, kurang tidur, aktivitas di rumah hanya tiduran, tidak mau makan dan mandi. Klien mengatakan bahwa dirinya sering mendengar suara-suara. Suara-suara tersebut mengatakan dirinya bodoh, tidak berguna, pelacur, yang membuat dirinya menjadi cemas. Klien mengatakan bahwa halusinasinya datang lebih dari 8x/hari dan tidak menentu waktunya. Situasi yang menyebabkan halusinasi yaitu saat dirinya sedang bengong, melamun, atau sendiri. Klien juga mengatakan bahwa saat halusinasi datang dirinya menjadi cemas, marah-marah, dan bingung. Klien mengatakan bahwa saat dirumah, suara tersebut sering muncul saat ingin tidur yang membuat dirinya menjadi susah untuk tidur. Implementasi keperawatan berfokus pada standar asukan keperawatan jiwa generalis gangguan sensori persepsi halusinasi pendengaran seperti mengenal halusinasi, menghardik, bercakap-cakap, melakukan kegiatan, dan patuh obat. Implementasi yang dilakukan mampu untuk menurunkan gejala halusinasi. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari respon kognitif, afektif, perilaku, dan sosial yang dialami klien setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan.

Kesimpulan: standar asuhan keperawatan jiwa generalis dengan gangguan sensori persepsi halusinasi pendengaran dapat menurunkan gejala halusinasi.

Hallucinations are perceptions received by the five senses without an external stimulus. Clients with hallucinations often feel the conditions / conditions that can only be felt by them but cannot be felt by others.

Case: A client of a 30-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital on the grounds that the client wanders and goes home by the residents. If the desire is not fulfilled the client is angry, seems often to speak to himself, lack of sleep, activities at home just lie down, do not want to eat and bathe. The client said that he often heard voices. The voices said he was stupid, useless, a prostitute, which made him anxious. The client said that the hallucinations came more than 8 times a day and were not timed. The situation that causes hallucinations is when he is dazed, daydreaming, or alone. The client also said that when hallucinations came he became anxious, angry, and confused. The client said that at home, the voice often appears when he wants to sleep which makes him difficult to sleep.

Discussion: Nursing implementation focuses on the standard of generalist mental nursing sensory impairment of the perception of auditory hallucinations such as knowing hallucinations, rebuking, conversations, activities, and drug adherence. The implementation carried out is able to reduce the symptoms of hallucinations. This can be seen from the cognitive, affective, behavioral, and social responses experienced by the client after nursing actions.

Conclusion: generalist mental nursing care standards with sensory disorders perception of auditory hallucinations can reduce hallucinatory symptoms."

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Rezeki Carolina
"Hipertensi merupakan penyebab utama pada masalah kesehatan global dari penyakit kardiovaskular dan kematian di seluruh dunia. Orang dewasa rentang usia 40-60 tahun dengan hipertensi yang tidak diobati berada pada peningkatan risiko kematian dan komplikasi akibat penyakit hipertensi. Salah satu faktor penyebab hipertensi adalah ketidakpatuhan pengobatan dan ketidakmampuan individu dalam mengendalikan faktor risiko. Pengendalian hipertensi diperlukan untuk mencegah dan menurunkan probabilitas kesakitan, komplikasi, dan kematian akibat hipertensi. Langkah ini dapat dikelompokkan menjadi pendekatan farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Terapi farmakologis dengan obat anti hipertensi terbukti dapat mengurangi risiko gagal jantung sebanyak 26%-38%. Sedangkan terapi non farmakologis dapat mendukung terapi farmakologis dalam upaya pengendalian tekanan darah dengan pembatasan garam, pembatasan lemak, pengelolaan stress, dan peningkatan aktivitas fisik. Salah satu manajemen hipertensi yang dapat dilakukan adalah pengajaran peresepan obat-obatan untuk meningkatkan perilaku kepatuhan. Tujuan dari penulisan karya ilmiah ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pemberian edukasi kepatuhan regimen pengobatan menggunakan media kalender fungsional dan kotak obat harian terhadap penurunan tekanan darah serta peningkatan kepatuhan klien. Studi kasus ini melibatkan Ibu W (59 tahun) sebagai klien kelolaan yang memiliki faktor risiko terhadap ketidakpatuhan dalam regimen pengobatan. Perawat memberikan tindakan keperawatan berbasis bukti dengan edukasi kepatuhan regimen pengajaran peresepan obat-obatan menggunakan media unggulan selama empat minggu pemantauan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa intervensi unggulan dapat menurunkan tekanan darah sistolik sebanyak 34 mmHg dan menurunkan tekanan darah diastolik sebanyak 16,6 mmHg. Melihat keefektifan pemberian intervensi unggulan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi variasi tindakan bagi perawat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah dan meningkatkan kepatuhan klien dalam menjalani pengobatan secara tepat dan teratur.

Hypertension is a major cause of global health problems of cardiovascular disease and death worldwide. Adults at the age range of 40-60 years that has not been treated with hypertension are at increased risk of death and complications from hypertension. One of the factors that cause hypertension is non-adherence to treatment and the inability of individuals to control the risk factors. Hypertension control is needed to prevent and reduce the probability of morbidity, complications, and death due to hypertension. This step can be classified into pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. Pharmacological therapy with anti-hypertensive drugs has been shown to reduce the risk of heart failure by 26%-38%. While non-pharmacological therapy can support pharmacological therapy in an effort to control blood pressure by limiting salt, limiting fat, stress management, and increasing physical activity. One of the hypertension management that can be done is teaching drugs prescription to improve compliance behavior. The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to identify the effect of providing education on adherence to treatment regimens using functional calendar media and daily medicine boxes on decreasing blood pressure and increasing client compliance. This case study involved Mrs. W (59 years old) as a managed client who had the risk factors for non-adherence to the treatment regimen. Nurses provide evidence-based nursing actions with education on adherence to medication prescription teaching regimens using superior media for four weeks of monitoring. The evaluation results show that the leading intervention can reduce systolic blood pressure by 34 mmHg and reduce diastolic blood pressure by 16.6 mmHg. Seeing the effectiveness of providing this superior intervention, it is hoped that it can be a variety of actions for nurses to reduce blood pressure and increase client compliance in taking appropriate and regular treatment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Himmatu Fitriana
"Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah telaah kritis terhadap pemikiran Michel Foucault dan Anthony Synnott mengenai kepemilikan tubuh individu. Melalui Foucault tubuh diartikan sebagai hal yang patuh terhadap relasi kuasa yang dicerminkan melalui berbagai pengawasan (panopticon) sehingga tidak ada ruang gerak untuk tubuh, sementara Anthony Synnott melihat tubuh sebagai bagian dari sosial yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konstruksi sosial sehingga tubuh terbentuk sedemikian rupa dan menjadi tubuh sosial. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menunjukkan benang merah yang berada di antara tubuh yang patuh dan tubuh sosial sehingga terlihat bahwa tubuh individu tidak bisa dimiliki karena berada di dalam relasi kuasa dan sosial.

This undergraduate thesis is a critical analysis of Michel Foucault and Anthony Synnott's theories about the possession of individual body. Based on Michel Foucault, the body is defined as a docile entity which enslaved by power relation that can be seen through some kind of surveillances called panopticon. In consequence, there is no free space for the body. Antony Synnott sees the body as part of social relation which cannot be separated from its construction. From this point the body is being constructed to be the body social. This undergraduate thesis is a serious effort to points out the general connection between the docile body and the social body which indicate that the possession of individual body cannot be attained, because the body is being placed under power and social relation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Victoria Juanita Setiawan
Penelitian ini berbicara tentang pola pikir orang Jepang dalam pemakaian
terrrnnologi dalam bidang kecantikan Data yang digunakan adalah 20 terminologi
dalam bida. g k--ca 1 ai avg beri.pa gairaigo yang diambil dan penehtian
Kayoko Otani yang beijudul Penehtian Gairaigo dalam Terminologi Kecantikan
ke 2 lalu 210 smomm kata yang diambil dan hasil jawaban angket responden
yang berupa wago J'ngo dan Iconshugo Diadakan juga wawancara kepada
mnforman oang Jepang yang merupakan ahh kecantikan untuk mengungkapkan
alasan niengapa dalin bidag kecantikan senng dipakam gairaigo Penehtian mi
bertuian megiingkalran nola pjkir yang dimiliki orang Jepang dalam
pemakaman tcrminorgi dalam bidang kcca11tikan Pendekatan yang digunakan
dalam menganahsms data yaitu pendekatan dan ranah antropologi linguistik
dengan menerapkan teori sinonim Yamazaki Makotodan teon akulturasi budaya
Nakamura Flajime Hasil penehtian mi menunjukkan bahwa banyak dipakainya
gairaigo dalam temunologi kecantikan bahasa Jepang adalah karena menyangkut
hal atau konsep yang belum ada dalam bahasa Jepang untuk memunculkan secara
aktif rasa ham dan keper1uan sebagai pembeda kata dengan kata yang sudah ada.

This research focus on the mindset of Japanese people in using beauty
terminology The amount of data used is up to twenty words of gaorazgo taken
from Ka) oko C ai eea & Gaircago Research in the Beauty Terminology
2 and 210 synonyms of wago, kango and konshugo taken from the results of
questionnaire respondents Also conducted interviews to the Japanese beauty
expert infor'at' to reveal the reasons why the field of beauty is often used
gairalgo This study aims to reveal the mindset of Japanese people in using beauty
ten- rolog) T e appi aach used in analyzing the data are from the realm of
anihropolou'cal linguistic appioach by applying the synonymous theory of
Yamazaki Mat-Lt and he cultural acc1ilturation theory of Nakamura Hajime
These results of this study indicates that many words of gairaigo using in the
Janarese beauty terminology is because it involves things or concepts that do not
exist in Japanese to actively bring new senses aixi the need for distinguishing
words wPh another words that already exist."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library