ABSTRAKPraktik kerja profesi di PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories bertujuan untuk mengerti peran, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi, serta memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi. Calon apoteker juga dapat memahami penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik CPOB di industi farmasi dan memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi. Praktik kerja profesi dilakukan di Departemen Product Development, dengan tugas khusus berjudul ldquo;Reformulasi Tablet Salut Enterik Ketoprofen dan Kapsul Lepas Tunda Natrium Omeprazol di PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories Periode April-Mei 2018 rdquo;. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan tugas khusus tersebut adalah untuk mendapatkan formula terbaik, sehingga sediaan memenuhi persyaratan uji disolusi terbanding dengan originatornya. Secara umum, penerapan CPOB di PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories telah dilakukan dengan baik. Penulis juga mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman praktis dalam melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi, serta dapat memberikan solusi terkait permasalahan di industri farmasi.
ABSTRACTInternship at PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories aims to understand the roles, duties, and responsibilities of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry, and have the insight, knowledge, skills, and practical experience to undertake pharmaceutical work in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacist candidate can also understand the application of Good Manufacturing Practice GMP in the pharmaceutical industry, and have the representation of pharmaceutical issues in the pharmaceutical industry. Internship is carried out in the Department of Product Development, with a special assignment entitled ldquo;Reformulation of Ketoprofen Enteric Coating Tablet and Sodium Omeprazole Delayed Release Capsule at PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories Period April-May 2018 . The purpose of this special assignment is to obtain the best formula, so that the product meets the comparative dissolution test requirements to the originator. In general, the application of GMP at PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories has been done well. The author also gained practical knowledge and experience in doing pharmaceutical work in the pharmaceutical industry, and can provide solutions related to problems in the pharmaceutical industry."