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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Achmad Hery Fuad
"How do we reveal hidden structures within a complicated web of social interactions? How can we explain the complex nexus of relationships in a public space? In this paper, we offer a different perspective on urban structures by using a multi-layer perspective to understand the structure of space that emerges from the complex uses of spaces. We particularly benefit from the concept of nesting as the theoretical lens in our research. We use a popular urban leisure space in Jakarta as a case study: The Hotel Indonesia (HI) Roundabout during Car Free Day Sunday events. We reveal that within this particular event, there are nested smaller events. The nesting structure also demonstrates how events and activities overlap within a single setting. The nesting approach provides us with a chance to seek an alternative structure for urban spaces."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Herda P.
"There are seven species of marine turtles known throughout international waters. These are Loggerhead turtle/Caretla carelta (Linnaeus, 1758), Green turtle/Chelania mydas (Linnaeus, 1766), Kemp's ridley turtlell.epidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880), Olive ridley turtle/1,epidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829), Flatback turtle/Natator depressus (Garman, 1880), and Leatherback turtle/Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1766).
In Indonesian waters, there are six species of marine turtles. Kemp's ridley turtle is the only species from the above, which is not found.
The status of the Olive ridley turtle in the Red DataBook-IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) is 'Endangered'. CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) categorizes this species in `Appendix I' meaning that the trading of this animal should be limited. In Indonesia, the Olive ridley--along with the Leatherback, Hawksbill, Flatback and Loggerhead turtle--is listed as a protected species, while the Green turtle is the only turtle species not protected by regulation.
Compared with other species of turtle, there is still lack of documentation concerning the Olive ridley turtle in Indonesia. So far, there is still relatively little publication about this species. The main reason is probably because of the limited knowledge of the Olive ridley nesting beach's location. For this reason, research was conducted at Pantai Marengan, in Alas Purwo National Park (Alas Purwo NP), Banyuwangi, East Java. This is one of the few known nesting sites of the Olive ridley turtle in Indonesia.
The aim of the research was to investigate the nesting of the Olive ridley turtle. A study of morphometrics and captive program in Alas Punvo NP was also made as part of the research. It is hoped that, the results will be useful for the conservation of the turtle and its habitat.
The research was performed during the turtle's nesting season, between March and October 1995. During this period, one hundred and sixty-two (162) nests were found. The peak of activity occurred in July, when fifty-one (51) nests were located. The average clutch size was one hundred and four (104) eggs per nest. On average, the nests were located 5.8 m (SD = 6.7) from vegetation and 18.5 m (SD = 11.5) from the highest high tide mark. The morphometric study of thirty (30) nesting turtles showed that the average curved carapace measurements were 67.5 cm in length (SD = 3.2) and 66.7 cm in width (SD 3.9). The results of carapace measurements showed that the carapace length positively correlated with carapace width, i.e., as the carapace length increase, so the carapace width will also increase. No correlation was found between carapace length and the number of eggs in each clutch. There was also no correlation found between the number of eggs laid and the time used for nesting activity.
The captive program of Olive ridley turtle in Alas Purwo NP was set-up in 1989. The survival percentage of hatchlings from semi-natural hatching recorded during the 1995 season was 83.7 %. The highest hatching death rate (45.3 %) occurred in August, when temperature in the rearing container fell to 20"C.
According to the secondary data, during the 1984/1985 nesting season, only three (3) nesting sites of the Olive ridley turtle were found in Alas Purwo NP. In the period between April and June 1996, however, one hundred and sixty-nine nesting sites were located. Is population of the Olive ridley turtle increasing within the Alas Purwo NP? The question can only be answered more accurately by tagging of individual animals and monitoring the species over a longer term."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Anasyaira Khairunisa
"Proses nesting merupakan salah satu proses yang sangat krusial pada produksi pembuatan kapal. Nesting bertujuan untuk mengatur dan mengoptimalkan penggunaan material selama tahap pemotongan pelat. Bentuk pelat yang sudah dilakukan marking akan ditata pada pelat baja sebagai material dasar dengan tujuan untuk meminimalkan limbah material dan mengurangi biaya produksi. Persaingan industri galangan kapal saat ini pun semakin kompetitif meskipun pasarnya semakin naik, tetapi juga banyak bermunculan galangan kapal baru lainnya yang saling berkompetisi. Sehingga, salah satu langkah yang bisa dilakukan untuk bisa bertahan di industri ini adalah dengan melakukan optimasi. Salah satunya melakukan optimasi pada nesting, dimana metode ini didesain berbasis komputasi karena dapat memberikan solusi berupa susunan layout nesting yang optimal dengan waktu yang singkat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan proses komputasi untuk optimasi tata letak bentuk potongan pada nesting. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Branch and Bound. Terdapat beberapa kriteria yang digunakan dari branching dan bounding untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan akurasi pada proses optimasi. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan susunan layout nesting yang paling optimum dan nilai yield rate yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nesting yang dilakukan secara manual oleh desainer. Layout nesting paling optimum ini memberikan nilai yield rate sebesar 69%.

The nesting process is one of the most crucial processes in shipbuilding production. Nesting aims to regulate and optimize the use of materials during the cutting phase of the plate. The forms of the plates that have already been marked will be placed on the steel plate as the base material with the aim of minimizing material waste and reducing production costs. Today's competition in the shipbuilding industry is increasingly competitive despite the rising market, but there are also many other new shipbuilders that compete with each other. So, one of the steps that can be taken to survive in this industry is to do optimization. One of them performed optimization on nesting, where this method is computational because it can provide an optimal nesting layout solution in a short time. This research was done using a computational process to optimize the shape layout of the piece on the nesting. The method used in this research is Branch and Bound. There are several criteria used from branching and bounding to improve production efficiency and accuracy in the optimization process. The results of this study provide the most optimal nesting layout arrangement and higher yield rate values compared to nesting performed manually by the designer. The most optimum nesting layout gives a yield rate of 69%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Syarofina
"Neonatus rentan mengalami gangguan rasa nyaman selama pemberian asuhan keperawatan. Faktor lingkungan seperti suhu, cahaya, dan tingkat kebisingan merupakan hal yang dapat mempegaruhi kenyamanan pasien. Neonatus yang lahir prematur beresiko mengalami hipotermia karena ketidakmampuan tubuh dalam beradaptasi dengan lingkungan luar. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk melakukan modifikasi lingkungan neonatus untuk tetap hangat sehingga dapat meningkatkan rasa nyaman pasien. Pemenuhan rasa nyaman dengan meminimalisir faktor sress lingkungan juga dapat meningkatkan kualitas tidur pasien. Hal ini diperlukan agar kondisi tubuh pasien lebih stabil dan kondusif untuk meningkatkan proses penyembuhan. Studi kasus ini melibatkan neonatus prematur dengan berat badan lahir rendah dengan penyakit jantung bawaan dan hipoglikemia. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan pasien yaitu dengan melakukan pengaturan posisi dan perawatan nesting. Pemberian posisi yang tepat pada neonatus dinilai efektif untuk meningkatkan status fisiologis pasien. Selama perawatan kepada pasien kelolaan, didapatkan bahwa posisi semi fowler dapat meningkatkan saturasi oksigen, mengurangi takipnea dan mencegah distres pernapasan. Setelah melakukan tindakan nesting kepada pasien kelolaan dan dua pasien resume, didapatkan hasil bahwa tindakan nesting dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan dan kualitas tidur. Hal ini ditandai dengan berkurangnya frekuensi tangisan neonatus, meningkatnya jumlah waktu tidur dan kestabilan tanda-tanda vital.

Neonates are prone to experiencing discomfort during the provision of nursing care.
Environmental factors such as temperature, light, and noise levels are things that can
affect patient comfort. Neonates born prematurely are at risk for hypothermia due to
the body's inability to adapt to the external environment. Therefore, it is important to
modify the neonate's environment to keep warm so as to increase the patient's comfort.
Fulfilling a sense of comfort by minimizing environmental stress factors can also
improve the patient's sleep quality. This is necessary so that the patient's body
condition is more stable and conducive to improving the healing process.
This case study involved a premature neonate with low birth weight with congenital heart disease and hypoglycemia. One way to increase patient comfort is to adjust the position and care for nesting. During the treatment of managed patients, it was found that the semi- Fowler position can increase oxygen saturation, reduce tachypnea and prevent respiratory distress. After performing nesting on the managed patient and two resumed patients, it was found that nesting action can improve the comfort and quality of sleep. It is characterized by a reduced frequency of crying neonates, increased amount of
sleep time and stability of vital signs.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reisy Tane
"Bayi prematur rentan untuk mengalami ketidakstabilan fungsi fisiologis dan postur yang asimetris akibat imaturitas organ. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh modifikasi nesting dengan fiksasi terhadap fungsi fisiologis dan postur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain randomized controlled trial dengan tipe cross over dilakukan disalah satu rumah sakit umum pusat di Jakarta, dengan melibatkan 32 bayi prematur yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Intervensi terdiri dari modifikasi nesting dengan fiksasi (A) dan kelompok kontrol menggunakan perawatan rutin (B). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna saturasi oksigen, frekuensi nadi, dan postur pada kelompok intervensi (A) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol yang hanya mendapatkan perawatan rutin (B) (P<0,05). Modifikasi nesting dengan fiksasi merupakan asuhan perkembangan yang efektif untuk memfasilitasi fungsi fisiologis dan postur simetris pada bayi prematur, sehingga perlu diaplikasikan di unit perawatan intensif neonatus.

Preterm infant vulnerable to experience unstable physiological function and asymmetric posture due to organ immaturity. The objective of this study was to identify the effect of modification nesting with the fixation on physiological function and posture. This study using a randomized controlled trial conducted in a general hospital Jakarta, by involving 32 preterm infant who met the inclusion criteria. The intervention consisted of Modification nesting with fixation (A) and control group with routine care (B). The result of this study showed that significant difference between modification nesting with fixation group (A) to the control group (B) (p<0,05). Modification nesting with fixation is effective developmental care to facilitate physiological function and symmetrical posture in preterm infants. Therefore, the application of modification nesting with fixation is needed in the neonatal intensive care unit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irba Alifa Taqiyya
"Angka kematian bayi (AKB) didefinisikan sebagai jumlah kematian bayi di bawah usia satu tahun per 1000 kelahiran hidup pada satu tahun tertentu. Angka kematian bayi merupakan salah satu indikator penting yang dapat mencerminkan derajat kesehatan suatu masyarakat. Target angka kematian bayi pada Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) yang berlaku sejak tahun 2015 sampai tahun 2030 adalah 12 kematian per 1000 kelahiran hidup. Berdasarkan hasil long form sensus penduduk BPS, AKB di Indonesia tahun 2022 adalah 17 kematian per 1000 kelahiran hidup, angka tersebut masih tergolong tinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara di ASEAN. Angka kematian bayi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel. Analisis mengenai variabel-variabel yang memengaruhi AKB dapat dilakukan dengan analisis regresi linier klasik. Namun, nilai pengamatan seperti AKB dan variabel-variabel yang memengaruhinya memuat informasi lokasi (spasial), sehingga seringkali terjadi ketergantungan spasial antar pengamatan yang mengakibatkan asumsi saling bebas pada model regresi linier tidak terpenuhi. Oleh karena itu, pemodelan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan model regresi spasial yang memperhatikan keterkaitan antar lokasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis ketergantungan spasial pada data AKB di  Pulau Jawa dan memodelkan AKB di Pulau Jawa tahun 2022 menggunakan General Nesting Spatial Model (GNSM) untuk menganalisis variabel-variabel yang memengaruhinya. Hasil uji autokorelasi spasial menggunakan uji Moran’s I menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat autokorelasi spasial pada variabel terikat (AKB), variabel bebas, dan pada residual model regresi linier. Berdasarkan nilai AIC dan, diperoleh kesimpulan General Nesting Spatial Model (GNSM) lebih baik dalam memodelkan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) di Pulau Jawa tahun 2022 dibandingkan Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) dan General Spatial Model(GSM).

Infant mortality rate (IMR) is defined as the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1000 live births in a given year. Infant mortality rate is one of the important indicators that can reflect the health level of a community. The infant mortality target in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that apply since 2015 to 2030 is 12 deaths per 1000 live births. Based on the results of the BPS long form population census, the IMR in Indonesia in 2022 is 17 deaths per 1000 live births, which is still relatively high compared to several countries in ASEAN. Infant mortality rates are influenced by several variables. Analysis of the variables that influence IMR can be done with classical linear regression analysis. However, observation values such as IMR and the variables that affect it contain location (spatial) information, so there is often spatial dependence between observations which results in the assumption of mutual independence in linear regression models not being met. Therefore, modeling can be done using spatial regression model that considers the interrelationships between locations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial dependence of IMR data in Java Island and model IMR in Java Island in 2022 using the General Nesting Spatial Model (GNSM) to analyze the variables that affect it. The results of the spatial autocorrelation test using Moran's I test concluded that there is spatial autocorrelation in the dependent variable (IMR), independent variables, and in the residuals of the linear regression model. Based on the AIC and  values, it is concluded that General Nesting Spatial Model (GNSM) is better in modeling the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Java Island in 2022 than Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) and General Spatial Model (GSM)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reisy Tane
"Bayi berat lahir rendah yang dirawat di ruang Perinatologi memiliki masalah utama terganggunya status tidur terjaga diikuti oleh ketidakstabilan fungsi fisiologis saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi nadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penggunaan nesting dengan fiksasi terhadap fungsi fisiologis dan status tidur tejaga pada bayi berat lahir rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan uji klinik acak terkontrol tipe cross over. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 19 bayi dengan berat lahir rendah yang dirawat di ruang Perinatologi RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna penggunaan nesting dengan fiksasi terhadap rerata saturasi oksigen dengan posisi prone dan quarterprone p0,05 . Pemberian nesting dengan fiksasi dengan posisi prone status tidur tenang mendominasi sebesar 96,8 p=0,0001 diikuti dengan posisi quarterprone 95,7 p=0,0001 . Penggunaan nesting dengan fiksasi dapat memfasilitasi tidur tenang dan kestabilan fungsi fisiologis pada BBLR. Rekomendasi dari penelitian selanjutnya adalah perbandingan nesting fiksasi dengan nesting yang terbuat dari bahan tradisional terhadap status tidur terjaga.

Low birth weight infant who treated in the Perinatology has a major problem of sleep awake status disturbance followed by instability on the physiological function of oxygen saturation and pulse frequency. This study aims to investigate the effect of applying nest with a fixation on physiological function and sleep awake status on low birth weight infant. This study uses a randomized controlled trial with cross over design. The sample of this study was 19 low birth weight infant in Perinatology Fatmawati Hospital.
The result of this studies indicates that there is a significant relationship between applying of nesting with fixation on oxygen saturation rate with prone and quarterprone position p 0,05. At the time of nesting fixation with prone position, the majority of sleep awake status is quiet sleep 96.8 p 0.0001 followed by the quarterprone position of 95.7 p 0.0001. The use of nesting with fixation may facilitate quiet sleep and the stability of physiological functions in LBW. The recommendation for further research is comparing a nesting fixation with another type of nesting with a fixation on sleep awake status.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Bayuningsih
"Prematuritas merupakan penyebab kematian ke-2 pada bayi 0 - 6 hari, yang diakibatkan karena immaturitasnya hampir seluruh organ tubuh bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan nesting dan posisi prone pada bayi prematur terhadap saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi nadi. Desain yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment, dengan rancangan pre and post with control test. Jumlah responden sebanyak 15 bayi. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna saturasi oksigen antara bayi yang menggunakan nesting dan posisi prone (p value<0,05), namun tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara penggunaan nesting dan posisi prone terhadap frekuensi nadi. Penggunaan nesting dan posisi prone dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bentuk intervensi keperawatan.

Prematury is the second etiology of mortality for 0 until 6th day of first life of newborn that caused by immaturity of their organs.The aim of this research is to explore efectiveness of using nesting and prone positon with oxygen saturation and heart rate in preterm baby. The design used quasi experiment, with pre and post with control test model. The amount of sample are 15. There is a significant difference between SaO2 using nesting dan prone position, in adversely there is no significant difference between heart rate. Using nesting and prone position can be a model of nursing intervention that implication of this research."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library