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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986
594.5 HAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simamora, Rina
"A male was 55 years old, came to Oral Surgery Department-Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung. He had complaining of the swelling on the right side of mandible and since 1 month ago, he has got the fistula with puss on the ramus region. From the clinical feature and radiologycally finding the diagnostic was Dentigerous Cyst ed causa impacted teeth 48 and was treated by extirpation-biopsy by extra oral approach for removal the cyst and the impacted of teeth 48 in general anesthesia. After 3 months investigation it shown there was no recurrencies of the cyst and the patient has not complaint."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Latif
"A young man 21 years old with prognathic mandible and disharmony in dental and skeletal, is treated by orthodonsics and orthognathic surgery. Eleven month after orthodonsic treatment, osteotomi subsigmoid is done. The oblique cutting line in both ramus mandible is operated via intra oral approach. After 8 weeks post operative, finishing treatment in orthodonsics is performed. Panoramic and cephalometric post operative and one year after are shown that mandible is in good position and no relaps evidence."
Jakarta: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niniarty Z. Djamal
"The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of ovariectomy, the influences of estrogen replacement therapy and / or suplemen CavitD3 on mandible's calsium contents of animal's models. Forty-five female rats were used in this researched. Five rats were sacrificed for unoperated basal controls and the others were bilaterally ovariectomized. The ovariectomized animals were devided into 8 groups and two of these groups were only ovariectomized, the others were treated by estrogen replacement therapy. CavitD3 and combination of both per oral for 2 and 4 weeks and then were sacrificed. Mandible's calsium contents were analyzed by Ion Selective Electrode methode after demineralized with 10% phosphoric acid for 24 hours. Result : there were significant increased of mandible's calcium content at 2 weeks post-ovariectomy, but the results decreased at 4 weeks post-ovariectomy. Estrogen replacement therapy and treated with CavitD3 for 2 and 4 weeks or combination of both for 2 weeks increased the mandible's calsium contents of ovariectomized rats, but therapy combination with estrogen and CavitD3 for 4 weeks had a protective effect to mandible's calsium contents of ovariectomized rats."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erly Budianto
"Obstruction of the upper respiratory tract (OURT) will cause mouth breathing that is known to influence neuromuscular activity. This will lead to malformation of face growth pattern and head posture that can result in dentocraniofacial deformity. This research aimed to identify the differences in soft tissue profile characteristics in OURT patients compared to normal subjects, and to analyze the differences between boys and girls in this respect. An analytic descriptive study with cross sectional design was applied. The sample consists of 96 subjects including 64 OURT patients (32 boys and 32 girls) and 32 normal subjects (11 boys and 21 girls). The results showed that the OURT patients had convex profile and longer distance than the normal subjects between upper or lower lip to esthetic line (p<0.05). Furthermore, normal male subjects had longer distance of upper lip to E-line than females (p=0.039). The same was also shown in OURT patients, i.e. male patients had longer distance of upper and lower lip to E-line compared to females (p<0.05)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wita Anggraini
"Latar betakang dan cara penelitian : Penurunan densitas tulang pada wanita pascamenopause diyakini sebagai akibat defisiensi estrogen. Efek defisiensi estrogen terhadap tulang adalah peningkatan perubahan tulang (bone remodelling), yang mencapai osteopenia sampai dengan osteoporosis. Pasien wanita pasca-menopause, sering mengeluh Geligi Tiruan Penuh-nya (GTP) cepat gail (longgar). Penyebab GTP gail adalah resorpsi sisa tulang alveolar yang berkelanjutan. Di dalam penelitian ini hendak dicari hubungan antara densitas tulang di beberapa bagian rangka badan dengan bentuk anatomi mandibula tidak bergigi pada wanita pasca-menopause. Penelitian dilakukan pada 14 orang wanita pasca-menopause. Pemeriksaan densitas tulang memakai DPX-L Bone Densitometer. Observasi pada mandibula dilakukan melalui gambaran ronsen panoramik dan model cetakan. Parameter yang diteliti adalah: tinggi sisa tulang alveolar mandibula dan tebal kortikal sudut mandibula pada ronsen panoramik serta tinggi sisa tulang alveolar dan bentuk sisa tulang alveolar pada model cetakan. Data yang diperoleh diuji korelasinya dengan uji korelasi produk momen dari Pearson, uji T data mandiri dan analisis regresi multipel.
Hasil dan kesimpulan : Densitas tulang di L1-L4, femur proksimalis dan radius distalis tidak berkorelasi dengan tinggi sisa tulang alveolar (p>0,05). Densitas tulang di radius distalis berkorelasi dengan bentuk sisa tulang alveolar (p<0,0I). Densitas tulang di L1-L4, kolum femoris dan segitiga Ward pada femur berkorelasi dengan tebal kortikal sudut mandibula kiri (p"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destiana Nur Fithri
"Latar Belakang:.Pembedahan kepala dan leher merupakan tindakan yang kompleks dan penuh tantangan karena berhubungan dengan pencernaan dan pernapasan. Dengan angka kejadian komplikasi yang cukup tinggi yaitu 17%, dibutuhkan tolok ukur yang dapat memprediksi komplikasi pascabedah terutama di bidang bedah mulut dan maksilofasial. Sistem skoring APACHE II pada penelitian terdahulu terbukti efektif dalam memprediksi kejadian komplikasi pascabedah reseksi dan rekonstruksi mandibula. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui efektivitas sistem skoring APACHE II sebagai prediktor komplikasi pascabedah reseksi dan rekosntruksi tumor jinak mandibula. Metode Penelitian: Studi retrospektif tahun 2015 – 2020 pada subjek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Data diambil dari rekam medis pasien baik tertulis maupun digital. Analisis variabel kategorik dengan Uji Chi Square. Uji Mann-Whitney U untuk perbandingan rerata skor dua kelompok. Efektivitas skor APACHE II dinilai berdasarkan kurva ROC dan luas area dibawah kurva. Hasil: Dari 62 subjek penelitian, sebanyak 6 responden (9.7%) mengalami komplikasi pascabedah. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara semua variabel independen yang duji dengan peningkatan skor APACHE II (nilai p > 0.05). Rerata skor pada kelompok komplikasi lebih tinggi (4.83) namun pada Uji Mann-Whitney U nilai p > 0.05. Analisis ROC pada studi ini memiliki sensitivitas 50% dan spesifisitas 78.6% dengan nilai cut off point 5.5 dan luas area dibawah kurva ROC sebesar 0.558. Kesimpulan: Sistem skoring APACHE II terbukti efektif dalam memprediksi kejadian komplikasi pascabdedah reseksi dan rekonstruksi tumor jinak mandibula.

Background: Head and neck surgery is a complex and challenging procedure because it affect the digestion and respiration organ system. With a fairly high incidence of complications, namely 17%, an indicator is needed to predict postoperative
complications, especially in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The APACHE II scoring system in a previous study proved to be effective in predicting the incidence of postoperative complications after mandibular resection and reconstruction. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the APACHE II scoring system as a predictor of postoperative complications of mandibular resection and reconstruction of benign tumors. Methods: Retrospective study on subjects who met the inclusion criteria in the period of 2015 – 2020. The data is collected from the patient's medical record, both written and digital. Categorical variable is being analyze with Chi Square Test. While Mann-Whitney U test analyzing the comparison of the mean scores of the two groups. The effectiveness of the APACHE II score was assessed based on the ROC curve and the area under the curve. Results: Of the 62 research subjects, 6 respondents (9.7%) experienced postoperative complications. There was no significant difference between all tested independent variables with an increase in the APACHE II score (p value > 0.05). The mean score in the complication group was higher (4.83) but in the Mann-Whitney U test the p value was > 0.05. The ROC analysis in this study has a sensitivity of 50% and a specificity of 78.6% with a cut off point value of 5.5 and an area under the ROC curve of 0.558. Conclusion: The APACHE II scoring system proved to be effective in predicting the incidence of postoperative complications after surgical resection and reconstruction of benign mandibular tumors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shafira Gina Andriana
"Latar belakang: Prevalensi penyakit osteoporosis di Indonesia tergolong cukup tinggi seiring bertambahnya usia. Berdasarkan hasil Data dan Informasi Kementrian Kesehatan RI (InfoDATIN 2015) mengenai penyakit osteoporosis di Indonesia, tertera bahwa proporsi penderita osteoporosis berusia lebih dari 50 tahun pada wanita mencapai 32,3% dan 28,8% pada pria. Usia lanjut sangat jelas dapat dijadikan sebagai faktor risiko terhadap terjadinya osteoporosis. Didukung pula dengan minimnya pola hidup sehat baik itu olahraga maupun asupan nutrisi tulang dari konsumsi susu masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini memicu terjadinya porositas bahkan hingga fraktur dini terhadap tulang yang dapat dicegah salah satunya melalui metode deteksi dini Panoramic Mandibular Index (PMI).
Tujuan: Memperoleh data rerata rasio ketebalan tulang kortikal pada subjek wanita usia 31-75 tahun secara radiografis pada panoramik berdasarkan metode PMI.
Metode: Pengukuran PMI menggunakan sampel radiograf panoramik wanita sebanyak 225. Dibagi menjadi tiga kategori dengan interval 15 tahun, yaitu kategori 1 dengan rentang usia 31-45 tahun, kategori 2 yaitu 46-60 tahun, dan kategori 3 yaitu 61-75 tahun. PMI diukur berdasarkan rasio ketebalan kortikal mandibula terhadap jarak antara margin superior atau inferior foramen mental dan margin inferior dari korteks mandibula.
Hasil: Diperoleh rerata dan standar deviasi pada kategori 1 sebesar 0,30±0,032, kategori 2 sebesar 0,28±0,042, dan kategori 3 sebesar 0,24±0,063. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Uji ANOVA, didapatkan perbedaan signifikan antar kategori (p<0,05). Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil pengukuran yang didapatkan, secara statistik pengukuran PMI menunjukkan penurunan seiring dengan pertambahan usia dalam interval usia 15 tahun.
Kesimpulan: Nilai PMI menurun seiring dengan pertambahan usia dan secara statistik terdapat perbedaan bermakna diantara kategori usia.

Background: Prevalence of osteoporosis in Indonesia is quite high with age. Based on the results of Information from Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (InfoDATIN 2015) regarding the conditions of osteoporosis in Indonesia, it was stated that the proportion of osteoporosis patients aged more than 50 years in women reached 32.3% and 28.8% in men. Old age can clearly be used as a risk factor for osteoporosis. Also supported by the lack of a healthy lifestyle such as physical exercise and bone nutrition intake from milk consumption of Indonesian people. This certainly will trigger the occurrence of porosity even to the early fracture of bone, which one of them can be prevented through the early detection method of the Panoramic Mandibular Index (PMI).
Objective: To obtain data on mean cortical bone thickness ratio in female subjects aged 31-75 years radiographically on panoramic based on the PMI method.
Method: A total of 225 female panoramic radiograph samples were selected and divided into three categories with 15-year intervals, namely category 1 with an age range of 31-45 years, category 2 is 46-60 years, and category 3 is 61-75 years. PMI is measured based on the ratio of the mandibular cortical thickness to the distance between the superior or inferior margins of the mental foramen and the inferior margins of the mandibular cortex.
Results: The mean and standard deviation obtained in category 1 was 0.30±0.032, category 2 was 0.28±0.042, and category 3 was 0.24±0.063. Based on the one-way ANOVA analysis test result, there were significant differences between categories p<0.05. In addition, based on the results of measurements obtained, statistically PMI measurements show a decrease with age in the 15 year age interval.
Conclusion: PMI values ​​decrease with age and statistically there are significant differences between age categories."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Univeritas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devia Tasya Rachmadiani
"Latar Belakang: Tulang mandibula merupakan tulang terkuat pada tengkorak yang mengalami perubahan sesuai usia. Pengukuran mandibula banyak dijadikan parameter terkait tumbuh kembang yang bermanfaat untuk berbagai bidang ilmu kedokteran gigi termasuk ortodonsi dan forensik.
Tujuan: Mengetahui nilai pengukuran parameter mandibula pada radiograf panoramik sebagai data dasar untuk estimasi usia rentang 14-35 tahun dan 50-70 tahun.
Metode: Pengukuran parameter mandibula pada 200 sampel radiograf panoramik digital usia 14-35 tahun dan 50-70 tahun.
Hasil: Pengukuran parameter mandibula terhadap usia tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik, namun cenderung mengalami peningkatan atau penurunan sesuai perubahan usia.
Kesimpulan: Pengukuran parameter mandibula pada radiograf panoramik usia 14-35 tahun dan 50-70 belum dapat digunakan sebagai data dasar untuk estimasi usia.

Background: Mandible is the strongest bone in skull and experience change with age. Mandibular parameters measurements are often used in relation with growth and development that are useful in dentistry including in orthodontics and forensic dentistry.
Objective: To obtain the mandibular parameters value through panoramic radiograph as basic data in age estimation of 14 35 and 50 70 years old subjects.
Method: Measurement of mandibular parameters on digital panoramic radiograph of 200 subjects at age 14 35 years and 50 70 years old.
Results: The measurement of mandibular parameters are not statistically significant but tend to change according to age.
Conclusion: Measurement of mandibular parameters in panoramic radiograph cannot be used as basic data for age estimation in 14 35 years old and 50 70 years old.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bonang Basuki Suroyudho
"Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan hasil interpretasi superimposisi maksila dan mandibula antara tiga metode superimposisi pada kelompok usia non-growing ≥ 20 tahun. Metode superimposisi maksila yang diteliti adalah pada area best fit, Björk dan Skieller, serta Springate. Sementara metode superimposisi mandibula yang diteliti adalah pada tepi bawah mandibula, Björk dan Skieller, serta Springate. Metode: Tracing dilakukan pada foto sebelum perawatan (T0) dengan membuat garis panduan sella-nasion (SN) dan garis N yang tegak lurus terhadap SN serta struktur anatomis pada regio maksila atau mandibula. Sedangkan pada foto setelah perawatan (T1), tracing dilakukan hanya pada struktur anatomis pada regio maksila dan mandibula saja. Kemudian hasil tracing setelah perawatan (T1) disuperimposisikan di atas hasiltracing sebelum perawatan (T0) berdasarkan berbagai metode superimposisi maksila atau mandibula. Setelah itu garis SN dan N pada tracing sebelum perawatan dipindahkan ke atas hasil tracing setelah perawatan. Terakhir, posisi titik referensi pada maksila (titik ANS, A, dan U1) atau mandibula (titik Pog, B, dan L1) diukur jarak koordinatnya secara vertikal dan horizontal ke garis SN dan N yang berperan sebagai sumbu x dan y. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan, baik dalam dimensi vertikal maupun horizontal, mengenai hasil interpretasi superimposisi maksila dan mandibula dengan tiga metode superimposisi yang diujikan pada kelompok usia non-growing ≥ 20 tahun. Kesimpulan: Evaluasi perawatan ortodontik pada pasien usia non-growing ≥ 20 tahun menggunakan berbagai metode superimposisi maksila dan mandibula menghasilkan hasil interpretasi yang sama, baik diukur dalam dimensi vertikal maupun horizontal. Sehingga pemilihan metode superimposisi maksila dan mandibula apapun pada pasiennon-growing tidak akan mempengaruhi hasil interpretasi evaluasi perawatan, selama metode superimposisi yang digunakan tetap memperhatikan struktur anatomis yang ada.

Objectives: To compare the interpretation of maxillary and mandibular superimposition between three methods on ≥ 20-year-old non-growing patients. Three maxillary superimposition methods used during the study were best fit, Björk-Skieller, and Springate. Meanwhile for mandibular superimposition, the methods used during the study were inferior border of mandible, Björk-Skieller, and Springate. Method: Tracing was executed on pre-treatment cephalogram (T0) to construct sella-nasion (SN) line and N line which was perpendicular to SN, and also to construct anatomical structures on maxilla or mandible. Tracing at post-treatment cephalogram (T1) was executed on maxillary or mandibular anatomical structures only. Then cephalogram tracing at T1 was superimposed on T0 based on three different superimposition methods on maxilla or mandible. SN line and N line at T0 were then transferred into T1 tracing as a reference line of x and y axis. Hence, the position of maxillary reference points (ANS, A, and U1) or mandibular reference points (Pog, B, and L1) could be accounted vertically and horizontally to the x and y axis. Results: No statistical difference in vertical or horizontal dimention, regarding the interpretation of maxillary and mandibular superimposition between three methods on ≥20-year-old non-growing patients. Conclusion: Post orthodontic treatment evaluation on ≥ 20-year-old non-growing patients using varied maxillary and mandibular superimposition methods may result the same interpretation in vertical or horizontal dimention. Any maxillary or mandibular superimposition methods could be used on non-growing patients and may not affect interpretation on post treatment evaluation, as long as the used methods account any existing anatomical structures."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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