"Latar belakang. Overall neuropathy limitation scale (ONLS) merupakan skala untuk menilai disabilitas pasien CIDP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas ONLS ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Metode. Dilakukan translasi dan adaptasi lintas budaya sesuai kaidah WHO, kemudian dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas skala ONLS versi bahasa Indonesia. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua subjek dewasa dengan diagnosis CIDP di RSCM yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi.
Hasil. Tiga puluh subjek memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Mayoritas subjek laki-laki (53,3%) dengan rerata usia 46,97 (SD:14,677) tahun, dan rentang usia 21 tahun sampai 77 tahun. Pada uji validitas ONLS menggunakan corrected item-total correlation pada pemeriksa pertama dan kedua didapatkan nilai 0,982. Hasil uji reliabilitas antar pemeriksa menggunakan intraclass correlation coefficient sebesar 0,98 dan Cronbach’s Alpha sebesar 0,99.
Kesimpulan. Skala ONLS versi bahasa Indonesia valid dan reliabel dalam menilai disabilitas pasien CIDP.
Introduction. The overall neuropathy limitation scale (ONLS) is a scale for assessing disability in CIDP patients. This study aims to test the validity and reliability of ONLS into Indonesian language.Methods. Cross-cultural translation and adaptation were carried out according to WHO rules, the testes the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of ONLS. The population of this study were all adult that have diagnosis of CIDP at RSCM who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results. Thirty subjects met the inclusion criteria. The majority of the subjects were male (53.3%) with a mean age of 46.97 (SD: 14.677) years, and the age range was 21 to 77 years. In the ONLS validity test using the corrected item-total correlation on the first and second examiners, a value of 0.982 was obtained. The results of the inter-examiner reliability test used an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.982 and Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.99. Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the ONLS is valid and reliable in assessing the disability of CIDP patients."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022