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"Minyak atsiri kaempheria pandurata menyebabkab kebocoran dan perubahan morfologi bakteri"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rochdi Tyas Wibowo
"Pada bulan Maret 2003 , PT KTB mendapatkan klaim dari pelanggan berupa Water Leakage pada pintu depan sebelah kanan kendaraan model Mitsubishi Colt Diesel . Dari klaim tersebut KTB melakukan penelusuran data masalah yang terjadi di area produksi pada bulan terakhir, apakah masalah yang sama ditemukan di area produksi . Dari hasil evaluasi bulanan didapatkan bahwa masalah water leakage merupakan masalah yang paling banyak dikaternukan di line proses, sehingga hal tersebut diputuskan sebagai prioritas utama masalah yang harus dilanggulangi dengan segera . Metoda yang digunakan untuk menyelidiki permasalahan tersebut adalah 8 step for improvement, diagram PDCA , dan QC 7 tools . Hasil dari penyelidikan didapatkan bahwa penyebab dominan dari perrnasalahan tersebut adalah ala! produksi dimaoa diketemukan bahwa pin dan locator pada jig yang dipakai untuk proses pengelasan dalam kondisi tidak normal. Setelah didapatkan faktor dominan penyebab permasalahan maka tindakan selanjutnya adalah menentukan tindakan perbaikan , dan pencegahan agar permasalahan tersebut tidak terjadi lagi . Dari hasil pengetesan seperti shower test & pengecekan akurasi pintu , penghitungan kemampuan proses ,dan re-evaluasi data bulanan didapatkan bahwa perbaikan Ieiah effektif dan dapat merecuksi prosentasi rejek yang terkait dengan water leakage."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Stress Induced Leakage C urren! (SILC) telah menjadi suatu fenomena tersendiri dalam perkembangan divais MOSFET. SILC yang lbih dikenal dengan nama arus bocor ini, hadir setting dengan berkembangnya teknologi mikron dalam sebuah divais MOSFET. Berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan demi memperoleh suatu pengertian baku yang mampu menjelaskan keseluruhan fenomena SILC ini, Diharapkan dari pengetahuan dan penelitian yang ada, arus SILC dapat diatasi, walaupun sebenarnya hal ini masih menjadi tanda tanya besar. Sejauh ini SI]_.C dqelaskan dalam bebempa model, di antaranya adalah model _field enhancement dan model trap-assisted.
SILC juga dimsakan mengganggu proses kenja sebuah divais memori. Dalam proses write dan erase sebuah divais memori, SILC seringkali menyertai perpindahan muatan yang disimpan dalam sebuah divais memori. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan terganggunya besar muatan yang disimpan oleh divais tersebut_ Divais memori dalam proses kerjanya menggunakan fenomena Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling, sebagai fenomena penyimpanan muamn.
Dalam skripsi ini dilakukan penelitian perbandingan antara arus SILC dan arus FN. Hasil perbandingan tersebut memberi hasil bahwa, antara arus SI]..C dan ams FN terdapat sam buah titik potong, yang kemudian dinamakan titik balik. Pada saat nilai pembengkokan pita energi bemilai % dari smj`aee potential, titik balik terletak pada tegangan gate -1.633 V dan -1.733 V untuk hasil LOGEST. Pada saat nilai pembengkokan pita energi bemilai % dari surface potential, titik balik terletak pada tegangan gate -1_524 V dan -1.575 V untuk hasil LOGEST_
Berdasarkan analisa yang dilakukan, juga diperoleh bahwa saat tegangan gate belum menqapai nilai titik balik, maka ants yang mengalir melalui lapisan gme-oksida-
silikon, sama besar dengan nilai arus SILC.itu sendiri."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Alat/bahan penolong untuk penyambungan pipa dan penanggulangan kebocoran pipa yang digunakan PAM JAYA adalah Repair Collar PVC, Collar DCI dan Universal Coupling, Alat tersebut pada saat ini sering mengalami kendala/hambatan dalam proses pemasangannya, untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas maka dilakukan perancangan dan pengembangan produk repair clamp dengan mengacu pada standar baik spesifikasi maupun pengujiannya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produk yang memberi kemudahan dalam proses pemasangan serta efisiensi waktu dan biaya. Metode yang dipakai dalam perancangan dan pengembangan produk repair clamp adalah metode Kart. T Ulrich, dimana tahapan-tahapan yang dilalui adalah identifikasi kebutuhan konsumen, penyusunan dan pernilihan konsep rancangan produk, pengujian konsep serta penegasan spesifikasi produk sampai tnendapatkan prototype yang teruji.
Metode elemen hingga digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian rancangan produk untuk inemenuhi spesifikasi yang telah ditentukan. Hasil dari pengujian diteruskan dengan rancangan proses manufaktur, analisa ekonomi teknik dan manajemen proyek pengembangan produk guna mengetahui kelayakan ekonomis serta waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam pengembangan produk.

Unit to connecting pipe and maintenance of leakage used by PAM JAVA is Repair Collar PVC, DCI and Universal Coupling, at the moment this product has an obstacle in its installation, to overcome the problems above hence conducted a research and product development of repair clamp to meet the standard of specification has been made.
The aim of this activity is to produce a product that easy in installation and also give time efficiency and cheap. Ulrich methods will be used in this research.
Finite element method will use to exam the design to meet concept and the specification requirement. After that manufacturing prototype and do some lest of durability of pressure in pipe.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wita Sukmara
"Pendahuluan. Kebocoran anastomosis merupakan komplikasi yang berat berhubungan dengan peningkatan morbiditas, dan mempengaruhi lama rawat di rumah sakit. Banyak peneliti yang telah meneliti faktor resiko terjadinya kebocoran usus, diantaranya sepsis, malnutrisi, ketegangan garis anastomosis, gangguan perfusi jaringan, obstruksi distal, dll. Usus adalah organ yang rentan terhadap cedera, cedera pada usus dapat menyebabkan edema, ileus, dan kegagalan mekanisme pertahanan usus. Kondisi ini dapat ditemukan pada gastroshizis, invaginasi, strangulasi, penyakit radang usus dan sirosis. Pemberian cairan berlebih dapat menyebabkan edema, peningkatan tekanan intra abdomen, menurunkan aliran darah mesenterik, berpengaruh terhadap penyembuhan dan meningkatkan kebocoran anastomosis. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh edema terhadap anastomosis usus. Metode. Studi eksperimental pada tikus Sprague–Dawley untuk mengetahui pengaruh edema dan pemberian cairan yang berlebihan terhadap anastomosis usus. Hasil. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara edema usus dan pemberian cairan berlebihan dengan peningkatan kebocoran anastomosis (p=0,178)  Kesimpulan. Edema usus tidak ada hubungan dengan kebocoran anastomosis.

Introduction. Anastomotic leak is a severe complication associated with increased morbidity, and affects hospital stay. Many researchers have examined risk factors for intestinal leakage, including sepsis, malnutrition, anastomotic line tension, impaired tissue perfusion, distal obstruction, etc. The intestine is an organ that is prone to injury, injury to the intestine can cause edema, ileus, and failure of the intestinal defense mechanism. This condition can be found in gastroshizis, invagination, strangulation, inflammatory bowel disease and cirrhosis. Excessive fluid can cause edema, increase intra-abdominal pressure, decrease mesenteric blood flow, affect healing and increase anastomotic leakage. This study is to investigate intestinal edema on anastomosis. Method. This is an experimental study using Sprague-Dawley to determine the effect of edema and excessive fluid administration on intestinal anastomosis Results. There was no difference between intestinal edema and excessive fluid administration with increased anastomotic leak (p = 0.178). Conclusion. Intestinal edema is not associated with anastomotic leakage."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Pratama Arnofyan
Latar Belakang : Angka kejadian reseksi anastomosis pada kasus intususepsi
masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan masih seringnya pasien datang terlambat
setelah 72 jam, kurangnya SDM untuk melakukan reduksi non operatif, dan
kurangnya penunjang seperti USG untuk menegakkan diagnosa. Penting untuk
memperhatikan presisi, tehnik dan mempertimbangkan usus yang tersisa dalam
melakukan reseksi anastomosis. Hingga saat ini belum ada standar operasi khusus
yang dapat menjadi panduan bagi para dokter bedah dalam melakukan reseksi
akibat intususepsi. Karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk mencari batas reseksi yang
diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu anastomosis end-to-end yang optimal dan
rendah tingkat kebocorannya. Penelitian akan dilakukan kepada tikus sebagai pilot
study sebelum dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Tujuan : Mengetahui batas reseksi usus yang optimal dinilai dari kebocoran
anastomosis berdasarkan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi tersebut.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan hewan coba
tikus putih Sprague Dawley. Tikus putih dilakukan intususepsi dengan
menggunakan stylet, dari proksimal ke distal. Setelah 45 menit, intususepsi di
reduksi.Tikus putih dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok sesuai batas reseksi
anastomosis, yang kemudian batas reseksi ini dilakukan pemeriksaan grading
kolagen. Setelah 5 hari, dilakukan laparotomi untuk menilai kebocoran
Hasil : Pada perbandingan grading kolagen dengan reseksi usus didapatkan
grading terbanyak pada batas 1 adalah grading 2 (57,1 %), pada batas 2 grading 2
(71,4 %) ,batas 3 grading 3 (71,4%).Perforasi terbanyak ditemukan pada grading
2 sebanyak 5 sampel. Pada perbandingan batas reseksi dengan perforasi
didapatkan perforasi terbanyak pada batas 1 (85,7 %)
Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaaan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi usus dimana
batas kelompok batas 3 memiliki grading kolagen yang lebih baik ( grade 3 dan 4)
sehingga kelompok batas 3 lebih direkomendasikan secara histopatologis.
Grading kolagen dapat dinilai untuk melihat kemungkinan perforasi hasil
anastomosis. Terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian perforasi selain grading kolagen. ;Background ABSTRACT
There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The paper presents a methodology which has led to improvement of the turbine stage performance in the regenerative steam extraction chamber area by introducing a ring which collects the leakage flow from the gaps over unshrouded rotor blade tips and directs it to the extraction chamber. A comparison is made between the results obtained for the initial design (without a ring) and the design with the ring mounted. The results obtained for the construction were calibrated using the data measured on a real turbine in a Polish power plant. "
Poland: Task publishing,
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lalisang, Toar J.M.
"Kami melaporkan hasil 31 pankreatikoduodenektomi dari 141 tumor periampula pada peroide 1994-2002. Di antara kasus, terdapat 16 perempuan; rentang usia 17-68 tahun. Ikterus adalah keluhan tersering, 14 penderita dengan kadar albumin di bawah 3,5 g/dl dan 10 penderita dengan kadar bilirubin lebih dari 10 mg/dl. Telah dilakukan 17 Whipple klasik, 11 pankreatiokoduodenektomi dengan preservasi pilorus dan 3 total pankreatektomi+duodenektomi. Rerata lama operasi 436 menit (290-570). Penderita dikelompokkan dalam 2 periode, antara 1994-1999 dan sesudahnya. Dengan meningkatnya pengalaman, perdarahan intra operatif menurun dari rerata 2000 ml ke 400 ml. Gambaran histopatologi menunjukkan 11 adeno karsinoma kaput pankreas, 11 adeno karsinoma ampula Vater, 4 adeno karsinoma duodenum, 2 kista jinak kaput pankreas dan 3 tumor jinak. Mortalitas operatif terjadi pada 4 penderita dari 12 penderita periode pertama, dan hanya 1 pada 19 penderita sisanya. Komplikasi tersering adalah kebocoran anastomosis ke pankreas yang terjadi pada 14 penderita, dan 4 dari kebocoran tersebut menyebabkan mortalitas operatif. Rentang rawat antara 12 - 47 hari pasca bedah. Sampai akhir laporan ini, 7 penderita hidup tanpa penyakit, dan 4 penderita putus kontak. Rekurensi terjadi pada 13 penderita dari 22 penderita yang terjadi antara 4-24 bulan sesudah operasi, dan 12 penderita meninggal 2-3 minggu kemudian. Tiga penderita meninggal karena sebab yang lain. Kesimpulan: pankreatikoduodenektomi adalah tehnik yang efektif, dan mortalitas operatif dapat diturunkan, khususnya morbidas kebocoran pankreas yang dapat ditangani. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 166-70).

We reported our experience on 31 pancreaticoduodenectomy out of 141 periampullary tumors during 1994 until 2002; 16 of them were female, and age average 17-68 years. Jaundice was the most common presenting sign; 14 patients showed plasma albumin lower than 3.5 g/dl, and 10 patients had bilirubin level more than 10 mg/dl. We performed classical Whipple technique in 17, pyloric preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy in 11, and total pancreaticoduodenectomy in 3 patients. The mean of operative time was 436 minutes (290-570 minutes). The patients were grouped into 2 periods, between 1994-1999 and thereafter. With experience, the amount of blood loss has decreased from 2000 ml to 400 ml. Histopathologic results showed adenocarcinoma of the pancreas head in 11, adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater in 11, carcinoma of duodenum in 4, head of pancreas benign cyst in 2, and benign tumor in 3 patients. The surgical mortality was 4 in the first 12 patients, in contrast to only 1 in the last 19 patients. The most serious complication was pancreatic leakage in 14 patients, in 4 of them it was responsible as the cause of death. The length of stay after operation varied between 12 and 47 days. Until the end of this report 7 patients are still alive, and 4 patients lost of contact. Recurrence was detected in 13 out of 22 survivors, occurring between 4 to 24 months after operation and 12 patients died 2-3 months later. Three patients died due to other causes. We conclude that pancreoticoduodenectomy is an effective technique, and the operative mortality is decreasing. Furthermore, morbidity especially from pancreatic leakages can be treated in our hospital. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 166-70)."
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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