ABSTRAKDomesticity atau perasaan at home merupakan pijakan seseorang dalam mengekspansi dunianya. Adalah kesempatan bergerak, mengontrol, mempersonalisasi, dan merasa memiliki; yang membuat domesticity dapat hadir di mana saja. Metode framing dari media dipakai untuk melakukan pembongkaran, pem-filter-an, dan pengorganisasian kembali kualitas domestik; baik dalam studi konteks, maupun dalam pengaplikasian arsitektur. Dari studi konteks, yakni ruang berjalan anak SD sepulang sekolah ke rumahnya, terungkap bahwa penemuan anak SD akan objek "tak bertuan", event, dan set of surfaces yang tepat dan dapat ia personalisasi adalah pemicu penting hadirnya domesticity. Kualitas tersebut saling terkait satu sama lain, sehingga terungkap the organised frame berupa segmen-segmen pengalaman domestik anak SD; yang bersifat portabel meski pada konteks dimana saja. Frame domestik tersebut kemudian menjadi basis merancang arsitektur sekolah dasar yang memungkinkan anak SD melakukan personalisasi-personalisasi, sehingga ia merasa at home dengan berbagai proses dan sumber belajar. Perwujudan frame edukasi domestik tersebut dilakukan dengan manifestasi segmen-segmen menjadi spasial, yang berasal dari spatial tools ter-filter berupa learning resources dan learning supporters. Dan, penghadiran segmen-segmen pun diorganisasikan terhadap potensi lahan ter-filter. Pada akhirnya, framing domesticity untuk edukasi merupakan upaya menselebrasi hal-hal sederhana sebagai titik berangkat dalam perancangan arsitektur, serta upaya dalam mereposisi sekolah dasar yang begitu formal menjadi terasa lebih terbuka sehingga dunia anak SD terekspansi ke berbagai proses dan sumber belajar.
ABSTRACTDomesticity or feeling at home is a key starting point where someone can start to expand their world to an environment. The keys of domesticity, surprisingly, are often neglected. Where someone has opportunity to move, own, control, and personalise the environment thus domesticity could arise anywhere. Framing method, derivated from knowledge of mass media communication, is used in this thesis for unfolding, filtering, and organising domestic qualities, which seems neglected both from the context study and to the architectural application. From the context study of children's city experience of going back to home after school, unfolded that no man's object, event, and set of surfaces which relevant and they can personalise to, are essential qualities which arises domesticity. Those essential qualities are mutually related in variety of ways, thus forming the portable organised frame the segments of children domestic experience. This portability means the frame could be applied to any context. The frame then becomes the basis for designing the architecture of new elementary school, that gives many opportunities for children to personalise their learning experiences, thus making them feel at home with it. The spatial manifestation of the frame or the segments are based on the filtered spatial tools the learning resources and the learning supporters. Also, the segments are organised towards the filtered potencials on the site. Finally, framing domesticity for education is an attempt to celebrate the ordinary as starting point on designing architecture, and also an attempt to repositioning the architecture of formal elementary school to be felt more at home and open, so that children's world could be expanded to learning processes and learning resources."