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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hellen Dewi Prameswari
"Kepuasan klien merupakan salah satu indikator untuk mengukur keberhasilan layanan rumah sakit yang berguna memberikan feedback bagi pihak manajemen, karena dengan mutu pelayanan yang baik akan memberikan kepuasan. Pengukuran kepuasan dapat dilakukan dengan membandingkan kesenjangan yang terjadi antara harapan dan kinerja.
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya jumlah klien yang melakukan kunjungan VCT dan belum adanya informasi mengenai kepuasan klien yang sekaligus ditinjau dari karakteristik klien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kepuasan klien dan karakteristik klien yang manakah yang memiliki hubungan terhadap penilaian yang klien berikan.
Metoda yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik, desain cross sectional dengan melakukan wawancara kepada 106 orang klien VCT. Analisa data secara kuantitatif menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat, dan diagram kartesius.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien mempunyai tingkat kepuasan yang tidak terlalu tinggi terhadap kualitas pelayanan ditinjau daTi 5 dimensi ServQual dimana nilai persepsi kenyataan hampir mendekati harapan mereka. Pada diagram kartesis terlihat kebanyakan atribut dimensi kualitas pelayanan berada pada kuadran dua, tiga dan empat. Selain itu dari uji chi square diperoleh karakteristik yang dinilai memiliki hubungan bermakna pada harapan klien adalah pekerjaan, sedangkan pada kinerja adalah pekerjaan dan umur. (p<0,05).
Untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pasien maka disarankan untuk melakukan perbaikan dengan melengkapi fasilitas unit VCT dengan peralatan yang moderen ruangan yang bersih dan nyaman serta memberikan pelatihan kepada seluruh petugas, perawat dan dokter untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengatasi masalah pasien dan menanamkan pentingnya kepuasan pasien sehingga para dokter dapat dengan mudah dihubungi untuk selalu membantu masalah klien. Survei kepuasan klien dilakukan secara rutin sebagai salah satu alat untuk memantau kualitas pelayanan. yang lebih besar daripada rata-rata skor pada pre-test.

Client satisfaction is one of the indicators for measuring hospital service and giving feedback for management, because of a good service quality will give satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can measure with compare gap between hope and kinerja
Background: Low rate of client visit for VCT and there is no information about client satisfaction related to reutiliziation interest.
Objective of this research is to describe client satisfaction and know wich character that have relation with client judgement.
Method: Descriptive analysis with cross sectional design and interviewing to 106 patients. Research methodology is quantitative analysis with univariate analysis, bivariate and scatter diagram.
Result: Client satisfaction is not to high through five dimennsion of ServQual. The score for the reality is almost same with their expectation. In scatter diagram, we can see much of service attributes are in second, third and fourth quadrant. Beside that from chi square we get relation ship between jobs and hope. In other side we also get relationship with jobs and age to kinerja. (p<0,05). Improving patient satisfaction and reutilization is to increase its qua1ity service.
The important is improving inward quality service with adding more modern equipment make a clean and comfortable room, giving a training for employees, nurses, and doctors to raise their ability to solve patient problem and the important of patient satisfaction, so that the doctors can be easy to contact for helping the client problem. Beside that, routine client satisfactio survey as a tool for observing service quality.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Anisah
"Teledietetics merupakan suatu metode pengaplikasian teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dapat mendukung pemberian layanan atau konsultasi gizi oleh ahli gizi secara jarak jauh. Berbagai studi telah banyak menemukan manfaat dan kepuasan klien dari penggunaan teledietetics. Saat ini penelitian mengenai teledietetics di Indonesia masih terbatas. Teledietetics merupakan salah satu penerapan dari nutripreneurship, namun masih belum banyak berkembang di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan efektivitas, kualitas interaksi, reliabilitas, kegunaan, dan kualitas teknologi terhadap kepuasan klien pengguna teledietetics. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain studi cross-sectional pada 42 klien Perusahaan X pada bulan Mei hingga Juni 2020. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner mandiri secara online. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan chi – square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 83,3% responden menyatakan puas terhadap penggunaan teledietetics. Berdasarkan analisis bivariat, diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kualitas interaksi, reliabilitas, kegunaan, dan kemudahan dalam penggunaan dengan kepuasan klien pengguna teledietetics.

Teledietetics is a method of applying information and communication technology that can support the provision of nutrition services or consultation by nutritionists remotely. Various studies have found many benefits and satisfaction of clients from the use of teledietetics. Currently, research on teledietetics in Indonesia is still limited. Teledietetics is one of the application of nutripreneurship, but it is not much developed yet in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to look at the relationship of effectiveness, interaction quality, reliability, usability, and technology quality on client satisfaction of teledietetics users. The research design used was a cross-sectional study design on 42 clients of Company X in May to June 2020. Data collection was carried out by filling out an independent questionnaire online. The data obtained were then analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis using chi – suare. The results showed 83.3% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the use of teledietetics. Based on bivariate analysis, it is known that there is a significant relationship between interaction quality, reliability, usability, and ease of use with client satisfaction of teledietetics users."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aderika Sartika
"Praktik kolaborasi interprofesi berdampak positif pada efektivitas penanganan hipertensi. Hal tersebut diharapkan akan mempengaruhi kepuasan klien hipertensi. Namun, belum ada studi yang secara spesifik membahas mengenai hubungan antara praktik kolaborasi interprofesi dengan kepuasan klien hipertensi. Atas dasar tersebut, studi literatur ini disusun bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi hubungan antara praktik kolaborasi interprofesi dengan kepuasan klien hipertensi. Penilaian sistematis studi penelitian yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2015-2020 melalui 6 online database, yaitu Google Scholar, Science Direct, SCOPUS, CINAHL, Proquest dan Wiley Online Library, telah dilakukan. Pencarian tersebut menghasilkan total 339 artikel. Peninjauan artikel berdasarkan duplikasi, judul, abstrak, dan full text menghasilkan 11 artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Semua artikel yang digunakan juga telah melalui proses penilaian kualitas dan menghasilkan skor >50%. Mayoritas studi menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas perawatan klien hipertensi yang disebabkan oleh praktik kolaborasi interprofesi berbanding lurus dengan kepuasan klien. Maka dari itu, praktik kolaborasi interprofesi perlu untuk diterapkan dalam pelayanan keperawatan agar tercipta pelayanan yang optimal.

Interprofessional collaborative practice have a positive impact on the effectiveness of managing hypertension. It is expected to affect patient satisfaction as well. Unfortunately, there are no studies that specifically address the relationship between interprofessional collaborative practice and hypertensive patients' satisfaction. This literature review aims to analyze and identify the relationship between interprofessional collaborative practice with hypertensive patients' satisfaction. A systematic appraisal of research studies published through 2015-2020 was conducted using 6 online databases, namely Google Scholar, Science Direct, SCOPUS, CINAHL, Proquest and Wiley Online Library. The literature seacrh yielded 339 literatures in total. The review based on duplication, title, abstract, and full text resulted in 11 literatures that met the inclusion criteria. All of the literatures used also gone through quality assessment process and resulted a score of >50%. Majority of studies show that the improvement in the quality of care caused by interprofessional collaborative practice is directly proportional to patient satisfaction. Therefore, interprofessional collaborative practice needs to be implemented in nursing services in order to create optimal services."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Idawati
"Recent health service should ti-y to grant comprehensive service, in line with technology demand and society interest, clients have resumed to pay attention to profits of hospital providing qualified service, efficient cost and satisfaction to its clients. A hospital, if dose not pay attention to its client?s satisfaction, will diminish its clients and eventually will suffer a financial loss. One of many factors influencing client?s satisfaction is client-nurse communication.
The survey at Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor indicated that its clients have felt satisfied, yet they still have complaint on that the communication between nurses and clients in inpatient unit has not been active. In consequence, this research was to prove that there was a relation between nurse-client communication and a level of client?s satisfaction with the nursing service. The used method was descriptive correlation and the data collecting utilized cross sectional. The sample of research was 100 people who were patients of inpatient unit of Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor. The research was conducted in June and July 2001. The instrument of this research broke down into three part, namely: first client?s characteristics; second, nurses? communication toward client; and third, client?s satisfaction.
Characteristics of respondent were: age between 15-73 years old of age, mostly women educational level ranging from elementary to university, mostly from new patients who got service at first; and length of caring ranging from 3-12 days. The research was conducted at four inpatient units. The result of communication variable implied that the clients often got empathy, involved in planning and decision making lfl controlled caring process, entrusted and often got detail, systematic and transparent information as well as rewarding as an individu in nurse communication (Confirmation). The result finding at satisfaction level showed that the level of corespondent?s satisfaction was high enough. Their characteristic did not indicate a significant relation with the level of satisfaction There was a significant Connection between nurse-client COflhrfltiflication (confirmation) and client?s satisfaction on detail-systematic information granting (transparency) as well as attitude to appreciate client as an indivìdu (confirmation).
Based on the research, it is recommended that policy makers of the hospital should remain this achievement. And ¡t should be enhanced so the entire staffs of the hospital could run communication well and it could be remained by rewarding to executing nurse whom has carried his/her communication well, emphasizing to all hospital to do so. And they should establish teamwork that handles matter of communication in a hospital and compose a program which focuses on information restructuring such as health education through discharged planning that is adjusted with individual needs.
It is suggested that nurses should carry out nursing care using excellent communication. And create a program that control and facilitate communication program in environment of care. For further research, it is recommended that this result should be base of the following research using more complete method such as experiment equation or by direct-qualitative-interview on factors influencing clients? satisfaction. Due to the fact that this research had analyzed the content of communication, so the further research is recommended to ilivestigate some relations between nurse-client communication techniques and achievement of nursing service quality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Sedia
"Klien stroke dengan hipertensi dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat, sehingga keadaanini menjadi hal penting untuk dikelola dengan baik. World Health Organisation bahwapada tahun 2030 ada 23,3 juta kematian oleh karena penderita penyakit Jantung danStroke dan berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013 penderita stroke yangterdiagnosa di Indonsia sebanyak 1.236.825 orang. Penderita stroke di rumah sakittempat dilakukan penilitian selama empat tahun terakhir mencapai 351 orang, sehinggaini memberikan gambaran bahwa stroke merupakan penyakit yang memerlukanperawatan dan pengobatan yang lebih serius. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengembangkan model perencanaan pulang klien stroke dengan hipertensi. Metode:riset operasiobnal dengan 3 tahap. Yaitu tahap 1, identifikasi alur dan masalah sertakebutuhan perncanaan pemulang klien, tahap 2 dikembangkanya draft model dan modulberdasarkan data dasar dari hasil tahap 1. Telaah literatur dan konsultasi pakar, tahap 3,validasi model dan modul dengan kuasi eksperimen. Data dikumpulkan menggunakanFGD Focus Group Discussion dan Wawancara Mendalam pada tahap 1 denganinforman penelitian 33 orang. Partisipan tahap 3 uji model adalah keluarga 21 sebelumdan 37 orang sesudah, klien 33 sebelum dan 37 orang sesudah, dan perawat 37 orangsebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi model. Data dikumpulkan dengan pre posttest. Analisa data tahap satu dengan analisa konten dan tahap uji model denganmenggunakan SPSS. Hasil tahap satu didapat alur klien masuk sampai pulang,kebutuhan dan masalah dalam perencanaan pulang. Hasil uji coba model bahwakemandirian klien bermakna signifikan dengan Pvalue =0.00 lebih kecil dari Pvalue =0.05, kepuasan klien tidak signifikan karena Pvalue =0.40 lebih besar dari Pvalue =0.05, kepuasan keluarga bermakna signifikan karena Pvalue =0.025 lebih kecil dariPvaleu = 0.05, sementara hasil kepuasan perawat sangat bermakna signifikan denganPvalue = 0.00 lebih kecil dari Pvalue = 0.05. Disimpulkan bahwa model perencanaanpulang diperlukan untuk memberikan pelayanan perawatan dan pengobatan kepadaklien, dan dapat digunakan tenaga kesehatan untuk melaksanakan perawatan danpengobatan. Merupakan saran agar manajemen rumah sakit membuat kebijakan danmempersiapkan perangkat sehubungan pelaksanaan perencanaan pulang bagi klien.

Stroke client with hypertension increasing from time to time, this condition need tomanage very well. Wod Health Organization mentioned on year of 2030 have 23.3million dead caused of blood hypertension, and based on resulted of Riset KesehatanDasar on 2013, the stroke case 1.236.825 or 7 of Indonesian population. Stroke casedata in the hospitals where this research been done for the last 4 years reach 351 people,which providing us with a focus that stroke is a disease that need a more serioustreatments. The objectives of the research is developt Discharge Planning stroke clients.Operation research was apply with 3 phase, and first phase is to identify the gate cliententered to hospital, need and problems that face in conduct Discharge Planning. Phasetwo is to developt model and modul draft of discharge planning, and phase three is tovalidate model and modul that developt. Phase one the data was collected by FocusGroup Discussion and indept interview with 33 nurses participant. Phase validatemodel and conternt analysis and phase 3 used computer. Phase 3 found that the resultsof the test for the model are client self-efficacy provide a significant value withPvalue=0,00 lower than Pvalue= 0.05, client satisfaction is not significant with Pvalue =0.40 higher than Pvalue = 0.05, family satisfaction provide a significant value withPvalue = 0.025 lower than the Pvalue= 0.05, while nurse satisfaction provide asignificant value with Pvalue = 0.00 lower than Pvalue = 0.05. The conclustion takenfrom this research is that discharge planning model is needed to provide care andmedication service to client and can be used by healthcare team to perform the treatmentand medication. It is suggested to the hospital management to create a policy andprepare the infrastructure related to the implementation of discharge planning model fora client."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library