ABSTRAKKonsumsi sayuran di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Akan tetapi, sayuran menganding parasit usus yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit pada manusia. Penggunaan pupuk dan irigasi berkontribusi dalam pencemaran sayuran ini. Sayuran yang memiliki risiko tinggi mentransmisikan parasit usus ke tubuh manusia adalah sayuran yang tergolong lalapan, contohnya kemangi.Kemangi 100 g dimasukkan dalam gelas. Perendaman dilakukan selama 24 jam menggunakan air atau larutan detergen. Melalui penyaringan, presipitat
diambil dan disentrifuse 2500 rpm selama 5 menit. Endapan diambil dan dikumpulkan dalam 1 tabung dan didiamkan selama beberapa menit. Pengamatan di bawah mikroskop dilakukan pada endapan tabung tersebut. Terdapat kontaminasi parasit usus 100% pada sayuran dengan rincian Ascaris lumbricoides 4,6%, Trichuris trichiura 1,1%, cacing tambang 0%, Giardia lamblia 48,9%, Entamoeba histolytica 17,0%, Entamoeba coli 28,4%. Pasar tradisional mengandung 1.580 (56%) parasit usus dan pasar swalayan mengandung 1.240 (44%) parasit usus. Perendaman pada detergen menghasilkan 2.820 (70,3%) parasit usus dan air menghasilkan 1.190 (29,7%) parasit usus.Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna jumlah parasit usus pada sayuran kemangi yang dijual di pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta. Perbedaan bermakna jumlah parasit usus ditemukan pada penggunaan media perendaman detergen dan air.
ABSTRACTVegetable consumption in Indonesia has increased from year to year. However, vegetables menganding intestinal parasites that can cause disease in humans. The use of fertilizers and irrigation contribute to the contamination of vegetables. Vegetables that have a high risk of intestinal parasites transmit to the human body is classified as vegetables fresh vegetables, such as basil. Basil 100 g inserted in the glass. Soaking for 24 hours using water or detergent solution. Through filtering, the precipitate was taken and centrifuged 2,500 rpm for 5 minutes. The precipitate was taken and collected in one tube and allowed to stand for a few minutes. Observation under a microscope performed on the sediment tube.There intestinal parasite contamination of vegetables by 100% on the details of Ascaris lumbricoides 4.6%, Trichuris trichiura 1.1%, 0% of hookworm, Giardia lamblia 48.9%, 17.0% Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli 28.4%. Traditional markets containing 1,580 (56%) and intestinal parasites containing 1,240 supermarkets (44%) of intestinal parasites. Soaking in detergent resulted in 2,820 (70.3%) of intestinal parasites and water produces 1,190 (29.7%) of intestinal parasites. There was no significant difference in the number of intestinal parasites in vegetables basil sold in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta. Significant differences in the number of intestinal parasites found in the use of detergent and water immersion media., Vegetable consumption in Indonesia has increased from year to year.
However, vegetables menganding intestinal parasites that can cause disease in humans. The use of fertilizers and irrigation contribute to the contamination of vegetables. Vegetables that have a high risk of intestinal parasites transmit to the human body is classified as vegetables fresh vegetables, such as basil. Basil 100 g inserted in the glass. Soaking for 24 hours using water or detergent solution.
Through filtering, the precipitate was taken and centrifuged 2,500 rpm for 5 minutes. The precipitate was taken and collected in one tube and allowed to stand for a few minutes. Observation under a microscope performed on the sediment tube.There intestinal parasite contamination of vegetables by 100% on the details of Ascaris lumbricoides 4.6%, Trichuris trichiura 1.1%, 0% of hookworm, Giardia
lamblia 48.9%, 17.0% Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli 28.4%. Traditional markets containing 1,580 (56%) and intestinal parasites containing 1,240 supermarkets (44%) of intestinal parasites. Soaking in detergent resulted in 2,820 (70.3%) of intestinal parasites and water produces 1,190 (29.7%) of intestinal parasites. There was no significant difference in the number of intestinal parasites in vegetables basil sold in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta.
Significant differences in the number of intestinal parasites found in the use of detergent and water immersion media.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014