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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mia Margawati
"Mental Maps merupakan bagian dari proses kognitif yang melibatkan deteksi (sensing), pengkodean (encoding), dan penyimpanan peristiwa dalam pikiran (storing), yang kemudian dilakukan proses atau modifikasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah keputusan keruangan. Dalam menghadapi tantangan globalisasi, kualitas individu harus ditingkatkan sejak dini agar mampu bersaing dalam berbagai aspek. Khususnya dikalangan Generasi Alpha yang sangat erat dengan teknologi. Pentingnya mengetahui dan memahami wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) pada Generasi Alpha adalah agar dapat mengembangkan kemampuan intelektualitas yang diharapkan dapat menunjang kemajuan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia di era globalisasi dan mempertahankan nilai-nilai nasionalisme, kearifan lokal, karakter bangsa dan budaya Indonesia. Menurut Abdurrahman (1988) dalam mempelajari geografi harus bisa mengembangkan pengetahuan tentang lingkungannya dengan baik agar persepsi terhadap lingkungan berupa gambaran atau mental map dapat tergambar dengan baik. Mental map yang baik tentang suatu wilayah akan menggambarkan yang baik tentang bangsa dan negaranya. Selain itu dapat pula menganalisis potensi fisik, lingkungan, dan manusia sehingga dapat mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, tantangan dan ancaman bangsanya sehingga dapat memberikan pemikiran dan solusi terhadap permasalahan keruangan. Penelitian ini membahas mental maps keindonesiaan Generasi Alpha yang didapat melalui pengetahuan wilayah Indonesia yang terdiri dari Anchor (Patokan), Boundaries (Batas), Connectivity (Konektivitas), Direction (Arah), dan Sequence (Posisi). Generasi alpha yang diteliti meliputi Generasi alpha Pusat Kota dan Generasi alpha Pinggiran Kota Depok. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keragaman dan variasi dari mental maps keindonesiaan pada Generasi alpha. Generasi alpha Pusat Kota cenderung memiliki pengetahuan mengenai wilayah Indonesia yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Generasi alpha Pinggiran Kota.

Mental maps are part of cognitive processes that involve sensing, encoding, and storing events in the mind (storing), which are then carried out through processes or modifications to produce spatial decisions. In facing the challenges of globalization, the quality of individuals must be improved from an early age in order to be able to compete in various aspects. Especially among members of "Generation Alpha," who are technologically savvy. The importance of knowing and understanding the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in Generation Alpha is to develop intellectual abilities that are expected to support the progress of the Republic of Indonesia in the era of globalization and maintain the values of nationalism, local wisdom, national character, and Indonesian culture. According to Abdurrahman (1988), in studying geography, students must be able to develop knowledge about their environment so that their perception of it in the form of images or mental maps can be well drawn. A good mental map of a region will illustrate a good one about the nation and its country. In addition, it can also analyze the physical, environmental, and human potential so that it can find out the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and threats of its nation so that it can provide thoughts and solutions to spatial problems. This study discusses the mental maps of Indonesia by Generation Alpha obtained through knowledge of the Indonesian region consisting of anchors, boundaries, connectivity, direction, and sequence. The alpha generation studied includes the City Center alpha Generation and the Depok Suburban alpha Generation. This study is both descriptive qualitative and spatial analysis. The results of this study show that there is diversity and variation in the mental maps of the Alpha Generation. When compared to the Suburban alpha generation, the City Center alpha generation has a better understanding of the Indonesian region"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sayidatul Ummah
"Tesis ini membahas identitas keturunan Hadrami dalam naskah drama Fatimah (1938) karya Hoesin Bafagih yang ditengarai berupaya mendiskusikan wacana baru terhadap tanah air mereka (baru) yaitu Indonesia melalui konsep representasi (1990) dan identitas (1997) dari Stuart Hall serta konsep nation dari Anderson (1991). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan adanya tarik ulur identitas budaya dan membongkar nasionalisme keturunan Hadrami yang direpresentasikan melalui tokoh dan penokohan. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa Fatimah (1938) mengandung propaganda kebangsaan dengan menunjukkan keberpihakannya pada narasi keindonesiaan dibandingkan kehadramian. Keberpihakan tersebut bisa dilihat melalui penanda dalam teks yang mendiskreditkan gagasan konservatif, eksklusif dan anti-nasionalis sejak awal hingga akhir cerita. Sementara itu, sikap teks yang terlihat mengedepankan kepentingan identitas etnik dengan cara melakukan otokritik, dibaca sebagai strategi yang digunakan teks untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran berbangsa dengan tujuan mengubah kehadramian tradisional menjadi kehadramian yang berorientasi nasional, yakni dengan menyuguhkan gagasan progresif, inklusif dan nasionalis. Faktanya, strategi ini juga merupakan bagian dari cara teks untuk memperlihatkan bahwa Fatimah (1938) mewakili semangat zaman, di mana bangkitnya semangat keindonesiaan diawali dengan gagasan-gagasan yang bersifat etno-nasionalisme. Fatimah (1938) merupakan tonggak lahirnya identitas baru sebagai orang Indonesia berdarah Hadrami sekaligus “corong” bagi Persatuan Arab Indonesia (PAI).

This research identifies Hadhrami descent in Fatimah play script by Hoesin Bafagih (1938). This playscript discusses new discourses of their homeland, Indonesia. This study employed the representation concept (1990) and the identity concept (1997) by Stuart Hall and the nation concept by Anderson (1991). This research investigates the tug-of-war of cultural identity and discovers Hadhrami descent's nationalism represented in the play's characters and characterizations. The research results prove that Fatimah (1938) contains national propaganda by presenting its alignment with Indonesian, not Hadhrami. The alignment is presented by textual signifiers that discredit conservative, exclusive, and anti-nationalist ideas from the beginning to the end of the story. Meanwhile, textual narration that prioritizes ethnic identity through self-criticism is interpreted as the text's strategy to grow national awareness to shift the Hadhrami traditions to national-oriented Hadhrami. This strategy is manifested by presenting progressive, inclusive, and nationalistic ideas. Furthermore, this strategy is the texts' method and shows that Fatimah (1938) represents the zest of times when ethnonationalism ideas initiate Indonesian spirits. Besides, Fatimah (1938) is the pioneer of a new identity as an Indonesian with Hadhrami blood and becomes a tool for the Indonesian Arab Union"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellen Saputri Kusuma
Tesis ini menyelidiki proses berlangsungnya kontestasi dan negosiasi antar-aktor
kampanye pariwisata Wonderful Indonesia dan Pesona Indonesia (WIPI) di media
sosial Instagram dalam dinamika konstruksi dan pemaknaan identitas
keindonesiaan. Data yang dikumpulkan dikategorisasi menjadi tiga narasi, yaitu
?resmi,? ?pemicu,? dan ?akar rumput?. Ada tiga aktor di Instagram yang
diidentifikasi melalui peran dan keterlibatan, serta relasi kuasa di antara mereka,
yaitu @indtravel, akun Instagram duta media sosial dan pengguna lima tagar.
Untuk melihat dinamika konstruksi dan pemaknaan identitas keindonesiaan lebih
lanjut digunakan konsep dan teori identitas nasional, country branding, aparatus
ideologis negara dan interpelasi, Instagram sebagai media sosial, budaya
partisipatoris dan heteroglosia dalam media sosial, serta cultural intermediaries.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa WIPI sebagai perwujudan country branding
merefleksikan upaya Kementerian Pariwisata untuk mengkonstruksi dan
menarasikan keindonesiaan sebagai identitas kompetitif. Pada level akar rumput,
duta media sosial mengkontestasi Narasi Resmi tersebut dengan menyorot
identitas-identitas keindonesiaan lain yang berada di periferi. Namun, kontestasi
tersebut berubah menjadi negosiasi ketika Kementerian Pariwisata
memprioritaskan penggunaan media sosial dalam kampanye WIPI. Hal ini
mengubah peran duta media sosial dari perantara budaya yang memproduksi
narasi akar rumput menjadi aktor yang memproduksi narasi pemicu. Tesis ini
menemukan para aktor memanfaatkan karakteristik dan fitur Instagram untuk
memproduksi teks heteroglosik, baik sengaja maupun tidak, yang mengkontestasi
dan menegosiasi satu sama lain. Instagram, yang menitikberatkan postingan visual,
juga berkontribusi dalam proses visualisasi imajinasi keindonesiaan. Media sosial,
dalam hal ini Instagram, memainkan peranan penting dalam proses konstruksi dan
pemaknaan keindonesiaan karena menyediakan ruang bagi para aktor untuk
berkolaborasi dalam proyek sinambung yang merumuskan keindonesiaan.

This thesis investigates the contestation and negotiation in Wonderful Indonesia
and Pesona Indonesia tourism campaign (WIPI), which happen between actors in
social media, Instagram, in a way to construct their Indonesianess. The collected
data is categorised into 3 narratives: ?official,? ?triggering,? and ?grassroots?.
There are 3 actors in Instagram, @indtravel, Instagram accounts of social media
ambassadors and of those five hashtags users, which are identified by their roles,
engagements and power relations. To look further into the dynamics of
constructing and signifying Indonesianess concepts and theories of national
identity, country branding, ideological state apparatuses and interpellation,
Instagram as social media, participatory culture and heteroglossia in social media,
and cultural intermediaries are used. Research findings reveal that WIPI is a form
of country branding reflecting Tourism Ministry?s efforts to construct and narrate
Indonesianess as a competitive identity. At a grassroots level, social media
ambassadors contest that narrative by highlighting other identities that lie in the
periphery. Later, the contestation turns into negotiation once the Tourism Ministry
prioritises the use of social media in their campaign. This changes social media
ambassadors? role as cultural intermediaries producing grassroots narrative into
ones who produce the triggering narrative. This thesis finds all actors utilize
Instagram characteristics and features to produce intended or unintended
heteroglossic texts that contest against-, interpellate and negotiate with each other.
Instagram, whose strong feature lies in visual posts, also contributes in visualizing
the imagination of Indonesianess. Social media, in this case Instagram, plays
important roles in the process of constructing and signifying Indonesianess,
because it provides space for actors to collaborate in a continuous project of
formulating Indonesianess.;This thesis investigates the contestation and negotiation in Wonderful Indonesia
and Pesona Indonesia tourism campaign (WIPI), which happen between actors in
social media, Instagram, in a way to construct their Indonesianess. The collected
data is categorised into 3 narratives: ?official,? ?triggering,? and ?grassroots?.
There are 3 actors in Instagram, @indtravel, Instagram accounts of social media
ambassadors and of those five hashtags users, which are identified by their roles,
engagements and power relations. To look further into the dynamics of
constructing and signifying Indonesianess concepts and theories of national
identity, country branding, ideological state apparatuses and interpellation,
Instagram as social media, participatory culture and heteroglossia in social media,
and cultural intermediaries are used. Research findings reveal that WIPI is a form
of country branding reflecting Tourism Ministry?s efforts to construct and narrate
Indonesianess as a competitive identity. At a grassroots level, social media
ambassadors contest that narrative by highlighting other identities that lie in the
periphery. Later, the contestation turns into negotiation once the Tourism Ministry
prioritises the use of social media in their campaign. This changes social media
ambassadors? role as cultural intermediaries producing grassroots narrative into
ones who produce the triggering narrative. This thesis finds all actors utilize
Instagram characteristics and features to produce intended or unintended
heteroglossic texts that contest against-, interpellate and negotiate with each other.
Instagram, whose strong feature lies in visual posts, also contributes in visualizing
the imagination of Indonesianess. Social media, in this case Instagram, plays
important roles in the process of constructing and signifying Indonesianess,
because it provides space for actors to collaborate in a continuous project of
formulating Indonesianess., This thesis investigates the contestation and negotiation in Wonderful Indonesia
and Pesona Indonesia tourism campaign (WIPI), which happen between actors in
social media, Instagram, in a way to construct their Indonesianess. The collected
data is categorised into 3 narratives: “official,” “triggering,” and “grassroots”.
There are 3 actors in Instagram, @indtravel, Instagram accounts of social media
ambassadors and of those five hashtags users, which are identified by their roles,
engagements and power relations. To look further into the dynamics of
constructing and signifying Indonesianess concepts and theories of national
identity, country branding, ideological state apparatuses and interpellation,
Instagram as social media, participatory culture and heteroglossia in social media,
and cultural intermediaries are used. Research findings reveal that WIPI is a form
of country branding reflecting Tourism Ministry’s efforts to construct and narrate
Indonesianess as a competitive identity. At a grassroots level, social media
ambassadors contest that narrative by highlighting other identities that lie in the
periphery. Later, the contestation turns into negotiation once the Tourism Ministry
prioritises the use of social media in their campaign. This changes social media
ambassadors’ role as cultural intermediaries producing grassroots narrative into
ones who produce the triggering narrative. This thesis finds all actors utilize
Instagram characteristics and features to produce intended or unintended
heteroglossic texts that contest against-, interpellate and negotiate with each other.
Instagram, whose strong feature lies in visual posts, also contributes in visualizing
the imagination of Indonesianess. Social media, in this case Instagram, plays
important roles in the process of constructing and signifying Indonesianess,
because it provides space for actors to collaborate in a continuous project of
formulating Indonesianess.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rae Sita Michel
Indonesia dengan keberagaman budaya memiliki keberagaman lagu rakyat daerah. Pada masa kini ada banyak aransemen lagu daerah dengan berbagai macam gaya musik, salah satunya diaransemen dengan gaya musik tradisi barat. Gaya musik tradisi barat yang dimaksud adalah aransemen yang ditulis dalam partitur dan dimainkan oleh paduan suara, orkestra, dan instrument orkestra seperti piano. Skripsi ini membahas perspektif dan ekspresi musisi tentang Indonesia ketika membuat aransemen lagu rakyat Indonesia yang dimainkan dalam tradisi musik barat. Makna atau ekpresi Indonesia dari para musisi digali dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode life history dengan melihat kepada pengalaman-pengalaman yang dialami oleh para komposer yang membentuk orientasi musik mereka dalam berkarya. Pengalaman-pengalaman tersebut terbentuk dari kebudayaan yang mereka alami dan perjalanan karir musik mereka. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan cara dan faktor musisi mengekspresikan Indonesia dalam karya musik melalui pengalaman dan pengetahuan mereka terkait musik dan budaya Indonesia yang telah dialami.

Indonesia with cultural diversity has a diversity of local folk songs. In the present there are many arrays of regional songs with a variety of musical styles, one of them arranged with the style of western music. The style of western music is the arrangement written in the score and played by the chorus, the orchestral instrument such as a piano. This thesis explaining the perspective and expression of musician about Indonesia when they making arrangement of Indonesian folk songs which is played in Western music tradition. The meaning or expression of Indonesia from the musicians is dug by using qulitative approach and life history method by looking to the experiences experienced by the composers who shape their musical orientation in the work. These experiences are shaped by the culture and their music career. The result of this study show the ways and factors of musicians to express Indonesia in their musical works and experiences related to the music and culture of Indonesia who have experienced."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chitra Claudia Salsabila
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang citra Indonesia yang terdapat dalam buku kumpulan puisi berjudul Indonesia karya Kim Ju-myeong pada tahun 2015. Kumpulan puisi ini secara umum bertemakan tentang kehidupan penyair dan pandangannya tentang hidup yang berlatarkan di Indonesia. Dari buku tersebut, tujuh puisi dipilih sebagai representasi citra negara Indonesia, terutama mengenai alam dan masyarakat yang hidup di dalamnya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui citra negara Indonesia yang ditampilkan dalam puisi dan bagaimana citra tersebut ditampilkan melalui perspektif orang Korea. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural dan metode close reading, serta didukung dengan teori citra.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa citra yang ditampilkan umumnya bersifat positif dan dapat dikategorikan sebagai citra perusahaan organisasi , kini, serta ganda. Citra tersebut dibangun dari ide dan pengalaman penyair kemudian dirangkai dengan metafora serta penggunaan diksi yang bernilai keindonesiaan.

This research discusses the image of Indonesia as it appears in a book of poetry collection titled Indonesia by Kim Ju myeong in 2015. This book in general tells about the writer's life and his view of life in Indonesia. Seven poems have been selected that are considered to represent the image of Indonesia, especially its nature and the people who live in it.
The purpose of this research is to figure out the image of Indonesia as it is depicted in his poetry and how that image is displayed through the perspective of Koreans. This study was done by the structural approach and close reading method, also supported by the theory of image.
Through this research, it is observed that the image shown generally as positive can be categorized as corporate, current, and multiple image. The image was constructed from the poet's ideas and experiences, and then assembled with figurative and imaginative metaphor as well as the use of diction which has an Indonesian nuance to it.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library