"Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara Indonesia, sekaligus pusat perekonomian negara menyebabkan banyaknya movement atau pergerakan setiap harinya. Pergerakan ini dilakukan dengan bantuan beberapa jenis alat transportasi, namun mayoritas pergerakan di Jakarta masih berketergantungan dengan penggunaan transportasi pribadi seperti mobil, dan sepeda motor. Untuk mengatasi ketergantungan ini pemerintah DKI Jakarta telah berupaya untuk meningkatkan transportasi umum di Jakarta, dengan pengembangan beberapa moda seperti Kereta KRL, MRT, Bus TransJakarta, dan juga Kereta Api Bandara. Untuk mendukung konektivitas antar moda transportasi tersebut, pemerintah DKI Jakarta telah mengembangkan beberapa kawasan TOD, salah satunya terletak di Dukuh Atas.
Penelitian ini menganalisis keterpaduan jadwal antar masing-masing moda transportasi yang terdapat di Dukuh Atas dengan mengamati jadwal yang tersedia yang disediakan oleh masing-masing operator moda transportasi serta waktu berjalan penumpang antar masing-masing moda serta menganalisis waktu tunggu yang disebabkan oleh jadwal dan membandingkannya dengan preferensi penumpang yang diperoleh melalui survei.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa integrasi antara jadwal masing-masing mode tidak terintegrasi sepenuhnya karena beberapa mode lebih terhubung daripada yang lain, perbedaan antara jumlah jadwal yang tersedia serta perbedaan headway memainkan peran penting dalam integrasi dan juga hasil analisis ini.
Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia, as well as the main economy hub of the country generates a lot of movement every single day. The movement of these people are done with the help of transportation, but most of them are privately own transportation modes such as cars, and motorcycles. To combat the high dependency on privately own transportation modes, the local government has been trying to improve the public transportation sector within the city of Jakarta, with developments of multiple modes of transportation such as the MRT, and KRL Trains, as well as the TransJakarta Buses, and also the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Railink. To support the connectivity between those modes of transportation, the local government has develop several TOD areas, one of it is located in Dukuh Atas. This study analyzed the integration of schedule between each transportation mode located in Dukuh Atas by observing the available schedule provided by each mode of transports operator as well as the passenger walking time between each mode whilst also analysing the waiting caused by the schedule and comparing it with the passengers preference that is obtained through a survey. The result of the analysis shows that the integration between schedules of each mode are not fully integrated as some modes are more connected than the other, the difference between the amount of available schedules as well the difference in headway plays a major factor on the integration as well as the result of the analysis."