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Retno Kusumastuti
Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana fungsi kualitas penyebaran (QFD). Metodologi yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan kebutuhan dan harapan pelanggan ke dalam karakteristik kualitas dalam Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Fungsional Inspektur Ketenagalistrikan. Studi kasus ini menggambarkan bagaimana pendekatan yang ada, integrasi SERVQUAL dan QFD dapat diterapkan untuk peningkatan kualitas. Alumni peserta pelatihan di 2012-2014, terpilih sebagai kerangka sampling. Sebuah model SERVQUAL sebagai titik awal, dan kemudian mengidentifikasi desain pelayanan pada pendidikan dan pelatihan Inspektur Ketenagalistrikan menggunakan pendekatan QFD. Integrasi SERVQUAL dan QFD digunakan di dalam konsep kualitas pendidikan yang telah digambarkan melalui studi kasus.

The purpose of this thesis is to describe how quality function deployment (QFD) methodology was employed for translating customer needs and expectations into the quality characteristics in a Functional Training of the Inspector of Electricity. This case study illustrates how an existing approach of SERVQUAL and QFD integration can be applied for quality improvement. Alumni of the training participants in 2012-2014, was selected as the sampling frame. A SERVQUAL model as a starting point, and then identifies service design functional Training of the Inspector of Electricity requirements using a QFD approach. This integration of SERVQUAL and QFD approaches in the conceptual Education of Quality model has been illustrated through a case study.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simangunsong, Emmy Ridhawaty
"Mutu pelayanan didefinisikan sebagai perbedaan antara harapan dengankenyataan yang diterima pelanggan. Pelanggan disini terbagi dua yaitu pelangganeksternal dan pelanggan internal. Pelanggan eksternal adalah masyarakat individu ataukelompok atau institusi pengguna jasa pelayanan kesehatan sedangkan pelangganinternal adalah mereka yang bekerja di institusi pelayanan tersebut. Peningkatan mutupelayanan sangat dibutuhkan agar dapat memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan pelanggan eksternal dan internal di unit rawatjalan RSUD Maba berdasarkan lima dimensi SERVQUAL dan juga untuk mengetahuidesain mutu pelayanan dengan menggunakan metode SERQUAL-QFD. Penelitian inimerupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Jumlahsampel pada pelanggan eksternal yaitu 125 sampel dan pelanggan internal 30 sampel.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan pelanggan eksternal berdasarkan skorSERVQUAL terbesar terletak pada dimensi keandalan. Kebutuhan pelanggan internalterbesar yang tertuang dalam aspek teknis pelayanan adalah pengganggaran keuanganyang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Hasil pengembangan desain rumah mutu QFD didapatkan prioritas pertama pada aspek fokus pada kebutuhan pelanggan.Kata Kunci : mutu pelayanan, SERVQUAL, QFD, desain rumah mutu.

Quality of service is defined as the difference between expectation and realityreceived by the customer. Customers here are divided into two external customers andinternal customers. External customers are communities individuals or groups orinstitutions of users of health care services, internal customers are those who work in theservice institution. Improved quality of service is needed to meet customer expectations.This study aims to determine the needs of external and internal customers in the outpatientunit RSUD Maba based on five dimensions of SERVQUAL and also to know the designof service quality using SERQUAL QFD method. This research is a cross sectionalresearch with quantitative and qualitative methods. The number of samples on externalcustomers are 125 samples and internal customers 30 samples. The results show that theexternal customer needs based on the largest SERVQUAL score lies in the dimensions ofreliability. The greatest internal customer requirement as stated in the technical aspectsof service is the appropriate financial budgeting according to need. The result of thedevelopment of QFD quality house design got the first priority on the focus aspect oncustomer requirement.Keyword service quality, SERVQUAL, QFD, house of quality."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsy Karima Zahra
"Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kegiatan pemeliharaan menjadi semakin kompleks seiring dengan tren otomasi berbagai industry, salah satunya adalah transportasi kereta perkotaan. Selain kompleksitasnya, pemeliharaan juga merupakan kontributor utama dalam pengiriman biaya layanan, mencapai 15% dari total biaya operasi untuk layanan kereta perkotaan di Indonesia. Pemeliharaan sendiri merupakan proses bisnis berbasis risiko berkaitan dengan potensi kegagalan peralatan teknis yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan peralatan atau pendapatan layanan secara tidak langsung. Studi sebelumnya mengakui bahwa peningkatan ekspektasi kualitas layanan dan risiko kegiatan pemeliharaan masih linier dengan biaya pemeliharaan di mana sebagian besar perusahaan hanya mengikuti OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) daripada mengembangkan strategi yang lebih baik. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk menentukan strategi pemeliharaan tetapi belum mempertimbangkan kualitas dan risiko kegagalan secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini disusun untuk merancang model penentuan kebijakan pemeliharaan melalui pengaturan prioritas kegiatan pemeliharaan berdasarkan risiko kegagalan dan dampaknya terhadap kualitas layanan. Data diperoleh dari survei atribut kualitas layanan dan wawancara pemangku kepentingan perusahaan kereta perkotaan. Menggunakan House of Quality (HoQ), diidentifikasi tingkat kepentingan setiap kegiatan pemeliharaan. Prioritas disusun berdasarkan analisa risiko dan dihasilkan indeks prioritas pada setiap aktivitas pemeliharaan. Indeks ini dikorelasikan dengan jenis kebijakan pemeliharaan yang diperoleh dari beberapa studi sebelumnya

In recent years, maintenance activities have become more complex along with the trends of automation in various industries. It implies maintenance being a dependent factor to service quality, one of which is urban rail transportation that already adhered to the grade of automation. In addition to its complexity, maintenance is also a major contributor in the cost-of-service delivery, reaching 15% of the total operating costs for urban rail services in Indonesia. Maintenance itself was a risk-based business process considering potential failures of technical equipment that affect equipment availability or service revenue indirectly. Previous studies recognized that the increased expectation of service quality and risk of maintenance activities are still linear to maintenance costs. Furthermore. most companies only follow OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) rather than develop their own strategy. Several studies have been conducted to determine maintenance strategies but have not considered the quality and risk of failure comprehensively. Therefore, this study aims to determine maintenance policies through priority arrangement of maintenance activities based on the risk of failure and its impact on service quality. Data are obtained from service quality attributes survey and stakeholder interview of urban rail company. Using House of Quality (HoQ) the importance of each maintenance activity is identified and prioritized subsequently based on potential failure and detection capabilities using FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis). The result shows priority indexing on each maintenance activity. Afterwards those priority can be utilized as the main criteria for determining maintenance policy."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Victor Assani Desiawan
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai analisis kepuasan pelanggan dengan menggunakan metode Service Quality dan analisis klasifikasi atribut berdasarkan prioritas dengan menggunakan Kano Model yang kemudian diintegrasikan ke dalam Metode Quality Function Deployment dengan tools House of Quality sampai dengan level 3 untuk mendapatkan prosedur kualitas dan prioritas dari prosedur kualitas itu.
Penelitian ini dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi atribut pelayanan yang kemudian disebar ke responden dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan mendapatkan gap score sebesar - 0,633 kemudian dari Kano Model didapatkan 1 atribut masuk klasifikasi A, 19 atribut masuk kategori O dan 5 atribut masuk kategori M, kemudian hasil dari penyusunan House of Quality sampai dengan level 3 didapatkan kesimpulan faktor yang paling dominan adalah masalah komunikasi dengan konsumen.

The purpose of this study is to analysis customers satisfaction by Service Quality Method and analysis for attribute classification based on priority by Kano Model and integrate to Quality Function Deployment with House of Quality until 3 th level to get quality procedures and priority from that quality procedures.
In this research, started by identify attribute and give to responden, based on this questionnaire we got gap score -0,633 and from Kano Model, 1 atribute was classified in A, 19 atribut were classified in O and 5 atribute were classified in M, and the final result from Quality Function Deployment in 3 th level, we make conclucion the main factor in this activity is a communication with customers.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gobel, Rahmat Ihsan
Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan metode Quality Function Deployment dan Analytical Hierarchy Process pada produk air conditioner tipe YC-CS9NKJ yang diproduksi oleh Panasonic Indonesia. Tujuan utama dari penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan prioritas konsumen terhadap produk air conditioner secara umum untuk dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam menentukan prioritas pengembangan dari setiap atribut teknis produk tersebut, sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dan prioritas konsumen air conditioner secara tepat.
Penelitian secara garis besar menjelaskan penerapan metode Quality Function Deployment dalam mengidentifikasi atribut kebutuhan yang ada untuk kemudian prioritasnya akan ditentukan melalui metode Analytical Hierarchy Process. Hasil yang diperoleh, lebih lanjut akan diolah dengan matriks House of Quality untuk dihubungkan dengan setiap atribut teknis yang ingin dikembangkan dari produk.
Dari berbagai data yang diperoleh sebagai input dalam pengolahan data penelitian, didapatkan hasil penelitian bahwa pengembangan pada atribut kinerja dan fitur penekan konsumsi daya listrik dari penggunaan produk menjadi pengembangan yang memiliki prioritas paling tinggi untuk dilakukan agar dapat memenuhi prioritas kebutuhan konsumen. Penelitian ini juga berhasil mengidentifikasi berbagai atribut kebutuhan konsumen lainnya beserta prioritasnya terhadap produk air conditioner secara umum yang juga dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam pengembangan produk. Lebih jauh, penelitian ini juga memberikan implikasi manajerial serta saran bagi perusahaan dan penelitian selanjutnya.

;This study is implementing the methods of Quality Function Deployment and Analytical Hierarchy Process on air conditioner product type CS-YC9NK which is produced by Panasonic Indonesia. The main objective of the research in this study is to identify the customer requirements and priorities on air conditioner product in general which is going to become the foundation of determining the development priority on every technical attribute of the product, therefore it will able to deliver a product which satisfies customer requirement and priorities on air conditioning precisely.
Generaly the research is describing the implementation of Quality Function Deployment method in identifying the available requirement attribute, which the priorities is going to b determined by the Analytical Hierachy Process method. After ward, the result will be calculated inside the House of Quality matrix to be connected to each technical attributes which is subjected to product development.
From various data which are obtained as input during research and data calculation, can be concluded that development on performance and features to reduce electrical power consumption during product utilization become the highest priority to be performed in order to satisfy the customer requirement priorities. This research also successfully intended various of other customer requirement attributes, together with priorities on air conditioner product in general which may also be utilized for product development considerations. Furthermore, this research has provided managerial implications and recommendations for company and for further research.
, This study is implementing the methods of Quality Function Deployment and Analytical Hierarchy Process on air conditioner product type CS-YC9NK which is produced by Panasonic Indonesia. The main objective of the research in this study is to identify the customer requirements and priorities on air conditioner product in general which is going to become the foundation of determining the development priority on every technical attribute of the product, therefore it will able to deliver a product which satisfies customer requirement and priorities on air conditioning precisely.
Generaly the research is describing the implementation of Quality Function Deployment method in identifying the available requirement attribute, which the priorities is going to b determined by the Analytical Hierachy Process method. After ward, the result will be calculated inside the House of Quality matrix to be connected to each technical attributes which is subjected to product development.
From various data which are obtained as input during research and data calculation, can be concluded that development on performance and features to reduce electrical power consumption during product utilization become the highest priority to be performed in order to satisfy the customer requirement priorities. This research also successfully intended various of other customer requirement attributes, together with priorities on air conditioner product in general which may also be utilized for product development considerations. Furthermore, this research has provided managerial implications and recommendations for company and for further research.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oki Suryolaksono
"Semakin berkembangnya industri sepatu dengan begitu cepat, penting bagi sebuah perusahaan untuk dapat terus meningkatkan daya saingnya. Kebutuhan konsumen menjadi dasar yang penting dalam mengembangkan sepatu khususnya kategori sneakersuntuk bersaing dengan kompetitor. Hal itumenjadi penting bagi perusahaan untuk dapat merancang strategi pengembangan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah sebuah alternatif strategi yang dapat mengembangkan produk sepatu sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perancangan strategi berdasarkan kebutuhan konsumen (voice of customer). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah House of Quality (HOQ). Hasil dalam penelitian ini, diperoleh 3alternatif strategiyang diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi perusahaan dalam mengembangkan produk sepatu kategori sneakers.

Along with the fast-paced development of shoe industry, it is important for a company to be able to constantly escalate its competitiveness. Customer needs become the basic importance in developing shoes, notably sneakers category, to compete with competitors. It is crucial for a company to design a product development strategy that fits the needs of its customers. Therefore, product development alternative strategies, particularly for sneakers, are made based on customer needs. This research aims to design strategies based on customer needs (voice of customer). The method used in this research is House of Quality (HoQ). The output of this research shows that there are three alternative strategies that are expected to become a reference for the company in developing their product, notably sneakers category.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ainun Nisalatin Najiyah
"Terminal petikemas merupakan salah satu bagian penting yang berada dalam lingkungan pelabuhan. Adanya peningkatan jumlah keluhan pelanggan mengenai pelayanan yang diberikan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang dialami saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan terminal petikemas di Tanjung Priok. Metode SERVQUAL diterapkan untuk mengukur gap antara persepsi dan harapan yang dirasakan pelanggan lalu dikategorikan dengan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengetahui atribut pelayanan yang paling butuh ditingkatkan kualitasnya. Perumusan strategi dilakukan dengan studi literatur dan wawancara expert. Hasil dari IPA dan rumusan strategi dimasukan ke dalam matriks House of Quality (HOQ) untuk menentukan prioritas rekomendasi strategi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan strategi terbaik untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan terminal petikemas Tanjung Priok.

Container terminal is one of the crucial parts in the port area. The increasing number of a customer complaint about the services is one of the main problems nowadays. This research aims to design a service quality improvement strategy for container terminal in Tanjung Priok port area. The SERVQUAL method applied to measure the gap between customer perception and expectation. The results from SERVQUAL will be categorized with Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to determine which service attributes need improvement. The alternative strategies are generated by literature review and interviewing the expert. IPA and alternative strategy results are included in House of Quality (HOQ) matrix to determine the priority of strategic recommendations. The results of this research has the best strategy to improve service quality in Tanjung Priok container terminal."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isti Surjandari Prajitno
"In recent years, crisis of oil and global competition have become big problems for industries. Rising of oil prices in global market may affect Pertamina as an Indonesian oil industry to escalate gasoline price for transportation. However, psychologically increment of gasoline price causes customer requesting more attractive and effective service quality at gas station. For improving service performance, customer needs and customer satisfaction is necessary to be identified by conducting a survey. This survey which will describe customer needs of gas station will be analyzed using Multivariate Analysis and importance Performance Analysis. Importance Performance Diagram as a result of Importance Performance Analysis displays the service attributes and service performance that required to be improved to fulfill customer needs. Afterwards, House of Quality as the basis of Quality Function Deployment is designed to verify that prominence customer needs have been prioritized and managed accurately. In this study, the 'House ofQuality' is based on company strategy and ability. This study is hopefully able to help Pertamina to enhance its service performance and achieve its customer satisfaction."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Ryoko Sugama
"Intalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) sebagai wajah terdepan pelayanan di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar membutuhkan sebuah metode untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya tetapi berdasarkan harapan pelanggan internal dan eksternal (SERVQUAL) kemudian dengan metode QFD yang hasilnya dituangkan ke dalam matriks House Of Quality untuk mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek teknis apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi keinginan pelanggan tersebut serta dibuatkan prioritas terhadap aspek-aspek teknis tersebut.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat desain kualitas pelayanan di IGD RSUP Sanglah Denpasar berdasarkan suara pelanggan menggunakan metode SERVQUAL-QFD. Desain penelitian yaitu action research/penelitian tindakan.
Pelanggan eksternal berjumlah 100 orang, pelanggan internal berjumlah 66 orang. Hasil penelitian ini adalah House Of Quality sebagai matrik awal metode QFD yang memperlihatkan nilai kepentingan relatif pelanggan eksternal, nilai kepentingan absolut dan relatif aspek teknis pelanggan internal serta prioritas dari aspek teknis manajemen untuk menghadapi suara pelanggan. 5 besar prioritasnya adalah sebagai berikut : (a) Survei kepuasan pelanggan internal dan eksternal, (b) Sistem Pemasaran berdasarkan analisis situasi rumah sakit (c) Sistem informasi manajemen yang kuat (d) Peningkatan teamwork dan berpikir sistem. (e) Pengadaan penunjang pelayanan yang lengkap dan proses cepat.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah desain kualitas pelayanan yang dapat diterapkan oleh IGD RSUP Sanglah untuk menjawab suara pelanggan adalah dengan melakukan atau membuat program dalam rangka mendukung 5 prioritas aspek teknis tersebut di atas.

Emergency Departement as the front gate of service in Sanglah Hospital need a method to elevate service quality that based on internal and external customer expectation (SERVQUAL) or Voice of Customer combine with QFD Methode, the result will be put in the matriks known as House Of Quality. QFD has been used to translate Voice of Customer into technical aspect of service.
The aim of this study is to design service quality in emergency department of Sanglah Hospital based on customer expectation using SERVQUAL-QFD method. This research use action research. Involve 100 respondents (external customer) and 66 internal customer (managements and staff of emergency department).
The result of House of Quality suggest 5 top ranking as priorities. There are: a) Identification of customer internal and external expectation through routine survei. b) Sistem Pemasaran based on situation analysis of Sanglah Hospital. c) Integrity of Management Information Sistem. d) Development of teamwork dan sistem thinking. e) Quick and complete procurement service.
Conclusion of this research is implementation of quality design based on customer voice at Emergency Departement Sanglah Hospital, congruent with 5 priority of technical aspect which has mention above.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Fitria
"The Indonesian cosmetic industry recently has not yet covered on domestic market demand, where the production ability of cosmetics have been reached on 20% level, with the result that the opportunity of the cosmetics industry is widely open. Even more when be able to creating a new specific market segment, such as Wardah cosmetic the product of PT. Pusaka Tradisi ibu, Which oriented to serve the low mediate Moslem consumer and already hold a certificate of Halal from LPPOM MUI and have been registered on Indonesian Department of Health.
Within the effort to increase the quality of the Wardah cosmetics is a necessary to find out the preference of the potential customer by survey and research until the effort for the product development quality result can be focused to increasing the customer satisfactions, while the quality is also a key of success to facing and winning the competition.
Based on level of product satisfaction and level of importance about the product quality, it Is indeed so have degree of discrepancy and the weakness factor from the product. To reach an improvement direction and increasing the Wardah cosmetic quality appropriate with the expectation and perception customer, then the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method can be used. This method can be implementation for the customer requirements inside the product attribute, and then translated on the House of Quality (HOQ). From this analysis will give a focus to do an improvement about the product quality attribute, also can be a company consideration on doing the development priority in a technical manner or non - technical manner for increasing the product quality."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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