Ditemukan 36 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Studi ini bertujuan dalam rangka pemahaman tentang perkembangan listrik terbarukan di Indonesia dengan mengkaji dampak perkembangan sektor keuangan dan FDI terhadap produksi listrik terbarukan. Mengingat tantangan global perubahan iklim dan keharusan untuk beralih ke sumber energi yang berkelanjutan, peran Indonesia sebagai salah satu konsumen energi utama di Asia Tenggara menjadi krusial dalam mencapai target energi terbarukan global. Dengan menggunakan data frekuensi tahunan dari tahun 1981 hingga 2021, kami menganalisis dan mengkaji berbagai variabel perkembangan keuangan, ...
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Velda Leona Dewi
Modal sosial berasal dari posisi dan status sosial seseorang, yang mampu membuat suatu individu menggerakkan kelompok atau individu lain yang memiliki sumber daya atau kewenangan modal untuk tujuan tertentu. Keberhasilan Prancis dalam menjadikan nuklir sebagai energi hijau dalam ranah Uni Eropa mempromosikan energi hijau, mengindikasikan adanya modal sosial yang dimiliki oleh Prancis. Hal tersebut menjadi pembahasan dalam penelitian ini sebab Prancis mendukung penuh cenderung tidak goyah, dan mendapatkan banyak penolakan dalam mempromosikan energi hijau di ...
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghany Heryana
Riset kendaraan listrik terus berkembang seiring dengan menurunnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil dan meningkatnya kesadaran tentang pentingnya sumber energi yang bebas dari polusi atau green energy. Menurunnya cadangan sumber daya fosil di Indonesia menjadi salah satu alasan utama. Saat ini Indonesia bukan lagi menjadi anggota OPEC karena kecilnya cadangan dan produksi minyak serta gas bumi. Jika hal ini tidak diantisipasi maka ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap impor bahan bakar akan semakin besar. Kendaraan bermotor merupakan salah satu ...
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
SEB'11 formed a welcome opportunity for researchers in subjects related to sustainability, renewable energy technology, and applications in the built environment to mix with other scientists, industrialists and stakeholders in the field.
The conference featured presentations on a range of renewable energy and sustainability related topics. In addition the conference explored two innovative themes : the application of intelligent sensing, control, optimisation and modelling techniques to sustainability and the technology of sustainable buildings.
These two themes ...
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Gomez Cadenas, Juan Jose
This book explains how society will face an energy crisis in the coming decades owing to increasing scarcity of fossil fuels and climate change impacts. It carefully explores this coming crisis and concisely examines all of the major technologies related to energy production (fossil fuels, renewables, and nuclear) and their impacts on our society and environment. The author argues that it is wrong to pit alternatives to fossil fuels against each other and proposes that ...
Milan: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
A collection of more than one hundred papers is included, addressing the three thematic areas experimental, including advances in testing techniques and soil behaviour, modelling, covering theoretical and constitutive issues together with numerical and physical modelling, and engineering, focusing on approaches, case histories and geo-environmental themes. The areas of application of the papers embrace most of the geotechnical problems related to unsaturated soils. Increasing interest in geo-environmental problems, including chemical coupling, marks new perspectives in ...
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
A collection of more than one hundred papers is included, addressing the three thematic areas experimental, including advances in testing techniques and soil behaviour, modelling, covering theoretical and constitutive issues together with numerical and physical modelling, and engineering, focusing on approaches, case histories and geo-environmental themes. The areas of application of the papers embrace most of the geotechnical problems related to unsaturated soils. Increasing interest in geo-environmental problems, including chemical coupling, marks new perspectives in ...
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Gomez Cadenas, Juan Jose
What emits more radioactivity into the atmosphere: a nuclear power plant or a thermal power plant? A thermal power station. What entails greater risk: to live near a nuclear power plant or smoke a cigarette? Smoking one cigarette is equivalent to the risk of living two years near a nuclear power plant. What is being done in a rush hour of energy demand if the wind blows? Is used in pumping systems or central gas ...
Milano: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Abbasi, Tasneem
The importance of biogas energy has risen manifold and has become universal. This is due to the realization that biogas capture and utilization has great potential in controlling global warming. By capturing biogas wherever it is formed, we not only tap a source of clean energy, but we also prevent the escape of methane to the atmosphere. Given that methane has 25 times greater global warming potential than CO2, methane capture through biogas energy in ...
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Boyd, Sarah B.
Life-cycle assessment of semiconductors presents the first and thus far only available transparent and complete life cycle assessment of semiconductor devices. A lack of reliable semiconductor LCA data has been a major challenge to evaluation of the potential environmental benefits of information technologies (IT). The analysis and results presented in this book will allow a higher degree of confidence and certainty in decisions concerning the use of IT in efforts to reduce climate change and ...
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library