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Ditemukan 28 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hannan, Bill
London: George Allen and Unwin, 1985
373.19 HAN d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pada praktek operasi pasca panen buah mangga, tingkat kematangan tidak sepenuhnya seragam, meskipun buah dipanen pada umur yang relatif sama. Uji ini dalam rangka mencari metoda grading yang praktis atau sederhana dengan melihat fenomena bahwa buah hasil panen bila dimasukkan ke dalam air maka ada yang tenggelam, melayang dan mengapung. Tujuan uji ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara posisi buah di dalam air (tenggelam, melayang, mengapung) dengan parameter yang terkait dengan tingkat kematangan buah mangga. Pengukuran dilakukan pada buah mangga Arumanis. Metode uji menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap, dengan variasi perlakuan mangga yang tenggelam, melayang dan mengapung. Masing-masing kelompok mangga tersebut diamati dua hari sekali selama penyimpanan pada suhu ruang hingga hari ke-15. Parameter yang diukur adalah kekerasan, brix, tingkat respirasi, dan parameter kualitatif atau pengamatan terhadap penampakan luar dan warna daging buah. Hasil pengukuran parameter kekerasan buah, brix dan tingkat respirasi menunjukkan bahwa posisi kelompok buah di dalam air yakni tenggelam, melayang maupun mengapung tidak menunjukkan tingkat kematangan yang berbeda nyata. Akan tetapi hasil pengamatan (visual) terhadap penampakan luar (kulit) dan penampakan warna daging buah terlihat kelompok mangga tenggelam lebih cepat matang dibanding mangga yang melayang maupun yang mengapung."
Bogor: Balai Besar Industri Agro, 2020
338.1 WIHP 37:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Pratama Arnofyan
"Latar Belakang : Angka kejadian reseksi anastomosis pada kasus intususepsi
masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan masih seringnya pasien datang terlambat
setelah 72 jam, kurangnya SDM untuk melakukan reduksi non operatif, dan
kurangnya penunjang seperti USG untuk menegakkan diagnosa. Penting untuk
memperhatikan presisi, tehnik dan mempertimbangkan usus yang tersisa dalam
melakukan reseksi anastomosis. Hingga saat ini belum ada standar operasi khusus
yang dapat menjadi panduan bagi para dokter bedah dalam melakukan reseksi
akibat intususepsi. Karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk mencari batas reseksi yang
diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu anastomosis end-to-end yang optimal dan
rendah tingkat kebocorannya. Penelitian akan dilakukan kepada tikus sebagai pilot
study sebelum dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Tujuan : Mengetahui batas reseksi usus yang optimal dinilai dari kebocoran
anastomosis berdasarkan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi tersebut.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan hewan coba
tikus putih Sprague Dawley. Tikus putih dilakukan intususepsi dengan
menggunakan stylet, dari proksimal ke distal. Setelah 45 menit, intususepsi di
reduksi.Tikus putih dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok sesuai batas reseksi
anastomosis, yang kemudian batas reseksi ini dilakukan pemeriksaan grading
kolagen. Setelah 5 hari, dilakukan laparotomi untuk menilai kebocoran
Hasil : Pada perbandingan grading kolagen dengan reseksi usus didapatkan
grading terbanyak pada batas 1 adalah grading 2 (57,1 %), pada batas 2 grading 2
(71,4 %) ,batas 3 grading 3 (71,4%).Perforasi terbanyak ditemukan pada grading
2 sebanyak 5 sampel. Pada perbandingan batas reseksi dengan perforasi
didapatkan perforasi terbanyak pada batas 1 (85,7 %)
Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaaan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi usus dimana
batas kelompok batas 3 memiliki grading kolagen yang lebih baik ( grade 3 dan 4)
sehingga kelompok batas 3 lebih direkomendasikan secara histopatologis.
Grading kolagen dapat dinilai untuk melihat kemungkinan perforasi hasil
anastomosis. Terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian
perforasi selain grading kolagen.

Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dudi Hermawandi
"Salah satu metode otomasi essay grading adalah essay grading metode LSA. LSA merepresentasikan isi kata dalam matriks dua dimensi yang besar. Bagian pemrosesan penting dari LSA adalah komponen penganalisisan bernama SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) yang mengkompresi informasi yang berkaitan dalam jumlah besar ke dalam ruang yang lebih kecil. Menggunakan teknik aljabar matriks (SVD), hubungan baru antara esai mahasiswa dan esai referensi ditentukan dan dimodifikasi untuk mewakili arti sebenarnya.
SIMPLE-O adalah aplikasi penilaian esai otomatis metode LSA yang berbasis web yang dikembangkan di Indonesia. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas penilaian esai maka perlu diterapkan teknik pembobotan. Sebuah metode pembobotan merupakan susunan dari tiga buah pembobotan: pembobotan lokal (local weighting), pembobotan global (global weighting) dan normalisasi (normalization) [1]. Untuk mengimplementasikan pembobotan maka pada SIMPLE-O dilakukan perubahan pada bagian proses memasukan jawaban esai mahasiswa dan proses penilaianya. SIMPLE-OM adalah SIMPLE-O yang telah mengalami perubahan. Pada SIMPLEOM skema pembobotan yang diterapkan adalah skema pembobotan SICBI (SQRTIGFF-COSN-BNRY-IDFB).
Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan perhitungan dari beberapa skenario pengujian, sistem aplikasi dengan pembobotan SICBI memberikan hasil yang lebih baik daripada sistem aplikasi tanpa pembobotan. Skenario pengujian yang memberikan hasil paling baik (mendekati human rater) adalah skenario yang memiliki jumlah mahasiswa terbanyak yaitu skenario 3 (20 mahasiswa). Pada skenario 3, rata-rata selisih antara penilaian sistem aplikasi dengan human rater adalah 10,9. Penerapan pembobotan akan membuat sistem aplikasi bekerja lebih lama dalam hal penilaian esai. Selain itu, beberapa hal lain yang berpengaruh pada kecepatan proses penilaian esai antara lain banyaknya kata kunci mahasiswa dan jumlah mahasiswa yang mengikui ujian.

One method of automatic essay grading is "LSA Essay Grading Method". LSA represents words contained in a huge bi-dimensional matrix. Main processing part of LSA is analyzing component that called SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) which compress the large-scaled related information into smaller scale. Using matrix algebraic method (SVD), the new relations between student?s essay and the reference essay can be determined and modified in the real meaning.
SIMPLE-O is an automatic essay grading application using web-based LSA method which has been developed in Indonesia. To increase essay grading quality, it needed to apply weighting technique. Weighting methods consist of three weighting: local weighting, global weighting, and normalization [1]. To implement the weighting in SIMPLE-O, it needs to make changes in student?s answers and grading process. SIMPLE-OM is a modified SIMPLE-O. In SIMPLEOM, the weighting scheme which is being implemented is SICBI (SQRT-IGFFCOSN-BNRY-IDFD) weighting scheme.
According to observation results and calculation from several testing scenario, SICBI weighting application system gives better results than application system without weighting method. The best result (approaching the human rater) is given by the testing method which has the most student participants, that is in third scenario (20 students). In this scenario, the average differences between application system grading and human rater is 10.9. Weighting implementation will make the application system work longer in essay grading. The number of word and the students also affect to the essay grading speed.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vanessa Deviani
"Simple-O merupakan sistem penilaian esai otomatis yang menerapkan algoritma Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Simple-O dalam penilaian hasilnya menggunakan metode pembobotan. Sebagai sistem penilaian esai otomatis, tentu saja Simple-O diharapkan agar hasil penilaiannya mirip dengan hasil penilaian secara manual (Human Raters). Metode pembobotan awal yang diterapkan pada Simple-O masih memiliki beberapa kekurangan, oleh karena itu pada skripsi kali ini akan diimplementasikan empat belas metode pembobotan (kombinasi tujuh pembobotan lokal dan dua pembobotan global) pada Simple-O dan hasilnya akan dilakukan analisa agar dapat ditentukan metode pembobotan yang mana yang paling cocok diterapkan di Simple-O. Metode pembobotan biner tanpa bobot lokal sejauh ini memiliki kemiripan yang paling tinggi dengan human raters dengan selisih perbedaan dengan human raters 9.255 poin.

Simple-O is an automated essay grading system that complies the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) algorithm. Simple-O uses word weighting method in the assessment of the results. As an automated essay grading system, the assessment system in Simple-O is supposedly similar with the manual assessment (human raters). The original Simple-O weighting method still have some flaws, therefore, on this thesis will be implemented fourteen word weighting methods (the combination of seven local weightings and two global weightings) and all of the results will be analyzed to determine which weighting method have the best result to be implemented in Simple-O. Binary weighting method so far have the highest similarity with the manual assessment with the differences by 9.255 point. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Pratama Arnofyan
Latar Belakang : Angka kejadian reseksi anastomosis pada kasus intususepsi
masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan masih seringnya pasien datang terlambat
setelah 72 jam, kurangnya SDM untuk melakukan reduksi non operatif, dan
kurangnya penunjang seperti USG untuk menegakkan diagnosa. Penting untuk
memperhatikan presisi, tehnik dan mempertimbangkan usus yang tersisa dalam
melakukan reseksi anastomosis. Hingga saat ini belum ada standar operasi khusus
yang dapat menjadi panduan bagi para dokter bedah dalam melakukan reseksi
akibat intususepsi. Karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk mencari batas reseksi yang
diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu anastomosis end-to-end yang optimal dan
rendah tingkat kebocorannya. Penelitian akan dilakukan kepada tikus sebagai pilot
study sebelum dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Tujuan : Mengetahui batas reseksi usus yang optimal dinilai dari kebocoran
anastomosis berdasarkan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi tersebut.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan hewan coba
tikus putih Sprague Dawley. Tikus putih dilakukan intususepsi dengan
menggunakan stylet, dari proksimal ke distal. Setelah 45 menit, intususepsi di
reduksi.Tikus putih dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok sesuai batas reseksi
anastomosis, yang kemudian batas reseksi ini dilakukan pemeriksaan grading
kolagen. Setelah 5 hari, dilakukan laparotomi untuk menilai kebocoran
Hasil : Pada perbandingan grading kolagen dengan reseksi usus didapatkan
grading terbanyak pada batas 1 adalah grading 2 (57,1 %), pada batas 2 grading 2
(71,4 %) ,batas 3 grading 3 (71,4%).Perforasi terbanyak ditemukan pada grading
2 sebanyak 5 sampel. Pada perbandingan batas reseksi dengan perforasi
didapatkan perforasi terbanyak pada batas 1 (85,7 %)
Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaaan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi usus dimana
batas kelompok batas 3 memiliki grading kolagen yang lebih baik ( grade 3 dan 4)
sehingga kelompok batas 3 lebih direkomendasikan secara histopatologis.
Grading kolagen dapat dinilai untuk melihat kemungkinan perforasi hasil
anastomosis. Terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian perforasi selain grading kolagen. ;Background ABSTRACT
There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Welly Hartono Ruslim
β-catenin merupakan protein yang memiliki peran penting dalam
adhesi antar sel dan transduksi sinyal. Pada keadaan tanpa stimulasi β-catenin hanya
tampak pada membran sel, namun bila terdapat stimulasi maka β-catenin akan
tampak pada sitoplasma dan inti. Perubahan ekspresi β-catenin diketahui
berhubungan dengan progresivitas dan metastasis pada berbagai penyakit keganasan
manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi ekspresi β-catenin di daerah
peritumor pada karsinoma sel skuamosa oral (KSSO) derajat rendah dan tinggi
berdasarkan sistem grading Bryne.
Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 kasus KSSO derajat rendah dan
20 kasus derajat tinggi. Pewarnaan imunohistokimia β-catenin digunakan untuk
menilai perbedaan yang tampak pada membran, sitoplasma, dan inti sel tumor pada
area peritumor.
Hasil: Ekspresi β-catenin pada membran, sitoplasma, maupun inti sel tumor
memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna antara KSSO derajat rendah dan derajat tinggi
(p=0,000; p=0,005; dan p=0,035). Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara
ekspresi β-catenin dengan variabel umur, jenis kelamin, maupun lokasi tumor.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan ekspresi β-catenin di daerah peritumor antara
KSSO derajat rendah dan derajat tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekspresi β-
catenin yang salah menyebabkan perubahan morfologi sel-sel KSSO ke arah yang
lebih ganas dan prognosis yang lebih buruk.

β-catenin is an important protein in cellular adhesion and signal
transduction. In unstimulated condition, β-catenin only appears on the cellular
membrane. Altered expression of β-catenin has been associated with progressiveness
and metastatic process of malignancy in human. The aim of this study was to
evaluate the expression of β-catenin on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and
also to assess its different expression in low grade and high grade lesions based on
Bryne grading system.
Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 2 groups of OSCC which
included 20 cases of low grade and 20 cases of high grade. Immunohistochemistry
staining of β-catenin was used to identify the difference of its expression in cell
membrane, cytoplasm, and nuclei on invasive tumor front.
Results: The expression of β-catenin on cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nuclei
showed significant difference between low and high grade OSCC (p=0.000;
p=0.005; and p=0.035, respectively). There has not been any significant association
between β-catenin expression with age, sex, and tumor location.
Conclusion: Oral squamous cell carcinoma, both low and high grade, showed
significant differences in β-catenin expression in cell membrane, cytoplasm, and
nuclei. Thus, it showed that the altered expression of β-catenin could change the
OSCC to become more aggresive and have a poorer prognosis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Alia Taskya
"Latar Belakang. Perangkat penilaian derajat keparahan paresis nervus fasialis PNF berperan dalam penentuan derajat keparahan PNF baik pada penilaian awal maupun evaluasi pasca terapi. Hingga saat ini perangkat standar yang terbanyak digunakan dalam publikasi ilmiah adalah House-Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System HB-FNGS dan Sunnybrook Facial Grading System SFGS . Sebuah telaah sistematik menyebutkan bahwa SFGS lebih unggul dibandingkan perangkat penilaian PNF lainnya karena mampu menilai adanya perubahan minimal derajat keparahan PNF. Belum terdapat penelitian yang menilai kesesuaian antara SFGS dan HB-FNGS. Tujuan. Mengetahui kesesuaian antara SFGS dan HB-FNGS sebagai perangkat penilaian derajat keparahan pasien PNF unilateral tipe perifer. Metode. Studi potong lintang pada 40 subjek PNF unilateral tipe perifer. Dilakukan perekaman 7 gerakan wajah subjek menggunakan digital video camera. Penilaian dilakukan oleh 2 spesialis kedokteran fisik dan rehabilitasi SpKFR sebanyak 2 kali dengan periode washout di antaranya , menggunakan perangkat yang berbeda SFGS atau HB-FNGS . Hasil. Didapatkan kesesuaian SFGS dan HB-FNGS sebesar intraclass correlation coefficient ICC = - 0.863 p
Background. Facial nerve grading system is necessary to determine facial nerve paralysis severity, whether at initial assessment or evaluation after previous therapy. House Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System HB FNGS is the most common grading system used worldwide, including at neuromuscular division policlinic, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department FKUI RSCM. Other facial grading system commonly used is Sunnybrook Facial Grading System SFGS . SFGS was stated as the best facial nerve grading system among other grading system due to its sensitivity to detect minor clinical changes. No study has assess agreement between SFGS and HB FNGS. Aim. To assess agreement between SFGS and HB FNGS. Method. Cross sectional study on 40 subjects with unilateral peripheral facial nerve paralysis. Each subject was recorded with digital video camera while performing 7 facial movements. Assessments were done by 2 physiatrists twice with a washout period between , using either SFGS or HB FNGS. Results. The intraclass correlation coefficient ICC between SFGS and HB FNGS was 0.863 p"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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