Perundungan dalam bentuk senioritas masih terjadi di SMA XYZ Jakarta dan menimbulkan tekanan pada siswa junior ketika berinteraksi dengan siswa senior. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan keterampilan regulasi emosi kepada siswa untuk meningkatkan perilaku prososial dalam upaya menurunkan perundungan di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif one group pre- test dan post-test. Intervensi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pelatihan berdasarkan teori experiential learning. Intervensi ini dirancang dengan memodifikasi program CEPIDEA (Counteract Externalizing Problems in Adolescence), salah satunya dengan memberikan pelatihan regulasi emosi pada siswa. Program pelatihan keterampilan regulasi emosi yang diberikan pada sekelompok siswa SMA XYZ adalah: mengenali emosi, menggunakan strategi- strategi regulasi emosi yang efektif, dan mengekspresikan emosi positif. Indikator keberhasilan dari intervensi ini adalah meningkatnya keterampilan regulasi emosi dan perilaku prososial pada siswa. Hasil Wilcoxon signed-ranks test menunjukkan keterampilan regulasi emosi meningkat secara signifikan setelah pemberian intervensi. Pemberian pelatihan keterampilan regulasi emosi secara signifikan mendorong peningkatan perilaku prososial siswa. Diharapkan dengan meningkatnya perilaku prososial di sekolah, tingkat perundungan akan menurun.
Bullying in a form of senior intimidation is still happening in XYZ High School and it raises the pressure for junior students when interacting with seniors. This study aims to provide emotion regulation skills training for students to improve prosocial behavior in an effort to reduce bullying in schools. This research is a quantitative research one group pre-test and post-test. The intervention method is skill training based on the experiential learning theory. The intervention was designed by modifying the CEPIDEA (Counteract Externalizing Problems in Adolescence) program and one of the programs was providing emotion regulation skill training for the students. The program includes: recognizing emotions within one self, applying effective emotion regulation strategies, and expressing one`s positive emotions. Indicators of success of this intervention are the increasing skills of emotion regulation and students prosocial behavior. Results with the Wilcoxon signed-ranks shows a significant increase in emotion regulation skill as well as prosocial behavior. It is expected, that with the increase is prosocial behavior, the bullying incident in XYZ high school will decrease.
"Premarital sex behavior in adolescents is reported to have increased based on the 2017 BKKBN survey. Depok as one of the cities that launched a Child Friendly City, in reality still faces a number of youth risk behavioral problems, including premarital sexual behavior. According to a number of studies, correct knowledge about sexual and reproductive health is one of the protective factors that prevents adolescents from premarital sexual behavior. Among various sources of information, parents are recommended as the best source of information for children. Parents can be a source of information by carrying out sexual communication or sexual and reproductive health education. This study aims to determine the effect of training intervention with experiential learning model on knowledge of reproductive and sexual health, effective communication behavior, and sexual communication behavior of parents to early adolescents (10 – 15 years old). The intervention design used was field experiment with one group pretest-posttest. After going through three face-to-face training sessions and practice assignments at home, it was found that training with experiential learning model significantly influenced parent's sexual communication behavior to early adolescents (p<0.05), but not to sexual and reproductive health knowledge and effective communication behavior. Further results are discussed in the discussion.