ABSTRAKDurian merupakan buah tropis yang umum ditemukan di Asia Tenggara. Durian berasal dari keluarga Malvaceae dan genus Durio. High-density lipoprotein atau HDL adalah zat yang tidak larut dalam air dan memiliki fungsi untuk membawa kolesterol ester dan kolesterol dari jaringan kembali ke hati. Diyakini bahwa konsumsi durian berlebihan dapat menyebabkan status kesehatan yang buruk karena dapat meningkatkan tingkat kolesterol. Dalam penelitian ini, kami ingin mencoba untuk mengetahui apakah rumor ini benar atau tidak. Kami melakukan penelitian dengan rancangan penelitian eksperimental.
Kami menggunakan tikus, dikelompokkan, dan kami memberi durian dalam periode tertentu. Pada setiap akhir periode, kami mengorbankan tikus dan mengambil darah untuk pemeriksaan. Kami menggunakan kit untuk mengukur tingkat HDL dan membandingkannya dengan kelompok kontrol yang tidak mengkonsumsi durian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi HDL lebih rendah pada kelompok intervensi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol di ketiga perbandingan. Namun, nilai p ditemukan tidak signifikan. Bentuk penelitian lain telah menemukan bahwa durian mengandung fenol dan flavonoid yang memiliki sifat antioksidan. Antioksidan dapat mengurangi risiko memiliki penyakit kardiovaskular dengan mencegah proses oksidasi LDL khusus oleh radikal bebas, spesies oksigen reaktif, dan spesies nitrogen reaktif. Rendahnya tingkat HDL adalah faktor risiko untuk aterosklerosis. Tapi, kita harus melihat dari pendekatan yang komprehensif mengenai konsumsi durian. Kita harus mengeksplorasi parameter lain seperti kolesterol total, LDL, dan trigliserida. Tingkat kolesterol total dalam penelitian ini mengalami penurunan. Jadi, kita tidak bisa menilai
bahwa durian adalah buruk bagi kesehatan. Penyelidikan lebih lanjut mengenai profil lipid dan risiko memiliki penyakit kardiovaskular perlu dilakukan.
ABSTRACTDurian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done.;Durian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done.;Durian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian
consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done., Durian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian
consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013