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Muhammad Nizar Hamzah Al Faris
"Propolis merupakan senyawa resin yang dikumpulkan dan diolah oleh lebah madu dari berbagai macam sumber tanaman dan banyak digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Propolis tersusun atas komponen yang bervariasi serta memiliki aktivitas biologis yang luas dimana salah satunya adalah aktivitas anti-diabetes. Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit metabolik di seluruh dunia yang diindikasikan oleh hiperglikemia atau tingginya kadar gula darah. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh defisiensi sekresi insulin, resistansi enzim insulin, atau kerusakan. Diantara klasifikasi diabetes melitus, tipe 2 adalah kasus paling banyak dengan proporsi 90 - 95% dari total kasus diabetes. Sayangnya, obat diabetes melitus komersial saat ini masih menghasilkan banyak efek samping yang berbahaya. Pada aktivitas antidiabetes propolis, penelitian umum yang dilakukan membahas nilai kritis seperti gula darah, HbA1c, dan berat badan subjek penelitian. Disisi lain, penelitian yang menjawab aktivitas antidiabetes masih terbatas pada struktur atau kelas senyawa kimia tertentu seperti pada flavonoid, steroid, dan isoflavonoid. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antidiabetes tipe 2 dari propolis secara in silico dan mempelajari mekanismenya pada tubuh manusia. Sebagai bentuk kebaruan, akan menggunakan 30 senyawa uji yang berasal dari dua kelompok propolis Sulawesi Selatan yaitu hasil penelusuran menggunakan LC-MS / MS dan berdasarkan publikasi Miyata et al. (2020). Penelitian ini diawali dengan penentuan target protein yang meregulasi diabetes melitus tipe 2. Kemudian persiapan bahan dilakukan untuk masing-masing ligan dan target protein. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis penambatan molekuler, analisis interaksi molekuler, visualisasi 2D dan 3D. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, aktivitas antidiabetes tipe 2 diperoleh dari senyawa 1,2,2-Trimethyl-3 - [(4-methylphenyl) carbamoyl] cyclopentane carboxylic acid dengan menginhibisi Aldose Reductase, Macarangin dengan mengaktivasi NAD-Dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-6, (1'S) -2-trans, 4-trans-absisic acid dengan menginhibisi Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4, serta Broussoflavonol F dan Glyasperin A dengan menginhibisi Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Dari hasil analisis pada penelitian ini ditunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antidiabetes dari propolis sulawesi selatan terbukti pada skala atomik.

Propolis is a resin compound which is collected and processed by honey bees from various plant sources and is widely used as traditional medicine. Propolis is composed of various components and has extensive biological activity, one of which is anti-diabetic activity. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease throughout the world that is indicated by hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels. This disease is generally caused by deficiency of insulin secretion, insulin enzyme resistance, or both. Among the classification of diabetes mellitus, type 2 is the most cases with a percentage of 90 - 95% of the total diabetes cases. In antidiabetic activity of propolis, research is generally conducted to discuss critical values ​​such as blood glucose, HbA1c, and body weight of research subjects. Unfortunately, current diabetes mellitus therapy still produces many dangerous side effects. On the other hand, research that answers the mechanism of antidiabetic activity is still limited to the structure or class of certain chemical compounds such as flavonoids, steroids, and isoflavonoids. This research will evaluate type 2 antidiabetic activity of propolis in silico and study its mechanism in the human body. As a form of novelty, 30 molecules derived from two groups of South Sulawesi propolis, namely results of LC-MS / MS identification and based on the publication of Miyata et al. (2020). The research begins with the determination of target proteins which regulate type 2 diabetes mellitus. Then material preparation was carried out for each ligand and target protein. Furthermore, molecular docking analysis, molecular interaction analysis, 2D and 3D visualization were performed. Based on the analysis, type 2 antidiabetic activity was obtained from 1,2,2-Trimethyl-3 - [(4-methylphenyl) carbamoyl] cyclopentane carboxylic acid with the mechanism of inhibiting Aldose Reductase, Macarangin by activating the NAD-Dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-6, (1'S) -2-trans, 4-trans-abscisic acid with the mechanism of inhibiting Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4, and Broussoflavonol F and Glyasperin A with the mechanism of inhibiting Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. From the results of the analysis in this study it was shown that the antidiabetic activity of South Sulawesi propolis was proven on the atomic scale."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Sadam Safutra
"Moringa oleifera (MO) telah terbukti memiliki efek neuroprotektif, namun efek neuroprotektif melalui jalur senescence belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek neuroprotektif ekstrak air daun (MOE) dan minyak biji MO (MOO) terhadap disfungsi otak melalui jalur senescence pada mencit yang diberi diet tinggi lemak dan fruktosa. Mencit DDY jantan sebanyak 10 ekor dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok: Normal; Diet Tinggi Lemak + Fruktosa 25% (HFD+FR); HFD+FR + MOE 500 mg/kgBB (HFD+FR+MOE); dan HFD+FR + MOO 2 mL/kgBB (HFD+FR+MOO). Dilakukan penilaian kognitif dengan Uji Y-maze dan Novel Objective Recognition (NOR). Dianalisis ekspresi p16, p21, dan BDNF dengan metode RT-PCR serta pewarnaan SA-β-Gal pada jaringan otak. Dilakukan analisis interaksi senyawa ekstrak air daun dan minyak biji Moringa oleifera terhadap protein target dengan molecular docking. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian bersama MOE maupun MOO dapat meningkatkan persentase alternasi dan pengenalan objek baru, menurunkan ekspresi p16 dan p21, meningkat ekspresi BDNF, menurunkan intensitas warna biru pada organ otak. Berdasarkan analisis dengan molecular docking menunjukkan adanya interaksi senyawa terhadap reseptor TrkB. Temuan-temuan ini menunjukkan ekstrak air daun dan minyak biji Moringa oleifera memiliki potensi neuroprotektif melalui jalur senescence.

Moringa oleifera (MO) has been shown to have neuroprotective effects, but neuroprotective effects through the senescence pathway are not yet known. This study aimed to determine the neuroprotective effect of leaf water extract (MOE) and MO seed oil (MOO) against brain dysfunction through the senescence pathway in mice fed a diet high in fat and fructose. 10 male DDY mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: Normal; High Fat + Fructose Diet 25% (HFD+FR); HFD+FR + MOE 500 mg/kgBB (HFD+FR+MOE); and HFD+FR + MOO 2 mL/kgBB (HFD+FR+MOO). Cognitive assessment was carried out with the Y-maze Test and Novel Objective Recognition (NOR). Expression of p16, p21, and BDNF was analyzed by RT-PCR method and SA-β-Gal staining in brain tissue. Analysis of the interaction of leaf water extract compounds and Moringa oleifera seed oil on target proteins by molecular docking was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that co-administration of MOE and MOO can increase the percentage of alternation and recognition of new objects, decrease p16 and p21 expression, increase BDNF expression, decrease the intensity of blue color in brain organs. Based on analysis with molecular docking showed the interaction of compounds with TrkB receptor. These findings suggest the leaf water extract and seed oil of Moringa oleifera have neuroprotective potential through the senescence pathway."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thorat, Bapu
"The Mitsunobu reaction is very important reaction for the synthesis of ether from phenol and alcohol. The [7-methoxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-benzofuran-5-yl]methanol (2) was synthesised from vanillin by using series of known reactions such as Mannich reaction, acetylation, hydrolysis, Wittig raction, hydrobation. This methanol benzofuran derivative (2) condensed with 4-fluorophenol by using DEAD in THF. The final product 5-[(4-fluorophenoxy)methyl]-7-methoxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-benzofuran (3) was characterised by using IR, NMR and mass spectra and study their biological activity by molecular docking using molecular docking software Glide. The activity of ether (3) was compared to their amine analogue."
Berlin: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015
574.701 THO s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Ardilla Zubaidi
"Penyakit demam berdarah merupakan ancaman serius bagi permasalahan kesehatan dunia. Sekitar 100 negara merupakan wilayah endemik bagi demam berdarah dengue dan sekitar 2,5 milyar penduduk dunia memiliki resiko terjangkit penyakit ini. Hingga saat ini masih belum ada pengobatan yang efektif untuk penyakit ini. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan ligan peptida siklis sebagai inhibitor enzim NS5 metiltransferase virus dengue secara in silico. Dilakukan penyejajaran terhadap sekuen NS5 metiltransferase yang terdapat pada NCBI dan diperoleh struktur tiga dimensi enzim dari Protein Data Bank dengan kode 2P41. Perancangan ligan menghasilkan sebanyak 1635 ligan peptida siklis untuk target sisi ikatan SAM dan 736 ligan peptida siklis untuk target sisi ikatan RNA-cap. Docking oleh ligan dan standar untuk masing-masing sisi ikatan dilakukan terhadap enzim NS5 metiltransferase. Didapatkan sebanyak delapan ligan terbaik dengan empat ligan untuk masing-masing target sisi ikatan SAM dan RNA-cap. Delapan ligan ini memiliki afinitas ikatan dan potensi inhibisi yang lebih baik dibandingkan ligan standar. Berdasarkan prediksi toksisitas dan drug scan, kedelapan ligan peptida siklis memiliki sifat farmakologi yang lebih baik daripada ligan standar.

Dengue is a dangerous disease facing the world. About 100 countries are endemic for dengue fever anad about 2.5 billion people at risk of contracting this disease. To date, there is currently no effective treatment for this disease. This study conducted designing of cyclic peptide ligands as enzyme inhibitors of dengue virus NS5 methyltransferase by in silico. Multiple sequence alignment is performed on the NS5 methyltransferase collected from NCBI and three dimensional structure of the enzyme obtained from the Protein Data Bank with the code 2P41. The design produce 1635 cyclic peptide ligand of SAM binding site and 736 ligand of RNA-cap binding site. Docking by the ligand and standards for each binding site performed to the NS5 methyltransferase enzyme. It is obtained eight best ligand, four ligand for each binding site of SAM and RNA-cap. All of eight ligand have a better binding affinity and inhibitory potency. Based on prediction of toxicity and drug scans, eight cyclic peptide ligands have better pharmacological properties than standard ligands."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satya Anindita
Demam dengue adalah penyakit menular yang ditransmisikan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti. WHO melaporkan bahwa wilayah Asia tenggara dan daerah Pasifik barat menanggung hampir 75% penyakit dengue secara global. Virus dengue menimbulkan ancaman global yang mempengaruhi 3,9 milyar orang di 128 negara dengan perkiraan 2,1 juta kasus demam berdarah dengue dan 21.000 kematian per tahun di seluruh dunia. Pada tahun 2015 tercatat terdapat 126.675 kasus DBD di 34 provinsi di Indonesia, dengan 1.229 orang di antaranya meninggal dunia. Enzim alfa-glukosidase merupakan target antiviral yang valid untuk enveloped virus. Inhibisi enzim RE alfa-glukosidase akan mengganggu proses pematangan dan fungsi glikoprotein envelop pada virus. Hal ini  menghambat proses perakitan partikel virus dan sekresinya. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa inhibisi enzim alfa-glukosidase II  cukup dalam aktivitas antiviral sel inang  melawan demam dengue secara in vitro dan in vivo. Penemuan obat berbasis fragmen telah menjadi metode untuk menemukan kandidat obat baru. Pendekatan metode ini pertama-tama adalah mengidentifikasi fragmen yaitu molekul sangat kecil yang memiliki ukuran setengah dari ukuran obat-obatan secara umum. Fragmen-fragmen kemudian ditautkan bersama untuk membentuk obat baru. Pada penelitian ini digunakan enzim RE alfa-glukosidase II dengan kode 5IED. Sebanyak 281 senyawa baru berhasil diciptakan secara komputasi berdasarkan struktur 3D protein 5IED. Setelah dilakukan simulasi penambatan molekuler, uji toksisitas, uji druglikeness, uji farmakokinetika dan analisis interaksi protein-ligan, dipilih tiga senyawa terbaik yaitu LB.5 G2D, LO.1 G2D dan LX.23 G2D. Studi dinamika molekuler menunjukkan tiga residu asam amino yang berperan penting dalam pengikatan ligan LX.23 G2D dengan protein 5IED yaitu Asp451, Met565 dan Asp640.

Dengue fever is a contagious disease transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. WHO reported that south east Asia and the western Pacific region bear nearly 75% of global dengue diseases. The dengue virus poses a global threat affecting 3.9 billion people in 128 countries with an estimated 2.1 million cases of DHF / DSS and 21,000 deaths per year worldwide. In 2015 there were 126,675 dengue cases recorded in 34 provinces in Indonesia, with 1,229 of them dying. The alpha-glucosidase enzyme is a valid antiviral target for enveloped viruses. Inhibition of ER alpha-glucosidase enzyme will interfere the maturation process and function of viral envelope glycoproteins. This inhibits the process of assembling virus particles and their secretions. Inhibition of ER alpha-glucosidase II enzyme is sufficient in antiviral activity of host cells against dengue fever in vitro and in vivo. Fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) has become a tool for discovering drug leads. The approach first identifies fragments, tiny molecules, which are about half size of common drugs. The fragments are then linked together to generate drug leads. This research used ER alpha-glucosidase II enzyme with PDB ID 5IED. As much as 281 new compounds were developed computationally based on 3D structure of 5IED protein. After molecular docking simulations, toxicity tests, druglikeness tests, pharmacokinetic tests and protein-ligand interactions analyses, three best ligands were chosen namely LB.5 G2D, LO.1 G2D and LX.23 G2D. An LX.23 G2D molecular dynamics simulation showed that three amino acid residues played a very important role in ligand binding to 5IED protein. The amino acid residues were Asp451, Met565 and Asp640.     

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Dyah Puspitasari
"Penyakit demam berdarah dengue masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan global, dan merupakan penyakit yang endemik di lebih dari 100 negara. Mengetahui efek dari mutasi pada virus sangat penting pada prosesmdesain dan pengembangan obat. Pada penelitian ini, mutasi dan pengaruhnya dianalisis pada NS5 virus dengue dengan menggunakan protein kode 3P8Z sebagai sekuens utama. Berdasarkan hasil analisis mutasi terjadi pada sekuen NS5 virus dengue serotipe 3. Glutamin menjadi metionin pada posisi 10 dan treonin menjadi isoleusin pada posisi 55. Residu yang termutasi merupakan bagian dari domain SAdenosyl-L-Methionine-Dependent Methyltransferase (IPR029063), adanya mutasi diprediksikan dapat mengganggu fungsi protein.
Berdasarkan hasil penambatan molekul, dari 100 senyawa terbaik hanya 17 senyawa antiviral yang terpilih. Pada penelitian ini penentuan ligan terbaik tidak hanya berdasarkan hasil penambatan molekul, tetapi juga melalui tahapan prediksi ADMET (Absorpsi, Distribusi, Metabolisme, Ekskresi dan Toksisitas),bioavailabilitas serta efek ligan terhadap kesehatan. Terdapat 3 ligan terbaik yang dapat diusulkan sebagai kandidat antiviral pada virus dengue yaitu UNQ15038, UNQ16938 dan UNQ14727. Studi simulasi dinamika molekuler menunjukkan bahwa kompleks protein-ligan stabil pada temperatur 310 K dan 312 K. Kompleks paling stabil terdapat pada kompleks protein 3P8Z dengan ligan UNQ15038.

Dengue fever is still a major health problem, which is endemic in more than 100 countries. Information about the effects of the virus mutation is important in drug design and development. In this research, the mutations and their effects were analyzed in NS5 dengue virus by using 3P8Z protein as the main sequence. The result of mutation analysis showed that mutation occurs in NS5 of DENV serotype 3. Glutamine mutates into methionine at position 10 and threonine mutates into isoleucine at position 55. These residues are part of the domain named S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine-Dependent Methyltransferase (IPR029063). The wildtype and mutant residue have the different properties, which can disturb this domain and abolish its function.
Based on the result of molecular docking simulation, from 100 best compounds only 17 compounds werenselected. Determination of the best ligand not only based on molecular docking simulation but also analyze the ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity), bioavailability and health effect of the ligands. There are three best ligands that can be proposed as antiviral candidates, the ligands are UNQ15038, UNQ16948 and UNQ14727. Molecular dynamics simulation study showed that the protein-ligand complexes are stable at temperature 310 K and 312 K. The most stable complex is the protein 3P8Z with ligand UNQ15038."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Sulistya Utami
Latar belakang. Potensi terjadinya kekambuhan paska pengobatan endometriosis
dengan terapi hormonal dan pembedahan konservatif masih terjadi sekitar 11-32
dalam waktu 1-5 tahun. Salah satu faktor pemicunya adalah proses inflamasi kronik
yang merangsang peningkatan sitokin proinflamasi dalam rongga peritoneum, sehingga
perlu pengembangan terapi baru. Heptil galat dan oktil galat merupakan senyawa
turunan asam galat yang berpotensi menekan proliferasi beberapa jenis sel kanker.
Penelitian kami sebelumnya membuktikan oktil galat dapat menekan ekspresi mRNA
NFkB yang merupakan faktor transkripsi aktivasi jalur proinflamasi, serta dapat
menekan proliferasi sel endometriosis in vitro. Saat ini kami ingin menganalisis
aktivitas heptil galat dan oktil galat terhadap protein target NFkB melalui teknik insilico
docking dan efeknya terhadap regulasi sitokin proinflamasi IL-1, COX-2, TGF-
1 dan IL-10 pada kultur primer sel endometriosis.
Metode. In silico docking heptil galat dan oktil galat terhadap protein target NFkB
melalui teknik bioinformatika. Sel endometriosis dari jaringan primer pasien diisolasi
secara enzimatis dan dikultur, kemudian diberi perlakuan heptil dan oktil galat dengan 2
macam dosis (51,2 μg/mL dan 102,4 μg/mL) selama 48 jam, dilanjutkan induksi LPS 10
ng/mL selama 24 jam. Kelompok kontrol positif hanya diinduksi LPS tanpa perlakuan,
dan kontrol negatif tanpa perlakuan dan LPS. Regulasi inflamasi dinilai dari tingkat
kadar sitokin IL-1, COX-2, TGF-1 dan IL-10 dengan teknik ELISA.
Hasil. Analisis in-silico docking protein NFkB menunjukan nilai ikatan energi oktil
galat lebih tinggi (-7,98 kkal/mol) dibandingkan heptil galat (-7,68 kkal/mol) dan asam
galat (-7,66 kkal/mol). Terjadi penurunan kadar sitokin COX-2 secara signifikan
(p<0,03) pada kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif, begitu juga
dengan sitokin IL-1 dan IL-10 cenderung menurun (p>0,05). Sedangkan kadar sitokin
TGF-1 mengalami kenaikan pada kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan kontrol positif
meskipun kurang bermakna secara statistik (p>0,05).
Kesimpulan. Melalui jalur NF-kB sebagai regulator inflamasi, baik oktil galat dan
heptil galat terbukti dapat menekan produksi sitokin proinflamasi COX2 dan IL-1
serta meningkatkan sitokin TGF-1 dan menurunkan sitokin IL-10 sehingga berpotensi
sebagai bahan terapi tambahan pada endometriosis.

Background: The potential for relapse post endometriosis treatment with hormonal
therapy and conservative surgery still occurs around 11-32 within 1-5 years. One of
the trigger factors is a chronic inflammatory process that stimulates an increase
proinflammatory cytokines in the peritoneal cavity, so needed the development of new
therapies. Heptyl galate and octyl galate are gallic acid derivatives which have the
potential to suppress the proliferation of several types cancer cells. Our previous
research proved that octyl galate can suppress the expression of NFkB mRNA which is
a proinflammatory activation transcription factor, and can suppress endometriosis cell
proliferation in vitro. We currently want to analyze the activity of heptyl galates and
octyl galates against the NFκB target protein through in-silico docking techniques and
their effects on the regulation of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, COX-2, TGF-1 and
IL-10 in primary cultures of endometriosis cells.
Method: In silico docking heptyl and octyl galates against the NFkB target proteins
through bioinformatics techniques. Endometriosis cells from primary tissue were
enzymatically isolated and cultured, then given heptyl and octyl gallate treatment with 2
doses (51.2 μg/mL and 102,4 μg/mL) for 48 hours, continued induction of 10 ng / mL
LPS for 24 hours. The positive control group only induced LPS without treatment, and
negative treatment without treatment and LPS. Inflammatory regulation was assessed
from levels of cytokines IL-1, COX-2, TGF-1 dan IL-10 with ELISA techniques.
Results: In-silico docking analysis of the NFkB gene showed higher energy bonding
values in octyl galate (-7,98 kcal / mol) than heptyl galate (-7,68 kcal / mol) and gallic
acid (-7,66 kcal / mol). Significantly decreased levels of COX-2 cytokine (p <0,03) in
the treatment group compared with positive controls, so also the cytokines of IL-1 and
IL-10 tended to decrease (p> 0,05). Whereas the levels of cytokine TGF-1 experienced
an increase in the treatment group compared to the positive control although it was less
statistically significant (p> 0,05).
Conclusion: Through the NFkB pathway as an inflammatory regulator, both octyl
galates and heptyl galates have been shown to suppress the production of
proinflammatory cytokines COX2 and IL-1, as well as increase TGF-1 cytokines and
reduce IL-10 cytokines so that they have the potential to be additional therapeutic
agents in endometriosis."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"SARS-CoV-2 merupakan penyebab COVID-19 yang melanda dunia sejak akhir 2019. Virus ini telah menyebar secara luas di dunia akibat infektifitasnya yang tinggi. Sampai saat ini, telah muncul banyak lineage dengan karakter yang berbeda, dan beberapa diantaranya memiliki infektifitas lebih tinggi dibandingkan lineage lainnya. Perubahan nukleotida akibat mutasi menjadi penyebab munculnya lineage baru Dalam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan analisa untaian gen SARS-CoV-2 yang berasal dari beberapa lineage berbeda, yang dilanjutkan dengan analisa epitop sel B, dan sel T. Setelahnya, dilakukan desain vaksin menggunakan epitop terbaik dan dihubungkan dengan linker yang berupa asam gabungan asam amino, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisa fisikokimia dan alergenisitas kandidat vaksin. Setelahnya, kandidat vaksin dilanjutkan ke tahap simulasi molecular docking. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini, terdapat 2 epitop 9-mer HLA kelas I dan 7 epitop 15-mer HLA kelas II yang dapat digunakan untuk mencakup seluruh untaian yang terpilih. Vaksin kandidat yang terpilih disusun dengan menggunakan linker tertentu dan epitop yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya. Dari simulasi molecular docking yang telah dilakukan dari vaksin kandidat terhadap 3 reseptor antigenik, diperoleh hasil simulasi berupa energi center kompleks sebesar -1161,4 kkal/mol (TLR-3), -1034,1 kkal/mol (HLA-C*14:02), -1064,3 kkal/mol (HLA-DRB1*07:01).

SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of COVID-19 that has hit the world since late 2019. The virus has spread widely in the world due to its high infectivity. To date, many lineages have emerged with different characters, and some of them have higher infectivity than other lineages. Nucleotide changes due to mutations are the cause of the emergence of new lineages In this study, the SARS-CoV-2 gene strands from several different lineages were analysed, followed by epitope analysis of B cells and T cells. After that, vaccine design was carried out using the best epitopes and connected with a linker in the form of an amino acid combination, followed by physicochemical and allergenicity analysis of vaccine candidates. After that, the vaccine candidate is continued to the molecular docking simulation stage. Based on the results obtained from this study, there are 2 9-mer HLA class I epitopes and 7 15-mer HLA class II epitopes that can be used to cover all selected strands. The selected candidate vaccines were prepared using specific linkers and previously obtained epitopes. From the molecular docking simulation of the candidate vaccines against 3 antigenic receptors, the simulation results showed the centre complex energy of -1161.4 kcal/mol (TLR-3), -1034.1 kcal/mol (HLA-C*14:02), -1064.3 kcal/mol (HLA-DRB1*07:01)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Julio Falian
Malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit yang sering terjadi di negara tropis dan
subtropis. Penyakit malaria banyak terjadi di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia,
seperti Irian Jaya, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dan Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).
Berdasarkan data terakhir WHO pada tahun 2013, tercatat sebanyak 198 juta
kasus malaria di seluruh dunia, dengan jumlah kematian sebanyak 584.000 jiwa.
Pengobatan yang pernah ada untuk jenis malaria Plasmodium falciparum adalah
klorokuin, sulfadoksin – pirimetamin, kinin, meflokuin dan artemisinin. Akan
tetapi, meningkatnya resistensi parasit pada obat antimalaria, melemahkan upaya
pengendalian malaria. Penambatan molekuler sebagai salah satu metode
pendekatan in silico telah digunakan pada pencarian senyawa berkhasiat untuk
menangani malaria. Dalam satu dekade terakhir, diketahui bahwa senyawa
turunan kurkumin memiliki efek sinergis dengan artemisinin terhadap
Plasmodium berghei secara in vivo. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan penambatan
molekuler senyawa turunan kurkumin baru terhadap enzim target antimalaria.
Penambatan dilakukan menggunakan piranti lunak AutoDock. Berdasarkan hasil
penambatan, didapatkan senyawa terbaik yang berpotensi sebagai obat antimalaria
baru, yang dapat menyerang di sisi aktif tertentu dari Plasmodium falciparum,
yaitu : 1,4-dihidrodiazepin-6-morfolinometil kurkumin pada enzim PfDHFR dan
Pirimidin-2-on-5-morfolinometil kurkumin pada enzim PfDHODH.

Malaria is a disease that often occurs in tropical and subtropical countries.
Prevalent of malaria in most parts of Indonesia, such as Irian Jaya, West Nusa
Tenggara (NTB) and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Based on the WHO's last data in
2013, there were 198 million cases of malaria worldwide, with the number of
deaths by 584,000 inhabitants. Treatment for this type of Plasmodium falciparum
malaria is chloroquine, sulfadoxine - pyrimethamine, quinine, mefloquine and
artemisinin. However, increasing parasite resistance to the antimalarial drug,
making malaria control efforts become effortless. Molecular docking as one
method in silico approaches have been used in the search for efficacious
compounds addressing malaria. In the last decade, it is known that the compound
curcumin analogues have synergistic effect with artemisinin against Plasmodium
berghei in vivo. In this study, we employed docking of new molecular compounds
curcumin derivates as antimalarial target enzymes. Molecular docking is
performed using Autodock. Based on the docking result, best compound is
obtained as a potential new antimalarial drug, which can be attacked in certain
active side of Plasmodium falciparum, which is 1,4-dihydrodiazepin-6-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHFR enzyme dan Pyrimidin-2-one-5-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHODH enzyme., Malaria is a disease that often occurs in tropical and subtropical countries.
Prevalent of malaria in most parts of Indonesia, such as Irian Jaya, West Nusa
Tenggara (NTB) and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Based on the WHO's last data in
2013, there were 198 million cases of malaria worldwide, with the number of
deaths by 584,000 inhabitants. Treatment for this type of Plasmodium falciparum
malaria is chloroquine, sulfadoxine - pyrimethamine, quinine, mefloquine and
artemisinin. However, increasing parasite resistance to the antimalarial drug,
making malaria control efforts become effortless. Molecular docking as one
method in silico approaches have been used in the search for efficacious
compounds addressing malaria. In the last decade, it is known that the compound
curcumin analogues have synergistic effect with artemisinin against Plasmodium
berghei in vivo. In this study, we employed docking of new molecular compounds
curcumin derivates as antimalarial target enzymes. Molecular docking is
performed using Autodock. Based on the docking result, best compound is
obtained as a potential new antimalarial drug, which can be attacked in certain
active side of Plasmodium falciparum, which is 1,4-dihydrodiazepin-6-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHFR enzyme dan Pyrimidin-2-one-5-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHODH enzyme.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent Jonathan Fleming
"Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian pada wanita di seluruh dunia. Protein HER2 tirosin kinase merupakan salah satu penyebab kanker payudara, yaitu sebesar 30% dari keseluruhan jumlah kasus kanker payudara. Protein HER2 tirosin kinase berperan penting dalam reaksi dimerisasi yang menyebabkan terjadinya autofosforilasi residu tirosin pada domain sitoplasma. Mekanisme ini dapat memicu pertumbuhan sel kanker. Penghambatan aktivitas protein HER2 dapat menjadi alternatif pengobatan kanker payudara. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan senyawa bahan alam flavonoid sebagai basis data dalam perancangan obat kanker payudara secara in silico. Pada perancangan obat secara in silico, dilakukan beberapa tahapan antara lain, preparasi protein, preparasi flavonoid, preparasi standar, simulasi penambatan molekul, pertumbuhan fragmen, serta studi farmakologi kandidat obat. Proses preparasi dan simulasi penambatan molekul dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak MOE 2014.09. Tahapan pertumbuhan fragmen dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak Osiris DataWarrior. Studi farmakologi kandidat obat dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak pkCSM, SwissADME, dan AdmetSar. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menemukan kandidat ligan penghambat aktivitas protein HER2.

Breast cancer is one of the main women death cause around the world. HER2 tyrosine kinase protein is one of the causes of breast cancer, which is 30% of the total number of breast cancer cases. The HER2 tyrosine kinase protein plays an important role in the dimerization reaction which causes the autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain. This mechanism can trigger the growth of cancer cells. The inhibition of HER2 protein activity can be an alternative treatment for breast cancer. In this study, natural flavonoid compounds were used as a database in designing breast cancer drugs. In drug design using in silico method, several steps were carried out, such as protein preparation, flavonoid preparation, standard preparation, molecular docking simulation, fragment growing process, and pharmacological studies of drug candidates. The preparation and molecular docking simulation process were conducted using MOE 2014.09 software. Fragment growing process were conducted with Osiris DataWarrior software. Pharmacological studies of candidate drugs were carried out with pkCSM, SwissADME, and AdmetSar software. This study is expected to find inhibitor candidates to inhibit the HER2 protein activity."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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