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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mulky Rizfy Izmul Azhom
"Penelitian ini menilai dampak transformasi digital terhadap kinerja bank sebelas bank di Indonesia—meliputi bank konvensional dan syariah—selama periode dari kuartal kedua tahun 2016 hingga kuartal pertama tahun 2024. Metode kuantitatif, khususnya analisis regresi data panel, diterapkan untuk mengolah data sekunder yang berasal dari laporan keuangan bulanan bank-bank tersebut. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini termasuk Capital Ratio, Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Biaya Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Financing Growth, dan Deposit Growth. Sebagai variabel independen, penelitian ini menggunakan dummy digital dan dummy syariah, ditambah dengan beberapa variabel kontrol seperti ukuran bank, suku bunga, dan pertumbuhan GDP. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa transformasi digital memiliki dampak positif signifikan terhadap Capital Ratio, Financing Growth, dan Deposit Growth, serta BOPO, sementara dampaknya terhadap ROA, ROE, dan NPL adalah negatif signifikan. Temuan serupa juga terobservasi pada bank digital syariah ketika dibandingkan dengan bank digital konvensional, kecuali pada variabel ROE. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting bagi lingkungan akademis, praktisi perbankan, dan regulator tentang efektivitas transformasi digital di sektor perbankan Indonesia.

This study assesses the impact of digital transformation on the financial performance of eleven banks in Indonesia—including both conventional and Islamic banks—from the second quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2024. A quantitative method, specifically panel data regression analysis, was employed to process the secondary data derived from the banks' monthly financial reports. The dependent variables in this study include Capital Ratio, Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Operational Expenses to Operational Income (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Financing Growth, and Deposit Growth. The independent variables used are digital and Islamic banking dummies, along with several control variables such as bank size, interest rates, and GDP growth. The analysis results show that digital transformation has a significant positive impact on Capital Ratio, Financing Growth, and Deposit Growth, as well as BOPO, while its impact on ROA, ROE, and NPL is significantly negative. Similar findings were also observed in Islamic digital banks compared to conventional digital banks, except to the ROE. This research provides important contributions to the academic community, banking practitioners, and regulators regarding the effectiveness of digital transformation in the Indonesian banking sector."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasir Tajul Aripin
"Tingkat literasi dan inklusi keuangan syariah yang masih rendah mengharuskan Bank Syariah menerbitkan produk dan layanan yang berbasis digital sebagai langkah adaptif terhadap transformasi teknologi. Kemunculan bank digital telah memperkuat pentingnya menyediakan layanan perbankan digital yang lebih mudah, lebih efisien dan lebih nyaman. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh intensi nasabah dalam penerimaan dan penggunaan layanan digital Bank Syariah yang ada di wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan menggunakan model teori UTAUT 2. Pemilihan wilayah DKI Jakarta dinilai penting karena memiliki tingkat literasi dan inklusi keuangan syariah yang paling tinggi dibandingkan wilayah lainnya. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa social influence, facilitating conditions, habit, dan hedonic motivation memiliki pengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap behavioral intention layanan digital Bank Syariah, sedangkan effort expectancy tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Performance expectancy dan price value tidak berpengaruh terhadap behavioral intention, sementara behavioral intention memiliki pengaruh secara langsung terhadap use behavior. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi tambahan literatur akademik dan masukan bagi Bank Syariah untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan menjaga loyalitas nasabah.

The weak level of Islamic financial literacy and inclusion requires Islamic banks to issue digital-based products and services as an adaptive step towards technological transformation. The emergence of digital banks has reinforced the importance of providing digital banking services that are easier, more efficient, and more convenient. The study was conducted to analys the effect of customer intentions in accepting and using Islamic Bank digital services in Jakarta using the UTAUT 2 theory model. The selection of the Jakarta area is considered important because it has the highest level of Islamic financial literacy and inclusion compared to other regions. The research methodology used in this study was quantitative descriptive with Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques. Based on the results of this study, it was found that social influence, facilitating conditions, habit, and hedonic motivation have a positive and significant influence on behavioral intention of Islamic Bank digital services, while effort expectancy has no significant effect. Performance expectancy and price value have no effect on behavioral intention, while behavioral intention has a direct influence on user behavior. The results of this study are expected to be additional academic literature and input for Islamic banks to improve service quality and maintain customer loyalty."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Deri Syawalino
"Seiring berjalannya waktu, era digitalisasi sudah semakin menjamur menuju berbagai macam faktor dalam kehidupan manusia, tak terkecuali dalam faktor finansial. Adapun salah satu bentuk kemajuan teknologi dalam sudut pandang finansial adalah dengan maraknya bank digital yang diyakini dapat memudahkan para nasabah untuk melakukan kegiatan di dalamnya secara online seperti pembuatan rekening hingga transaksi transfer uang tanpa harus mengunjungi kantor fisik. Karena seluruh aktivitas yang ada akan dilakukan sepenuhnya secara online, maka pihak bank digital telah mengimplementasikan algoritma enkripsi kriptografi untuk melindungi informasi pribadi dan data kredensial para nasabah bank digital tersebut. Namun, di lain sisi, algoritma enkripsi yang ada saat ini pun sudah cukup bervariatif. Dengan ini, akan dilakukan suatu penelitian yang akan mengkaji algoritma enkripsi kriptografi yang telah diimplementasikan oleh salah satu Bank Digital di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan membahas algoritma enkripsi apa yang telah dipilih untuk mengamankan data-data kredensial terkait. Nantinya, pada akhir penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis terhadap keamanan dari algoritma enkripsi tersebut dengan menghitung nilai Avalanche Effect yang ada. Adapun algoritma enkripsi tersebut dapat memiliki performa yang baik apabila menghasilkan nilai Avalanche Effect cenderung mendekati 50%.

As the time goes by, the era of digitalization has increasingly taken all over the place towards various factors in human life, including financial. One massive example of technological improvement from a financial point of view is the rise of digital banks which are believed to bring convenience for customers to carry out activities online such as creating accounts and transfer transactions without having to visit a physical office. Since all existing activities will be carried out entirely online, the digital bank has implemented a cryptographic encryption algorithm to protect the personal information and credential data of the digital bank's customers. However, on the other hand, the existing encryption algorithms are quite varied. Therefore, this study will be carried out which will examine the cryptographic encryption algorithm that has been implemented by one of the digital banks in Indonesia. This research will discuss which encryption algorithm has been chosen to secure all existing credential data. Later, at the end of this study, an analysis of the security of the encryption algorithm will be carried out by calculating the Avalanche Effect value. The encryption algorithm can have good performance if it produces an Avalanche Effect with value closer to 50%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mega Riani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis implementasi BI Digital di Bank Indonesia. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah post-positivis dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian Bank Indonesia melaksanakan change program sebagai langkah untuk menjadi bank sentral digital terdepan yang berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis praktik implementasi transformasi digital Bank Indonesia dengan menggunakan kerangka Kotter’s 8 stage change process. Pendekatan yang digunakan post-positivism dan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian, BI merupakan organisasi yang tidak mudah menerima perubahan, namun hal ini berubah karena terjadi pandemic covid 19. Dalam mengkomunikasikan perubahan masih terdapat kendala yaitu adanya yang resistance. BI menyadari jika tidak melakukan perubahan pada masa pandemi maka akan menjadi organisasi yang terlupakan. BI memiliki culture channel untuk membagikan informasi implementasi budaya kerja di BI. Saran yang diberikan adalah perkuat komitmen penggerak perubahan, dukungan organisasi, inovasi yang tinggi serta memperkuat sinergi program perubahan agar proses bisnis diimplementasikan secara digital. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Perubahan; Change Program; Transformasi Digital; Bank Indonesia;

This study aims to analyze the implementation of BI Digital at Bank Indonesia. The approach used is post-positivist with qualitative research methods. Research results Bank Indonesia implemented a change program as a step to become a leading digital central bank that contributes to the national economy. This study aims to analyze the practice of implementing Bank Indonesia's digital transformation using the Kotter's 8 stage change process framework. The approach used is post-positivism and qualitative data collection methods. The results of the study, BI is an organization that does not easily accept change, but this has changed due to the covid 19 pandemic. In communicating changes there are still obstacles, namely resistance. BI realizes that if it does not make changes during the pandemic, it will become a forgotten organization. BI has a culture channel to share information on the implementation of work culture in BI. The advice given is to strengthen the commitment to drive change, organizational support, high innovation and strengthen the synergy of change programs so that business processes are implemented digitally. Keyword: Change Management, Change Program, Digital Transformation, Bank Indonesia"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Adelya Serawai
"Kemajuan teknologi tidak dapat dipungkiri sangat pesat dalam kehidupan manusia saat ini semenjak kehadiran internet dalam telepon genggam turut menghadirkan berbagi fitur baru salah satunya aplikasi-aplikasi finansial seperti Bank Digital. Banyak Bank Digital memberikan bunga deposito hingga 10% yang dimana besaran bunga tersebut lebih tinggi dari tingkat bunga penjaminan (TBP) yang dijamin Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), yakni 4,25%. Hal tersebut akan menjadi masalah apabila terjadi likuidasi pada bank-bank digital tersebut karena dana nasabah yang akan diganti harus termasuk dalam syarat 3T yang salah satunya bunga deposito tidak lebih tinggi dari tingkat bunga penjaminan oleh LPS. penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan 2 (dua) rumusan masalah antara lain Regulasi Likuidasi Bank Umum di Indonesia dan Pelindungan Nasabah Bank Digital Dalam Hal Terjadi Likuidasi. Penelitian ini berbentuk normatif dengan menggunakan tipologi deskriptif analitis Proses likuidasi bank umum di Indonesia telah melewati banyak perubahan dan penyesuaian sejak era BPPN hingga era LPS. Pada tahun 2023 terdapat perubahan urutan hirarki pembayaran kewajiban terhadap kreditur yang ada pada UUP2SK urutan daripada pembayaran kreditur tersebut berdampak pada pembayaran simpanan dari nasabah penyimpan yang tidak dibayarkan penjaminannya dan simpanan dari nasabah penyimpan yang tidak dijamin sedangkan untuk melakukan klaim terhadap dana nasabah bank apabila terjadi likuidasi, nasabah tersebut harus termasuk pada kriteria 3T yang salah satunya adalah tingkat bunga yang diterima nasabah tidak lebih dari tingkat bunga yang dijamin pada LPS. Sehingga dana nasabah bank digital merupakan dana yang tidak dijamin oleh LPS, maka penggantian daripada dana tersebut termasuk pada Pasal 7 ayat 35 UUP2SK urutan ketujuh dan sangat berpotensi untuk tidak mendapatkan penggantian apabila terjadi likuidasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan regulasi yang ada terkait pelindungan nasabah bank digital tidak mencerminkan kepastian hukum, memberikan pelindungan hukum sehingga tidak adanya tanggung jawab hukum terhadap nasabah bank digital.

The advancement of technology is undeniably very rapid in human life today since the presence of the internet on mobile phones also presents various new features, one of which is financial applications such as Digital Banks. Many Digital Banks provide deposit interest rates of up to 10%, which is higher than the guaranteed interest rate (TBP) guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), which is 4.25%. This will be a problem in the event of liquidation of these digital banks because customer funds to be replaced must be included in the 3T conditions, one of which is deposit interest not higher than the guaranteed interest rate by LPS. This research is conducted based on 2 (two) problem formulations, including Regulation of Commercial Bank Liquidation in Indonesia and Protection of Digital Bank Customers in the Event of Liquidation. This research is normative in form using descriptive analytical typology The process of liquidation of commercial banks in Indonesia has gone through many changes and adjustments since the BPPN era to the LPS era. In 2023 there is a change in the hierarchical order of payment of obligations to creditors in the UUP2SK the order of payment of creditors has an impact on the payment of deposits from depositors whose guarantees are not paid and deposits from depositors who are not guaranteed while to make claims against bank customer funds in the event of liquidation, the customer must be included in the 3T criteria, one of which is the interest rate received by the customer is not more than the guaranteed interest rate at LPS. So that digital bank customer funds are funds that are not guaranteed by LPS, then the replacement of these funds is included in Article 7 paragraph 35 of the seventh order UUP2SK and has the potential not to be reimbursed in the event of liquidation. Based on this, it can be concluded that the existing regulations related to the protection of digital bank customers do not reflect legal certainty, provide legal protection so that there is no legal responsibility for digital bank customers."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evita Haliansyah
"Perkembangan internet dan smartphone mendorong berbagai kegiatan, salah satunya pembayaran, untuk dilakukan secara online dengan memanfaatkan teknologi mobile. Saat ini bank sudah mulai menyediakan layanan digital only bank. Namun, masih banyak pro-kontra terkait bank digital di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti adopsi digital banking yang melibatkan perpindahan kepercayaan dari suatu e-commerce yang sudah banyak dipercayai dengan menggunakan teori trust transfer beserta faktor-faktor customer experience yang memengaruhi proses trust transfer tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus bank digital SeaBank dengan e-commerce Shopee yang memiliki satu parent group yang sama yaitu Sea Group. Pendekatan kuantitatif pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan data dari penyebaran kuesioner daring dengan total 629 responden. Kemudian, data diolah menggunakan metode partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) dengan perangkat lunak SmartPLS 4. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan faktor customer cost, convenience, perceived ease of use, informativeness, dan relationship investment berpengaruh secara positif kepada trust in Shopee. Lalu, faktor customisation, customer cost, dan relationship investment berpengaruh secara positif kepada loyalty to Shopee. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa trust in Shopee dan loyalty to Shopee memengaruhi trust in SeaBank secara positif, serta trust in SeaBank memengaruhi intention to use SeaBank secara positif, sehingga penelitian ini memperkuat teori trust transfer. Di lain sisi, faktor customisation tidak memengaruhi trust in Shopee dan faktor convenience, perceived ease of use, dan informativeness tidak memengaruhi loyalty to Shopee. Namun, penolakan beberapa hipotesis tersebut telah divalidasi oleh enam narasumber wawancara yang merupakan pengguna aktif Shopee. Implikasi teoritis penelitian ini adalah perluasan mengenai pengaruh customer experience terhadap value yang diberikan perusahaan kepada customer, dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kesetiaan pengguna sekaligus memberikan fakta baru mengenai proses trust transfer hingga menjadi intention to use antara Shopee dengan SeaBank dalam konteks customer experience.

The development of the internet and smartphones has facilitated various activities, including online payments, by leveraging mobile technology. Currently, banks have begun offering digital-only banking services. However, there are still many pros and cons related to digital banks in Indonesia. Therefore, this research aims to examine the adoption of digital banking, involving the transfer of trust from a well-established e-commerce platform, using the trust transfer theory and the factors of customer experience that influence this trust transfer process. This study focuses on the case of SeaBank, a digital bank, and Shopee, an e-commerce platform, which share the same parent group, Sea Group. The quantitative approach in this research utilizes data collected through online questionnaires with a total of 629 respondents. The data is then analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method with SmartPLS4 software. The results of the data analysis show that factors such as customer cost, convenience, perceived ease of use, informativeness, and relationship investment have a positive influence on trust in Shopee. Furthermore, customisation, customer cost, and relationship investment have a positive impact on loyalty to Shopee. Additionally, trust in Shopee and loyalty to Shopee positively affect trust in SeaBank, and trust in SeaBank positively influences the intention to use SeaBank, thus strengthening the trust transfer theory. On the other hand, customisation does not affect trust in Shopee, and factors such as convenience, perceived ease of use, and informativeness do not influence loyalty to Shopee. However, the rejection of these hypotheses has been validated by six interviewees who are active Shopee users. The theoretical implications of this research include expanding the understanding of the influence of customer experience on the value provided by companies to customers, which can enhance user trust and loyalty, while also providing new insights into the trust transfer process leading to the intention to use between Shopee and SeaBank in the context of customer experience.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vioren Paramitta Adithana
"Perkembangan internet dan smartphone mendorong berbagai kegiatan, salah satunya pembayaran, untuk dilakukan secara online dengan memanfaatkan teknologi mobile. Saat ini bank sudah mulai menyediakan layanan digital only bank. Namun, masih banyak pro-kontra terkait bank digital di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti adopsi digital banking yang melibatkan perpindahan kepercayaan dari suatu e-commerce yang sudah banyak dipercayai dengan menggunakan teori trust transfer beserta faktor-faktor customer experience yang memengaruhi proses trust transfer tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus bank digital SeaBank dengan e-commerce Shopee yang memiliki satu parent group yang sama yaitu Sea Group. Pendekatan kuantitatif pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan data dari penyebaran kuesioner daring dengan total 629 responden. Kemudian, data diolah menggunakan metode partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) dengan perangkat lunak SmartPLS 4. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan faktor customer cost, convenience, perceived ease of use, informativeness, dan relationship investment berpengaruh secara positif kepada trust in Shopee. Lalu, faktor customisation, customer cost, dan relationship investment berpengaruh secara positif kepada loyalty to Shopee. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa trust in Shopee dan loyalty to Shopee memengaruhi trust in SeaBank secara positif, serta trust in SeaBank memengaruhi intention to use SeaBank secara positif, sehingga penelitian ini memperkuat teori trust transfer. Di lain sisi, faktor customisation tidak memengaruhi trust in Shopee dan faktor convenience, perceived ease of use, dan informativeness tidak memengaruhi loyalty to Shopee. Namun, penolakan beberapa hipotesis tersebut telah divalidasi oleh enam narasumber wawancara yang merupakan pengguna aktif Shopee. Implikasi teoritis penelitian ini adalah perluasan mengenai pengaruh customer experience terhadap value yang diberikan perusahaan kepada customer, dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kesetiaan pengguna sekaligus memberikan fakta baru mengenai proses trust transfer hingga menjadi intention to use antara Shopee dengan SeaBank dalam konteks customer experience.

The development of the internet and smartphones has facilitated various activities, including online payments, by leveraging mobile technology. Currently, banks have begun offering digital-only banking services. However, there are still many pros and cons related to digital banks in Indonesia. Therefore, this research aims to examine the adoption of digital banking, involving the transfer of trust from a well-established e-commerce platform, using the trust transfer theory and the factors of customer experience that influence this trust transfer process. This study focuses on the case of SeaBank, a digital bank, and Shopee, an e-commerce platform, which share the same parent group, Sea Group. The quantitative approach in this research utilizes data collected through online questionnaires with a total of 629 respondents. The data is then analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method with SmartPLS4 software. The results of the data analysis show that factors such as customer cost, convenience, perceived ease of use, informativeness, and relationship investment have a positive influence on trust in Shopee. Furthermore, customisation, customer cost, and relationship investment have a positive impact on loyalty to Shopee. Additionally, trust in Shopee and loyalty to Shopee positively affect trust in SeaBank, and trust in SeaBank positively influences the intention to use SeaBank, thus strengthening the trust transfer theory. On the other hand, customisation does not affect trust in Shopee, and factors such as convenience, perceived ease of use, and informativeness do not influence loyalty to Shopee. However, the rejection of these hypotheses has been validated by six interviewees who are active Shopee users. The theoretical implications of this research include expanding the understanding of the influence of customer experience on the value provided by companies to customers, which can enhance user trust and loyalty, while also providing new insights into the trust transfer process leading to the intention to use between Shopee and SeaBank in the context of customer experience.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nathanael Pardosi
"Perkembangan internet dan smartphone mendorong berbagai kegiatan, salah satunya pembayaran, untuk dilakukan secara online dengan memanfaatkan teknologi mobile. Saat ini bank sudah mulai menyediakan layanan digital only bank. Namun, masih banyak pro-kontra terkait bank digital di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti adopsi digital banking yang melibatkan perpindahan kepercayaan dari suatu e-commerce yang sudah banyak dipercayai dengan menggunakan teori trust transfer beserta faktor-faktor customer experience yang memengaruhi proses trust transfer tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus bank digital SeaBank dengan e-commerce Shopee yang memiliki satu parent group yang sama yaitu Sea Group. Pendekatan kuantitatif pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan data dari penyebaran kuesioner daring dengan total 629 responden. Kemudian, data diolah menggunakan metode partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLSSEM) dengan perangkat lunak SmartPLS 4. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan faktor customer cost, convenience, perceived ease of use, informativeness, dan relationship investment berpengaruh secara positif kepada trust in Shopee. Lalu, faktor customisation, customer cost, dan relationship investment berpengaruh secara positif kepada loyalty to Shopee. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa trust in Shopee dan loyalty to Shopee memengaruhi trust in SeaBank secara positif, serta trust in SeaBank memengaruhi intention to use SeaBank secara positif, sehingga penelitian ini memperkuat teori trust transfer. Di lain sisi, faktor customisation tidak memengaruhi trust in Shopee dan faktor convenience, perceived ease of use, dan informativeness tidak memengaruhi loyalty to Shopee. Namun, penolakan beberapa hipotesis tersebut telah divalidasi oleh enam narasumber wawancara yang merupakan pengguna aktif Shopee. Implikasi teoritis penelitian ini adalah perluasan mengenai pengaruh customer experience terhadap value yang diberikan perusahaan kepada customer, dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kesetiaan pengguna sekaligus memberikan fakta baru mengenai proses trust transfer hingga menjadi intention to use antara Shopee dengan SeaBank dalam konteks customer experience.

The development of the internet and smartphones has facilitated various activities, including online payments, by leveraging mobile technology. Currently, banks have begun offering digital-only banking services. However, there are still many pros and cons related to digital banks in Indonesia. Therefore, this research aims to examine the adoption of digital banking, involving the transfer of trust from a well-established e-commerce platform, using the trust transfer theory and the factors of customer experience that influence this trust transfer process. This study focuses on the case of SeaBank, a digital bank, and Shopee, an e-commerce platform, which share the same parent group, Sea Group. The quantitative approach in this research utilizes data collected through online questionnaires with a total of 629 respondents. The data is then analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method with SmartPLS4 software. The results of the data analysis show that factors such as customer cost, convenience, perceived ease of use, informativeness, and relationship investment have a positive influence on trust in Shopee. Furthermore, customisation, customer cost, and relationship investment have a positive impact on loyalty to Shopee. Additionally, trust in Shopee and loyalty to Shopee positively affect trust in SeaBank, and trust in SeaBank positively influences the intention to use SeaBank, thus strengthening the trust transfer theory. On the other hand, customisation does not affect trust in Shopee, and factors such as convenience, perceived ease of use, and informativeness do not influence loyalty to Shopee. However, the rejection of these hypotheses has been validated by six interviewees who are active Shopee users. The theoretical implications of this research include expanding the understanding of the influence of customer experience on the value provided by companies to customers, which can enhance user trust and loyalty, while also providing new insights into the trust transfer process leading to the intention to use between Shopee and SeaBank in the context of customer experience.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Alvarian Adnan
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari convenience, economic efficiency, functional risk, security risk, critical mass, number of services, dan trust terhadap adoption intention dan continuance intention pada konteks konsumen gen-z bank digital di Indonesia. Sampel yang diteliti terbagi dalam kedua kelompok non-adopters dan adopters bank digital di Indonesia yang merupakan warga negara indonesia yang lahir pada tahun 1995-2004 (generasi Z). Kuesioner dalam penelitian ini disebarluaskan secara online dan mencakup area geografis di seluruh Indonesia. Jumlah responden yang berhasil dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini adalah 440 responden, yang terbagi atas 2 kelompok non-adopters dan adopters yang masing-masing sejumlah 220 responden. Data yang sudah berhasil dikumpulkan diolah melalui metode Multiple Linear Regression menggunakan software IBM SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa economic efficiency, critical mass, number of services, dan trust memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap adoption intention. Sedangkan convenience, economic efficiency, number of services, dan trust memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap continuance intention. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan determinan behavioral intention pada kelompok non-adopters dan adopters. Terakhir, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan adanya perbedaan persepsi konsumen pada kelompok non-adopters dan adopters. Saran manajerial dan penelitian selanjutnya dibahas dalam penelitian ini.

This study aims to determine the effect of convenience, economic efficiency, functional risk, security risk, critical mass, number of services, and trust on adoption intention and continuance intention in the context of gen-z consumers of digital banks in Indonesia. The sample studied was divided into two groups of non-adopters and adopters of digital banks in Indonesia who were Indonesian citizens born in 1995-2004 (generation Z). The questionnaires in this study were distributed online and covered geographical areas throughout Indonesia the number of respondents who were collected in this study were 440 respondents, which were divided into 2 groups of non-adopters and adopters, each of which was 220 respondents. The data that has been collected is processed using the Multiple Linear Regression method using IBM SPSS software. The results of this study indicate that economic efficiency, critical mass, number of services, and trust have a positive influence on adoption intention. Meanwhile, convenience, economic efficiency, number of services, and trust have a positive influence on continuance intention. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that there are differences in the determinants of behavioral intention in the non-adopters and adopters stages. Finally, this study also shows that there are differences in consumer perceptions in the non-adopters and adopters stages. Managerial suggestions and further research are discussed in this study"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vita Adela Aviantie
"Hadirnya bank digital syariah di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya potensi digitalisasi pada sektor perbankan syariah yang semakin berkembang. Minat generasi muda yaitu generasi milenial dianggap cukup tinggi terhadap perkembangan bank digital syariah, namun masih memiliki minat menabung yang rendah. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana faktor-faktor (literasi keuangan syariah, kesadaran, biaya dan manfaat, reputasi, norma subyektif, religiusitas, dan sikap) terhadap intensi generasi milenial dalam mengadopsi produk simpanan bank digital syariah. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran faktor sikap sebagai mediator hubungan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi generasi milenial dalam mengadopsi produk simpanan bank digital syariah. Data penelitian yang diperoleh sejumlah 217 responden dan dianalisis menggunakan metode PLS-SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran, reputasi, norma subyektif, religiusitas, dan sikap dapat mempengaruhi intensi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui peran variabel mediator, namun hasil berbeda pada faktor literasi keuangan syariah serta biaya dan manfaat. Selain itu, penelitian yang membahas terkait hadirnya bank digital syariah di Indonesia juga belum pernah diteliti sebelumnya.

The potential for digitalization in the expanding Islamic banking industry is demonstrated by the existence of Islamic digital banks in Indonesia. The younger generation, or the millennial generation, is thought to be quite interested in the growth of Islamic digital banks, although they are still not very motivated for saving money. This study aims to understand the influences on the millennial generation's intentions to use Islamic digital bank savings products, including Islamic financial literacy, awareness, costs and benefits, reputation, subjective norms, religiosity, and attitudes. This study also aims to determine how the attitude element affects the millennial generation's intention to use Islamic digital bank savings products as a mediator between other factors. 217 respondents contributed research data, which was analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. The results of the study show that awareness, reputation, subjective norms, religiosity, and attitudes can affect intentions directly or indirectly through the role of the mediator variable, however the results differ on the Islamic financial literacy factor as well as the costs and benefits. Additionally, research on the existence of Islamic digital banks in Indonesia has not previously been studied."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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