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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dedhy Susamto
"TELKOM mengembangkan layanan Indonesia WiFi (wireless fidelity) segmen carrier untuk menghasilkan pendapatan baru pada bisnis wholesale dengan memberikan layanan sebagai alternatif solusi bagi operator seluler dalam mengantisipasi lonjakan trafik data. Layanan Indonesia WiFi segmen carrier diawali kerjasama antara TELKOM dengan Telkomsel sejak April 2012 dengan layanan Web Service dan mulai Oktober 2012 dilengkapi dengan layanan Offload. Namun bagi TELKOM implementasi layanan ini belum berjalan baik ditandai adanya perbedaan yang cukup tinggi antara target dan realisasi pendapatan dan jumlah penggelaran titik akses pada tahun 2012 dan triwulan I 2013.
Penelitian ini mengevaluasi implementasi bisnis Indonesia WiFi segmen carrier sampai dengan triwulan I 2013. Menemukan penyebab tidak tercapainya target pendapatan pada bisnis ini dan memberikan usulan tindakan korektif berdasarkan hasil evaluasi implementasi layanan Wifi segmen carrier. Kemudian melakukan simulasi proyeksi pencapaian pendapatan layanan Indonesia WiFI segmen carrier Telkomsel tahun 2013 berdasarkan usulan tindakan korektif.
Hasil evaluasi menemukan penyebab tidak tercapainya pendapatan layanan Indonesia WiFI segmen carrier Telkomsel adalah adanya skema bisnis wholesale untuk layanan Web Service yang berpotensi tidak dapat menghasilkan pendapatan yang tinggi bagi TELKOM walaupun pemakaian layanan tinggi, jumlah penggelaran titik akses belum sesuai rencana, jumlah titik akses yang tidak berfungsi cukup banyak, dan penggunaan layanan WiFi Offload yang masih relatif sedikit baik jumlah pengguna maupun trafiknya.
Usulan tindakan korektif untuk perbaikan kondisi berupa perubahan skema bisnis dari pola bagi hasil (revenue sharing) menjadi berdasarkan jumlah pemakaian (volume based), perbaikan kinerja dalam penggelaran titik akses baik pencapaian jumlah penggelaran maupun meningkatkan availability titik akses sesuai kontrak TELKOM dan Telkomsel.
Hasil simulasi proyeksi pendapatan layanan WiFi segmen carrier berdasarkan usulan tindakan korektif berpotensi meningkatkan pendapatan layanan WiFi segmen carrier sebesar 158 kali lebih tinggi (dari 991 juta rupiah menjadi 157 miliar rupiah) untuk jumlah titik akses 250K dibandingkan tanpa melakukan tindakan korektif.

TELKOM develop Indonesia WiFi (wireless fidelity) carrier segment to generate new revenue in the wholesale business by providing services as an alternative solution for mobile operators in anticipation of a surge in data traffic. Indonesia WiFi carrier segment initiated cooperation between TELKOM and Telkomsel since April 2012 with a Web Service service began in October 2012 with Offload services. But for TELKOM implementation of these services has not gone well, characterized by a high difference between the target with the realization of revenue and the number of access point deployment in 2012 and the first quarter of 2013.
This study evaluated the business implementation of the Indonesian WiFi carrier segment until the first quarter of 2013. Finding the cause of not achieving the revenue targets on this business and proposes corrective actions based on the results of evaluation of Wi-Fi service carrier segment implementation. Then Simulate the estimated revenue performance in 2013 based on the proposed corrective actions.
Evaluation results have found the cause not achieving revenue targets of Indonesia WiFI carrier segment are a wholesale business scheme for Web Service service which can not generate high revenue for TELKOM despite high use of services, the number of access point deployment has not been as planned, many access points are disorder, and WiFi Offload services is still a few number of users and the traffic either.
Proposed corrective actions to improve conditions are changes in the wholesale business scheme from revenue sharing to be based on the amount of usage (volume based), improved performance of access point in the achievement of number of deployment and increase availability according to the contract of TELKOM and Telkomsel.
Simulation results of estimation of WiFi service carrier segment revenue based on the proposed corrective action could potentially increase revenue WiFi service carrier segment is 158 times (from 991 milion rupiahs to 157 billion rupiahs) higher than without corrective action for the number of access points 250K.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enov Tikupasang
"Teknologi 4G LTE diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan speed layanan data, image perusahaan, dan interoperability dengan operator lain. Penelitian ini menganalisis VoLTE sebagai alternatif layanan voice di atas jaringan LTE dengan keterbatasan bandwidth frekuensi, tetapi kontribusi layanan voice yang masih tinggi pada studi kasus di Telkomsel. Penggunaan VoLTE merupakan tahapan selanjutnya setelah voice CS fallback.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah model untuk menilai kelayakan implementasi VoLTE dengan berbagai skenario waktu dan metode teknologi dalam rangka menurunkan nilai risiko dari implementasi LTE, sehingga dapat menentukan waktu dan metode yang tepat bagi implementasi fitur layanan VoLTE pada jaringan LTE dengan dua cara yaitu sistem SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) atau langsung pada sistem PS handover.
Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah komplementer atau triangulation dengan ilmiah dan alamiah, dengan menggunakan statistik regresi, variabel acak berlainan, perhitungan bandwidth, dan nilai bisnis. Disamping itu untuk menghitung nilai risiko dari probabilistik ketidakpastian, maka digunakan analisis sensitivitas dan analisis risiko melalui simulasi Monte Carlo.
Hasil yang diharapkan adalah optimalisasi dan efisiensi penggunaan bandwidth serta pembuktian hipotesis tentang studi kelayakan proyek implementasi layanan VoLTE.

4G LTE technology is implemented to improve the quality and speed data services, corporate image, and interoperability with other operators. This study analyzes the VoLTE as an alternative voice services over LTE networks with limited frequency bandwidth, but the contribution of voice services is still high in the case study in Telkomsel. Use of VoLTE is the next stage after the voice CS fallback.
The purpose of this research is to develop a model to assess the feasibility of implementation of VoLTE by the various scenarios timing and technology method in order to lower the risk value of the implementation of LTE, so it can determine the timing and the proper method for implementation of VoLTE service features on LTE network in two ways that are SRVCC system (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) or directly on the PS handover system.
The method used in this research are complementary or triangulation with scientific and natural, using statistikk regression, discrete random variables, bandwidth calculation, and business value. In addition, to calculate the risk value of probabilistic uncertainty, the use of sensitivity analysis and risk analysis with Monte Carlo simulation.
The expected result is the optimization and efficient use of bandwidth as well as proving a hypothesis about the project feasibility study of the VoLTE services implementation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khaidar Subhan Rahman
"Divisi Telkom Flexi (DTF) TELKOM sebagai salah satu operator fixed wireless access (FWA) yang mengusung teknologi narrow-band CDMA2000-1x tengah mengalami tekanan kompetisi berat antar operator telekomunikasi selular. Revenue Flexi mengalami penurunan, khususnya Voice dan SMS, sehingga target revenue tahun 2010 tidak tercapai. Di sisi lain revenue data Flexi mengalami pertumbuhan meskipun kontribusinya masih rendah (kurang dari 3%). Sejalan dengan sasaran strategis Flexi 2011 yang mencanangkan pertumbuhan kontribusi revenue gelombang baru, tren ini perlu dipertahankan dengan tetap menjaga kualitas layanan data untuk mencapai kepuasan serta mempertahankan pelanggan. Kinerja layanan Flexi diukur dengan KPI operasional, di mana ditemukan indikator kinerja layanan data hanya diwakili parameter data success rate. Padahal pelanggan lebih mengharapkan kinerja kecepatan dan ketersediaan layanan.
Diperlukan analisis terhadap strategi meningkatkan kontribusi revenue layanan berbasis data melalui pencapaian kualitas layanan yang excellent. Alat analisis strategi yang dipilih adalah metode Balanced Score Card (BSC) yang berfungsi sebagai alat analisis manajemen kinerja yang dapat membedah permasalahan internal dari sisi keuangan dan non-keuangan dengan seimbang. Dari hasil analisis, perlu ditambahkan KPI baru, antara lain penambahan KPI Tingkat Kebocoran Revenue Data pada perspektif keuangan, Data Transmission Achieved dan Delay pada perspektif pelanggan, Downtime Koneksi MLS, Rehoming dan Optimasi BTS pada perspektif proses bisnis internal, serta penambahan sasaran strategis peningkatan kompetensi karyawan dan mengembangkan iklim inovasi. Setelah sasaran strategis dipetakan dalam sebuah peta strategi, perlu dibangun piranti lunak untuk memantau pencapaian kinerja tersebut. Manajemen perlu memperhatikan komunikasi strategi terhadap karyawan mengingat hanya 72% yang menganggap komunikasi strategi DTF telah berjalan baik dan hanya 28% yang memahami konsep peta strategi.

Flexi as one of the operators of Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) has to survive heavy competition among mobile carriers nowadays. Flexi subscribers has not decreased, but not significantly increased too. Its recent revenue decreased so that the target of obtaining Rp.3.534 Trillion in 2010 is unlikely to be achieved. Corporate Annual Message (CAM) for 2011 stated that Flexi must maintain business legacy based on narrow-band CDMA2000-1x technology. Referring to this, Flexi should be able to optimize the data service instead of voice, SMS, or VAS. Revenue of data-based services has been growing, but its contribution was not more than 3% of total revenue. To achieve sufficient customer satisfaction, it must be supported by excellent service. The performance of Flexi data-based services has actually been measured by Operational KPI, however the indicator was only represented by data success rate parameter. On the other hand, subscribers expect quality more than just speed and service stability. It results in discongruency between operator claim of having achieved performance target and subscriber dissatisfaction as noted by many complaints, especially speed and application stability.
This thesis discussed the strategy of Flexi data-based services to maintain Flexi business legacy. Development strategy and analysis will be performed using the Balance Score Card performance tool to obtain appropriate and measureble operational strategy in order to increase data service contribution on Flexi revenue. From the analysis, it is necessary to add some new KPIs, such as the addition of KPI Data Revenue Leakage Data on the financial perspective, Data Transmission Achieved and Delay on the customer perspective, MLS Connection Downtime, BTS Rehoming and Optimization of internal business process perspective, as well as additional strategic objective the improvement of competence employees and develop a climate of innovation. Once the strategic goals mapped out in a strategy map, management should build BSC software to monitor the achievement of such performance. They have to consider the cascading communications strategy for employees regarding only 72% of them have consider communication strategies DTF has been going well and only 28% are to understand the concept of strategy maps.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library