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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
M. Arifin Suyardi
"This study was carried out to analyze the serum vitamin A / carotene concentration among Indonesian full term neonates in relation to maternal nutritional status and nutrients intake. One hundred and eight couples' (mothers + neonates) were recruited for the study. The serum vitamin A/carotene concentrate ion was determined by High Pressure Liquid Chromotography (HPLC) and Ultraviolet Absorbance/Spectrophotometric method (IVACG, 1982) and the dietary nutrient intake of the mothers was analyzed using a 2 day/24 hours recall method. Seventy one (67%) of the neonates were suffering from low vitamin A level ( (20 g/dl), the rest 35 (33%) were at an adequate vitamin A level (>20 / g/dl) and 13 (12%) of the mothers were suffering from low vitamin A level ( <20 /4g/di), the rest 95 (88%) were at an adequate vitamin A level. That mean serum vitamin A/carotene of the neonates was lower than those of their mothers. The mean serum vitamin A of the mothers was 30.7 ,wg/dl - v.53 and mean serum carotene of the mothers was 124.23g/dl - 49.66. The study concluded that there was no significant correlation between serum vitamin A of the neonates and serum vitamin A of their mothers (p } 0.1). It was found that? serum vitamin .A concentration and serum carotene of the mothers were positively correlated; also maternal serum carotene was positively related to serum carotene of the neonates. The beta-carotene intake, fat intake, protein intake were positively related to serum vitamin A of the mothers. Further investigation using larger numbers of samples and more controlled method was suggested to -scrutinize the influences of gestational age, dietary nutrients intake on the serum of vitamin A/carotene of the mothers. The study also pointed out the importance of providing .the pregnant mothers with sound information about nutrition in pregnancy.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Auzan Luthfi Laksono
"Kulit artifisial adalah susunan biomaterial yang terdiri dari sel, perancah, dan molekul bioaktif dan diaplikasaikan sebagai pengganti kulit yang rusak dalam terapi luka kronis. Perancah yang kompatibel secara biologis maupun fisikokimia masih menjadi fokus penelitian dari pengembangan kulit artifisial saat ini. Polikaprolakton (PCL) memiliki potensi sebagai material penyusun perancah karena biokompatibilitas, sifat mekanik, dan fleksibilitasnya. Namun, PCL memiliki bioaktivitas yang rendah sehingga perlu ditambahkan suatu bahan alami. Pada penelitian ini, Umbilical Cord Blood Serum atau Umbilical Cord Blood Serum (UCBS) dan Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) yang kaya akan molekul bioaktif dan matriks ekstraseluler ditambahkan ke perancah PCL sebagai coating. Perancah PCL difabrikasi terlebih dahulu dengan PCL 20% dengan metode freeze-drying. Kemudian, perancah di-coating dengan UCBS atau PRP dengan metode dip-coating dan gelasi termal atau dengan CaCl2. Pada penelitian ini, kedua coating meningkatkan biokompatibilitas perancah pcl yaitu perlekatan sel (78.90±3.65%-89.45±3.65%) dan viabilitas sel hingga (84.99%-99.23±3.72%). Perancah yang di-coating memiliki kekuatan tekan 2.78±0.005-3.58±0.64 Mpa) berpermukaan kasar, tingkat swelling 33.48±3.32%-50.15±1.39%), dan porositas 1.24±0.27%-1.79±0.12%. Maka dari itu, baik UCBS maupun PRP dapat meningkatkan biokompatibilitas perancah PCL sebagai kulit artifisial.

Artificial skin is a construct of biomaterials consisting of cells, scaffolds and bioactive molecules, and it is used as a substitute for damaged skin in chronic wound therapy. Scaffolds that are compatible both biological and physicochemical aspects are still the focus of research from the development of artificial skin recently. Polycaprolactone (PCL) has potential as a material for scaffold due to its biocompatibility, mechanical properties, and flexibility. However, PCL has low bioactivity, so it is necessary to add a natural ingredient. In this study, Umbilical Cord Blood Serum (UCBS) and Platelet Rich-Plasma (PRP) which are rich in bioactive molecules and extracellular matrix incorporated to the PCL scaffolds as coatings. The PCL scaffolds were fabricated with 20% PCL by freeze-drying method. Then, the scaffolds were coated with UCBS or PRP by dip-coating and gelation by temperature for UCBS and CaCl2 for PRP to polymerize extracellular matrix in UCBS and fibrin matrix in PRP. In this study, both coatings increased the biocompatibility of the PCL scaffold, including cell attachment (78.90±3.65%-89.45±3.65%) and cell viability (84.99%-99.23±3.72%). The coated scaffolds also improved physicochemical property including compressive strength (2.78±0.005-3.58±0.64 Mpa), rough surface, swelling ratio (33.48±3.32%-50.15±1.39%), and a porosity of 1.24±0.27%-1.79±0.12%. Therefore, both UCBS and PRP can be used as coatings to increase the biocompatibility of PCL scaffolds as artificial skins."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Elly
"Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh kadar vitamin D dan kalsium terhadap panjang dan berat lahir bayi. Jenis penelitian cross sectional melibatkan 144 ibu hamil trimester 3 dan bayi yang dilahirkan. Pemeriksaan vitamin D menggunakan biomarker 25(OH)D dan kalsium menggunakan kalsium total dari serum darah tali pusat. Pengukuran panjang dan berat lahir dilakukan terstandar segera setelah lahir dengan alat merk Seca tipe 231/231. Analisis menggunakan uji korelasi, t test, ANOVA dan analisis regresi linier ganda untuk melihat pengaruh status vitamin D dan kalsium terhadap panjang dan berat lahir dengan memperhatikan variabel pengganggu (umur, paritas, tinggi badan ibu dan ayah, kesesuaian penambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil sesuai IMT pra hamil, status anemia, aktifitas fisik, kecukupan gizi ibu dan merokok).
Hasil yang diperoleh: rata-rata panjang dan berat lahir adalah normal 48.7 cm dan 3090.4 gram, panjang lahir pendek 31.2 % dan BBLR 8.3%. Rata-rata kadar serum 25(OH)D adalah 27.6 ng/dL, status vitamin D kurang mencapai 62,5%. Rata-rata kadar kalsium 10 ng/mL dan hipokalsemia 24.3%. Kadar vitamin D dan kalsium berpengaruh bermakna terhadap panjang lahir setelah dikontrol tinggi badan ibu, kadar haemoglobin dan kecukupan asupan energi ibu. Setiap peningkatan 10 ng/dL kadar vitamin D akan menambah panjang lahir sebesar 0,4 cm dan setiap kenaikan 10 ng/mL kadar kalsium akan menambah 2,22 cm. Kadar vitamin D dan kalsium berpengaruh bermakna terhadap berat lahir setelah dikontrol tinggi badan ibu, kadar haemoglobin, kecukupan asupan energi ibu dan kesesuaian penambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil. Setiap peningkatan 10 ng/dL kadar vitamin D akan menambah 100,9 gram berat lahir dan setiap peningkatan 10 ng/mL kadar kalsium akan menambah 448 gram berat lahir bayi. Hasil penelitian menyarankan ibu hamil perlu meningkatkan asupan vitamin D dan kalsium termasuk zat gizi lain sesuai standar kecukupan gizi ibu hamil dan mendorong agar kulit mendapatkan paparan sinar matahari.

This study discusses the effect of vitamin D and calcium levels on the length and birth
weight of babies. This type of cross sectional study involved 144 third trimester pregnant women and babies born. Vitamin D examination using biomarkers of 25(OH)D and calcium using total calcium from cord blood serum. Measurements of length and birth weight are standardized immediately after birth with the Seca brand type 231/231. Analysis using correlation test, t test, ANOVA and linear regression analysis to see the effect of vitamin D and calcium status on length and birth weight by considering confounding variables (age, parity, maternal and paternal height, suitability of maternal weight gain during pregnancy according to BMI pre pregnancy, anemia status, physical activity, nutritional adequacy of mother and family smoking).
Results obtained: the average length and birth weight were normal 48.7 cm and 3090.4 grams, short birth length 31.2% and LBW 8.3%. The average serum level of 25(OH)D is 27.6 ng/dL, vitamin D status is less than 62.5%. The average calcium content is 10 ng /mL and 24.3% hypocalcemia. Vitamin D and calcium levels had a significant effect on birth length after control of maternal height, hemoglobin level and adequacy of maternal energy intake. Every 10 ng/dL increase in vitamin D levels will increase the birth length by 0.4 cm and every 10 ng/mL increase in calcium levels will add 2.22 cm. Vitamin D and calcium levels had a significant effect on birth weight after control of maternal height, hemoglobin level, adequacy of maternal energy intake and suitability of maternal weight gain during pregnancy. Every 10 ng/dL increase in vitamin D levels will add 100.9 grams of birth weight and each 10 ng/mL increase in calcium levels will add 448 grams of baby's birth weight. The results suggest that pregnant women need to increase their intake of vitamin D and calcium, including other nutrients according to the nutritional adequacy standards of pregnant women and encourage the skin to get sun exposure.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniasari Endah Prajanti
"Bank darah tali pusat merupakan suatu produk jasa yang memberikan pelayanan jasa penyimpanan sel punca, yang menjadi harapan terapi bagi banyak penyakit mematikan, dari tali pusat bayi yang baru dilahirkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat efektifitas seminar dalam membentuk sikap terhadap produk jasa bank darah tali pusat. Seminar sebagai salah satu bentuk komunikasi marketing yang dianggap dapat membentuk keyakinan dan sikap dilakukan kepada 78 mahasiswa-i akademi kebidanan, yang diharapkan dapat berperan sebagai influencer, untuk melihat proses pembentukan keyakinan dan sikap terhadap bank darah tali pusat. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif Elaboration Likelihood Model untuk menilai apakah sikap yang terbentuk merupakan hasil dari proses kognitif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seminar dapat meningkatkan keyakinan dan sikap terhadap produk. Namun pembentukan keyakinan dan sikap tersebut tidak seluruhnya terbentuk melalui proses kognitif.

Cord blood bank is a services product that provide storage services for stem cells, which become the futures hope for many letal diseases therapy, from the umbilical cord of new born babies. The purpose of this study to see the effectiveness of seminars in shaping attitudes toward the product. Seminar as a form of marketing communications that are considered to form beliefs and attitudes conducted to 78 students from academy of obstetrics, which is expected to become an influencers, to see the process of the formation of beliefs and attitudes towards cord blood bank. The perspective of this study use Elaboration Likelihood Model to assess whether attitudes are formed in the result of cognitive processes. The results showed that the seminar can increase confidence and attitude toward the product. However, the formation of beliefs and attitudes are not entirely formed through cognitive processes."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samuel Febrian Wijaya
"Sel Natural Killer (NK) adalah sel pelepas granul sitotoksik yang melisis patogen intracytoplasmic (yaitu infeksi virus atau bakteri) dan sel tumor/kanker sebagai bagian dari imunitas bawaan. Sel NK berasal dari diferensiasi sel punca hematopoietik (SPH) di jalur Common Lymphoid Progenitor (CLP). SPH diperoleh dari darah tali pusat, dengan jumlah SPH yang lebih tinggi daripada sumsum tulang. Berbagai protokol diferensiasi telah dilaporkan dengan jumlah sel NK dan fenotipe yang berbeda. Studi perbandingan efektivitas diferensiasi sel NK dengan sampel SPH yang dikultur dan SPH yang baru diisolasi masih minim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tahapan maturasi diferensiasi sel NK yang dihasilkan antara sampel SPH yang dikultur dan baru diisolasi menggunakan modifikasi protokol Dezell dkk. dengan menggunakan interleukin-2 (IL-2) tanpa keberadaan feeder cell. Kultur SPH dilakukan selama dua minggu sebelum diferensiasi untuk sampel SPH yang dikultur. Hasil kultur diferensiasi selama lima minggu dianalisis menggunakan flow cytometry untuk mengetahui keberadaan reseptor NKp46, pengamatan Giemsa untuk mengetahui tahapan maturasi sel NK, dan qRT-PCR untuk mengetahui ekspresi gen perforin dan granzyme B. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel SPH yang dikultur menghasilkan jumlah sel NK di tahap dewasa (tahap 5) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan sampel SPH yang diisolasi melalui pengamatan Giemsa. Hasil flow cytometry menunjukkan nilai MFI NKp46 yang berbeda signifikan pada kedua sampel, dengan keberadaan reseptor aktivasi NKp46 yang lebih tinggi dijumpai pada sampel isolasi di hari ke-35. Hal ini disebabkan oleh aktivitas ROS pada kultur SPH dan regulasi mikroRNA. Oleh karena itu, sampel SPH yang dikultur dan sampel SPH yang baru diisolasi mampu menghasilkan populasi sel NK yang dewasa.

Natural Killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic-granule-releasing cells which lysis intracytoplasmic pathogens (ie. virus or bacteria infection) and tumor/ cancer cells as part of innate immunity. NK cells originate from differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the Common Lymphoid Progenitor (CLP) pathway. HSCs can be obtained from umbilical cord blood, with a higher number of HSCs than bone marrow. Various differentiation protocols have been reported with different NK cell yields and phenotypes obtained. Comparative studies on the effectiveness of NK cell differentiation with cultured HSC samples and freshly isolated HSC are still minimal. The aim of this study was to compare the different stages of NK cell differentiation maturation produced between cultured and newly isolated SPH samples using a modified protocol of Dezell et al. using interleukin-2 (IL-2) in the absence of feeder cells. For expanded HSC samples, cultures were carried out for two weeks before differentiation. The results of the differentiation culture for five weeks were then analyzed using flow cytometry to determine the presence of NKp46 receptors, Giemsa observations to determine the stages of NK cell maturation, and qRT-PCR to determine the expression of perforin and granzyme B genes. The results show that cultured HSC samples can produce a higher number of NK cells with a more mature stage than freshly isolated HSC samples by Giemsa's observations which showed the presence of NK cells at stages 5. The results of flow cytometry showed that the MFI NKp46 values ​​were significantly different in the two samples, with a higher NKp46 activation receptor found in the isolated samples on day 35. This is due to ROS activity on SPH culture and microRNA regulation. Therefore, the cultured HSC samples and freshly isolated HSC samples were able to produce mature NK cell populations."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library