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"Data terkini dengan presisi tinggi untuk reaksi γp → pη′ pada energi pusat-massa dalam rentang mendekati energi ambang hingga 2.84 GeV diperoleh dari kolaborasi CLAS pada laboratorium Jefferson telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan model isobar. Fotoproduksi η′ dapat dijelaskan dengan baik dalam semua rentang data energi yang tersedia dengan menyelidiki resonan S11 dan P11 untuk spin-1/2, selain menggunakan kontribusi kanal nukleon s- dan u-, juga arus meson kanal t-. Untuk resonan yang diselidiki, analisis digunakan nilai massa dan lebar resonan yang didukung oleh Particle Data Group. Kami menekankan, data penampang lintang sendiri mampu dihasilkan nilai parameter resonan, konstanta kopling hadronik dan mesonik.

The recent high-precision data for the reaction γp → pη′ at center-of-mass energies from near threshold to 2.84 GeV obtained by the CLAS collaboration at the Jefferson Laboratory have been analyzed within an isobar model. The η′ photoproduction can be described quite well over the entire energy range of available data by considering S11 and P11 resonances, in addition to the nucleon s- and u-channel resonance contributions, also t-channel mesonic currents. For the resonances considered, our analysis are used mass and width value advocated by the Particle Data Group. We emphasize, that cross-section data alone are unable can reproduced resonance parameters value, coupling constant hadronic and mesonic.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sjahindra Manaf
Penelitian mengenai perilaku antar organisasi pada saluran pemasaran minuman ringan PT. Djaya Beverages Bottling Company di Jakarta ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara berbagai perilaku dalam hubungan PT. Djaya Beverages Bottling Company dengan para agen perantaranya dalam memasarkan minuman ringan. Perilaku antar organisasi yang akan dilihat adalah kekuasaan paksaan, kekuasaan non paksaan, konflik dan kerjasama.
Permasalahan yang ingin dijawab melalui penelitian ini adalah mengenai ada tidaknya hubungan antara kekuasaan paksaan dengan konflik dan kekuasaan dan paksaan dengan kerjasama yang terjadi didalam saluran pemasaran minuman ringan PT. Djaya Beverages Bottling Company. Sampel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah pimpinan/pegawai yang berhubungan dengan pemasaran hasil produk tersebut. Permasalahan penelitian dijawab melalui uji Hipotesa Nol dengan menggunakan alat analisis statistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment diketahui terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan kekuasaan paksaan dengan timbulnya konflik dalam saluran minuman ringan pada PT. Djaya Beverages Bottling Company. Juga terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan kekuasaan non paksaan dengan tercapainya kerjasama dalam saluran minuman ringan pada PT. Djaya Beverages Bottling Company.
Hal ini berarti hipotesa nol yang menyatakan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara kekuasaan paksaan dengan konflik, dan tidak ada hubungan antara kekuasaan non paksaan dengan kerjasama, ditolak. Hasil ini sesuai dengan temuan para ahli yang dilakukan pada berbagai saluran pemasaran. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah perlu ditingkatkannya penggunaan kekuasaan non paksaan dalam pemasaran untuk lebih menciptakan tercapainya kerjasama dan komunikasi antarorganisasi yang baik."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Sofwa
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Biro Penerbit KMTS FT-UGM, 1982
627.1 UNI h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pada embedded system terdapat dua bagian penting yaitu komponen komputasi (register) dan komponen komunikasi. Komponen komunikasi menjadi perhatian penting pada mekanisme pemodelan level transaksi (Transaction Level Modeling, TLM). Kanal komunikasi adalah komponen untuk transaksi antar register. Fokus pembahasan TLM adalah perancangan kanal yang dapat mengakomodasi untuk peningkatan level transaksi. Kanal (channel) adalah implementasi bus untuk komunikasi antar komponen pada embedded system. Hal ini adalah kunci penting untuk mencapai impelementasi TLM untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pemodelan. Pada paper ini diusulkan beberapa definisi rancangan kanal sebagai implementasi TLM untuk perancangan embedded system. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa rancangan kanal dapat berjalan sebagai bus untuk transaksi pada TLM. Paper ini menggunakan SystemC sebagai bahasa pemodelan.
On embedded systems, there are two important parts: computational components (registers) and communication components. Communication component becomes an important attention on the mechanism of transaction level modeling (TLM). Communication channel is a component for transactions between registers. The focus of TLM is the design of the channel that could accommodate for the increased level of transactions. Channel is the implementation of the bus for communication between components in embedded systems. This is an important key to achieve the implementation of TLM to improve the efficiency of modeling. This paper proposed a definition of the channel design as the implementation of TLM for embedded systems design. The result shows that the design of the channel can run as a bus for transactions on the TLM. This paper uses SystemC as modeling language."
IT Telkom, Fakultas Informatika, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satyawati Sitawardhani
Garuda Indonesia (Garuda) is the flag-carrier of Indonesia, that last year (2002) carried 7 million passengers and 134 thousand tons of domestic and international cargo. Following the monetary crisis in 1997, Garuda faced a severe financial problem. This was further exacerbated by government deregulation on airline industry that brought many new entrants mushrooming the domestic sky. With the support of IMF's Letter of Intent (LOI), Garuda went through financial restructuring and turn-around strategy implementation.
Facing fierce competition in its traditional domestic territory, Garuda applied effective marketing mix strategy, particularly in new service culture, brand positioning through intensive media promotion, and dynamic pricing strategy. The three elements of pull strategy have been well-developed, and accordingly customer satisfaction has increased and performance has significantly improved. In addition to pull strategy, Garuda also needs to implement push strategy. It is indeed the current focus of Garuda to stimulate agents to push the products to customers, and to expand to other channels that will deliver more share to it.
The introduction of dynamic pricing h9s considerably affected the ticket selling process from agents to customers, hence, it becomes one of the rationales behind the development of the push strategy. The dynamic pricing attempts to map the right product value to the right consumers at the right price, i.e. a price differentiation/ customisation. Garuda provides high-fare types with high flexibility for time-sensitive consumers like business travelers, and lower-fare types for price-sensitive consumers like leisure travelers. The problem is the objective mismatch between Garuda and its agents. Agents prefer to sell the lower-fare types first because they are easier to sell, which is inconsistent with Garuda's objective to offer the right product value to the right consumers and gaining optimum revenue by doing it. There are three issues to be addressed. Firstly, Garuda needs to identify potential problems with its agents and to resolve it to obtain efficient channel management. Secondly, Garuda needs to evaluate its current channel offering to agents that works as non-financial incentives. Lastly, Garuda needs to incentivise agents through financial incentive program, and bringing their objective to be compatible with Garuda's.
This paper will address the first issue by assessing the channel mix that Garuda has, i.e. justifying the MAKE/BUY decisions of every channel mechanism under Transaction Costs framework, identify several potential conflicts between channels, and offer some means of mitigating them. The latter is applied through clear description of each channel's function, continous communication to all channels, and importantly, centralising all channels management under one department in the Head Office to avoid rampant conflict.
The second issue is approached by analysing current channel offering, i.e. to identify what elements of operational support (as non-financial incentives) Garuda currently lacks and to offer some methods to improve them. Garuda is suggested to improve system reliability by accelerating the interfacing process of the existing system to the new one, to amend sales methodologies and technical assistance by regular visits and routine in-house training, and to align sales and distribution organisation by setting clear delineation of authority and regional representation in Head Office.
The last issue is addressed by recommending an implementation of sliding-scale financial incentives based on ticket value and total volume, over and above the standard commission, to reflect the alignment of agent's reward to the value and volume created for Garuda. A simulation is run for a sample data with some criteria to get a comprehensive incentive scheme. The result is an increase of 0.4% of domestic net revenue (revenue less total standard commission and incentives payment) and of 1.6% of international net revenue within the sample data. A pilot should be implemented in a branch office to ensure smooth operation and monitoring, before launching it nationwide, then to international regions. Overall, the push strategy is pursued in an attempt to increase Garuda's competitive position.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini melihat pengaruh kebijakan quantitative easing terhadap pergerakan capital inflow di negara ASEAN-5 yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina pada fase ekspansi maupun pada fase kontraksi tappering off . Yaitu menganalisis dampak kebijakan quantitative easing melalui dua jalur transmisi: jalur likuiditas dan jalur portfolio rebalancing. Penelitian ini menggunakan data bulanan dengan periode penelitian Januari 2008 - Desember 2015. Dengan pembagian data pada fase ekspansi yaitu Januari 2008-Agustus 2013 dan fase kontraksi mulai September 2013- Desember 2015. Dengan menggunakan metode VAR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa respon indikator foreign buy terhadap syok jalur likuiditas dan syok jalur portfolio rebalancing bervariasi antar negara. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa dampak kebijakan QE pada negara ASEAN-5 memiliki jalur transmisi dominan yang berbeda-beda, yaitu jalur portfolio rebalancing untuk fase ekspansi di negara Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura. Sedangkan pada fase kontraksi transmisi nya justru melalui jalur likuiditas. Pada negara Thailand dan Filipina jalur portfolio rebalancing yang dominan pada kedua fase.
ABSTRACT This paper examines capital inflows to emerging economies in ASEAN as the effect of quantitative easing policy taken by the FED. This effects on ASEAN 5, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand and Filipine is divided by two phase of policy, ekspansionary and contractionary taper tantrum phase. This study also attempt to analyze this effect on liquidity channel and portfolio rebalancing channel. Using the monthly data within period January 2008 December 2015 and using VAR as method.The result of this study showed that the response of capital inflows to shock by liquidity channel and shock by portfolio rebalancing channel are different between one country to another. This paper also find evidence that different dominant channelling might occur on different country. As Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore have portfolio rebalancing channel as dominant transmission on ekspansionary phase of QE, but have liquidity channel as dominant on taper tantrum period. In Thailand and Filipine, both country have portfolio rebalancing channel as dominant transmission on both periode."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Armita Anastasya
"Keadaan sulit untuk bisnis retail tidak hanya dialami oleh pelaku bisnis besar saja, namun bisnis menengah dan kecil turut merasakan dampaknya. Keadaan ini membuat bisnis – bisnis harus melakukan perubahan atau perkembangan agar usahanya tetap dapat berkompetisi dan bertahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada UMKM Abelarosa Collection yang adalah salah satu UMKM yang bergerak di bidang retail. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah business coaching dimana peneliti akan berdiskusi dan mengamati proses bisnis secara langsung pada UMKM Abelarosa Collection. Serangkaian wawancara terstruktur dilakukan dengan pemilik UMKM Abelarosa Collection dan hasil temuan yang menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga masalah utama yang dihadapi UMKM Abelarosa Collection di masa ini yaitu masalah lokasi penjualan, kurangnya media promosi, dan tidak adanya program untuk meretensi konsumen yang dimiliki UMKM. Hal ini dapat diperbaiki dengan cara sebagai berikut: 1) Menambahkan Saluran Distribusi yang dimiliki oleh UMKM Abelarosa Collection 2) Menambahkan dan memperbaiki metode promosi yang dimiliki UMKM Abelarosa Collection dan 3). Mengembangkan program customer relationship. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penambahan saluran distribusi dan pengembangan metode promosi dengan cara membuat media sosial khusus brand Abelarosa Collection serta membuat toko online di E-commerce.

Predicament for retail business is not only experienced by large businesses, but also small and medium-sized business presents to feel its effects. These circumstances create businesses should make changes or development of its business in order to still be able to compete and survive. This research is conducted on the SME Abelarosa Collection which is one of the SMES that is engaged in the retail trade. The methods used in this research is a business coaching where researchers will discuss and observe the business processes directly on the SME Abelarosa Collection. A series of structured interviews conducted with owner of SME Abelarosa Collection and the results showed that there are three main problems facing SMES Abelarosa Collection in this period, which are the issue of the location of the sale, the lack of promotion, and the absence of any program to maintain existing consumers owned by SME. This can be remedied in the following way: 1) Adds distribution channel that is owned by SME Abelarosa Collection 2) Add and improve promotion methods that is owned SME Abelarosa Collection and 3). Develop a customer relationship program. This research deals with the addition of the distribution channels and promotion development methods by creating a special brand of social media of Abelarosa Collection as well as make an online store in E-commerce."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tantan Heroika S
"Penyusunan Tesis bertujuan untuk membandingkan jalur yang paling baik antara jalur Traditional Interest Rate Channel dan Exchange Rate Channel dalam mempengaruhi GDP dan inflasi. Model ekonometrika yang digunakan adalah analisis dinamis time series VAR in difference, yaitu impulse response dengan menggunakan data dari Bank Indonesia dan Biro Pusat Statistik sejak 1990 s.d. 2009 secara triwulanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suku bunga SBI 1 bulan memiliki peran penting dan dapat dijadikan sebagai suku bunga rujukan/acuan bagi pelaku ekonomi. Jalur suku bunga dan nilai tukar bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan teori. Secara keseluruhan jalur suku bunga bekerja lebih baik dibandingkan dengan nilai tukar. Meskipun demikian, peran jalur nilai tukar memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap sasaran akhir terutama inflasi sehingga tetap perlu mendapat perhatian otoritas moneter.

This thesis aims to see which one is better be used as monetary transmission between traditional interest rate channel and exchange rate channel to influence the GDP and inflation. Econometric model used is the time series dynamics analysis of VAR in difference, that is impulse response. The research uses secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesia and Biro Pusat Statistik since 1990 to 2009 quarterly. The thesis finds that SBI rate of 1 month has an important role and it can be used as reference rate by economic agent. Both of traditional interest rate channel and exchange rate channel have worked as theory. Overall, the interest rate channel works better than exchange rate channel in influencing the GDP and inflation. Meanwhile, the role of exchange rate channel have a big impact to the inflation that the monetary authority should pay attention to the channel."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Multiple output (MIMO) uses multiple transmit antenna and multiple receive antenna which offer better system performance and capacity in multipath fading channel...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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