"Tujuan: Mengetahui jumlah berbagai kategori IMT pada penduduk Lombok usia ?50 tahun, prevalensi katarak senilis, proporsi katarak senilis di kelompok IMT rendah dan mencari hubungan IMT dengan katarak senilis.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional cross-sectional, meliputi 2720 subyek dari 68 klaster. Semua subyek dilakukan kunjungan rumah untuk pemeriksaan oftalmologi yang meliputi pemeriksaan visus secara kasar dengan pin-hole, pemeriksaan lensa serta segmen posterior menggunakan senter, dan oftalmoskopi langsung. Setiap subyek dihitung IMT-nya. Hubungan IMT dan katarak senilis dihitung dengan analisa statistik multivariat.
Hasil: Subyek yang dapat diperiksa secara lengkap sebesar 93,5% dari semua target. Prevalensi katarak di Lombok 12,4%. Penduduk yang masuk dalam kategori IMT severe thinness 13,6%, mild thinness 12,7%, normal 59%, mild overweight 7,7%, dan severe overweight 7%. Proporsi katarak senilis pada IMT rendah sebesar 36,6%. Tidak ada hubungan secara statistik antara IMT dan katarak senilis.
Kesimpulan: Prevalensi katarak senilis di Lombok masih cukup tinggi, dan diperlukan penanganan yang komprehensif dan lintas sektoral. Distribusi IMT di penduduk Lombok usia ?50 tahun merupakan distribusi normal. Perin diteliti lebih lanjut tentang hubungan antara katarak senilis dan IMT dengan memperhatikan jenis katarak dan faktor-faktor resiko katarak yang lain.
Objective: To determine the frequency of each category of BMI, prevalence of senile cataract, proportion of senile cataract in thin subjects, and the relationship between thinness and senile cataract of population aged 50 years and older living in Lombok.
Method: An observational cross-sectional study was carried out involving 2720 subjects aged 50 years. and over divided into 68 clusters. Home visits were conducted for ophthalmology examination including visual acuity evaluation with pin-hole, inspection of posterior segment and lens using flash light, and direct ophthalmoscopy. HMI was calculated after ophthalmology examination. Relations between BMI and senile cataract was anal-zed using multivariate statistical method.
Result: Ninety three point five percent subjects were examined completely. Prevalence of senile cataract in Lombok was 12,4%, severe thinness category was 13,6%, mild thinness 12,7%, normal 59%, mild overweight 7,7%, and severe overweight 7%. Proportion of senile cataract in subjects with low BMI was nearly 36,6%. No stastitical correlation was found between BMI and senile cataract.
Conclusion: Prevalence of senile cataract in Lombok is quite high. More comprehensive cataract management is needed. Normal BMI distribution was detected in this study. Further study is necessary to find the relationship between BMI and senile cataract regarding contribution of cataract maturation, type and other risk factors."