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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fuster, Valentin
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011
Multimedia  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darovic, Gloria Oblouk
Philadelphia: Saunders , 2002
616.1 DAR h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darovic, Gloria Oblouk
St. Louis: Saunders , 2004
616.1 DAR h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darovic, Gloria Oblouk
Philadelphia : Saunders , 2002
616.1 DAR h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Helicobacter pylori is a globally significant pathogen that infects half of the population of the world. Its recognition enabled the development of new therapeutic and preventative strategies for serious health conditions such as gastric cancer, of which it is the major causative agent. Providing a broad overview of the current understanding of this pathogen and emphasizing its world health impacts, this book explores a range of topics including virulence factors, vaccine development and obstacles, epidemiology, antibiotic resistance and the role of Nod receptors, with a foreword by Barry Marshall, the Nobel Laureate and co-discoverer of H. pylori. It is an essential resource for researchers, students and medics in infectious and Helicobacter-associated diseases."
Cambridge: CABI, 2010
616.3 HEL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vita Vianti
"Latar Belakang: Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi di Indonesia. Karies gigi dan penyakit periodontal merupakan penyakit kronis terbesar di dunia termasuk di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitan untuk menguji hubungan antara karies gigi, penyakit periodontal dengan penyakit kardiovaskular pada usia produktif di Indonesia. Metode: Studi potong lintang menggunakan data survei kesehatan nasional (RISKESDAS) untuk menganalisis hubungan antara karies gigi, penyakit periodontal dengan penyakit kardiovaskular yang mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular yang lain. Analisis dibatasi pada populasi yang memiliki data pemeriksaan klinis gigi dan berusia 20-64 tahun. Ada 24.325 subjek masuk dalam analisis. Analisis chi-square digunakan untuk menilai hubungan bivariat, dan analisis regresi logistik ganda untuk menilai hubungan karies gigi, penyakit periodontal dengan penyakit kardiovaskular yang dikontrol kovariat untuk memperoleh hubungan murni. Hasil: Ada hubungan bermakna secara statistik (p < 0,05) antara karies gigi dengan penyakit kardiovaskular setelah dikontrol variabel umur (AOR 2,255;95%CI:1,333-3,814). Ada hubungan bermakna secara statistik (p < 0,05) antara kehilangan perlekatan periodontal dengan penyakit kardiovaskular setelah dikontrol dengan umur, gangguan emosional, diabetes dan hipertensi (AOR1,454;95%CI:1,129-1,873). Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menambahkan bukti faktor risiko utama yang dapat dimodifikasi pada penyakit kardiovaskular.

Background: Cardiovascular diseases is the highest cause of death in Indonesia. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the biggest chronic diseases in the world, including in Indonesia. The research aimed to examine the relationship between dental caries, periodontal disease, and cardiovascular disease in productive age in Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study using national health survey data (RISKESDAS) to analyze the association between dental caries, periodontal disease, and cardiovascular disease considering other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Analysis was restricted to the population who had dental clinical examination data and were aged 20-64 years. There were 24,325 subjects included in the analysis. Chi-square analysis was used to assess the bivariate relationship, and multiple logistic regression to assess the relationship between dental caries, periodontal disease, and cardiovascular disease which were covariate controlled to obtain a pure relationship. Results: There was a statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) between dental caries and cardiovascular disease after controlling for age (AOR 2.255;95% CI:1.333-3.814). There was a statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) between periodontal attachment loss and cardiovascular disease after controlling for age, emotional disturbances, diabetes, and hypertension (AOR1.454;95%CI:1.129-1.873). Conclusion: This study adds to the evidence of major modifiable risk factors in cardiovascular disease"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guzzetta, Cathie E.
St. Louis: Mosby , 1984
616.1 GUZ c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titus Priyo Harjatmo
"Di seluruh dunia penyakit kardiovaskuler merupakan pembunuh paling besar dengan kematian hampir 12 juta diikuti oleh penyakit diare 5 juta, kanker 4.8 juta dan tuberkolosis 3 juta kematian setiap tahunnya.
Di Indonesia, berdasarkan Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga tahun 1996 proporsi penyakit utama sebagai sebab kematian, penyakit sirkulasi menduduki peringkat pertama sebesar 24.5%.
Profit lipida darah merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskuler. Prevalensi hiperkolesterolmia cenderung meningkat dalam beberapa tahun. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil studi MONICA I pada tahun 1988 yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan MONICA II pada tahun 1993 menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi dyslipidemia meningkat 3% selama 5 tahun (1988-1993).
Dari sejumlah teori telah diketahui bahwa konsumsi makan sangat menentukan profil lipida darah. Informasi yang belum banyak diungkap adalah pengaruh jenis makanan dan frekuensinya terhadap lipida darah.
Penelitian ini merupakan analisis data sekunder dan penelitian "Survei Gizi dan Kesehatan pada Orang Dewasa di 12 Kota besar di Indonesia" yang merupakan kerjasama antara Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat dengan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia tahun 1996. Rancangan penelitian adalah cross sectional yang dilakukan terhadap 309 responden di Kotamadya Bandung.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 58% adalah perempuan dan selebihnya (42%) berjenis kelamin laki-1aki. Bila diidentifikasi berdasarkan umur, sebanyak 26.6 % sampel berusia antara 18-24 tahun. Gambaran lipida darah sampel adalah rata-rata kolesterol total 183.5 mg% (95% CI: 177.1-189.7), kolesterol LDL 124.7 mg% (95% CI: 119.8-130.3), kolesterol HDL 36.7 mg% (95% CI: 34.9-38,3) dan trigliserida 109.5 mg % (95% Cl: 99.1-119.9), Indeks Massa Tubuh yang dikategorikan berdasarkan batasan WHO dan Departemen Kesehatan RI menunjukkan persentase yang hampir sama (61.2%) dalam kategori normal. Indeks aktifitas fisik sebagian besar dalam kategori ringan sebanyak 72.9% dan hanya sebagian kecil (0.3%) mempunyai aktifitas berat. Sebagian besar sampel (75.7%) mempunyai kebiasaan tidak merokok.
Gambaran konsumsi jenis makanan yang diidentifikasi menurut skor variasi konsumsi bahan makanan (food variety score) memperlihatkan bahwa sebagian besar (98%) dalam kategori kurang dan hanya 2% baik. Sedangkan frekuensi konsumsi jenis makanan per minggu menunjukkan bahwa ayarn goreng merupakan yang jarang dikonsumsi, sedangkan gula yang paling sering dikonsumsi.
Hasil analisis bivariate dari sejumlah variabel independen terhadap kolesterol total menunjukkan bahwa variabel jenis kelamin, umur, IMT dan frekuensi konsumsi telur per minggu mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan (p<0.05). Analisis lanjut menggunakan regresi liner ganda, variabel independen yang bertahan dalam model adalah jenis kelamin, umur, IMT, frekuensi konsumsi tempe goreng dan frekuensi konsumsi telur dengan koefisien determinan sebesar 20.4%. Sedangkan variabel yang bertahan dalam model terhadap kolesterol LDL adalah jenis kelamin, umur dan IMT dengan nilai R2 sebesar 13.4%.
Analisis regresi linier ganda dengan variabel dependen kolesterol HDL, variabel yang bertahan dalam model adalah jenis kelamin, IMT, aktifitas fisik, frekuensi konsumsi sayuran hijau dan interaksi antara aktifitas fisik dan IMT dengan nilai R2 sebesar 13.1%. Koefisien determinan dari persamaan regresi liner ganda dengan variabel dependen trigliserida sebesar 14.3 % dengan variabel yang bertahan dalam model adalah umur, IMT dan frekuensi konsumsi gula pasir.
Variabel yang dominan berhubungan dengan lipida darah berdasarkan perhitungan beta standardized lebih ditentukan variabel biologis sedangkan frekuensi konsumsi bahan makanan peranannya tidak terlalu besar.
Daftar bacaan: 49 (1981-1998).

Relationship Between Food Consumption and Lipid Profile for Adult in Bandung Municipality.Cardiovascular diseases is the major causes of fatality rate in the world with 12 million cases/ year, followed with diarrhea 5 million cases/ year, cancer 4.8 million and tuberculosis 3 million cases/year. In Indonesia, based on Household Survey 1996, the major causes of fatality is cardiovascular disease in the first rank (24.5%).
Lipid profiles one of the risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia tend to increased by years. The result of MONICA 1st studied in 1988 and continued with MONICA II in 1993 showed that the prevalence of dislipidemia increased 3% in five years (1988-1993).
Based on the theories, it's proved that food consumption has significant caused of lipid profile, but the association of food items frequencies has not been proved yet.
This research was part of secondary data analysis from "Nutrition and Health Survey for Adult at 12 cities in Indonesia" as a project of Ministry of Health, and School of Public Health University of Indonesia in 1996. The method of the study was cross sectional and carried out of 309 respondents in Bandung municipalities.
The result showed that 58% female and 42% male. Respondent's age mostly (26.6%) in the age of 18-24 year. Mean of choresterol 183.5 mg %(95%CI:177.1-189.7), mean of LDL cholesterol 1243 mg % (95% CI:119.8-130.0), HDL cholesterol 36.7% (95% CI: 34.9-38.3) and Triglycerides 109.5 mg % (95% CI: 99.1-119.9). Body Mass Index (BMI) based WHO and Ministry of Health standard showed 61.2% respondents has normal category. Most of respondents (72.9%) has mild physical activity index and 0.3% has severe physical activity index. Most of the respondents (753%) are non smoking and 24.3% are smoker.
Based of food variety score showed that 98% respondents are in tow category and only 2% has good category. Food frequency per week showed that chicken was rarely consumed but frequency of sugar consumed was mostly.
The result of bivariate analysis between independent variables showed that sex, age, BMI and eggs consumption per week has significantly associated with cholesterol total (p<0,05). Further analysis with multiple linear regression showed that sex, age, BMI, frequency of tempe and eggs had determinant coefficient 20A%. The variable that fit to the model of LDL cholesterol where sex, age, BMI with R2= 13.4%.
Multiple linear regression analysis with dependent HDL cholesterol showed the variable that fit to the model were sex, BM, physical activity, green vegetables and interaction of physical activity and BMI with R2 13.1%. Coefficient of determinant of multiple linear regression with triglycerides variable was 14.3% with variable that fit to the model were sex, BMI, sugar consumption.
The variables associated with lipid profiles based on 13 standardized related to biological variables and the role of food item frequency has less associated.
References: 49 (1981-1998)"
Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogaert, Jan, editor
"Clinical cardiac MRI is a comprehensive textbook intended for everyone involved in magnetic resonance imaging of the heart. It is designed both as a useful guide for newcomers to the field and as an aid for those who routinely perform such studies. Providing theoretical background information, this illustrated volume examines imaging acquisition and potential pitfalls. It presents guidelines on the interpretation of clinical data in a range of cardiac pathology that can be encountered. In this second edition, the aim has been to maintain the same quality while incorporating the newest insights and developments in this rapidly evolving domain of medical imaging. Finally, the selection of 100 real-life cases, added as online material, will further enhance the value of this textbook."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paolo Gresele, editors
"This is the first comprehensive handbook entirely dedicated to all the aspects of antiplatelet therapy. The book is divided into three main sections, pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapy, for a total of 23 chapters. A large group of leading experts from different European countries and from the USA, both from academia and industry, have contributed to the book. Besides a detailed overview on the pharmacology and clinical applications of all the currently used or of the novel antiplatelet agents, innovative approaches (e.g. intracellular signalling as an antiplatelet target, small RNAs as platelet therapeutics, etc.) or unconventional aspects (e.g. pharmacologic modulation of the inflammatory action of platelets are also treated. "
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library