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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ricko Adlyana Putra
"Kondisi fasilitas stasiun anjungan lepas pantai "E" di PT. X dengan dengan panjang pipeline offshore ± 1.955 kilometer dan pipeline onshore ± 10.057 kilometer serta jumlah SCE (safety critical equipment) sebanyak 25.601 unit, juga PCE (process critical equipment) sebanyak 60.164 unit dan adapun 17 insiden yang sangat berharga sepanjang tahun 2011-2013 sangat berguna untuk dilakukan analisa lebih jauh oleh peneliti. Tesis ini mengulas insiden hydrocarbon release dengan menggunakan analisa Bow-Tie untuk menentukan faktor dominan dari penyebab insiden yang ada di stasiun lepas pantai "E" di PT. X pada tanggal 26 Februari 2013. Dengan ditetapkannya faktor dominan maka manajemen dapat membuat program kerja untuk membantu keberjalan proses fasilitas menjadi lebih aman dan memberi dampak yang baik bagi PT. X dari segi bisnis.
Teknik analisa bahaya tradisional seperti Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) sudah terlalu sering digunakan untuk menganalisis suatu bahaya. Teknik analisa FMEA dan FTA ini bersifat sebab-akibat linier dan kurang baik dalam analisa bahaya (Song, 2012). Metode Bow-tie menyediakan visualisasi yang mudah dipahami dari hubungan antara penyebab gangguan bisnis, eskalasi peristiwa kecelakaan, pencegahan peristiwa dan langkah-langkah kesiapsiagaan untuk membatasi dampak bisnis (Lewis, 2010). Diagram Bow-tie telah berkembang sebagai metode yang sangat berguna berguna untuk menggambarkan dan memelihara sistem manajemen risiko yang melekat dalam pekerjaan operasi sehari-hari dan juga telah terbukti dalam industri lepas pantai di seluruh dunia (Saud, Israni, & Goddard, 2013).

The condition of Offshore Platform Station "E" in PT. X with its length of offshore pipeline reach to ± 1.955 kilometers and length of onshore pipeline ± 10.057 kilometers, as well as its total number of SCE (Safety Critical Equipment) 25.061 units and total number of of PCE (Process Critical Equipment) of 60.164 units, also it has 17 valuable incidents occured during 2011 - 2013, which all are very useful for further analysis by researcher. This thesis will analyze hyrdocarbon release incidents by using Bow-Tie analysys to determine dominan factors of causes of incidents happened at Offshore Station E at PT. X on 26th February 2013. By the establishment of dominant factors, the management can develop work programs to ensure the process of the facility to be safer and cause good impact for PT. X in term of business.
Traditional hazard analysis techniques such as Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) are too frequently used to analyze a hazard. These FMEA and FTA analysis techniques are tend to be causal linear and poor in analyzing hazard (Song, 2012). Bow-tie method provides easily understandable visualization of relationship among business disruption causes, incident escalations, events prevention, and preparedness measures to limit business impact (Lewis, 2010). Bow-tie Diagram has developed to be a very useful method to describe and maintain risk management system that embedded in the daily operational works and also become a proven method in offshore industry worldwide (Saud, Israni, & Goddard, 2013)."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Fitriana Rahmawati
"Prosthetik adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari, mendesain, dan membuat kaki/tangan tiruan (prosthesis) bagi individu dengan keterbatasan fisik. Sedangkan orthotik adalah ilmu yang mempelajari, mendesain,dan membuat alat bantu gerak untuk memperbaiki kecacatan tubuh. Pembuatan prosthesis/orthosis membutuhkan waktu yang sangat panjang.Proses tersebut dimulai dengan asesmen, pengukuran, casting, modifikasi, dan serangkaian proses lain yang membutuhkan repetitive actions. Proses pembuatannya juga bersinggungan berbagai macam hazard, termasuk di dalamnya hazard biologi, hazad fisik, hazard kimia, hazard ergonomi, dan lain-lain.Kondisi ini membuat prosthetist/orthotist yang bekerja pada industri pelayanan ini menghadapi berbagai macam masalah yang berdampak pada kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Identifikasi risiko marupakan langkah awal dalam manajemen risiko untuk mengendalikan dampak yang terjadi dan menemukan penyebab umum dari risiko-risiko dalam proses pembuatan prosthesis/orthosis. Manajemen risiko diperlukan untuk mengontrol dan meminimalisir eksposur terhadap hazard sehingga meningkatkan safety di lingkungan kerja. Metode pareto digunakan untuk menganalisa risiko pekerjaan tertinggi yang harus dihadapi oleh prosthetist orthotist. Hasil dari pareto kemudian digunakan untuk membuat langkah-langkah manajemen risiko dengan menggunakan metode bow-tie.

Prosthetics is a science that study, design, and make prosthesis/artificial limbs for the individual with physical disabilities. Orthotics is a science that studies, designs, and makes supported body’s devices (orthosis) to correct human deformities. Making prosthesis/orthosis in prosthetics and orthotics industry needs a long process. The process started with assessment, casting, modification, and other steps that need repetitive action involving several hazardous materials. These hazards include biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, ergonomic hazards, etc. This condition made prosthetist/orthotist who works in the industry facing several health and occupational problems. Risk management needs to apply to control and minimize hazard exposure to the professional, thus will increase safety in the working place. Hazard identification and risk assessments are the very first step in risk management to control the impact of working conditions in the manufacturing of prosthesis and orthosis. It can find the general causes, risks, and determining control to increase occupational health and safety in the industry. Experts from prosthetics orthotics industry asked to give weight in the hazardous process. Pareto method used to determine the most risks in the process. Later on, bow-tie analysis used to manage risks in the industry."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dona Yuliati
"Kebocoran hidrokarbon dapat menyebabkan konsekuensi yang serius di berbagai aspek. Di samping berperan dalam polusi lingkungan, kebocoran yang berulang juga membutuhkan biaya perbaikan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kebocoran berulang dan mencegah terjadinya kebocoran di sistem perpipaan dengan aliran 3 fasa lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan level risiko, menghitung estimated life dan memperkirakan jadwal inspeksi atau mitigasi berikutnya. Penyebab utama terjadinya kebocoran berulang diketahui menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dari Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Diagram bow tie menggambarkan safeguard yang dibutuhkan untuk mencegah dan mengontrol terjadinya kebocoran. Terdapat 8 sistem perpipaan yang mengalami kebocoran berulang pada 3 tahun terakhir. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan level risiko beberapa pipa berada pada area kuning dan merah dengan 1 pipa dalam kondisi unfit. FTA menunjukkan adanya 4 penyebab utama terjadinya kebocoran berulang dan dimasukkan ke dalam diagram bow tie bagian kiri. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis risiko ini dapat digunakan untuk meminimalisir dan mencegah terjadinya kebocoran di sistem perpipaan 3 fasa.

Hydrocarbon releases might result serious consequences in various aspects. Beside contribute to environmental pollution, repetitive leakages need high repair costs. This study is aimed to minimize repetitive leakage and prevent leakage for other 3-phase piping systems. We employ the quantitative risk assessment to establish risk levels, calculate estimated life, and propose the next inspection or mitigation plan. The most relevant root causes can be obtained through quantitative Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). A bow tie diagram will represent safeguards to prevent and control hydrocarbon releases. Eight piping systems that have suffered repetitive leakage are investigated. It has been found that the risk level of some piping systems in yellow and red areas with 1 pipe in unfit condition. FTA shows 4 basic events as root causes of leakage, and input them as threats in a bow tie. It can be concluded this analysis can be used to minimize and prevent leakage for 3-phase piping systems."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sembiring, Indra Pehulisa
"Secara alami, produksi minyak dan gas (migas) akan mengalami penurunan
(decline). Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk mempertahankan tingkat produksi
migas sekaligus meningkatkan produksinya. Salah satu upaya adalah dengan
melakukan pemboran sumur baru. Kegiatan pemboran merupakan suatu kegiatan
yang memiliki Risiko Bahaya kategori Tinggi. Mitigasi harus dilakukan untuk
mengurangi potensi bahaya dan mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja.Ruang
lingkup penelitian ini mencakup seluruh kegiatan utama yang ada pada suatu
kegiatan pemboran. Analisa risiko ditinjau dari aspek manusia, peralatan,
lingkungan dan citra perusahaan. Metode Bow Tie dilakukan untuk melihat dan
menganalisa risiko yang ada pada kegiatan pemboran di PT Pertamina EP. Untuk
mendukung data penelitian, juga dilakukan pengambilan data berupa kuesioner
dari para pekerja yang terlibat di kegiatan pemboran PT Pertamina EP. Secara
umum sudah dilakukan mitigasi untuk kegiatan pemboran di PT Pertamina EP
sehingga operasi pemboran tersebut berada pada kondisi aman. Beberapa
masukan hasil penelitian ditujukan untuk meningkatkan keamanan operasi
pemboran PT Pertamina EP

Naturally, oil and gas production will decline. Some efforts have to do to keep oil
and gas production rate as well as to increase the production. One of them is
drilling new well. Basically, hazards in drilling activities are categorized as High
Risk. Mitigation should be done to reduce the potential hazards and prevent
accidents.The scope of this study covers all the major events that exist in a drilling
activities. Analysis of risk in terms of aspects of human, equipment, environment
and corporate image. Bow Tie method is performed to see and analyze the risks
involved in drilling activity in the PT Pertamina EP. To support research data,
also conducted a questionnaire data collection from the workers involved in the
drilling activities of PT Pertamina EP. In general, mitigation has been carried out
for drilling activities at PT Pertamina EP so that the drilling operations are in safe
condition. Some input the results of research aimed at improving the safety of
drilling operations of PT Pertamina EP.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Wahyudi
Gelombang Terahertz THz merupakan gelombang dari bagian spektrum gelombang elektromagnetik yang terletak pada rentang frekuensi di antara 0,3 THz sampai 10 THz. Gelombang THz memiliki banyak potensi kegunaan dalam berbagai aplikasi, seperti pencitraan, spektroskopi, dan komunikasi nirkabel. Salah satu metode untuk merancang antena pada frekuensi THz adalah dengan menggunakan antena planar melalui metode fabrikasi photolithography atau electron-beam lithography. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang sebuah antena Planar dengan karakteristik Broadband pada frekuensi 1 THz. Silikon resistivitas tinggi digunakan sebagai substrat antena dan lapisan emas digunakan sebagai elemen peradiasi patch antena. Desain awal antena ini adalah Bow-Tie, kemudian dikombinasikan dengan capacitive bar dekat feed gap antena untuk memperbagus return loss dan memperlebar bandwidth, tetapi gain dan efisiensi radiasi yang dihasilkan rendah. Penggunaan dielectric silicon lens dapat meningkatkan nilai gain dan efisiensi radiasi. Peningkatan ketebalan substrat pada dielectric silicon lens digunakan untuk meningkatkan nilai gain pada ketebalan substrat optimal. Antena Bow-Tie awal memiliki return loss = -11 dB, dan bandwidth = 114,6 GHz pada frekuensi 1 THz, setelah dikombinasikan dengan capacitive bar memiliki return loss = -40,029 dB, bandwidth = 457,47 GHz, gain = -3,378 dB, efisiensi radiasi sebesar -16,22 dB 2,38 ,. Setelah menggunakan dielectric silicon lens memiliki nilai gain sebesar 10,16 dB, efisiensi radiasi sebesar -1,589 69,3 , beamwidth horizontal phi=90o sebesar 43,5o, beamwidth vertical phi=0o sebesar 30,1o dan bentuk pola radiasi directional. Peningkatan ketebalan substrat yang optimal tercapai pada ketebalan substrat 1000 ?m dengan nilai gain sebesar 31,29 dB, beamwidth horizontal phi=90o sebesar 3,1o, beamwidth vertical phi=0o sebesar 2o dan efisiensi radiasi sebesar -1,567 dB 69,7 . Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan capacitive bar dapat memperbagus return loss dan memperlebar bandwidth antena planar pada frekuensi 1 THz. Penggunaan Dielectric silicon lens dapat meningkatkan nilai gain, dan efisiensi radiasi. Peningkatan ketebalan substrat pada dielectric silicon lens dapat meningkatkan gain antena sampai pada ketebalan substrat optimal.

The terahertz wave THz is a wave of the electromagnetic wave spectrum that lies in the frequency range between 0.3 THz to 10 THz. The THz wave has many potential uses in various applications, such as imaging, spectroscopy, and wireless communications. One method to design an antenna at THz frequency is by using a planar antenna with photolithography or electron beam lithography fabrication method. The purpose of this research is to design a planar antenna with Broadband characteristics at frequency resonant 1 THz that can be fabricated. High Resistivity Silicon is used as an antenna substrate and the gold layer is used as an antenna patch radiating element. The initial design is a bow tie antenna, then combined with a capacitive bar near the antenna feed gap to increase the return loss and widen the bandwidth, but gain and radiation efficiency are low. Use of dielectric silicon lens can increase the gain and radiation efficiency. Increasing the thickness of the substrate on a silicon dielectric lens is used to increase the value of the gain on the optimal substrate thickness. Initial bow tie antenna has return loss 11 dB, and bandwidth 114,6 GHz at 1 THz frequency, after combined with capacitive bar has return loss 40,029 dB, bandwidth 457,47 GHz, gain 3,378 dB, radiation efficiency of 16,22 dB 2.38 . After using dielectric silicon lens, the gain value is 10.16 dB, radiation efficiency is 1.589 69.3 , horizontal beamwidth phi 90o is 43,5o, vertical beamwidth phi 0o is 30,1o and form of directional radiation pattern. The optimal substrate thickness was achieved at 1000 m with a gain value is 31,29 dB, horizontal beamwidth phi 90o is 3,1o, vertical beamwidth phi 0o is 2o and radiation efficiency is 1,567 dB 69,7 . This research shows that the capacitive bar can improve the return loss and widen the bandwidth at a frequency resonant 1 THz. The use of dielectric silicon lens can increase the gain and radiation efficiency. Increasing the thickness of the substrate on a silicon dielectric lens can increase the antenna gain until optimum substrate thickness. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bella Rosita
"Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) merupakan peristiwa buruk yang paling sering terjadi dalam pelayanan kesehatan di seluruh dunia. Setiap tahunnya terdapat ratusan juta pasien terkena HAIs yang mengarah pada kematian secara signifikan dan menyebabkan kerugian finansial untuk sistem kesehatan. Di negara-negara berpenghasilan menengah dan rendah, frekuensi infeksi di ICU setidaknya 2-3 kali lebih tinggi daripada negara-negara berpenghasilan tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan hasil analisis tata laksana pencegahan dan pengendalian Health care-associated infections (HAIs) di unit perawatan intensif RSUD Koja menggunakan metode bow tie. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian operasional yang bersifat kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyebab angka HAIs di RSUD Koja masih diatas standar yakni adanya latent failure dalam upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian HAIs. Maka dari itu diperlukan perbaikan dalam beberapa variabel laten untuk memaksimalkan upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian HAIs, serta dibutuhkan penelitian yang membahas kondisi pasien sebagai ancaman dalam upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian HAIs di rumah sakit.

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) are the most frequent adverse events in health services throughout the world. Every year there are hundreds of millions of patients affected by HAIs that lead to death significantly and cause financial losses to the health system. In middle and low-income countries, the frequency of infections in ICUs is at least 2-3 times higher than in high-income countries. The purpose of this study was to obtain the results of analysis of prevention and control of Health care-associated infections (HAIs) in the intensive care unit at Koja Disrict Hospital using the bow tie method. This research is a type of operational research that is used qualitative method. The methods used are in-depth interviews, document studies, and observations. The results of this study indicate that the cause of the number of HAIs in Koja District Hospital is still above the standard, namely the presence of latent failure in efforts to prevent and control HAIs. Therefore, improvements in some latent variables are needed to improve the effectiveness of HAIs prevention and control efforts, and research is needed to discuss the patients condition as a threat in preventing and controlling HAIs in the hospital."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catur Apriono
"The demand for high-speed data transmission has increased significantly in the last decades. Terahertz (THz) frequency, which lies between 100 GHz to 10 THz, has been considered as the solution to the demand. However, the low gain and low efficiency of a THz antenna remain to be issues that hinder reasonable performance for various applications. This paper proposes the design of a high-gain and high-efficiency planar bow-tie antenna for applications in the THz frequency. A planar bow-tie on a high-resistivity silicon substrate is considered to obtain the broadband characteristics. To increase the gain and efficiency, a dielectric silicon lens and a matching layer based on the quarter-wavelength are applied in the design. From simulations using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio, gain and radiation efficiency of up to 32.69 dB and 90.4% are obtained, respectively. This proposed design has shown high radiation performance suitable for high-speed transmission systems."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmadani Arnur
Risiko kebakaran dan ledakan mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap
keselamatan pekerja, pencemaran lingkungan, kerusakan perangkat kerja dan
kredibilitas perusahaan. Fasilitas gas memiliki risiko kebakaran dan ledakan
karena natural gas merupakan highly flammable dari campuran metana (utama :
70-90%), etana dan sedikit senyawa lain. Oleh karena itu, sebagai dasar upaya
pencegahan dan pengendalian terhadap konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan dari risiko
kebakaran dan ledakan dengan menurunkan dampak/konsekuensi ketingkat yang
bisa diterima (aceptable level) pada fasilitas pengolahan gas (separation system,
gas processing system dan fuel gas system), diperlukan analisis semi-kuantitatif
risiko kebakaran dan ledakan.
Teknik yang digunakan adalah melakukan analisis data sekunder (studi
HAZID, studi HAZOP, Bow-tie Analysis dan simulasi PHAST). Hasil penelitian
ini sebagai dasar upaya mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan yang menyebabkan
kejadian kebakaran dan ledakan pada fasilitas pengolahan gas. Dari hasil simulasi
crystal ball didapat total forecast memiliki angka 4.30 dimana jika dilihat di
matriks resiko maka berada dilevel medium risk yang berati bahwa fasilitas
pengolahan gas termasuk katagori risiko masih dapat diterima. Untuk sensitivity,
perubahan tekanan (16.0%), perubahan suhu (15.9%) dan kelebihan tekanan
(15.8%) merupakan faktor yang paling sensitif terhadap perubahan dibandingkan
faktor-faktor lainnya. Selain itu, dapat membantu dalam menentukan rekomendasi
yang tepat untuk diterapkan pada fasilitas pengolahan gas tersebut.

Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety,
environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas
facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable
mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds.
Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from
the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level
that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing
facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative
analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion.
The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and
HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this
study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the
occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation
results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when
seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing
facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes
(16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the
factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can
assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas
processing facility.;Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety,
environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas
facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable
mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds.
Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from
the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level
that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing
facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative
analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion.
The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and
HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this
study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the
occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation
results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when
seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing
facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes
(16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the
factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can
assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas
processing facility., Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety,
environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas
facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable
mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds.
Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from
the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level
that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing
facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative
analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion.
The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and
HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this
study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the
occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation
results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when
seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing
facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes
(16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the
factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can
assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas
processing facility.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keunggulan dan keterbatasan dalam menilai risiko yang ada di Floating Storage and Offloading Unit (FSO) X PT ABC dengan metode Bow-Tie Analysis yang bersumber dari data hasil analisis HAZOP, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kajian terhadap metode HAZOP dan Bow-Tie sehingga diketahui keterbatasan dan keunggulan masing-masing metode.
Hasil yang diperoleh akan dijadikan rekomendasi dalam manajemen risiko di PT ABC. Penelitian dilakukan pada unit cargo oil loading system FSO X pada deviasi/top event yaitu no/less flow dan corrosion/erosion selama Januari?Juli 2015. Parameter yang digunakan adalah parameter yang ada pada metode HAZOP dan Metode Bow-Tie.
Hasil penilaian risiko pada cargo oil loading system disajikan dalam bentuk worksheet kerja HAZOP dan Bow-Tie diagram. Keunggulan HAZOP diantaranya adalah HAZOP memiliki kelebihan dalam penggunaan guide word untuk memandu evaluasi deviasi desain dan kecukupan safeguard; ruang lingkup spesifik dalam hal identifikasi risiko terkait desain proses dimana analisis dilakukan berdasarkan P&ID; tidak memerlukan software khusus dalam pengerjaanya.
Keterbatasan yang dimiliki HAZOP adalah penyajian data dalam bentuk worksheet sehingga membutuhkan pemahaman lanjutan; ketidakmampuan dalam menggambarkan skenario risiko maupun mitigasinya. Keunggulan bow-tie diantaranya kemudahan dalam memahami hasil analisis karena tergambarkan dalam visual diagram; kemampuan memprediksi tingkat preventive atas penyebab (proaktif) dan tingkat mitigasi dari konsekuensi risiko yang ditimbulkan (reaktif); kemampuan analisis hingga tingkat/level risiko; dan kemampuan dalam menggambarkan perkembangan dan mitigasi risiko.
Adapun keterbatasan bow-tie adalah tidak spesifik mengkaji hazard terkait operasional/desain proses; diperlukan software khusus yang relatif cukup mahal sehingga penggunaannya menjadi terbatas. Dalam hal pemilihan metode risk assessment, pemilihan metode risk assessment sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan tujuan utama dari fasilitas yang akan dinilai. Pada penelitian penilaian risiko di Floating Storage and Offloading Unit (FSO) X PT ABC dengan penggunaan metode HAZOP yang berfokus pada evaluasi kecukupan safety devices suatu instalasi, sehingga perlu dilengkapi dengaan Bow-Tie Analysis agar tingkat risiko dan mitigasi tergambarkan dan terprediksi.

The purpose of this study is to compare HAZOP and Bow-tie analysis method to determine the advantages and limitations of the method in assessing the risks that exist in the Floating Storage and Offloading unit (FSO) X PT ABC.
The results obtained will be recommended in risk management at PT ABC. The study was conducted on a unit of oil cargo loading system FSO X on deviation/top event no/less flow and corrosion/erosion during January to July 2015. The parameters used are the parameters that exist in the HAZOP and Bow-Tie method.
The results of the risk assessment on oil cargo loading system are presented in the form of HAZOP worksheet and Bow-Tie diagrams. The advantages of HAZOP including the use of guidance word; specific in terms of identification of risk associated design process based on P&ID; and it doesn?t require any special software.
The HAZOP limitations including the used of worksheet that requires an advanced understanding;and it can?t describing risk scenarios and mitigation. Bow-tie advantages including the results of the analysis as illustrated in the visual diagram so it?s easy to understand; the ability to predict the level of preventive action (proactive) and level of mitigation of the consequences (reactive); analytical skills up to the level of risk; and the ability to describe the development and mitigation of risk.
The limitations of bow-tie is not specifically assess the hazard related to operational/design process; and it required special software, so the use of the method is limited. When we want to conduct the risk assessment, it should be adjusted with the primary purpose of the facility is to be assessed. In the risk assessment study on the Floating Storage and Offloading unit (FSO) X PT ABC, the use of HAZOP method only focuses on the evaluation of the adequacy the installation of safety devices, to get more comprehensive result that can predict the risk level and risk mitigation we also need another method such as Bow-Tie Analysis.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Anggia
"Signifikansi kualitas produk farmasi dan lingkungan regulasi yang ketat telah mendorong industri farmasi untuk menggunakan pendekatan manajemen risiko kualitas dalam upaya meningkatkan jaminan kualitas secara proaktif. Penilaian risiko merupakan tahap penting dalam menjalankan manajemen risiko yang efektif, sehingga penelitian ini ditujukan pada fokus pengembangan model penilaian risiko kualitas, dengan mencakupkan sistematika penilaian yang lebih komprehensif.
Pengembangan model dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan prinsip dan sistematika metode fuzzy bow tie analysis untuk menganalisis faktor dan dampak risiko, untuk mengevaluasi tingkat risiko, serta untuk merumuskan tindakan kontrol risko melalui pengembangan barier pada analisis diagram bow tie. Validasi model pada lingkup aspek change control pada proses manufaktur di industri farmasi formulasi dan packaging, menunjukkan bahwa model telah berhasil dikembangkan dan dapat mendukung pengambilan keputusan pengelolaan risiko serta dapat mendukung perumusan rencana tindakan mitigasi.

Quality significances for pharmaceutical products within highly regulated environment has led pharmaceutical industries to utilize quality risk management approach in order to proactively improve their quality assurance. Risk assessment is a valuable stage in conducting effective risk management process, hence this research is focused to develop quality risk assessment model in which incorporates more comprehensive assessment process. Model is developed by integrating fuzzy bow tie analysis method principles and systematic steps, to analyze risk factors and risk impacts, to evaluate risk events level, as well as to formulate risk controls through barrier improvement in bow tie diagram analysis. Model validation within change control aspect in pharmaceutical formulation and packaging manufacturing process, has shown that model has been successfully developed and the model was
able to foster decision making and mitigation action planning toward quality risks.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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