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Ditemukan 89 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Adinda Rarasati
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kompetensi serta kewenangan bidan serta meninjau tanggung jawab hukum bidan yang melakukan tindakan aborsi. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan dalam skripsi ini jika ditinjau dari bentuknya merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan
menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompetensi dan kewenangan bidan dalam berprofesi meliputi keluarga berencana, persalinan baik sebelum masa kehamilan, pada masa kehamilan, pada saat kehamilan dan setelah masa kehamilan serta Bidan juga memiliki wewenang dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada anak. Sehingga dalam hal ini bidan tidak memiliki kompetensi dan kewenangan dalam menangani persalinan tidak normal atau melakukan aborsi. Tanggung jawab hukum Bidan dapat dilihat dari tanggung jawab Bidan yang dilanggar, sehingga kemudian Bidan karena kesalahannya dapat dikenakan hukuman pidana. Penulis juga memiliki saran bahwa pengaturan mengenai dewan pengawas perlu diperbaiki dan ditambah serta perlunya penambahan pengetahuan
hukum bagi para tenaga kesehatan di seluruh Indonesia

This thesis discusses the competence and authority of midwives and reviews the legal responsibilities of midwives who carry out abortion. The research method used in this thesis if viewed from its form is juridical-normative research using descriptive-analytical methods. It can be concluded that the competence and authority of midwives in their profession includes family planning, childbirth both before pregnancy, during pregnancy, during pregnancy and after pregnancy, and midwives also have the authority to provide health services to children. So that in this case the midwife does not have the competence and authority to handle abnormal labor or have an abortion. The legal responsibility of the Midwife can be seen from the responsibilities of the Midwife who is violated, so that later the Midwife due to his mistake can be subject to criminal punishment. The author also has suggestions that arrangements regarding the supervisory board need to be improved and added and the need for additional legal knowledge for health workers throughout Indonesia."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Pipo
"The direction of health development and social welfare according to the Outline of State Guideline 1999-2004 is to improve the human resource quality and to develop conducive environtment using health pradigm approach , that give priorities in improving health status, prevention, treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation since the beginning of human conception until old age. Furthermore, the directions is also increase and maintain the quality of institution and health service through sustainable empowerment of human resource and facilities and health inlrastmcture, including the availability of medicines affordable by the people. It is also increase the quality of population through controlling of birth, reduce mortality rate, and to improve the quality of family planning program.
This study is intended to obtain description regarding performance of Midwife in villages as a contracted manpower -that currently are working in Regency of Padang Pariaman during their contract-extended period. The research is intended to examine what factors related to their performance, and what factors is the most closely related to the perfonnance. It was conducted by using cross-sectional study design that study the relationship of dependent variable with related &Cl0l'$ Gndependent variable) by observing the status of independent variable and dependent variable simultaneously (cross sectionally). The population of this research is the whole midwives in villages as contracted workers that are in extended-contract status, which are 92 respondents.
Processing and analysis of data was done using univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods. The univariate analysis is done with descriptive analysis to see the perfomiance and description of each individual variable. The bivariate analysis was using Chi-Square ies! to sec the relationship of independent variable with dependent variable, and multivariate analysis is done by using binary multiple logistic regression test to see the relationship of independent variable together with dependent variable.
The results of bivariate analysis indicates that 9 of the independent variables analyzed, it tumed out that there are three variables that has signihcant relationship (p < 0,05) with the perfomiance _of midwives in villages as contracted workers during extension period, namely knowledge, level tenure, and work load. The result of the multivariate analysis indicates that 2 variables as predictor of performance namely tenure and marriage status.
Recommendation to the midwives in villages as temporary workers for the extension worlc it is necessary to recommend the tenure and marriage status of the midwives should be carefully considered in the placement of the midwives."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ervitiana Hamdiah
Skripsi ini membahas kewenangan bidan dalam melakukan tindakan pertolongan persalinan di Rumah Sakit, dan hubungan hukum antara bidan dengan dokter ahli kebidanan dan penyakit kandungan dalam penanganan pertolongan persalinan, serta tanggung jawab perdata bidan dan rumah sakit dalam pertolongan persalinan. Penulisan ini bersifat deskripstif analitis, karena menjelaskan pertanggungjawaban seorang bidan dalam kasus malpraktik yang terdapat dalam undang-undang maupun penerapannya dalam persidangan perdata. Alat pengumpul data adalah studi dokumen yang dianalisa secara kualitatif dengan menganalisis aturan mengenai tanggung jawab perdata bidan dalam pertolongan persalinan dan penerapannya dalam praktik persidangan gugatan perdata. Penulis menyarankan untuk mencegah kemungkinan terjadinya pelanggaran kewenangan bidan, dan hubungan antara bidan dan dokter ahli kebidanan dan penyakit kandungan harus ditetapkan dengan jelas, sehingga bidan dapat bertindak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang- undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

This thesis deals with the authority of midwife in conducting childbirth aid at a Hospital, and legal relation between midwife and medical specialist of Obstetrics and Gynecology in handling childbirth, and civil responsibility of midwife and Hospital in conducting childbirth aid. This writing is categorized as descriptive analytic, due to describing the responsibility of a midwife in malpractice case which contains in an ordinance or its application in civil court session. The data collector tool is study of document which is analyzed qualitatively by analyzing regulation concerning civil responsibility of midwife during the childbirth aid and its application in court session practice of civil claim. The writer suggests to prevent the possibility of midwife authority violation, and the correlation between midwife and medical specialist of Obstetrics and Gynecology should be stipulated clearly, so that a midwife can act referring to the prevailing ordinance in Indonesia."
Depok: [Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, ], 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iska Hartita
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Sherli Apriyana
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perluasan kewenangan Bidan terkait masalah persalinan. Pokok permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tanggung jawab seorang Bidan berdasarkan perbuatan melawan hukum apabila terjadi suatu perbuatan yang dikarenakan adanya penyimpangan perluasan kewenangan Bidan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridisnormatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk pertanggungjawaban dari seorang Bidan dapat dilihat dari tanggungjawab Bidan yang dilanggar, kemudian Bidan karena kesalahannya dapat dimintakan ganti kerugian.

This undergraduate thesis discusses about expansion of Midwives authority on issues related to childbirth. The subject matter in this research is how the responsibility of a midwife based on an unlawful act in case of an act that is due to the irregularities expansion of the Midwives authority. This research is a juridical-normative by using descriptive-analytical method. It can be concluded that the form of responsibility from a midwife can be viewed from the responsibility were violated, and then because of the mistake, the midwife may apply for compensation.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Rarasati
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kompetensi serta kewenangan bidan serta meninjau tanggung jawab hukum bidan yang melakukan tindakan aborsi. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan dalam skripsi ini jika ditinjau dari bentuknya merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan
menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompetensi dan kewenangan bidan dalam berprofesi meliputi keluarga berencana, persalinan baik sebelum masa kehamilan, pada masa kehamilan, pada saat kehamilan dan setelah masa kehamilan serta Bidan juga memiliki wewenang dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada anak. Sehingga dalam hal ini bidan tidak memiliki kompetensi dan kewenangan dalam menangani persalinan tidak normal atau melakukan aborsi. Tanggung jawab hukum Bidan dapat dilihat dari tanggung jawab Bidan yang dilanggar, sehingga kemudian Bidan karena kesalahannya dapat dikenakan hukuman pidana. Penulis juga memiliki saran bahwa pengaturan mengenai dewan pengawas perlu diperbaiki dan ditambah serta perlunya penambahan pengetahuan
hukum bagi para tenaga kesehatan di seluruh Indonesia

This thesis discusses the competence and authority of midwives and reviews the legal responsibilities of midwives who carry out abortion. The research method used in this thesis if viewed from its form is juridical-normative research using descriptive-analytical methods. It can be concluded that the competence and authority of midwives in their profession includes family planning, childbirth both before pregnancy, during pregnancy, during pregnancy and after pregnancy, and midwives also have the authority to provide health services to children. So that in this case the midwife does not have the competence and authority to handle abnormal labor or have an abortion. The legal responsibility of the Midwife can be seen from the responsibilities of the Midwife who is violated, so that later the Midwife due to his mistake can be subject to criminal punishment. The author also has suggestions that arrangements regarding the supervisory board need to be improved and added and the need for additional legal knowledge for health workers throughout Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Narila Mutia Nasir
Salah sam usaha untuk menurunkan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) adalah
melalui pemberian pelayanaa yang bezlcualitas. Pelayanan berkualitas dapat divcmjudkan
dengan adanya tenaga kesehatan yang kompeten, termasuk bidan. '
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan disain cross sectional dengan pendekatan
kuantatif untuk mengetahui Pengamh Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Bidan dalarn
Pelayanan Neonatal di Puskesmas Perawatan Kabupatcn Bekasi Tahun 2007. Analisis
data dilakukan secara dcskriptif dan analitik. Populasi penelitian ini adalah bidan di
Puskesmas Perawatan Kabupaten Bekasi yang berjumlah 41 orang. Sampel dalam
penelitian ini sama dengan total populasi
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar (61%) bidan tidak kompeten.
Kompetensi merupakan faktor yang bermakna terhadap kinerja bidan dalam pelayanan
neonatal dengan Odd Ratio (OR) 6,75. Faktor umur, pendidikan, lama kezja, pelatihan
asfiksia, dan pclatihan Asuhan Pcrsalinan Nommal (APN) mcnunjukkan hubungan yang
tidak bcrrnaknu.
Kompelensi merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kincrja bidan
Puskesmas Perawatan di Kabupaien Bekasi Tahun 2007 berdasarkan uji regrcsi logislik
dcngan OR = 9. Oleh karena im, kompetensi bidan perlu ditingkatkan salah salunya
melalui pelatihan berbasis kompetensi.

Descreasing Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) can be done by giving quality sen/ice.
The quality service could be created if he health professionals, including midwife, are
The design of this research is cross sectional with quantitative approach. And
using descriptive analysis. The Population of this research are 41 midwives in Public
Health Center with Caring in Bekasi District. The sample size is the same as population.
The result indicates more than half of midwives (61%) arc not competence.
Competency is related factor to midwife performance with Odd Ratio (OR) 6,75.
Besides, age, period of work, education, asphyxia training, and normal delivery training
have no relationship with midwife performance.
Competency has effect to midwife performance based on logistic regression with
OR=9. So that, the improvement of midwife?s competency should be done by
competency based training.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azkya Aryun
"Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan data sekunder Susenas 2015 DAN Podes 2014,didapatkan hasil densitas bidan meningkatkan persalinan ditolong bidan sebesar 11 padamodel probit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberi masukan pagi pembuat kebijakan agarpeningkatan densitas bidan diiringi dengan pemnfaatan persalinan ditolong bidan. Penelitian inidilakukan di Depok pada bulan Februari-Juni 2017. Penelitian menggunakan desain studi crosssectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah individu yang menjadi sampel dalam data Susenas2015 dan Podes 2014 yang memenuhi prosedur sampling masing-masing survey dan memenuhikriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, populasi pada penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 282.433 individu.Diketahui bahwa sebesar 51,3 ibu bersalin ditolong oleh bidan dan densitas bidan sebesar 74. Pada deskriptif faktor Predisposisi didapatkan bahwa rata-rata umur bersalin terdapat padakelompok umur 2, yaitu usia 20-29 tahun, dimana 50 ibu sudah memiliki jaminan kesehatan,dan berpendidikan SLTA/MA ke atas. Pada deskriptif faktor Enabling, didapatkan bahwa 15 dari ibu memiliki pengeluaran per kapita per bulan dibawah Rp. 350.000,00. Ibu yang tinggal diperkotaan sebanyak 45 dan yang tinggal di region pulau Jawa sebanyak 30. Pada model probit densitas bidan meningkatkan persalinan ditolong bidan sebesar 11 pada model probit.Variabel yang mempengaruhi persalinan ditolong bidan adalah umur 13 danpendidikan 70 serta urban 67,6. Saran bagi pemangku kebijakan untuk meningkatankompetensi dan kontrol terhadap praktek bidan sehingga angka densitas bidan yang terusmenambah akan berbanding lurus dengan pemanfaatan persalinan oleh bidan.

Based on the research conducted with secondary data of Susenas 2015 AND Podes 2014, theresult of midwife density increased delivery assisted by midwives 11 on probit model. The purpose of this research is to give policy makers morning input to increase midwife density accompanied by the delivery of childbirth assisted by midwife. This study was conducted in Depok in February June 2017. The study used a cross sectional study design. Samples in this study were individuals sampled in data of Susenas 2015 and Podes 2014 which fulfill the sampling procedure of each survey and fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the populational this study were 282,433 individuals. It is known that 51.3 of maternity mothers were helped by midwife and midwife density by 74 . In the descriptive Predisposisi factors found that the average age of maternal age group is found in age 2, the age of 20 29 years, where 50 of mothers already have health insurance, and educated high school MA and above. On the descriptive Enabling factor, it was found that 15 of mothers have per capita expenditure per month below Rp. 350,000.00. Mothers who live in urban as much as 45 and who live in the region of Java as much as 30 . In the probit model the density of the midwife increased the delivery assisted by the midwife 11 in the probit model. The variables affecting childbirth assisted by midwives are age 13 and education 70 and urban 67,6 . Advice for stakeholders to increase competence and control of midwife practices so that the increasing number of midwives density will be directly proportional to the utilization of birth by midwife."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pendi Tjahja Perdjaman
"Seperti diketahui bahwa penempatan bidan di pedesaan berkaitan dengan pemerataan dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Apabila aspek manajemen dari Pedoman Pembinaan Teknis Bidan di desa dilaksanakan dengan manajemen yang efektif dan efisien maka akan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas bidan di desa sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis Kualitatif yaitu wawancara mendalam dan triangulasi sumber dengan pendekatan siklus pemecahan masalah. Apabila terdapat kesenjangan manajemen dalam aspek input, proses dan output maka akan dicarikan alternatif pemecahannya untuk disarankan kepada pelaksana program.
Hasil temuan penelitian analisis manajemen pembinaan teknis bidan di desa tahun 1995/1996 masih belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan buku Pedoman Pembinaan Teknis Bidan di Desa yang dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Kesehatan RI tahun 1994.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka peneliti mengajukan saran kepada pelaksana program untuk perbaikan yaitu :
1. Setiap kegiatan pembinaan teknis bidan di desa oleh puskesmas harus didokumentasikan agar aspek manajemen dapat menjadi bukti pendukung.
2. Pemerintah perlu melakukan pendidikan dan latihan aspek manajemen untuk dokter dan bidan puskesmas.
3. Pihak Dinas Kesehatan Dt II harus berupaya untuk menyediakan dana, tenaga dan sarana bagi puskesmas yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan teknis bidan sebagai konsekuensi adanya Pedoman.
4. Dinas Kesehatan Dt. II harus lebih meningkatkan peranannya di dalam pembinaan bidan di desa sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya agar aspek pengendalian terhadap puskesmas menjadi lebih berfungsi.

Management aspect of technical supervision of midwife in the village has to use effectively and efficiently in order to increase a midwife productivity in accordance to her function. The research uses Qualitative method; in-depth interview and triangular resource approaches.
The Health Center and Health Office of Sambas Regency would get recommendations for improving the management aspect of technical supervision of midwife in the village.
The result of Health Center?s technical supervision of midwife at Sambas Regency on 1995/1996 is not appropriate in accordance to Technical Supervision Manual Book from Health Department.
I would like to suggest some recommendation in order to improve the Health Center's technical supervision management, as follows :
1. The management will able to give some evidences if the activity of midwife technical building in health center is documented.
2. The government has to hold a management training to doctors and midwives at health center.
3. Chief of Health office of Sambas Regency has to prepare the fund, human resources and tools to support the activity in accordance to manual book.
4. Health Office of Sambas Regency has to increase the activity in technical supervision according to its function."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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