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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hafizhah Fadhilla
"Berbagai macam penelitian yang dilakukan di dunia untuk mempelajari efek label Front-of-Package Traffic Light FOP TL terhadap daya terima dan pemahaman. Meskipun demikian, studi mengenai daya terima serta pengaruh dari label FOP TL terhadap pemahaman informasi di Indonesia masih terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui daya terima dan kemampuan untuk memahami informasi gizi dengan menggunakan label FOP TL pada kelompok dewasa muda. Terdapat sebanyak 18 orang karyawan di TK Lentera Insan, Depok, Jawa Barat yang menjadi subjek penelitian. Pengukuran pemahaman awal dilakukan sebelum intervensi dengan menggunakan imaginary packaging produk kemasan yogurt, mie instan, dan wafer. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pemberian perlakuan berupa dua kali sesi edukasi cara menggunakan dan membaca label FOP TL. Satu minggu setelah sesi edukasi terakhir dilakukan pengukuran daya terima pemahaman dengan menggunakan label FOP TL yang terdapat pada imaginary packaging kategori produk kemasan yang sama. Perbedaan pemahaman antara pre-test dan post-test dianalisis dengan menggunakan paired t-test. Label FOP TL memiliki daya terima yang tinggi. Label FOP TL mampu membantu konsumen untuk memahami informasi gizi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan label nutrition facts panel NFP dibuktikan dengan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada kategori nutrition label use task yang lebih kompleks p

Several studies have investigated the effect of Front of Package Traffic Light FOP TL on consumers acceptability and understanding. Nevertheless, there is lack of study focus on consumer friendliness and comprehension of FOP TL in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to identify acceptability and understanding using FOP TL among young adults. A total of 18 young adults whose work status as full timer employee in Pre School Lentera Insan at Depok, West Java were recruited. Baseline data of objective understanding were measured prior intervention by displaying imaginary packaging of 3 different product categories yogurt, instant noodles, and wafer, which designed for this study, varying in nutritional value. Afterwards, subjects received weekly education session for 2 weeks about how to use and read FOP TL label. A week after the last education session, subjects were asked about their acceptability and nutrition label understanding of FOP TL were measured by displaying the same category of products. The mean differences in score between pre test and post test were evaluated with paired t test. FOP TL received high score for consumer friendliness. Traffic Light label help consumer to understand the information in nutrition label better than nutrition facts panel NFP showed by significant differences in more complex nutrition label use task."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Study program S1 Existension and communication Agriculture (S1 PKP) in Universitas Terbuka (UT) has been opened since 2004 and until December 2006 has already graduated 514 alumni. The alumni resides all over Indonesia hence calling for a tracer study. In addition, it is also perceived important to obtain the alumni 's perception about curriculum of the study program . This article discusses characteristics of the alumni current accoupation , community acceptance, benefits the alumni gain after graduating from S1 PKP and roles of S1 PKP on alumni's professional development. Concerning relatively small number of alumni, all of the 514 alumni were included in the research while data were collected by questionnares. Return rate of the questionnaire was 48,2 % which regarded high in UT which commanly see around 30% return rate. The data show that curriculum of S1 PKP is generally suit the needs of extension workers although there is a need to update the curricullum regularly in order to catch up with the advancement in technology development as well as to fulfill higher community needs. In addition, the education in S1 PKP is stated to be able to increase communication and negotation skills of the alumni. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hiro Mahulae
PT.Z perusahaan jasa memiliki aktivitas usaha yang berkaitan dengan payroll
services. Pelunasan pajak penghasilan dalam tahun berjalan utamanya dilakukan
melalui withholding tax system atau potong pungut. Penelitian akan meneliti
efektivitas dan akseptabilitas perencanaan pajak melalui withholding tax atas PPh
21 dan PPh 23. Alternatif yang tersedia adalah PPh 21 dipotong atas gaji kotor
dan atas gaji bersih. Sementara pembebasan pemotongan PPh 23 lebih kepada
kemampuan perusahaan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang disediakan undang-undang.
Efektivitas perencanaan pajak PT.Z diukur menggunakan indikator likuiditas dan
beban pajak. Penelitian ini juga akan menganalisis akseptabilitas perencanaan
pajak. Ukuran akseptabilitas ini adalah dapat diterima baik oleh otoritas pajak
yang berarti tidak melanggar ketentuan perpajakan yang berlaku. Penelitian
bersifat kualitatif deskriptif dengan menganalisis data perusahaan dan pendapat
dari pihak konsultan pajak, pihak otoritas pajak serta akademisi perpajakan. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan pajak PT.Z sudah efektif dan
acceptable dengan likuiditas yang meningkat dan beban pajak lebih kecil, tidak
bertentangan dengan aturan perpajakan yang berlaku dan didukung pembukuan
dan bukti-bukti. Namun ada risiko bisnis menyangkut jumlah pajak yang ditagih
ke pengguna jasa dengan jumlah yang dibayar ke kas negara tidak sama. Untuk
meningkatkan efektivitas, pengajuan fasilitas pembebasan pemotongan PPh 23
diajukan lebih awal. Sementara meningkatkan akseptabilitas, PT.Z perlu
menyusun kontrak yang mengikat antara PT.Z dengan pengguna jasa menyangkut
klausul gross up PPh 21 lebih baik menggunakan istilah tunjangan pajak.

PT.Z as a service company has business activities that are closely related to
payroll services. The settlement of income tax in the current year is mainly done
through the withholding tax system, ie authorizing third parties to deduct and
collect taxable taxes.
The reserch will examine the effectiveness of tax planning through withholding
tax on PPh 21 and PPh 23. The available alternative is PPh 21 deducted on
gross salary and nett salary. While the withholding of Income Tax 23 is more to
the company's ability to utilize the facilities provided by the law. Measuring the
effectiveness of tax planning, the authors use liquidity indicators and tax burden.
The research will analyze the acceptability of tax planning. The indicator of this
acceptability is acceptable by both parties, tax authorities and tax payer which
means that it fit with the applicable taxation rules.
This research is qualitative descriptive by analyzing company data and opinions
from the tax consultant, the tax authorities and academics in the field of taxation.
The results showed that PT.Z tax planning has been effective and acceptable,
with increasing liquidity indicator and smaller tax burden, not contradictory to
applicable taxation rules and supported by bookkeeping and evidences.There is a
business risk with relating of the difference Suggestion of increasing
effectiveness, applying for facility of exemption of withholding of Income Tax 23
is proposed earlier. Meanwhile, to improve acceptability, PT.Z needs to prepare
editorial contracts binding between PT.Z and service users regarding the terms
of gross up of PPh 21 by using tax allowance."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivanna Theresa Setijanto
Latar belakang: Data demografi dan survey kesehatan dunia mengemukakan bahwa 92-98% perempuan tidak ingin hamil dalam 2 tahun pertama setelah persalinan, dan 66,5% ingin menggunakan kontrasepsi dengan unmet need 40%. Kontrasepsi pascasalin yang dapat diandalkan, efektif, dan jangka panjang seperti Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim (AKDR) sangat dibutuhkan.
Tujuan: Mengevaluasi penerimaan, efektivitas dan efek samping AKDR pascaplasenta pada persalinan pervaginam di RSCM selama periode 6 bulan
setelah pemakaian.
Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan disain kohort prospektif. Semua subjek yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian, dilakukan pemasangan AKDR Cu T380A pascaplasenta dan dicatat hingga mencapai jumlah sampel yang dibutuhkan.
Penelitian dilakukan di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta periode Agustus – Oktober 2012. Penerimaan, efektivitas dan efek samping termasuk angka ekspulsi dinilai pada kunjungan 40-42 hari pascasalin dan 6 bulan kemudian.
Hasil: Jumlah total subjek 234 orang, dengan 19,2% tidak datang pada kunjungan ulang pertama dan kedua. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada karakteristik subjek yang datang maupun tidak datang pada kunjungan ulang. Pada kunjungan I, 5,1% subjek mengalami ekspulsi dan 4,5 % subjek melakukan pelepasan AKDR. Pada kunjungan II, didapatkan 7,5% ekspulsi dan 4,8% subjek melepas
AKDR di luar RS. Dari keseluruhan tersebut terdapat 8,5% yang bersedia dipasang ulang. Efektivitas AKDR mencapai 100% dengan 68,9% subjek masih menyusui hingga 6 bulan. Ekspulsi total pada kunjungan I dan kunjungan II adalah 4,1% dan 0,6%, sedangkan ekspulsi parsial adalah 1% dan 6,9%. Efek samping tersering lainnya adalah keputihan (23%), nyeri haid (4-21%) dan
perdarahan bercak (2-10%).
Kesimpulan: Penerimaan dan efektivitas selama 6 bulan adalah 86,8% dan 100%.
Efek samping ekspulsi secara kumulatif selama 6 bulan adalah 12,6%, dengan efek samping lain seperti keputihan, nyeri haid dan perdarahan bercak

Background: Current world demographics and health surveys show that 92-98% of women want to delay their future pregnancy for at least 2 years after giving birth. A majority (66,5%) of these mothers require contraception of which 40% are unmet (unmet needs).The Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) can be a reliable, effective long term option to fulfill these unmet needs
Objectives: To evaluate the acceptability, effctivity and side effects of Postplacental IUCD after vaginal delivery at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital after 6 months period of insertion
Methods: We conducted a prospective observational cohort study, Subjects were recruited in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta at August-October 2012.
Postplacental IUCD was inserted intu the subjects’ uterus until it reached the fundus. The data for acceptibility, effectivty and side effects, including the expulsion rate was obtained at 40-42 days and 6 months after delivery.
Result: A total of 234 women were included in this study, with 19,2% loss of follow up. There is no significant difference on subjects’ characteristics who came and loss of follow up in this study. At the first follow up, 5,1% subjects
experienced IUCD expulsion, and 4,5% had the IUCD removed by request. On the second follow up, expulsion was found in 7,5% of the subjects and 4,8% had the IUCD removed by request or outside our hospital. Eight and a half percent of those subjects were willing to receive IUCD reinsertion. The IUCD effectivity in six months follow up was 100%, with 68,9% of the subjects were still breastfeeding at 6 months after delivery. Total expulsion rate on first follow up compared to 6 months follow up was 4,1% and 0,6%, and the partial expulsion was 1% and 6,9%. The most common side effects were vaginal discharge (23%), dysmenorea (4-21%), and spotting (2-10%).
Conclusion: The acceptability and effectivity of postplacental IUCD after 6 months were 86,8% and 100%. Cummulative expulsion rate after 6 months were 12,6%, and the most common other side effects were vaginal discharge, dysmenorea, and spotting"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library