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Ditemukan 18 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sri Dewi Hayani
"Berat lahir merupakan indikator yang paling ?reliable? dipakai sebagai indikator pertumbuhan anak. Beberapa ukuran antropometri ibu selama hamil seperti pertambahan berat badan, indeks massa tubuh, dan lingkar lengan merupakan prediktor yang baik untuk berat lahir dan kelangsungan hidup anak Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) ibu hamil trimester 1 dan faktor lainnya dengan berat dan panjang lahir bayi. Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang menggunakan data sekunder yang berasal dari catatan rekam medis 232 pasangan ibu-bayi yang melahirkan-lahir di Puskesmas Kecamatan Makasar, Jakarta Timur tahun 2011 sampai Maret 2103. Rata- rata berat lahir±simpangan baku 3052,8±366,8gram dan rata-rata panjang lahir±simpangan baku 48,6±1,77cm. Ditemukan 41,4% bayi lahir dengan berat lahir <3000gram dan 26,7% lahir dengan panjang lahir <48cm. Rata-rata IMT ibu trimester 1±simpangan baku 22±3,58kg/m², 17,2% ibu yang mempunyai IMT trimester 1 < 18,5kg/m² dan 56,9% ibu dengan pertambahan berat badan yang tidak adekuat selama hamil.
Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara berat lahir bayi dengan IMT ibu trimester 1, lingkar lengan, dan usia gestasi. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara panjang lahir bayi dengan IMT ibu trimester 1, lingkar lengan, dan usia gestasi. Hasil uji multivariat menyatakan bahwa IMT ibu trimester 1 merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan berat lahir bayi, dan ibu dengan IMT trimester 1 < 18,5kg/m² mempunyai peluang 2,66 kali lebih besar untuk melahirkan bayi < 3000gram dibanding ibu dengan IMT yang lebih besar. IMT ibu trimester 1 juga merupakan faktor paling yang berhubungan dengan panjang lahir bayi, dan ibu dengan IMT trimester 1 < 18,5kg/m² mempunyai peluang 2,14 kali lebih besar untuk melahirkan bayi < 48cm dibanding ibu dengan IMT yang lebih besar.

Birth weight is an indicator of the most 'reliable' is used as an indicator of the growth of children. Some mothers during pregnancy anthropometric measures such as weight gain, body mass index, and arm circumference are good predictors for birth weight and child survival. The main of this study was to determine the relationship of body mass index (BMI) first trimester pregnant women and other factors to weighing and long-born baby. A cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary data derived from medical record 232 mother-infant pairs who were born at Makasar Public Health Center, East Jakarta from 2011 until March 2103. The average birth weight was 3052.8 ± 366.8 grams and the average birth length 48.6 ± 1.77 cm. It was found that 41.4% of infants born with a birth weight <3000gram and 26.7% were born with birth length <48cm. Average the first trimester maternal BMI was obtained 22 ± 3.58 kg / m², 17.2% of women have first trimester BMI <18.5 kg / m² and 56.9% of women with weight gain during pregnancy is not adequate.
There was a significant association between birth weight infants with first trimester maternal BMI, arm circumference, and gestational age. And also a significant relationship between the length of a baby born with first trimester maternal BMI, arm circumference, and gestational age were obtained. Multivariate test results were stated that the first trimester maternal BMI was the most factor associated with infant birth weight, and maternal BMI trimester with 1 <18.5 kg / m² had a 2.66 times greater chance of having a baby <3000gram than mothers with higher BMI large. As well as,1st trimester maternal BMI is also the most factor associated with the lenght of baby born, and mothers with 1st trimester BMI <18.5 kg / m² had 2.14 times greater odds of having infants <48cm compared to mothers with a BMI greater.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Exclusive breasfeeding can enhance optimal growth the infant. ...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eny Yantri
"Breastmilk is the best nutrition for infant but giving only breastmilk for preamature infants older than 2 weeks could not comply the needs and has to be fortified Human milk fortifier HMF is very recommended to fortify breastmilk In west Sumatera including DR M Djamil Hospital HMF was unreachable and expensive At certain hospital in Africa and several Hospital in United States they exclusively use fortified breastmilk with Post Discharge Formula PDF Objective To compare the weight gain among premature infants receiving fortified breastmilk with PDF and premature formula milk and also to observe the adverse event Methods A 4 weeks experimental study on premature infants gestational age ge 28 until 37 weeks who receive fortified breastmilk with PDF and some of them received premature formula milk acted as a control from March until December 2015 in DR M Djamil Hospital West Sumatera Results Data was obtained from 30 sample for each group intervention and control Sample baseline characteristic such as sex gestational age GA birth weight and previous illness history was indifferent statistically The mean of birth weight in control group was 1643 grams the mean of weight at the initial study was 1631 grams and the mean of birth weight at the end of study 4 weeks was 2573 grams The mean of birth weight in intervention group was 1682 grams the mean of weight at the initial study was 1722 grams and the mean of birth weight at the end of study 4 weeks was 2775 grams The mean of time to reach full feed condition initial study in control group was 14 days and 18 days in intervention group The mean of weight gain during 4 weeks was 958 grams in control group and 1053 grams in intervention group p 0 22 There was no adverse event found in infants received both breastmilk fortified with PDF and premature formula milk Conclusion It appears that weight gain of premature infants who receive breastmilk fortified with PDF is indifferent statistically compared with premature infants who receive formula milk There is no adverse event found in this study"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puteri Wahyuni
"Latar Belakang: Hipertensi merupakan kasus terbanyak pada pasien hemodialisis HD . Tekanan nadi sentral merupakan prediktor yang kuat terhadap mortalitas dengan penyebab apa pun, banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan nadi sentral, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, di antaranya adalah interdialytic weight gain IDWG . IDWG dikatakan berhubungan dengan mortalitas akibat penyebab apa pun, namun belum jelas mekanismenya.
Tujuan: Mengetahui tekanan nadi sentral dan korelasinya dengan IDWG pada pasien penyakit ginjal tahap akhir PGTA yang menjalani HD di RSCM.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada pasien PGTA yang menjalani HD di RSCM. Dilakukan pemeriksaan tekanan nadi sentral dengan alat sfigmokor, dan dihitung IDWG dalam satu bulan terakhir, selanjutnya dikorelasikan.
Hasil: Didapatkan 67 subyek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Median usia 53.0 rentang inter-kuartil [RIK] 44.0-62.0 tahun, subyek dengan jenis kelamin perempuan lebih banyak ditemukan. Lamanya menjalani HD median 51,3 RIK 23,8-88,8 bulan. Median tekanan nadi sentral 45 RIK 32,67-56,67 mmHg. Rerata IDWG adalah 2,71 simpang baku [SB] 1,08 kg atau 5,04 SB 1,88 . Tekanan nadi sentral tidak berkorelasi dengan IDWG dengan r = 0,088 p=0,478.
Simpulan: Tekanan nadi sentral pada pasien PGTA yang menjalani HD di RSCM mediannya sebesar 45 RIK 32,67-56,67 mmHg. Tekanan nadi sentral tidak berkorelasi dengan IDWG.

Background: Hypertension is the most prevalent case in patients undergoing hemodialysis HD . Central pulse pressure is a strong predictor of mortality of any cause. Many factors are related to central pulse pressure, either directly or indirectly, including interdialytic weight gain IDWG. IDWG are said to be associated with mortality of any cause in HD patients, but the mechanism underlying that association remained unclear.
Objective: To find central pulse pressure and its correlation with IDWG in end stage renal disease ESRD patients undergoing HD in Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Indonesia.
Methods: Cross sectional study on all ESRD patients undergoing HD in Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Central pulse pressure was measured using Sphygmocor. IDWG of patients within the last month were obtained, and then a correlation analysis was conducted on both variables.
Results: This study included 67 subjects that met inclusion criteria. The median range age of participants was 53.0 44.0 62.0 years old, with more female subjects present. The median range of duration of HD was 51.3 23.8 88.8 months. Median range of central pulse pressure was 45 32,67 56,67 mmHg. The mean of IDWG was 2.71 standard deviation SD 1.08 kg or 5.04 SD 1.88. This study found that there were no correlation between central pulse pressure and IDWG, r 0.088 p 0.478.
Conclusions: Median range of central pulse pressure in ESRD patients undergoing HD in CMGH was 45 32,67 56,67 mmHg. Central pulse pressure had no correlation with IDWG.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desriati Devi


Bayi berat lahir rendah yang dirawat terpapar dengan berbagai kondisi yang menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan, sehingga dapat memicu respon stres dan gangguan pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh stimulus auditori murottal Qur’an terhadap kenyamanan dan berat badan pada BBLR. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan uji klinis dengan randomisasi yaitu single blind randomized controlled trial secara paralel pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol dengan melibatkan 52 responden BBLR sesuai kriteria inklusi (masing-masing kelompk 26 responden). Intervensi murottal Qur’an diberikan melalui speaker selama 20 menit/3 jam dengan frekuensi 4 kali setiap hari. Intervensi dilakukan selama 3 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan bermakna kenyamanan BBLR setelah intervensi murottal Qur’an hari pertama, hari kedua, dan hari ketiga antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,014; <0,001; <0,001) dan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna berat badan setelah intervensi murottal Qur’an hari pertama, hari kedua, dan hari ketiga antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,481; 0,481; 0,464). Stimulus auditori murottal Qur’an dapat membantu meningkatkan kenyamanan pada BBLR yang menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai terapi suportif untuk meningkatkan  asuhan perawatan perkembangan pada BBLR dan prematur.

Kata kunci: Murottal Qur’an, Kenyamanan, Berat Badan, Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah    


Low birth weight infants who hospitalized with various conditions which provoke discomfort. This discomfort could trigger stress and growth faltering. This study aimed to determine the influence of holy Quran recitation as auditory stimulus toward comfort and weight in low birth weight infants. This study design used clinical test approach with single blind randomized controlled trial in parallel among intervention and control groups with 52 low birth weight infants. The infants were randomly divided in two groups (n=26). Holy Quran recitation had given through speaker for 20 minutes/ 3 hours, 4 times a day. Intervention had given for 3 days. Result of this study showed there is significant difference in comfort of low birth weight infant after got holy Quran recitation in first, second, third days among intervention and control groups (p=0.014; <0.001; <0.001) and there is no significant difference in weight gain in first, second, and third days among intervention and control groups (p=0.481; 0.481; 0.464). Holy Quran recitation can help improve comfort level in low birth weight infants who hospitalized. Holy Qur’an recitation can used as a supportive therapy for increasing nursing care in development among low birth weight infants and premature infants.

Key Words: Holy Quran recitation, Comfort, Weight gain, Low birth weight infants

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Welas Riyanto
"Penambahan berat badan diantara dua waktu hemodialisis (interdialysis weight gain = IDWG) melebihi standart 1,5 kg dapat berdampak terhadap kualitas hidup pasien CKD. Efek negatif terhadap keadaan pasien, diantaranya hipotensi, kram otot, hipertensi, sesak nafas, mual, muntah, edema perifer, ascites.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui hubungan antara penambahan berat badan di antara dua waktu hemodialisis (interdialysis weight gain = IDWG) dan kualitas hidup pasien , baik domain kesehatan fisik, psikologis, hubungan sosial dan lingkungan.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 76 pasien.
Hasil analisis menggunakan one way analysis of variance menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penambahan berat badan diantara dua waktu hemodialisa dengan kualitas hidup pada semua domain (p = 0,000, ά 0,05). Domain kesehatan fisik 21,62 (SD 5,18) domain psikologis 18,45 (SD 18,45) domain hubungan sosial 9,24 (SD 9,24) dan domain lingkungan 25,67 (SD 25,67). Variabel confounding tidak mempunyai kontribusi terhadap kualitas hidup (p>0,05).
Rekomendasi hasil penelitian lebih lanjut adalah meneliti hubungannya karakteristik adat istiadat, budaya, stress dan kecemasan terhadap kualitas hidup.

Weight gain between the two time of hemodialysis (Interdialysis Weight Gain = IDWG) in excess of 1.5 kg standard can implicate on quality of life to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patient. The negative effect of IDWG on patient conditions, are hypotension, muscle cramps, hypertension, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, peripheral edema, ascites.
The objectives of this study is to ascertain the relationship between IDWG and patients quality of life (QoL) in term of physical health domain, psychological, social relationships and environment.
This research method used descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. Sample of 76 patients.
Analysis outcome used one way analysis of variance indicated that there were any significant relationship between weight gain in between two time hemodialysis with quality of life (QoL) on all domains (p = 0.000, ά 0.05). Physical health domain 21.62 (SD 5.18), Psychological domain 18.45 (SD 18.45) Social relations domain 9.24 (SD 9.24) and Environment domain 25.67 (SD 25.67). The confounding variables did not contribute to the quality of life (p> 0.05).
The Recommendation of the following of this study outcome are to investigate the relationship of patient life in many characteristics of custom, cultural, stress and anxiety with quality of life."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Fikawati
"Berat lahir bayi, khususnya bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah, merupakan masalah gizi intergenerasi yang akan mempengaruhi kualitas kesehatan sepanjang daur kehidupan seorang manusia. Diet vegetarian dianggap berisiko karena konsumsi makannya yang terbatas dikhawatirkan dapat menyebabkan rawan terjadinya defisiensi zat gizi. Penelitian dengan desain retrospektif ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi ibu hamil vegetarian (indeks masa tubuh/IMT prahamil dan kenaikan berat badan hamil) dengan berat lahir bayi pada kelompok vegetarian di DKI Jakarta.
Sampel adalah 85 anak berumur 1 bulan-5 tahun yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata IMT prahamil sebesar 20,2 kg/m2 (±3,2 kg/m2), kenaikan berat badan hamil 15,5 kg (±6,4 kg) dan berat lahir bayi 3212 g (±417,7 g). IMT prahamil dan kenaikan berat badan hamil berhubungan signifikan dengan berat lahir bayi vegetarian. Tidak ada hubungan antara IMT prahamil dan kenaikan berat badan hamil.
Berdasarkan analisis multivariat ditemukan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan berat lahir bayi adalah IMT prahamil, asupan protein, vitamin B12, Fe, Zn, dan jenis kelamin. Disarankan agar ibu vegetarian dapat memperoleh informasi mengenai pentingnya status gizi prahamil, kenaikan berat badan hamil yang optimal, serta menjaga kecukupan asupan protein, vitamin B12, Fe dan Zn selama hamil.

Infant?s birth weight, especially low birth weight (LBW), are intergenerational issues that will affect the cycle of life. Vegetarian diets are at risk because limited food consumption could cause nutrient deficiencies. This retrospective study aims to determine the relationship between maternal nutritional status (pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and weight gain during pregnancy) and infant?s birth weight among vegetarians in Jakarta.
The total sample of 85 children aged 1 month to 5 years was selected purposively. Results showed that the mean of pre-pregnancy BMI of vegetarian mothers is 20.2 kg/m2 (±2.2 kg/m2), pregnancy weight gain is 15.5 kg (±6.4 kg) and infant?s birth weight is 3212 gs (±417.7 gs). Pre-pregnancy BMI and pregnancy weight gain were significantly associated with infant?s birth weight of vegetarians. There is no relationship between pre-pregnancy BMI and pregnancy weight gain.
Multivariate analysis found that pre-pregnancy BMI, protein, vitamin B12, iron, and Zn intakes and sex has relationship with infant?s birth weight. It is recommended that vegetarian mothers should get information about the importance of pre-pregnancy nutrition, optimal pregnancy weight gain, and maintaining adequate intake of protein, vitamin B12, iron, and Zn during pregnancy.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ngesti Mulyanah
"Peningkatan BB selama kehamilan yang tidak optimal akan meningkatkan risiko komplikasi kehamilan, ibu dan anak melalui mekanisme peningkatan IL-6. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi kadar IL-6 serum perempuan hamil trimester 3 dengan peningkatan BB selama kehamilan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari - Februari 2014 di Puskesmas Jatinegara, Jakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang, consecutive sampling, pada 64 subyek perempuan hamil trimester 3 ≥37 minggu. Didapatkan hasil penelitian yaitu 42,2% mempunyai IMT trimester 1 BB lebih, 40,6% mempunyai asupan energi total berlebih dan sesuai anjuran serta rerata peningkatan BB 12,1 (±3,8) kg dengan 40,6% mempunyai peningkatan BB selama kehamilan sesuai rekomendasi IOM. Kadar IL-6 serum perempuan hamil trimester 3 pada penelitian ini adalah 3,067 (0,608 ? 18,207) pg/ml dengan kadar IL-6 serum pada peningkatan BB kurang (3,441 (±1,819) pg/ml) dan lebih (3,017 (1,234?14,083) pg/ml) cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok sesuai (2,707 (0,608?18,207) pg/ml). Didapatkan korelasi positif lemah tidak bermakna antara kadar IL-6 serum perempuan hamil trimester 3 dengan peningkatan BB selama kehamilan (r=0,144, p=0,257) dan analisis kadar IL-6 serum berdasarkan kelompok peningkatan BB selama kehamilan didapatkan hasil tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,708). Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah kadar IL-6 serum berkorelasi lemah dengan peningkatan BB selama kehamilan.

Gestational weight gain (GWG) that is not optimal will increase the risk of complications in pregnancy through increasing the IL-6 mechanism. This study aimes to determine the correlation of IL-6 serum levels on third trimester pregnancy with GWG. This is a cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling in 64 pregnant women ≥37 weeks. It was conducted in January-February 2014 at community health centers Jatinegara, Jakarta. The results are most subjects have overweight BMI at 1st trimester (42,2%), most of subjects have either sufficient or excessive total energy intake than the recommendation (40.6%), the majority of the subjects having sufficient GWG based on IOM guidelines (40.6%) with mean GWG is 12.1 (± 3.8) kg. Serum level of IL-6 is 3.067 (0.608-18.207) pg/ml with serum levels of IL-6 in insufficient GWG (3.441 (± 1.819) pg/ml)) and excessive GWG (3.017 (1.234-14.083) pg/ml)) tends to be higher compared with sufficient GWG (2.707 (0.608-18.207) pg/ml)). The correlation of IL-6 serum level on 3rd trimester with GWG is positive, weak and not significant (r = 0.144, p = 0.257). Analysis of IL-6 serum levels within GWG categories show no significant difference between groups (p = 0.708). In conclusion, there is weak correlation between IL-6 serum level on 3rd trimester of pregnancy with GWG."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nindhita Priscillia Muharrani
"Peningkatan berat badan terus-menerus dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koroner. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi prospective cohort selama enam minggu yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perilaku makan restrained eating, external eating, dan emotional eating terhadap peningkatan berat badan dengan mengontrol asupan energi, aktivitas fisik, dan sosial ekonomi. Penelitian melibatkan 40 responden yang merupakan mahasiswi S1 Reguler FKM UI Depok. Umumnya terdapat peningkatan berat badan yang bermakna sebesar 0,32 kg. Selama pemantauan, terdapat 25% responden mengalami perubahan perilaku makan, dan sisanya konsisten. Dari ketiga perilaku makan, hanya external eating yang berpengaruh bermakna terhadap peningkatan berat badan sebelum dan setelah dikontrol dengan asupan energi (p<0,05). Aktivitas fisik dan status sosial ekonomi tidak berhasil ditemukan sebagai confounding. External eating ditemukan paling berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan berat badan daripada emotional eating dan restrained eating. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa proporsi restrained eating lebih tinggi pada status gizi normal daripada overweight, emotional eating lebih tinggi pada underweight daripada overweight, dan external eating lebih tinggi pada status gizi normal dan underweight daripada overweight dan obesitas.

The continuous weight gain increases the risk of coronary heart disease. This research is a six-week prospective cohort study which is aimed to identify the effect of eating styles restrained eating, external eating, and emotional eating to weight gain with controlling energy intake, physical activity, and social economy status. A total of 40 female students were assessed at three points in this study during the whole six weeks. There is a significant weight gain in female students averaged 0,32 kg. Twenty five percent of respondents experienced changes in eating style while the rest of them are consistent with one eating style. Out of all eating styles, the significant effect to weight gain is only found in external eating before and after being controlled by energy intake (p<0,05). Physical activity and social economy status could not be found as confounders in this study. This indicates that external eating, rather than emotional eating and restrained eating, drives weight gain in female college students. This study also found that the proportion of restrained eating is higher in normal weight than overweight, emotional eating is higher in underweight than overweight, and external eating is higher in normal and underweight than overweight and obesity.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adiba Fajrina
"Skripsi ini membahas pertambahan berat badan selama hamil dan faktor lainnya dengan berat badan lahir. Penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional dan jumlah sampel 116 orang. Tempat penelitian di Rumah Bersalin Lestari, Ciampea, Bogor tahun 2010-2011. Data karakteristik ibu (umur, pendidikan, paritas, urutan kehamilan dan riwayat keguguran), data pemeriksaan kehamilan (kunjungan, pertambahan berat badan selama hamil, berat badan ibu sebelum hamil, tekanan darah sistole, urutan kelahiran, dan riwayat kehamilan), dan data kelahiran bayi (berat badan). Analisa hubungan menggunakan uji chi square.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi pertambahan berat badan sebanyak 87,2%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pertambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil dengan berat bayi lahir dan pendidikan ibu dengan berat bayi lahir. Namun, tidak mendapat hubungan yang bermakna antara umur, paritas, berat badan sebelum hamil, tekanan darah sistole, urutan kehamilan, dan riwayat keguguran dengan berat bayi lahir.

This paper discusses about weight gain during pregnancy and the other factors of birth weight. Quantitative research with cross sectional design and 116 respondent in sample size. Research at the Lestari maternity hospital, Ciampea, Bogor from 2010 to 2011. Maternal data characteristics (age, education, parity, order of pregnancy and a history of miscarriage), prenatal data (visits, weight gain during pregnancy, maternal weight before pregnancy, systolic blood pressure, birth order, and history of pregnancy), and birth data infants (body weight). Analysis of this relationship using the chi square test.
The results showed that the prevalence of weight gain is 87.2%. The results of statistical tests showed there are a significant association between maternal weight gain during pregnancy and maternal education with birth weight. However, do not have a significant relevance between age, parity, weight before pregnancy, systolic blood pressure, pregnancy order, and a history of miscarriage with birth weight.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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